I have family in Vancouver, Canada and they took the experimental mRNA jabs. This includes my sister, brother-in-law, and my three nephews in their 20s. They believe the experimental jabs are beneficial and since they had no adverse reactions to the jabs they will take any new jabs if the Canadian or local government requires them. My sister is an civil engineer and her husband too. Two of their boys are computer engineers and the youngest is in last year of college. They are smart people but have too much trust in their government and so called science. I had five friends die within a few weeks of receiving the experimental vaccines. I think 2022 and 2023 we will see a lot more deaths from these experimental vaccines.

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Downtown Vancouver speaking. My sons are just a bit younger than your nephews. They're the ONLY uninjected of their friend groups. No injuries or deaths so far. They did everything they could to dissuade their pals. No luck. My neighbour has three sons same age as your nephews; all injected. All we can do is pray. This shit is mowing down boys and young men.

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Maybe suggest to her read Ken Drysdale report. He is also an engineer. So am i and my 2 B-in laws who both got jabbed (not me). Maybe seeing data - something may click. It is how engineers think. Yes it is amazing how fear kills critical thinking.

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Humans massively overestimated the number of humans who were capable of "critical thinking" to begin with. It's clear now that NO path led to the creation of a "critical thinker" (least of all education). Plus, Mattias Desmet has made a compelling argument for how maskers and jabbers weren't simply motivated by fear by any stretch.

We have a [horrible] opportunity to learn a lot about ourselves now.

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When I watched Matias Desmot explain mass formation psychosis he said the highly educated are more susceptible. I'd never have guessed.

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I'm waiting for his book to be delivered! He's a godsend!

Some of the first people I knew who took the killshots were those with very high levels of education, and/or access to information and simple research abilities (which is all it took; and it barely took that).

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GET THE FOIA from these two... I am telling you...that would be the end of this.... someone with the ability to do this needs to......Dr Alexander..... can you suggest this to some of your contacts...we already have Bonnie Henry and Nova Scotia now we need the big guns....

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The government plays dirty and stalls. I know someone who has been waiting for months for a FOIA and they keep stringing him along. The government isn't your friend.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

Yup...pretty much figured that...that's why we need these documents no matter how long it takes....we can't just roll over.....they are stalling for a reason.....

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Where are the voices of the parents of autistic children that need to be heard! Their lives have been disrupted because of the over reach of vaccinations and now the Covid injection will exacerbate the harm being done that sould be avoided at all costs!

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Thank you Dr Paul.

🤗🤗👏👏🤜🤛👊 Stay Blessed xox

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THANK YOU for your work, Dr Paul Alexander! The only fit place for ALL these monsters is the GALLOWS.

Not calling for vigilantism; I support any courts that miraculously remain uncorrupted.

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Thank you for everything you are doing to bring truth to light Dr. Alexander! I just came upon this group: www.camusav.com, who are doing amazing work as well! They have put together very informative videos in English and Spanish explaining their research. Their videos also provide protocols for people to use pre-jab, post-jab, shedding. People need to know that there is some hope for them. The sooner they do these protocols the more effective it is. This is the link to the english version: https://www.comusav.com/en/protocolo-ai/

With love and light!

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This 'stack pairs perfectly with my earlier one: https://smartsucka.substack.com/p/how-little-do-we-value-life-right

Amazing the amount of blindness to the atrocities - it would almost be comical if it wasn't so sad/deceitful.

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Yes, go after these individuals PERSONALLY, do not let them hide behind their office. If they want to make a deal by flipping on those higher on the pyramid, so much the better. That's how law enforcement takes down organized crime. The tactic is called "climbing the mountain". Squeeze some small fry, make them squeal on the next level up, and so on until you reach the mob boss.

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Add Dr. Bonnie Henry (worked for the WHO), chief health officer of B.C., to your list of bad actors.

Although she's rather a good one, having completely bamboozled 90% of British Columbians to date and she'll surely be lobbying for our infant babies' and toddlers' future health and well being.

"Don't hesitate to safely and effectively protect them now too. You owe it to their already safely and effectively vaxxed OLDER siblings.

To keep THEM safe..."


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Who delivers kids to the inoculation? Their parents. Voluntarily. Self-depopulation.

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These parents are not prepared to see their role as parents is in political activism over this issue. Their kids will not be allowed back to school or into summer camps, or ballet lessons, or, or, or...

And these yound parents are very busy earning a living and caring for their kids and homes. They have never been politically active.

And they still think they don't have to be.

If they just do what their pediatrician says (GET THE SHOTS ), they feel they have done their job as good parents.

They don't want the memo, because they are still living on the other side of the mirror.

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Did we expect otherwise?

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