"Tam said it's now clear that the primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine — the first two shots of an mRNA vaccine or a viral vector product like the AstraZeneca vaccine — do not protect against an Omicron infection."

Wow, nothing gets by her! What a strange world we live-in when a dummy like me figured-out this bullshit 2 years ago what this genius only just now realizes.

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I have realized: these people are not acting in any way based on science, data, logic, common sense, or motivated by the good of the people they are supposed to serve. They are purely political actors who will do and say whatever it takes to keep their jobs, curry political favour, and maybe get kickbacks. They're worse than useless, they are totally self-interested actors.

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. . . trust the political science™

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Just tactical moves. It is a war.

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they are losing it and they know it and we must circle back, and I mean it, if she did wrong in any way, if it can be shown in a proper inquiry that is legal and everyone can defend their actions, if hers and others like her did wrong knowingly that costed lives, she must be held to account legally.

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My experience is that people in power almost never pay. I hope I am wrong this time.

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They will pay when they face God and they won't be able to escape.

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But I want to see them pay live!

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Judging from history, 'Justice Delayed is Justice Denied' is one memo the creator seems to have missed . . . must have went to his spam folder.

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"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." 2 Peter 3:7

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Their bank accounts are full, let’s move on shall we💪🏻🇨🇦 Arrest them now, follow the money to sinister house💀

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Tam Tam you’re a wackadoodle sham

You can’t erase your part in this monumental scam

The too nice Canadians are figuring out what kind of crap you’re all about

Wait! Is that a truck I hear?

Running over covid fear

And spreading freedom back through the land

Tam better get that resumé in hand

Justin your tyrannical time is nearly at an end

Perhaps the Cubans will be your friend

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was this the lady that said you should have sex with a mask on? lol

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They are all totally corrupt and act according to the TPTB/Big Pharma script:

University Of Toronto “Institute For Pandemics” (Charity) Funded By Millers, Merck, Run By Ontario Science Table


Canadian Immunization Research Network, Which Evaluates Vaccines, Is Funded By Big Pharma


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Boris Johnson stated that they will deal with Covid, etc., in the future with "new advances in science." THEY ARE SHOWING THEIR HAND! The biodigitization of humans is still on the Agenda as are the other elements of the Great Reset, I strongly believe. They will not give up easily considering the depth of the evil.

We cannot let our guard down! Only the truth will set us free.

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She must be kept accountable for everything that she'd done!!! Trial and protection!!!

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Excellent, and completely clear translation...

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you need to maintain decorum but I don't, so here goes: inept incompetent effin idiots

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