I’m from the UK. Dr Vernon COLEMAN has been around a long long time! I’m 75 in a few weekend and I remember reading his health column as a teenager! No internet then! His main concern was and is to do good in this world, it’s called the Hippocratic Oath, and he honours it to the letter. Unlike the scum these days who besmirch their oath for 30 pieces of big Pharma silver. He writes in Expose a lot and is always worth listening to.

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I know several people otherwise normally healthy who have had strokes post vaccination.

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My step mother had a few strokes in 2022 before she died. They never looked for the cause. She was proudly vaxxed.

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My mother and step father managed three shots before they died.. the third shot to death took 11days.. Pfizer all the way… France.. and Macron wants you to say nothing.

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So sorry for your loss! It’s hard losing a mother. My mother was also murdered by hospital protocol.

I keep having people in my family to pass too. It’s so sad. Three BILs within 14 months.

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Sorry for your losses too.. my mum was in a French nursing home because my visa ran out…60 patients all forced to have the booster.. four died in the same week in the same wing.. and no body bats an eyelid.

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Btw, what does “visa ran out” mean?

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It’s like in USA.. incoming visitor gets 90 days in every 180 days so I had to return the UK and apply for another visa which took 4 months.. whilst they starved her and made her frail.

The vaccine hypodermic was a massive 100 mls ..my brother and I both saw the needle and we told them no.. then they came back and did her any way… next day after that she was covered in lots of purple blotches…

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That is so crazy. It’s like they just didn’t give a rats ass for the elderly. And used our elderly as their initial trial run for murdering the world!

We saw this after their crime scene started to unravel and there’s no turning back and they know it!

Can you imagine being tortured in a bed with drugs like Acetaminophen, Midazolam, Anticholinergics, Antidepressant medications, Anxiolytics, Atropine Drops, Fentanyl, Haldol, Lorazepam, Prochlorperazine, Roxanol and surrounded by a hundred or so people (maybe less or more), knowing these strangers were murdering you and wondered where their beloved were (because you couldn’t see them) while they were being murdered and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it because they shut you up with ventilators to harm your lungs so that would speed up the process of their genocide! How the hell did these zombies (staff) sleep at night after they helped in murder! I guess zombies don’t sleep! If they knew…they knew and God knows they knew too! You can run and hide but God will find you!

They created the sepsis in their bodies using sedatives and antibiotics; their poisons to kill with no nutritional food, vitamins, water, or any form of therapy but torture of having their bodies shut down using physical and psychological pain!

The poor things! God bless all of them!

Macron is Hitler just like BUYDEN! They knew everything. Every one involved knew and it’s just a matter of time! I’ve got all the time in the world until God takes me❤️🙏❤️

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Good grief😳

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My mum got a pulmonary embolism after Pfizer shot two.. and put on Eliquis (Pfizer).. then all her hair fell out and her teeth.. two months after that she stood up out of a chair and her right leg broke in three places.. lived 4 months after that.. is anyone talking about these things… certainly not Pfizer.

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It seems like very few are talking about this, compared to the masses and those actually treating patients. I have no words. I am so sorry your Mother and your family suffered like this. My condolences to you and all the others that have written here about their family losses. 😔🙏🙏🙏

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I can tell on Wordfeud games when someone has had multiple COVID SHOTS. It is a Scrabble type game with statistics and a chat area. Scores plummet by about 25-30% within a week of their 2nd or 3rd shot. They will from 1,500 to under 1,000 and I always ask if everything is okay when I see this happen. It is always a COVID booster shot. EVEN THOSE WITH A MASTERS DEGREE HAVE THEIR SCORE DROP DRAMATICALLY. This is tragic for everyone!

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Yes it is antigenic priming.. the first shot sets up the trigger.. antigens form within hours.. to complete the designed planned reaction you need a second shot.. this creates antibodies… throughout the entire body.. they “bind” to one of two antigen branches.. and wait for another antigen to join .. this process continues to grow long chains of fibrin because the body sees this as a threat… next thing you know .. you have tendrils of protein growing in all many of places but more importantly.. in the circulatory system.. this has deadly consequences.. normally excess protein is removed but not when it’s synthetic.. the body begins to lose a battle to control this chain reaction.. the more jabs you get.. the more protein chains you make.. now work out what happens when a major vessel shuts off… duh!

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Jomico, you sound like you know what you are talking about. Basically, did they include synthetic amino acids in these shots then? And if yes, who could find out how many?

This would account for why morticians are finding HUGE fibrin clots in the veins and arteries of the COVID-vaccinated deceased. Where our bodies cannot break down synthetic amino acids naturally, is there anything that can be introduced into the body safely that may be able to break down either the synthetic amino acids or the fibrin clots, so that the body could remove these products, flush them out or neutralize them in some way? Thank you.

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It makes you wonder .. they have been experimenting with synthetic peptides for at least three decades.. and the same goes for venom peptides .. 19 to be found in the cv vaccines proved by at least three separate laboratories…in three separate locations.

I think Dr Bryan Ardis is correct…on both issues and even the papers submitted by Moderna and Pfizer back their use of both synthetic proteins and venom peptides… go figure…most of his findings reside on Rumble.. the place where truth often “rumbles” the gaslighting…

Not a good source but to prove that synthetic seems to be commonplace in pharmaceutical as opposed to real things gleaned from plants.


The pancreas makes protease which can break down protein derived from food ingested but imagine how difficult it becomes to “digest” synthetic proteins that have made it everywhere outside the digestion system…no wonder some succumb to pancreatic events…

The three protease enzymes that are known to work on fibrin deposits are lumbrokinase (earth worm (strongest)) nattokinase (fermented soy (medium strength)) serrapeptase (silk worms use this to dissolve cocoons (weakest)) along with bromelain fisetin and curcumin which mop up dead and defunct cellular waste…

You need to consider what your blood pressure is doing.. if it is high chances are you have some “resistance” in circulation .. which may be due to partial blockages.. just a thought .. and some lateral thinking.

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Oh, I didn't take these COVID shots. Nor will I be taking ANY shots now that I know there is a Global Mass Depopulation Event happening!

But everyone I love would not listen to me and my serious concerns and took at least two of these damn shots. I spend hours every day researching this topic. Partially to warn others (if I cannot save my own, I hope to save other people and their loved ones).

Also, it is obvious the vaccinated are shedding all the same issues to the non-COVID vaccinated, so eventually, we will ALL be experiencing these problems if someone can't connect the dots and figure out how to stop this process.

I started Nattokinase two years ago, as well as Quercetin with bromelain one or two days a week, NAC (N-acetylcysteine) with bromelain (opposite from the Quercetin days), Extra C, D, and zinc, curcumin daily, and more as I do research too, with the hopes to keep the effects at bay. I don't have blood pressure issues so that isn't an issue yet.

However, these things won't work to break down the synthetic enzymes or the synthetic fibrin, will they? I am asking - is there any way to break down these SYNTHETIC ENZYMES AND SYTHETIC FIBRIN CLOTS? Any leads, links, or insight would help.

Dr. Ana Mihacea shows how tainted the blood is now in both the COVID and non-COVID vaccinated due to the "shedding".


I learned about snake venom from Dr. Bryan Ardis interviews as well. I assume you have seen the following:


From what I understand, the large group who died in Lombardy, Italy early in the pandemic all had snake or conotoxin venom in their systems. Those in the "control" group, who did not get sick or die had no signs of snake venom.

I am aware that some medications contain venom as well, so it could be that these people already had a snake or conotoxin load of venom from a prior medication, and the COVID shots pushed them over the edge and killed them. Or the venom was "activated" by the 5G, because at the same time, 5G had just been rolled out in Lombardy as well.

This may also be in keeping with what Karen Kingston has been claiming, that there is a lipid nanoparticle that can carry a "payload" that can be activated by 5G. Certainly, the fact that 5G had just been activated in Wuhan, China at the time of the original report of a "COVID outbreak" makes one wonder if that is why every government had been installing 5G during the COVID lockdowns.


And a map of where 5G has been deployed:


There is obviously a neurodegenerative disorder linked directly to the shots, as Nobel Laureate pointed out in his final speech before the Luxembourg Parliament. He reported that he had twenty-one patients who died of a fast-progressing Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease within five months of their second COVID shot (twenty took Pfizer, one took Moderna). Of course, NO regular mainstream media has covered this, like most of the truth about COVID.


And obviously now we have this causing brain damage and Alzheimer's:


I am beginning to think ALL vaccines are meant to injure us honestly!


As you can tell, I am a "COVID Conspiracy Theorist", with over four years of gathering data about the "COVID Pandemic", and over three years of gathering information on these pseudo-vaccines. I answer questions on Quora on COVID and these vaccines, but believe me, this is NOT my background, so it is a learning experience daily. And I find it challenging, frightening at times, but also rewarding as well as I can see people who once argued with me on Quora are now "former believers" of the COVID vaccines.

So, any ideas on how to break down the SYNTHETIC enzymes and SYNTHETIC fibrin clots... pretty please? You appear to know a lot more than I do about this, and you may be able to help me in this area!

Thank you!

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Interesting observation.

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That’s quite an observation of a troubling pattern. A drop of that magnitude merits an in-depth study. This could be a glimpse of a dismal future for mankind. Can you imagine life when the populace has a 20% lower average IQ. If you’ve ever been to Africa, you’ve seen what could be in our future.

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Even today there are few voices speaking the truth about Covid. Cancel culture worked as intended. Those of us that saw through their lies and propaganda were mocked. The worm turns slowly, but it does turn.

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Dr Vernon Coleman is a huge hero.

I hope he and his wife are doing better than a month ago.


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I saw this the other day. We have been having problems with our WiFi since they put “Smart Meters” on our homes. They claim it is so they can read the meters remotely but both my dog and I hear frequency changes now and we both react to it at the same time.

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Does this mean your bark is worse than your bytes?

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He called it, he called it indeed.

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My now mind set is to not trust doctors, “scientists” or government. They want to harm me.

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So many red flags were raised by the mandates for masks, for taking the shots, the destruction of the small businesses, and the closing of schools, There was NO evidence to support such measures. .

Even now, what is most telling, is the public conversation re: Covid is still one-sided, with official censorship labeling differing presentations as misinformation.

Western governments can never be trusted again and the scandemic is not the worst of it.

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NO government should ever be trusted - period.

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VA still giving covid shots to US veterans.

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I'm still seeing ads in the local paper to get the jab. This is criminal.

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Red Flags were flapping from early on and also the fact that Nick Clegg called a world meeting on FACEBOOK in FEB 2020 to control what could be said regarding covid etc rang alarm bells. Last couple of years I have come across 5 people that have toppled over in street and getting medical aid/ambulance---have never seen that before and I am a pensioner. Wrote the RED FLAGS---------Covid Red Flag Alerts

Posted By The White Rose UK On 14/11/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

Yes, red is very appropriate as it seems to have kicked off in ‘red’ China. People falling dead in the street and over publicised emergency hospitals being built. But it fooled the masses, and I was also taken in for a short spell. But I knew that the politicians/establishment could be evil but at time, just did not realise how evil!

Early on though I saw things that did not add up and also read a book called Web of Deceit by Mark Curtis, and boy, did that spell out the evil in the politicians, and they were aided in many cases by the media. Red flag flapping and alarm bells ringing!

The first thing that made me uneasy was the fact that they were taking people from hospitals to care homes, which just did not seem right. Then when I started going out after the first week, I saw police driving around in vans. They were out walking in twos and threes and more or less holding hands. I was going to some shop and none of the staff were dropping dead. All the drunks, junkies and homeless wonders were housed in various hostels and hotels and one was right in the middle of Princes Street, Edinburgh. Now, if this ‘covid’ was so dangerous and contagious would you be housing them right in the middle of a city? I shall add that a good few times I passed, they were out drinking and police vans were there. There were a few places that drunks etc. congregated, and they were not dropping like the Chinese.

On one occasion, closer to home, there was a body lying on the ground near to the local Co-op and the store was open. I do not have a mobile, so when I got home, I phoned the police. Now, I would think that the calls are recorded. I was told I was wasting police time and then asked if I could go and have a look at the body. I said: ‘Are you flipping joking? You are asking me to go and check, and this is meant to be so dangerous.’ I asked: ‘Are we just being told a load of crap?’ At that the person said I shall get the police to go and check it out. I gave it an hour and phoned Co-op. Was told by a person at Co-op that the police came but said they could do nothing about it! More like they could not be bothered…

Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?

Regarding the deaths of the elderly, it is common knowledge to some that DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) was used, but ask the average Joe or Jessie in the street and they do not have a scooby about that. Mention Midazolam or Remdesivir and 90% have never heard of it. Those are points that need to be brought out into the public arena!

Now on a personal note I had a nurse visit my home. A couple of my sons go to raves, or what ever you call them, and they have various friends. One of them is a nurse of about 40 years old and works in the Western General in Edinburgh. In first lockdown I played the game of painting shells and stones for the NHS. Now I paint stones all the time, so it broadened my wee childish hobby. I said to Lauren in conversation, and she said, oh, she would like them. So after her shift one evening she said she would come and get them. Now I was not frightened of the ‘Chinese Wizard Covid’ so, said: ‘Yes, come and get them!’

What happened was a real big flap, wave of the red flag and drums were banging! When the nurse arrived at my flat I opened the door and I said: ‘Come in!’ Thinking, she would say: ‘Oh no, I cannot do that,’ but she just walked right in! Now I wished I had a tape recording of what was said. The nurse said that the Western General was very quiet and so was the St John’s, I am sure she said. Now I stand by that, as for on social media, she had another story saying: ‘Oh it is real…’ What was real, the lies and bull crap?

But there were lots of other red flags like the royals still travelling about, politicians and advisors cheating on the public and their partner in one case and that is only the ones we found out about!

So what was it all about – a virus, pharma or bankers cracking the whip, or a plan for world control? Make your mind up folks and enjoy your future of facial recognition. Two or three pokes from the pharma every year, Universal Basic Income, Build Back Better, a cashless society.

Now that would take the shine of your ginger bread – but so many are just walking right into it with a big smile!

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Not everyone laughed.

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Does anyone know if the cancer that Tony Dow died from was caused by the vaxx? He died on July 27, 2022. I wonder if he was vaxxed in 2021, and got turbo cancer.

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