I think it’s pretty well documented that there are many methods of harm caused by the spike... not the least of which is greatly increasing ratio of lg 4 antibodies with each exposure. The damage has been done and so many of our heroes, very much including Dr. Paul, are playing catch up in determining the various modes of harm and possible therapies.

Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that those who created the spike protein knew exactly what they were doing, and already know all about this protein, it’s specific harms , and possible therapies?

So, I say we get this information out of them, one way or another.

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100% This was intentional harm. They knew exactly what they were doing.

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Off topic but I watched a video earlier on Dr John Campbell's YouTube channel showing Senator Gerard Rennick outlining what Pfizer didn't tell anyone and it is worth sharing in case people miss it.

Sadly, similar to Andrew Bridgen's speech in the House of Commons, hardly anyone turned up to listen.


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I hope the cowardly/corrupt parliamentarians are starting to quake in their boots. They should be, anyway.

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I think they think they are untouchable and are confident their Brave New World will sucessfully erase all evidence of their crimes. There is a lot of work going on in the background to control and erase 'misinformation'.

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So did Marie Antoinette, or Czar Nicholas II come to that.

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My UK MP's elderly mother, no doubt jabbed and boosted, was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumour late last year. She didn't make it through. I have periodically sent info to her re concerns by learned docs. I used to receive template replies plucked from government's Ministry of Truth Answers Database but last 12 months or so, am ignored.

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They are clearly brainwashed and I think you are spot on with the answers database. I used to write to my MP regarding a whole host of issues including the indoctrination of children in junior schools with critical race theory etc but all I ever got was stock responses and zero engagement with the carefully researched points I made. Like you I concluded they must have access to a database of responses in the event of a constituent raising 'X'. Nothing could highlight more clearly how detached from and contemptuous towards they are of ordinary people. I think democracy died when we were all asleep.

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What is absolutely incredible to me is when any of these MPs, anywhere in the world, raise the terrifying evidence of mass harm, the response from other MPs, not cabinet crew, are also usually dismissive too. You'd think some would be alarmed and say we must look into this and halt programme before any more damage done, wouldn't you? But no, no-one else speaks out. Is this because they know, avoided jabs for themselves and family, took jabs and have head in sand, too concerned over career progression? Maybe all of them? Maybe these branded heros are put there just to give hopium to the people whilst the democide machine rolls on? Spring and Autumn 2023 boosters already scheduled in UK. I'm seeing lots of VAIDS, persistent chest infections, antibiotics struggling. One ill friend says 50% of her friends ill since Christmas. She was forced by her daughter to get them as it was only way she was allowed to see grandkids! What I find most interesting in a sad way are those who had something before jabs which is now worse or come back after many years, asthma for example, who just think what is happening is a result of just getting older and not the result of the jabs. From my extensive reading, most allergies and autoimmunities, neuro problems stem from childhood vaccinations! I wish I'd done due diligence when my kids were born but that was pre internet. Now, of course, we have the fact checkers and soon Ministry of Online Truth so I know it is not easy, especially if you trust government for health matters even though you know they lie about many other things. Democracy was just an illusion, putting up two sides for a theatre show called parliament. How they engineer many disasters to then get people to petition for the changes they wanted but couldn't unless perceptions changed. Watched a video last night about the WHO contracting PR company to project their image. Turns out these PR people are same ones used in fabricating story of Iraqi soldiers throwing ICU babies out of incubators to the floor to die. Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil by drilling horizontally across border. Repeated requests to stop werre ignored, hence invasion. This PR company very active in Ukraine now also. All the world is a stage and today's performances are mainly pantomimes!

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So sorry about your friend. Maybe you can suggest to your friend to detox before she feels any ill affects or even if she is feeling ill effects. I suggested powdered zeolite to a friend of mine who was having adverse events (extreme fatigue, joint pain, stomach pains, sick) as was her sister (she had nightmares) and all of the negative effects went away after a few weeks of taking the powdered zeolite. You've got to take the correct dosage for it to work properly which is the maximum for those taking the shots. Look at zeolitedosing dot com for that. There are other supplements that are helpful but it seems to me that powdered zeolite should be included in a protocol because it binds to the positively charged substances we know are in these bioweapons [spike proteins (glycoproteins), lipid nano particles, and graphene oxide].

Separately, how strange, yesterday just watched a video, by chance that showed a your girl from Kuwait who was testifying about the children who were harmed, etc. She ended up being the daughter of a diplomat or something and it was a complete lie and act. She should have gotten an Oscar for it was that good. I hate to admit that. The tears. WOW. Anyway, they mentioned that a PR firm was used but didn't mention the name of the PR firm. What was the PR firm that you saw was contracted by the who?

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The girl describing horrors of Iraq soldiers throwing babies out of incubators was 15 yr old daughter of Kuwait diplomat and this conncocted story to influence western audiences was set up by this PR company who allegedly was working for WHO and now in Ukraine and 2 other former eastern block countries. Just looked up PR with H and N as I recall those sounds and found no.7 ranked globally, Hill & Knowlton! Could be them, in fact I put both in search and voila! Hired to fight Covid smears, it says.

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Interesting. I know there was another firm, maybe it was an advertising firm I'm thinking of. Insane. Totally insane. They are all guilty.

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Sounds like you are in the UK Markker - so am I. I completely agree with what you have said. I saw Andrew Bridgen being interviewed by Richard Vobes and Andrew said that in August 2019 there were people in the security services who were forwarned about the pandemic and also told not to get the vaccines. Whenever we look behind the facade it seems the face of evil is lurking... from the deliberate witholding of effective therapeutics like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to the hospital protocols like Midazolam and use of ventilators. Both resulted in mass deaths. Like you I let my kids get the childhood vaccines because I believed the 'safe and effective' narrative. I no longer do and neither do my children now I have passed on all the evidence to them. We have all been living in an illusion for decades as far as I can see but if you try to tell people they understandably think you are a poor guillible conspiracy theorist. It takes a huge effort of investigation to arrive where we are now, us red pilled individuals, and most people prefer ignorance it seems. Regarding Ukraine I would like to know what Biden was up to in his 11 or 12 visits there when he was VP apart from getting the prosecutor fired for investigating Burisma where his son, Hunter, worked. No doubt he was filling the pockets of his criminal family enerprise but I also want to know about Hunter's connection to the biolabs which the Ukrainians were campaiging to have closed down due to outbreaks of mystery illnesses.

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I'm in Yorkshire. March 2020 I believed government, even sewed masks and initially involved in sewing scrubs, remember that?! It was around August when I discovered truth of PCR process not able to diagnose or know if people were infected or contagious when penny dropped. Around this time too, the "we must test, test, test!" mantra was spouted globally. Everything was almost back to normal but of course cases went up! I did lots of research, finding new platforms, which was a revelation to me. I knew of no-one who had been ill or hospitalised until after jabs out. I did my best to warn family and friends of the pseudo cases plus the history of previous attempts using mRNA. Unfortunately I was mocked by all, daughter was worried for my mental health and suggested I seek medical help. Was told if I ever utter V word again, she would ex-communicate me. I said ok, and as she had no mandate for work, I asked her to promise me to just wait it out to see what happens. She lied, did not realise until she announced Australian holiday spring 2022 so had to be stabbed to go there. My son also had them. Everyone I know, except 2 and myself. Been a lonely place, to be honest, a few friendships gone and definitely damaged family relationships. Just reaching retirement was offered flu jab Dec 2019. Took it and in Jan came down with all non specific Covid symptoms. Was quite ill for 2 weeks or more and felt tired for more than 6 months after. Really run down, hair falling out like dandruff! I wonder what was really in that jab? That was prior to Covid of course. I even forgot I had been ill when Covid was announced but I wonder if there is some connection. Obviously, I have had no more needles since then, nor take or need prescription drugs. My worry is for everyone who was duped but I also won't forget how I was treated either.

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I am in the south. West Sussex border. At least you were well informed. I was never prepared to have the mRNA jab as in my mind it was untried technology but after my cousin died of COVID and then a much younger friend in her 50s, with no underlying health conditions and who refused to go the hospital, had her life all but destroyed by COVID (still not recovered some 2+ years later) I started to research the Astra Zeneca viral vector DNA vaccine which I understood had been sued for Ebola. Me and my husband are both in our seventies and my husband has COPD so I thought the risk benefit analysis worked slightly in favour of the vaccine. However, I told my daughters they did not need any vaccine. One of my daughters didn't listen to me at first - she took one Pfizer. She has, or I should say had, a good friend who is a GP who kept telling her she absolutely must get the vaccine. I only found out a few weeks later and I was not at all happy but she promised not to have the second and now she is fully aware of all the risks and has invested plenty of her own time into research. I checked her batch and very fortunately it was one with hardly any adverse events reported and none serious. Neither me nor my husband have experienced any adverse events that we are aware of so I hope we are lucky. We have followed the FLCCC detox regime ever since I became fully aware of the dangers just a couple of months after getting the second jab. Obviously we did not get any boosters and neither did we get the flu vaccines nor will we in the future. Trust is now broken.

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You are not alone.

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So true about "poor guillible conspiracy theorist". That's why I haven't told many people. I just don't know how to even start the conversation. What do you do?

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My bad side wants to scream out when talking to someone ill or new afliction "I told you!" But of course I'd never do that. They were and lots still taken in. When I discovered truth about pandemics and vaccines, the shock was as bad as finding out as a kid that Santa is not real, the tooth fairy is your mum and how babies are made and not brought by a stork, all at the same time!

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I make fishing comments to see if I get a hint they know something is not right. For example - everyone seems to know someone with cancer right now - if the response is they are aware then I start talking about the vaccines and the mechanisms by which they could be responsible. I try to just plant a seed but if they are interested then I carry on. I don't know what else to do.

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Gerrad Rennick is a legend!

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My brother in law had rapid return and spread of gastric cancer within a day of getting the first Moderna shot.

He had gastric CA diagnosed in Nov. 2019 and had radiation and chemo, then a total gastrectomy. By Dec. 2020 or Jan 2021 there was no evidence of recurrence by serology or imaging. His doctor advised him to get the v@((*ne. He took it on Monday and within 3 or 5 hours felt nausea which increased over night and into the next 2 days and his abdomen began to swell. He saw his doctor on the 3rd or 4th day and was found to have malignant ascites due to diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis. In English it means that the cancer was growing in a sheet that covered his entire abdomen and the CA cells were producing fluid that made his abdomen swell. He was hospitalized and developed a blood clot in his arm, and pneumonia. He had more chemo but died on Nov 1, 2021 alone. My husband and I chose not to see him becase had we done so it would have meant 2 days that his wife and child could not see him. I did not attend his funeral because of restrictions on people.

In January 2021 when this rapid return and spread of disease was diagnosed, I asked his oncologist if he intended to report this to VAERS. His reply was "No because it is not related to the vaccine." Period! So I filed the report, which BTW took about 40 minutes for me as a doctor. I think it would be very difficult for someone who is not a doctor or nurse to make a report because of constant threat of being disconnected if too much time is taken. You need to know what is and what is not important and how to quickly express it to file a report.

When I filed the VAERS report I forget to mention the blood clot. I was unable to go back and edit. I contacted the CDC by phone and was told "Don't call us, we'll call you. We are too buzy now." It was a year and a half later before they contacted me.

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Omg... I am so sorry. This is horrific on all accounts.

Please explain why you couldn't see him especially when you're a doctor. What kind of "restrictions on people" didn't allow you to attend your own brother's funeral?

This is maddening. Again, I'm so sorry.

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I am now watcing it in my best friend. I tried to tell her not to take the jabs, but her oncologist demanded she do so before treatement. Now the cancer has progressed so far, she has been kicked out of her study ...and no more treatments for her. It is just a matter of time.

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I am so sorry about your friend. I hope nothing but the worst for that doctor. I know that’s bad to say but these people are murders.

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I'm so sorry. Too much sadness.

Please suggest to her to take powdered zeolite. Or at least get the book by Dr. Howard Peiper called Zeolite. It's a mere 40 pages but full on great info. The supplement might help because it binds to positively charged substances in the body (spike proteins, lipid nano particles, graphene oxide), it makes the body more alkaline (which viruses and cancers hate - they like acidic environments), it may help to "wake" up the P21 tumor suppressor gene in the cells, it helps the liver, etc. At least it's worth a try when these a-hole know it all doctors have given up on people. The supplement won't do harm but you need to take the maximum dose (check out Peiper's website zeolitedosing dot com) for that. It won't hurt to take the supplement and others that help fight cancers.

I know this sounds crazy since almost everyone is literally addictive to allopathic medicine and that mindset, but never give up hope especially when there are alternative options out there.

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No, nothing sounds crazy to me anymore. I am myself taking zeolite but in a spray form, and I have also looked at Fenbendazole? sp?...but she is a white coat is God sort of person, so I am going to have to think about how to introduce it. Thanks for the zeolite...I didn't know I am just using to get rid of aluminum in my brain.

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It's good you're taking zeolite. Just be aware that the spray or nano form is not really something that works well and if it works at all it will take a very long time. You see, zeolite since it's a cage like structure can not be broken down to be in nano form. Check out zeohealth dot com. You can speak with the owner and he can explain it to you further even though he has a good explanation on his website.

Dr. Peiper's book also explains it well. You can purchase it for like $7 US from amazon. It's worth the read.

We've been taking it for 7 months or so. I did talk to the owner of zeohealth and he said it's not harmful to take it everyday at full dose. Also look it up on selfhacked dot com. There's good info there but they warn against taking with certain drugs. Whereas the owner of zeohealth doesn't see it that way. He has stated to just be careful taking it with lithium since that's a heavy metal and it might bind to it so your body doesn't get any of it. There's a lot of info to know about zeolite and those three sources are very helpful.

We actually are giving to our dog as well due to the rescue stupidly putting him on prozac for anxiety. Now he has a overload of flouride in his body and zeolite binds to that and removes it out of the body.

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Thanks I actually wondered as it didn't seem to be making a difference. I'll try the powder...

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You also need the correct dosage to detox properly. Look at zeolitedosing dot com from Dr. Peiper. On the containers/bottles they aren't legally allowed, apparently, to put better info only the minimum (crazy, I know - guess they think it's competition - who the h*ll knows) dosage that doesn't do much. It's the opposite of taking a regular supplement where you tritate up over time. With zeolite you need more for it to do the work properly. And, you need to take it for months if not a year if you have a major chronic issue. It seems that with acute (vax injured) vs chronic (heavy metal, flouride, mold, etc) issues the zeolite works differently. Idk but it seems that way. Wish we could do a study to really find out. Anyway, I know of several people with jab injuries who have benefited right away with the zeolite. Whereas, we've been taking it for months for overall detox and haven't seen any symptom changes but unless you test properly (hair, urine) you really don't know if it's doing the job or not. So, to really detox the body from long term toxins (heavy metals from vaccines, amalgam fillings, chemicals such as glyphosate in foods, mold, flouride in drugs and toothpaste, etc) it will just take longer because those toxins are in the cells/tissues of the organs/body for years/decades.

Also, I might suggest, if you haven't done it already doing a hair test. It will show the levels of heavy metals and minerals in the body. Also, aluminum is a lighter metal than mercury and zeolite, under normal circumstances, binds to the heaviest metal/mineral first and goes down the line from there. So, the zeolite you're taking (although since it's liquid spray so I doubt it) might be working, it would be clearing the heavier (on the element chart) metals/minerals first and over a period of time, for your particular body, you might start to see the changes.

Hope that helps.

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Thank you very very much.

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Go and look up 3 things: 1) Joe Tippens and his cancer treatment (Fenbendazole plus 2 other supplements) non toxic. 2) Nattokinase and NAC 3) Zeolite. One treatment targets cancer cells, one targets spikes you are making in your body, and last one sucks up the nano particles you might have. As far as treatments go, I'd say it would be better than useless toxic cancer chemicals. Just my opinion.

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If you have a way to get someone who is fully anti any alternative unless the white coat doctor tells her, please let me know. I think the above are really great suggestions, and there is nothing to lose, but she is not receptive AT ALL.

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Have you told her how much you care about her and for her to look at websites such as chrisbeatcancer.com and Oona Pilot mentions another website below. These are sites where people tell there stories of beating cancer. Of course, those who have been jabbed are in a different situation.

Maybe you need to tell her that she has nothing to lose but her life if she doesn't try something other then allopathic medicine. You want her to be around and these supplements might help her.

I'm just so sorry. As I've said, so many are so addictive to these poison and the white coats that it's hard to convince them otherwise.

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Oh yes. I am keeping the websites just in case she has a come to Jesus realization, but right now, she doesn't want to hear it...hasn't since the get go. Her brother is a doctor, you see, and he is her trusted authority...I have found it true that unless a trusted authority gets through, nothing you do will matter or be taken seriously. It is just a fact of human nature...me, I am a crackpot...willing to entertain alternative ideas, theories, etc...Although I am hardening in my old age, and refuse to take any medication not derived from nature...I have even quit Advil...and I will never have a jab again...I had tetanus and rabies about 6 years ago...next time, I will take my chances with both.

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Yes the nattokinase is good for the clotting issue since it breaks down fibrin which makes the clots. Zeolite does a lot more than just suck up the nano particles so it's a no brainer to take it.

We take it because of general detoxing of all the crap that we've been exposed to forever in this world (heavy metals from so many things, mold, flouride, glyphosate, etc) and to help against the possible shedding from others. As I mentioned above, zeolite POWDER NOT the liquid binds to positively charged substances since it is a negatively charged substance and removes it from the body. But it does many other amazing things too for those with or without cancers. It's definitely worth trying at the maximum dose, as I mentioned above look at Dr. Peiper's website for that info. If one doesn't use the maximum dose they could have a herxeimer reactions (symptoms that experience due to their health issues) since there wouldn't be enough of the zeolite to do the work it needs to do. Plus, one MUST take it 3 times per day to have continual detoxing effect. We take 15mg which is the maximum dosage divided up 3 times during the day. Our dog also takes it since he's a rescue and was given prozac by the morons at the rescue since the pos vet they used said it was good since he had anxiety. The prozac is known NOT to work and it didn't for him at all. In fact, it made him worse. And, now we have to detox the high amounts of flouride that is in him from that poisonous drug. Zeolite binds to flouride, too.

The issue with fenbendazole is that one needs a doctor to prescribe it since it's a drug and I don't know how one finds a doctor willing to do that.

There are other ways to help with cancer and also the effects of the shots. One is fasting since fasting causes autophagy which is basically clearing the body of the damaged cells which we know cancer and these shots cause. Some people have found a ketogenic diet works against cancer since it starves the cancer of sugars since you can't have many carbs and usually those carbs are green vegetables only (I have concerns about a keto diet long term that from my research). While others have done intense green vegetable juicing protocols with no fruit that has worked wonders since it provides the body with the tons of needed nutrients and no sugars. Apparently, juicing 5 pounds of carrots a day helps to heal the body. There is a substance in the carrots (I can't remember what it is right now) that is a cancer killer. Go to chrisbeatcancer dot com. You'll find more info there. Read his story.

From my own research, I think a combination of these supplements and juices might help even if you do a keto diet.

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Fenbendazole = Panacur = (are you ready for this?) animal de-wormer - and they tested a 'variant' called Menbendazole (approved for humans) on cancer in the 1980s. It was promising but they gave up (no money in it..hum). Available in Feed Stores in the USA *without prescription*. I bought some a while back for me, with an inkling that it might be needed sometime. That's the 'work around'... til the loophole is closed. NO way Big Harma and the Cancer Docs ever want you to find out about it... or let you have it. I"m surprised Joe has gotten as far as he has with it... I would throw the book at cancer and use Joe's regime, use the no sugar diets (sugar you are right feeds cancer, is bad for the heart and also causes wrinkles, LOL), the vitamins A, E, D, C through the juices or powders but food is best, add my antioxidants like berberine and so on. And prayer, meditation and positive thinking. I think for many that would cure them. But you know, there is no money in CURES. That's the obvious and dirty secret of big harma... we create a client for LIFE. Constant revenue stream to harvest.

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Just for the wrinkle aspect, I'd stop eating sugar. lol Didn't think of that, thank you.

Great info. Thanks for sharing. How do you know how much fenbendazole to use? We should have it on hand just in case as well. I had read about it maybe a month ago or so and how it worked well for cancer.

Bottom line is, there's hope but one must detox the toxins out of the body and nourish the body at the same time. Just like a car (to explain it basically). If you put bad oil or gas in it, it simply will not run correctly. You've got to clean that out and put in the good stuff.

I had seen somewhere quite a while back that many cancers have come out of the rockefeller institutes or foundations, etc. Wish I knew where that video was. They are pure evil and have created big harma and the medical industry as it is known to be today. Prior to their and carnegie's flexner report back in 1910, there were holistic practitioners and universities that were abundant and served people. Since, rockefeller wanted to use their petroleum in a new way (to harm people, I'm sure, aside from stealing the health industry and making a fortune on top of their fortune) they basically nullified these universities with that flexner fake report. https://archive.org/details/carnegieflexnerreport

Oh... another good thing to do for any health issue is to help the liver with dandelion leaf (which also helps against the spike proteins), dandelion root and burdock tea. I use only organic loose tea and cook a huge pot of water and put several tablespoons of each tea in there. They each help to detoxifiy the liver. Organic rooibos tea helps the body (the liver) create more glutathione which is the major antioxident in the body. I do the same with that tea. I make a bunch and that way I have it for several days. There also Essiac tea which has been used to help heal from cancer.

Eating organic whole foods as best as one can is also critical. You don't want to keep putting those toxic chemicals from the processed foods or chemically riddled foods into the body (clean car, dirty car scenerio).

Bottom line is there are many things one can do safely and naturally/organically to heal the body if they choose too. Unfortunately, I truly believe that people are so addicted to allopathic medicine (thank you for doing great work rockefellers) that they can't even think or fathom there are alternatives. The body wants to stay alive and works so damn hard to do that but most people don't even give it a chance when they consume toxins.

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Oh dear, I'm gonna be a wrinkly old lady....just learned how to make coffee ice cream at home (no eggs)....sugar, heavy cream, milk, coffee crystals and a pinch of salt. Its addicting that is for sure. But I don't trust the fake sugars....ideas that don't have an aftertaste?

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https://mycancerstory.rocks/81-2/ Joe's Protocol (he has continued to research and tweak) but many many people have sworn it cured their cancers...https://mycancerstory.rocks/the-blog/ Update from October 28, 2021 Fenbendazole 222 mg (1 gm of Panacur™ or Safeguard™) per day every day. Note if you are using liquid – most liquids are 100 mg/ml. You would take 2.2 ml of the liquid. Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 1™ – 2-4ml 2 times a day Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 2™ – 1-2 capsules 2 times a day only when you are off chemo if you choose to take chemo. Onco Adjunct™ Pathway 3™- 1-2 capsules 2 times a day if you are trying to starve your cancer of sugars. *Joe's group of researchers developed the Onco Adjunct etc. based off more research, curcumin, CBD Oils and a derivative of Frankincense, plus Berberine were / are in the protocol. The Berberine is to help cut off sugars to the cancer cells (works a bit like Metaformin). So important! Read his blog, the full story is fascinating.

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Thank you. Great info again. I'll copy and keep it. Hoping never to need it.

Side note... I've been learning more about genetics. Found out that a mutated gene that I happen to have (lucky me) means that I shouldn't ingest curcumin. Fascinating that certain herbs, foods, etc. can cause issues when certain genes don't function properly. Another one is quercitin which is a fantastic supplement but is an issue for those with this particular gene mutation. Who knew.

I bet you and I would have an awesome hours long conversation about alternative health options.

Also, I was looking for a toilet plunger this morning and could only find the old fashioned type we want on a farm supplier web site. Thanks to you I looked up the pancor and found it there. Great conversing with you.

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The problem is getting her mind open to it. Thank you I think it is worth a try, but she is totally closed off to anything that doesn't come from a doctor with a degree or the big hospitals.......berberine is good too....thank you all so very kind.

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Sorry to hear about your friend Duchess. I watched a documentary called 'The Cancer Cure Cover Up' on Epoch TV but it is also on Rumble:

https://rumble.com/v21qwwm-the-cancer-cure-cover-up-conspiracy-documentary-dr.-stanislaw-burzynski.html Expensive treatment but impressive results

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If she has the funds there are options? I have a friend stage 4 breast ca who went to Germany about 10 yrs ago and is doing very well with no evidence of disease.

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One doesn't have to make a trip to Germany or anywhere else. There are plenty of options that are not that costly. Of course, there are those who can't afford much but if someone wants to live enough, they find ways. There are amazing stories of people working their way out of poverty. There are ways of asking for help.

Also, just changing one's diet which isn't that hard or that expensive depending on where one lives (and possibly other variables) can make a difference. But I truly believe from the 10+ years of research that I've done, that everyone needs to detox their body's and feed it the best nutritious foods they can get in order to survive. Even planting their own seeds.

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She has had the best of all the experimental treatments for her kind of cancer...is a firm beleiver in the doctors with the white coats, so alternatives are not met with anything but scorn. But thanks for support. I am crossing my fingers.

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Great write up of this extremely troubling trend. I have read that they are trying to cover up the increases in cancer deaths but don’t know particulars.

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Our daughter is a family practice PA in a small midwestern town (11k). She has seen too many aggressive cancers, particularly in younger people (30s-40s). Our other daughter has a 34 yo friend who is undergoing chemo and radiation for breast cancer which was present in her lymph nodes. When I told a friend of mine, she said her daughter (teacher) had two coworkers diagnosed with the same in the previous two weeks.

It’s despicable! I’m praying for all of these young people who’ve been vaxxed.

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The scans are worth a thousand words.

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Very strange that we are hearing this more and more from "expert" and experienced doctors that suddenly they are seeing things they have never seen before.

My girlfriend's brother-in-law went into the hospital with some kind of spinal infection. His doctor told him he's never seen it this bad. He was vaxxed pretty much and was 82, so it's hard to tell what was causing the problems. He eventually passed on about 3 weeks later.

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Meanwhile I feeling absolutely f789ing fantastic... visiting Canada for a few weeks... getting out on the ice playing hockey 5 days/week... bit of gym work...

I don't have to try to hide a never-ending cough ... feel well rested... no stress... don't seem to have cancer...

Oh right -- I rejected the Rat Juice. Why wouldn't I feel great!

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Possibly another pathway is the mitochondrial damage known to occur when the Spike latches on to a cell. Any cell will have a really hard time staying cancerous for long, providing it has enough energy (ATP). If it does it will either repair the damage, or if not possible will then commit apoptosis. If it does not have enough energy due to damaged mitochondria then it will multiply.

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I told my wife a couple of years ago that they will be finding adverse affects for years after people took the gene jab. I still think they will find new afflictions in the coming years and will use it to make and sell new drugs for the life of the patient. These criminals need to be injected with every shot they ever produced and pushed on innocent people. It has been hundreds of years or thousands the world population has been controlled be the most evil demented people ever to walk the earth. Time to end the insanity.

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I partly agree with you Dennis. I do they will be finding adverse affects for years after people took the gene jab but I think in a lot of cases they will be covering it up when they do find them and in other cases they will be wilfully blind and deliberately not finding them. I think you are possibly right that when they find new afflictions in the coming years that they will use it to make and sell new drugs for the life of the patient. However, I am a bit less trusting of them than you appear to be. Patients are easily replaced. There are plenty more where the last dead one came from. I tend to think they will want to use afflictions caused by the gene shot that have not yet killed the patient to make and sell new drugs for the Death, not life, of the patient if they find that the shots are not working as intended.

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I stand corrected, yes they will do what ever they can to complete the agenda of depopulation and yes there will be new patients to replace the ones that die, I meant they will use the patient's time he or she has to live to make money from new drugs or drugs in use now. You are right when I think about it that because this is a depopulation event, they will do all they can to kill. Please don't think I have any trust in them what so ever and I know they will do away with all of us who are aware if and when they can. They are already hiding the causes of the deaths and so will in the future do the same as they have been now every time they can for as long as they can.

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and now fauci the war criminal says that the shots didn't work at all... thanks for playing everyone!!! you are dying because you were coerced into a death shot by a man who is now distancing himself from the whole thing.

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This happened to a jabbed cousin of mine who lived in Canada. She fell and broke a hip, only to be told in the hospital that she also had breast cancer that had already entered the bones. After only a few weeks of treatment, her doctors gave up because, she was told, "It's moving too fast for us to keep up." She died not long afterward.

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Thank you Dr Paul! (For anyone else wondering, here's the link to Dr Makis' stack: https://redpillconspiracy.substack.com/p/turbo-cancer-post-covid-19-vaccination)

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Just like in the US, the same uphill battle Dr. Makis is fighting in Canada against the media et al. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/covid-19-linked-to-rise-in-heart-attacks-and-other-cardiovascular-problems-1.6282361

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It's good to see this great coverage of this topic Dr. Alexander. I'm aware personally of a number of cases of these turbo cancers and friends are aware of many more.

On an unrelated topic, in case readers missed it, the next scamdemic is here. We should all expect to be mandated to get a sequence of experimental bird flu jabs soon:

Global H5N1 bird flu outbreak so bad many countries are now considering vaccination


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FJB! is supposed to sign the pandemic treaty on Monday 2-27-23. Our sovereignty will be gone and all vaxxes will become forced mandatory per the treaty.

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Is his signature valid if he doesn't have the mental capacity? Can the SCOTUS issue an urgent injunction? Now that the RINOs are in control of the house, why is it that they haven't passed an urgent resolution calling for his cabinet to meet to consider invoking the 25th amendment? They should also be investigating the certification of his purported fitness.

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Ivermectin works for bird flu.. just sayin...

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Good! 🤗

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Works for a lot of things

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I sent the MSM news article about the bird flu pandemic vaccinations to a jabbed person I know in Australia. I've been attempting to red pill him. Maybe it's working. The Australian TGA (equivalent of the CDC) that legalized the jabs also recently legalized psychedelic drugs for therapeutic purposes. After I sent the bird flu jabs article to him he replied as follows:

A mountain lion, a bear, and a skunk walk into a bar.

The bartender, who is a porcupine, says. "What can I jab you with, what's your poison?"

The mountain lion says "I'll have a double shot of Astrazeneca thanks. "

The bear says "give me three shots of Pfizer."

The skunk says. "Fuck that, give me some MDMA until the LSD kicks in, my PTSD is playing up."

Well what do you expect when you start a serious article with: A mountain lion a bear and a skunk??

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