Does anyone have a good estimate of the percentage of Americans who have a clear grasp of the enormity of this covid crime?

I think 12% would be an exaggeration.

(My own neighbor, a college-educated, retired special ed teacher, was recently panicking before her European river cruise because she felt she needed to get her annual flu shot beforehand. It's not required for the voyage; her husband won't get one and she was upset with him for that. She and her husband, an engineer, are covid-jabbed and boosted. They participated in the drive-through procedure where they stuck their arms out of their car windows and allowed teen-aged National Guardsman without medical training to inject them with poison.)

I don't believe there is an "influencer" who can turn this around if President Trump does not address this himself. And, as much as I admire and support him, it's not clear to me that he's fully aware. Is it possible he doesn't know someone dead or injured by the covid jabs? Knowing he is a very empathetic man, I think it might be a good idea for him to meet and talk to dozens of mRNA-LNP-jabbed individuals who are dying or whose children have died suddenly or have a short time left.

Just a glance at the great number of reverential comments on Malone's substack expressing adoration of him every day tells us that we are very far from breaking through to people, even to some otherwise intelligent people.

I feel like I'm on the modern day Noah's Ark with those of you who see things clearly.

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Agree with you totally. I think 12% is way off the mark. Many DJT fans I know got the jabs because their Drs told them it was safe. And that goes for pregnant women as well. We were all bombarded with mind numbing and mind controlling fear propaganda and most fell for it, it didn’t and doesn’t matter if you are left or right, black or white, male or female, an engineer or teacher. It’s extremely frustrating. PS my new podiatrist is wearing his mask to keep others safe! 😣

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Important points, AJoy.

So much responsibility for this runaway covid train rests upon the ignorance and/or malfeasance and malpractice of our compliant and greedy doctors.

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OK, so you admire and support a president who is pro-genocide. He told Bibi to get with it and do the ethnic cleansing "before he took office". Now, Trump is even more OK with what appears to be a bolstering of Israel's efforts to bite off chunks from surrounding sovereign nations. Have you thought about your allegiance to Trump carefully? Hey, Trump is a businessman, he's likely perfectly OK with getting his hands on the oil supplies in those countries he cares zero about. Basically, when it comes to dollars, he's perfectly in line with supporting our well known and savage tendencies toward imperialism. If you can steal the oil, have at it. Who cares that the rest of the world sees us as totally untrustable robber barons?

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I thought we were discussing the covid genocide here, Michael.

My biggest concern with Netanyahu is his sacrificing his own people to Pfizer and Albert Bourla. What did "Bibi" personally get in return?

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Trump's personal attributes contributed to the covid genocide and they will allow him to support genocide of the Palestinians. These are related attributes and not incongruent as you feel. I don't quite understand your affinities to Trump, my opinion.

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At first I was skeptical that it was deliberately designed as a bioweapon but many people I respect who have more inside knowledge than I do have come to this conclusion. And as with most secrets, most of those involved in the manufacture were probably clueless about the bioweapon angle--which is just what those who designed the bioweapon wanted.

The quality control in the jabs was also horrible (of course, they came from China). Dr. Carrie Madej found hydra-like creatures floating along in the vials, and if I remember correctly a stew of toxic heavy metals--and that's just from superficial examination. Pathologists like Dr. Ryan Cole were the first to notice results like turbo cancers, strange white rubbery, long bloodclots, and more. "Regular" vaccines are toxic enough, these were over the top and apparently designed to kill in many different ways.

This should blow the lid off the Pharma industry and Chinese manufacture of almost all pharmaceuticals also. It should, but it probably won't.

All we can do is keep on talking, push for more hearings, keep spreading the word.

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I don't know what else to say other than repeat what I've been saying since the end of 2019 (yes, *before* Trump shut down the US in mid-March 2020). What was that?

That we were witnessing the largest, most evil crime ever perpetrated on humanity in all history **AND** that the actions being taken by government would dwarf the harm that any "virus" would ever cause. Now, almost 5 years later, those words are common knowledge. SO WHAT?

*NOTHING* is being done about it (other than talk). *NO ONE* is being held accountable or made to face justice. Just an endless stream of blah-blah-blah. So sick of it!

BTW, how did I know so early in the game? Simple - it was because of what the Central Banks and the too-big-to-jail banks were doing at the time. It's an interesting story for another time.

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I am interested to read that story.

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Maybe Dr. A will publish a shortened version of it (?).

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Why does Congress want to fund trillions of dollars for bioweapons labs, 17 of them to do more harm and continue covid and many other things? Why have they made the war of clean the vaxed and dead vs unclean unvaccinated alive? Why are they pushing a vax clot shot that many times, creates the disease and affords no protection at all, giving you a fast or slow death depending on where it is manufactured? A date for death with the added booster shots, the poor children are lucky to have any intellect or life left in them. Speeding up death even in animals Bovaer to stop their methane emissions and makes the cow sterile in addition to cancer risk. Anyone that states they stop the emissions, then where would the trees be able to produce oxygen? It would be the end of all life forms. UC Davis is supporting the theory to reduce emissions and less meat insane views https://phys.org/news/2024-11-scientists-miracle-pill-methane-cow.html

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Trump insists that his support for the OWS debacle was the greatest, most humane thing he EVER did. Congress members are all assigned "counselors" representing Israel to make sure they don't make errors of punctuation. Yeah, sure. AIPAC has more influence than does our president. If that doesn't make us all totally disgusted, then we are not Americans who love our country. While we are trying to make sense out of senseless political perturbations, the bad boys are slowly and surely destroying our country. How much effort has gone into dealing with WOKE stupidities? It can probably be said that the vast majority of Americans are simply unprepared to deal with our onrushing demise. Demise, what the hell is demise anyway? So sayeth John Q Public.

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Thank you Dr Alexander for sharing this “most important” article!

There’s no doubt whatsoever the impact this entire

“Covid-Scam-Fraud” deliberate DOD coordinated and executed “Bioweapons Attack” on humanity has caused!

This was all about the end of life as we know it and the beginning of a

“New World Order”

from the onset.

I say this with certainty because, my curiosity prevented me from believing anything we were being told.

I’m not saying this sarcastically speaking, rather humanly speaking. There were many signs from the beginning, which didn’t add up. I’m not sure why and I’m quite bothered by how many people believed this “Scam.”

Maybe it was simply trust which so many people believed causing them to blindly become convinced? Why so many people

“line-up” to “roll-up” their sleeves was more and more insane, IMO as time went by allowing something we all knew was untested, unproven and hastily crafted.

Maybe “crafted” isn’t the best choice of words, but there were many factors involved, which IMO, seemed unnatural to have been so well organized with such organization. This seemed well orchestrated for my liking.

I’ve learned a tremendous amount since this fraud, this “deadly and maiming” fraud was perpetrated deliberately upon the world’s population.

Dr. Yeadon has been 100% consistent in his message and delivery of such messages from the beginning. Today, we’re all at risk, although no one more at risk than Dr Yeadon! He’s truly an example how humanity was designed. Integrity, honesty,compassion and most importantly, courage. Courage unlike any other man I’ve ever known!

Dr. Yeadon’s messaging has always been an essential part of what separates

“Goodwill vs Evil Intent!”

Our government agencies, CDC, FDA, etc. should have been fourth coming with the same truth, the same sort of messaging Dr Yeadon made so clear from the “two weeks to stem the tide,” to the order of lockdown, imposed frenzy, issued by so many megalomaniacs in charge!

Charge? Quite the contrary I’d say. Someone in charge, leads the way, not into harms way, but away from harm, towards safety.

Everything had a box to fit into, this fraud was so well conceived. This fraud was about what could be and will be “Done to us, Not for us.”

With such malicious intent, malice, and as we know now

“crimes against humanity!” This is not how people in charge, operate! Not in my simple definition of the word.

Every one in charge of these three letter agencies are cowards! Plain and simple. Murdering cowards! Obviously not everyone in these agencies.

Those in charge, those repeatedly “toeing the line” while people were confined to their homes, business’s shut down and victims ordered to their “DEATHS” by illegally forcing mandatory injections!

I’m not sure where this is all going. But I am sure of one thing, it isn’t over! Not by a long shot. Those seeking “world domination” have only just begun!

As the saying goes

“Rome wasn’t built in a day”today we can say, the

“World won’t be destroyed in a day!”

Dr. Yeadon, IMO, is a modern day “Francis of Assisi,” of the pharmacological industry, better still, of humanity! To hell with the pharmacological industry of today!

Those in charge exists today knowing what they were doing and how they would “Kill & Maim” millions worldwide!

And they’re not even close to being done, there’s more to come!

Thank you Dr Alexander for sharing this most important, most powerful piece.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Still not willing to go there?

Why aren’t we asking some serious questions?

Why were the unvaccinated invited back to work during the middle of the booster campaign?

Looking like a set up to me.

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In addition there has been a plethora of successful lawsuits brought against employers, including some Health Care facilities, where fired employees have been offered reinstatement and back pay. There is definitely something stealth on-going. Note also Obama allowed nano-tech in dental anesthetics early in his first administration.


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Dr Bay in Australia won a court case relating to this!

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Dr Bay video-----https://youtu.be/aRZms3K3oKM?si=j7tyILN5pEJY06eo

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Share far and wide this video-----https://youtu.be/aRZms3K3oKM?si=j7tyILN5pEJY06eo

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COVID RED FLAG ALERTS----14/11/2021-------By Roy R M McIntosh

Yes, red is very appropriate as it seems to have kicked off in ‘red’ China. People falling dead in the street and over publicised emergency hospitals being built. But it fooled the masses, and I was also taken in for a short spell. But I knew that the politicians/establishment could be evil but at time, just did not realise how evil!

Early on though I saw things that did not add up and also read a book called Web of Deceit by Mark Curtis, and boy, did that spell out the evil in the politicians, and they were aided in many cases by the media. Red flag flapping and alarm bells ringing!

The first thing that made me uneasy was the fact that they were taking people from hospitals to care homes, which just did not seem right. Then when I started going out after the first week, I saw police driving around in vans. They were out walking in twos and threes and more or less holding hands. I was going to some shop and none of the staff were dropping dead. All the drunks, junkies and homeless wonders were housed in various hostels and hotels and one was right in the middle of Princes Street, Edinburgh. Now, if this ‘covid’ was so dangerous and contagious would you be housing them right in the middle of a city? I shall add that a good few times I passed, they were out drinking and police vans were there. There were a few places that drunks etc. congregated, and they were not dropping like the Chinese.

On one occasion, closer to home, there was a body lying on the ground near to the local Co-op and the store was open. I do not have a mobile, so when I got home, I phoned the police. Now, I would think that the calls are recorded. I was told I was wasting police time and then asked if I could go and have a look at the body. I said: ‘Are you flipping joking? You are asking me to go and check, and this is meant to be so dangerous.’ I asked: ‘Are we just being told a load of crap?’ At that the person said I shall get the police to go and check it out. I gave it an hour and phoned Co-op. Was told by a person at Co-op that the police came but said they could do nothing about it! More like they could not be bothered…

Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?

Regarding the deaths of the elderly, it is common knowledge to some that DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) was used, but ask the average Joe or Jessie in the street and they do not have a scooby about that. Mention Midazolam or Remdesivir and 90% have never heard of it. Those are points that need to be brought out into the public arena!

Now on a personal note I had a nurse visit my home. A couple of my sons go to raves, or what ever you call them, and they have various friends. One of them is a nurse of about 40 years old and works in the Western General in Edinburgh. In first lockdown I played the game of painting shells and stones for the NHS. Now I paint stones all the time, so it broadened my wee childish hobby. I said to Lauren in conversation, and she said, oh, she would like them. So after her shift one evening she said she would come and get them. Now I was not frightened of the ‘Chinese Wizard Covid’ so, said: ‘Yes, come and get them!’

What happened was a real big flap, wave of the red flag and drums were banging! When the nurse arrived at my flat I opened the door and I said: ‘Come in!’ Thinking, she would say: ‘Oh no, I cannot do that,’ but she just walked right in! Now I wished I had a tape recording of what was said. The nurse said that the Western General was very quiet and so was the St John’s, I am sure she said. Now I stand by that, as for on social media, she had another story saying: ‘Oh it is real…’ What was real, the lies and bull crap?

But there were lots of other red flags like the royals still travelling about, politicians and advisors cheating on the public and their partner in one case and that is only the ones we found out about!

So what was it all about – a virus, pharma or bankers cracking the whip, or a plan for world control? Make your mind up folks and enjoy your future of facial recognition. Two or three pokes from the pharma every year, Universal Basic Income, Build Back Better, a cashless society.

Now that would take the shine of your ginger bread – but so many are just walking right into it with a big smile!

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Yeah man! And that's the whole problem...

They are the ones who have brought down the whole house of cards by not being honest.... neither to themselves, to God or to the public and other doctors.

However, maybe we should thank them for exposing the whole skunky stinking charade.

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If it were genocide, would the masses take their 'Poison Elixir' if offered to them; or 'Safe & Effective'?

Moreover, the top ten pharmaceutical companies ~ sponsor DARPA - fund mRNA technologies, are bioweapons labelled "Vaccine's"

Dr Yeadon: Silver Bullet video, is 100% speaks all truth.

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Sorry for long post Paul but we are all chasing the wrong people...

Ockham's Razor demands that we conclude the SARSCov-2 plandemic was/is a top-down (world wide) public private partnership from literal Hell as opposed to the opposite. Meaning, the origins for both the pathogen and bioweapon countermeasure (mRNA gene therapy) are well within the purview of medical-military-industrial complexes from multiple nations who from a public facing standpoint are enemies but whom also share a common foe (free people with free will within their respective countries).

.....Inimicus meus, inimicus meus amicus

In each Country, the public health systems were tasked with developing and maintaining the plandemic narratives, State ran (social) media controlled the flow of the narrative information, and the private partner (big pharma) was simply the token distributor of the bioweapon with preemptive legal immunity.

The plandemic has not nor ever has been a bottom-up scheme simply to have billions and billions of risk free ROI dollars. Bigpharma were the useful idiotic low hanging fruit that were picked to absorb any public backlash and redirect any significant attention away from who is truly responsible... our government as well as all the other governments in the industralized world.

......."Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate"......

When viewed from that vantage point, all the pieces fall into place. The whole plandemic enchilada. For example, the PREP Act was actually part of Department of Defense appropriations bill (H.R. 2863)... and lets not forget Event 201. Moreover, why did Fauci go to CIA for "off the books" plandemic meetings and why is so much of the government plandemic information hidden in plain redacted top secret site...redacted for a novel pathogen that before late 2019 was utterlly unknown to any government in the world.

.......Veritatem celare palam

Since the plandemic is/was a top-down world wide compartmentalized operation then all of the so-called experts on social media...all of them...either are controlled opposition with some compartmentalized knowledge or were never from the begining within the plandemic "in-crowd" and are relegated to cashing in on the drip-drip of their previous public-private partnership experiences, be it at the Q level or otherwise, on social media with paid subscribers. They know just enough to capture and captivate a paying audience, but in reality are no closer to the truth than those who seek out their quasi-informative postings.

We need to stop chasing the plandemic shiny objects and the people provided to us by our government and instead follow the white hat rabbit to see just how deep is the plandemic medical-military-industrial-complex hole. It is those we find responsible for the plandemic during our descent who are the enemies of us all...and who must ABSOLUTELY be destroyed or they WILL do this again.

..... Tenebrae semper dat lucem

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To emphasize my point... the Continuing Resolution presented by the House changes (in a VERY bad way) alot of the pandemic preparedness legal language, opens the door for extensive DURC, and gives even more pandemic unconstitutional powers to the unelected... start chasing that. I like Yeadon but he is NOT the rabbit to follow.

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