Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Have You Been Captured?

Big Pharma wants to capture our children. They created Combo 10, a list of 10 vaccines every child should take within the first two years of life. To make this happen, they paid doctors $400 for each fully compliant child. Doctors also received a bonus if their practice achieved a 63% compliance rate. The program exposes children to a host diseases, including asthma, allergies, eczema, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, chronic ear infection, and irritable bowel syndrome. Each infant successfully sickened is "captured". They will be on some form of pharmaceutical for the rest of their lives. It's a great investment - 400 dollars yields a customer for life.


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ferals. these doctors

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I knew Drs were be paid bonuses for vaccines. Knowingly or unknowingly at some point they should have figured it out that they were doing horrible harm

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What about jabs for Bella and Max? There have been reports of dogs and cats getting myocarditis from covid. Would recently expired Pfizer jabs from a pharmacist be okay to give to a pet? There are reports appearing about pet owners being reluctant to vaccinate pets because of "misinformation." For example:

Phivo Christodoulou is one pet owner who became hesitant about pet vaccines after he claimed his Maltese cross chihuahua Suzie died two days after her annual vaccine round. 

"She had blood coming out of her nose and she died there in my arms," he said.

"It was very traumatic. I had to yell at [the vets] to put an injection in her to put her to sleep because I didn't want her to suffer."

He became concerned Suzie's death could have been caused by a vaccine, although he had no evidence to support the theory.

"The hard thing is that no one can ever prove this stuff either way."

Mr Christodoulou no longer vaccinates his animals.

"Most times I think the risk of a vaccine doesn't outweigh the reward," he said.

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Injecting poisons into the body in the hopes of health in the future is delusional.

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I have a very basic question. As someone who has just gotten over being sick, and whose family a few days after I got sick, got sick themselves. I work from home. Wife is stay at home. What did she get from me, and how did she get it. Ot wasn't bacterial, so what is it? Serious question. What is the "it" that caused the illness?

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Are you jabbed? If not every body or most get sick now and again---has happened since time began!?

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Yes and so has one person in a family getting sick and then multiple others in that group getting it. My issue is with the substack article's "You don’t “catch” these diseases & you cannot transmit them to others. They arise out of disordered equilibrium inside us, which mostly our bodies fix unaided." That is too broad. Disequilibrium is a non specific category. Might as well say people's "humors" are out of balance. There are real little critters that cause illness and cause one person who has them to then shed in some way so another gets it. This substack went too far. Just don't know if it was purposeful or not.

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I’m not convinced that there’s no such thing as contagion. I got chickenpox at 33 after being in a Toys R Us. 1 week later my 3yo got them and my 6 mo old a few days later. I also believe in terrain theory. I do not think the two theories are mutually exclusive.

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Have you considered that contagion is a myth created to sell vaccines and that what you described was all in your head?

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You really are clueless or dense sometimes.

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Sure the itchy spots were all in my head 🤣 You are talking “kook” as my dear old grandmother would say.

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There's a million things it could be. For example, it was demonstrated in 2006 that feline calcivirus, from cats, can survive on fomites such as computers, telephones, and faucets and may be transmitted to humans using these contaminated materials. There is no shortage of viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and other contagious pathogens that it could potentially be. Or, you could all have been exposed to something non-infectious such as air pollution, radiation etc and experienced symptoms at different times. There's insufficient information from what you've said to determine what you were sick with and why, if you were sick. An alternative explanation is that it's all in your head and you each just imagined that tou were sick.

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Belonging to the (military) VA Health System, I was getting from the VA several emails each and every week, and also physical letters, "urging"and "reminding" me to take a covid jab. They *KNEW* that I was not jabbed! How did they know that? Of course, I never took the damn thing. I was expecting to receive a knock on my door at any moment - specially after Biden's, "Our patience is wearing thin" speech aimed at the non-jabbed like myself. Thankfully, that knock never came.

The next time they "pandemic" us -- and with the "new and improved vaccines" -- I suspect that those like myself won't be able to escape. We are already on a "black list" and so they know who to come after first - of that I have no doubt. The compliant sheeple will line up for their jabs, so they don't have to worry about rounding-up those dimwits.

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It's because the VA cares about veterans Jorge. They believe in the vaccines and want to make sure you stay alive so you can potentially make further claims.

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Yeah, I felt really safe and loved by them - they truly cared about my health.

It's more like they were on a hunting safari, attempting to take down as many of us as they could - all with the full endorsement of the US government, of course. Undoubtedly, many caved-in to their relentless pressure to get jabbed. NO DOUBT that this was a premeditated, calculated, engineered crime at a global scale.

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Crazy how they "knew". Sadly, they know more about us than we'd like.

Glad you didn't get that knock on the door. (I was hoping I wouldn't get it either. :/)

My son is in the military, exiting shortly. Sad how they treat you all!

Thank you for your service! 💟

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Correct you are, they know FAR more about us than most people realize or would be comfortable with. They've trashed our Constitution's Bill of Rights decades ago.

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Yes they have.! They operate on the facade we're living in a "republic". Not!

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Of course you can escape. That’s a silly comment. You will probably have to change careers? Which many smart people did these past 4 years. But NO ONE can make you inject anything.

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"Change careers"? I'm on my own. Ya think that's gonna stop them? Think again!!

Also, OF COURSE they can "make you"! How will you stop four 250-pound police from pinning you to the ground and plunging a needle into your arm? That's what Dershowitz said the government can LEGALLY do if they decree it - *HE WAS RIGHT*!!!


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Even now, some still have not woken up to what CAN happen. :/

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Yup, and try hard as we may they simply REFUSE to get it.

Seems like the only way they'll 'get it' is when it's too late. To hell with that!

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It does not matter what parcel of the damned CYSTem one puts under the microscope, corruption usually will raise its butt ugly head. Politics, law enforcement, religion, finance, legal CYSTem, bureauCRAPcy etc you name it, corruption is there. I was doing a personal investigation of two DIEverSHITty hires and a bureauCRAP and found dirt on all of them. Two were OPP and the other was one I found who liked to sleep with a married male. All are enemies. Should I expose them? I will not in one case because children would be hurt. But the other two lying bastards are fair game and incidentally one of them is in the adultery game too but I doubt the OPP care. They used to. In one case years ago a married officer was running with a woman and he had four children. The top brass found out and transferred him far away from his adulterous partner, thus dead ending the problem.

The CHRC is a nest of bigoted liars and recently were accused of prejudice by black employees. I found it to be a valid accusation.

Conclusion? The Holy Bible is true..."God looked and saw that the imagi9nations of man were on evil continually....." Then they flood came! So I wonder why He is holding back because I am seeing filth and corruption of the like I never witnessed before!

I am just telling it like it is. And wondering where it will end. What a f*cked up nation and world!!!!

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A lot of your problems could be solved by the annexation of Canada to the United States. What you have described is not surprising in view of the fact that your Prime Minister and indeed the entire Canadian parliament and Zelenskyy gave a standing ovation to a Waffen SS man. Huge numbers of Waffen SS were sheltered by Canada after WW2. Maybe President Trump needs to take some sort of action to deNazify Canada.

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I have called for the border to be close and I hold Canadian Citizenship. close the border, 95% of all terrorists entering US enter via Canada

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Yes. That would suit me and then get a real system like the USA...Sheriffs elected instead of f*cked up useless DIEverSHITty hires like Sharen and tavares and real judges, not pos bigots like ruth and doehead.

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Even the speaker of the House as well as various Congress members are big pharma shills!! They just tried to pass a bill that would give the speaker power over the IS Population in a pandemic like crisis. They are planning for another scamdemic.. even Fraudci stated they’re would be another plandemic!!

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Do you agree with Dr. Yeadon's statement that measles, mumps, and rubella are NOT caused by viruses? What about Koch's rules? I'm certain each of these diseases have passed Koch's criteria. PLEASE TELL ME WHERE I HAVE GONE WRONG?

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Dr. Yeadon warns about ALL forced medical treatments and injections aka "vaccines".

I always get the feeling that you Dr. Alexander wants to LIMIT the discussion and focus the discussion to the mRNA shots, I always get the feeling that I read something from

Dr. Hotez or Dr. Redfield, people who try to STEER the discussion to mRNA. "mRNA might be bad, but our traditional substances are safe and effective".

Traditional Kennedy and Dr. Yeadon, and Risch, are about questioning EVERYTHING.

"transition the world to mRNA vaccines, replacing all vaccines…to mRNA vaccines."

Replacing garbage with garbage, what is the difference (yes I agree mRNA are on another level regarding safety, but doesnt invalid my point). The possible underyling assumption is that "traditional" forced medical treatements are safe and effective, show me the evidence.

"I warn you, do not fall for it, these people are killers, they seek only power, money, control, depopulation, these are evil banal feral low-life devils! "

As if they seek power, money, control etc only with the mRNA vaccine and not with traditional vaccines. Dr. Yeadon warns against ALL "vaccines" (somehow the word "vaccine" has a deeply held positive connotation to it, I dont know why, I guess it comes from reading, over and over again, basically propaganda books). There is nothing positive about excluding free humans for not accepting medical injections. FREEDOM should be the basis for everything. "Public Health" is basically a communistic enterprise attempting to control every human. If FREEDOM should not be the basis, explain where the line should be drawn and then how it relates to the last 4 years.

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then you dont read my work and are misrepresenting it. I say same. I am hyper focused on mRNA but I see same for all vaccines. I have written this, please find it.

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did you read my paper Dear Pfizer, leave our kids alone? https://brownstone.org/articles/dear-pfizer-leave-the-children-alone/

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I write to inform, to educate, to share, and to learn, dont wrote to me accusing me of anything f you did not do the work and inform yourself of my positions.

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furthermore, Yeadon is a personal friend, I advance him for I know him directly and we spend time together, we regard each other's work and I showcase his and always recommend him. again, Bulwark, I responded here this time but wont again to you if you write about me wrongfully. dont do that, not after I have been in this battle for 5 years...https://www.foxnews.com/video/6252603254001

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when most were playing with themselves, I was on the front lines with some, some of you here...yes it lots we wrote and share but read it properly before making statements.

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The article is focused on the Covid vaccines. I dont want to argue here.

I just shared the "impression" I got while reading your (no one would doubt that) very helpful substack, no insult, please dont get me wrong.

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Dr. Yeadon: "There’s absolutely no possible benefit to be had by allowing your child to be injected with vaccines."


All of them.

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all vaccines IMO must be stopped, assessed fully for 3 things 1) benefit, 2) if it is necessary 3) is it proven safe...must answer all 3 before back on line...if 2) if correct thn why would I not use it? but thats the question often not considered. and ethics of all of this. but Yeadon is near 100%

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"if 2) if correct thn why would I not use it?"

I think this should be a personal decision. Else you are in the current domain of "we use it for you" ("your body is my (state) body") which means the state patronize and basically forces free citizens to get medical treatment/injections.

Imo I dont need "Ethics", external people talking about ethics. Every human and individual should decide for himself. Ethics is often exploited so the government creates an "Ethics committee" where external IYIs and "experts" talk about what "Ethics" and what "ethical" is, then saying "its totally OK and ethical to force you into getting the covid shots". We are in this mess because of top-down "Ethics" debates.

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I read several different sources ( not any of the white hate/black hat nonsense) mostly substacts and trusted Dr’s like Dr Yeardon, no newspapers. I take the news on tv & large publications with a grain of salt.

Anyway, a couple of months ago I stumbled across something quite disturbing.

It was an older “gentleman, more like a psychopath , speaking to a group of people. This was circa 1968-9.

He was discussing the elimination of the vast majority of the population across the globe.

Obviously he was a “globalist” and a psychopath!

He ( I wish I wrote down his name) went into great detail what should be done. I believe the globalists goal of population is no more than 500,000! On the entire planet…

Of course, vaccines would be the way to go…

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“They arise out of disordered equilibrium inside us, which mostly our bodies fix unaided.”

“Unaided”, is the most important word of the above sentence I cut and pasted from this article by Dr Yeadon.

Certainly there’s many reasons why our bodies “equilibrium” falls out of balance. We’ve all had colds, etc.

But something changed around 1964. From my minimal research I found out “aluminum”’was being added to the childhood vaccines.

Something happened to my son after returning from a “Wellness Checkup.” Fortunately he rebounded from the vaccine our Doctor injected my son with. About three months later, my son seemed ok. I, as most people didn’t make any connections to my son’s “Wellness Visit.”

Today, more and more people have become their own researchers. I as well. What I’ve learned was how Big Pharma, deliberately designed such dangerous injections, to be given to our children knowing full well, they were creating an endless lifetime supply of patient’s.

Our God given immune system was designed for all things nature could create, not man! I believe what has been done to unsuspecting people is incredibly criminal!

The pharmaceutical / vaccine industry, has intentionally created over the years, vaccines which, in hindsight, have caused more harm and injuries, including death, all to keep an endless stream of “customers” for selfishness!

They, the pharmaceutical industry, knew damn well what they were doing. Sadly, people trusted their doctors and went along unknowingly causing harm to our very own children!

Shame on these people! Including Doctors! They accepted what they were told, not all doctors, the majority, absolutely.

The “Covid-Fraud” has killed / murdered millions of people worldwide. Fortunately for those of us who decided against their “Bioweapon” non-healthcare related injections. Thankfully many people today have awakened to the many dangers these same, more egregious, Fauci lead agencies have become. They’ve been deceitful while deliberately misleading millions of people.

Thank you both, Dr Alexander and Dr Yeadon for your expertise, your leadership and most importantly, your courage to stand up against the “evils” of society!

We can only pray that a new page will come from such fraud, such deliberate manipulation and corruption at the expense, the loss of life these monsters have created and caused!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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nice, I repost: "“They arise out of disordered equilibrium inside us, which mostly our bodies fix unaided.”

“Unaided”, is the most important word of the above sentence I cut and pasted from this article by Dr Yeadon."

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Thank you Dr Alexander. What amazes me is how so much of what you’ve written, words you’ve spoken and many articles you have reposted are arrived from common sense.

When I read medically speaking, difficult words to understand or complex explanations of concepts, ultimately one common denominator seems to lead me back to our

“God Given Immunity.”

Obviously medical science is critical and very complex. By design our bodies have been designed this way in order to protect us against disease and natural viruses. But when man creates something far more dangerous which wouldn’t exist in nature, this is where we need expertise.

If f only man would leave alone, allow nature to run its course, more people would live longer, happier and fuller productive lives.

“Man Has Decided,

Money Supersedes

Man’s Natural Existence,

Ultimately Destroying Man.”


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Grace & Blessings !

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Thank you Dr. Paul!

Love you and Dr. Yeadon. I have been following him way early on, and you soon thereafter! You are warriors!

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Excellent DR. Paul

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“Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Levels of Aluminum in Blood!”

SEP 26, 2023

This is exactly what I was talking about! Still today, babies are dying from vaccines!

This should never happen! Never in a million years!

Maybe one way to stop this madness is to have every single doctor who has children sign off on a “Vaccine-Admission-Form?”

From many doctors own admission they do not, they will not, inject their own children with these poisons.

So I suggest they put their money where their mouth is and sign a disclosure form stating that they in fact have injected their own children.

See how fast this nonsense stops! Autism rates are the highest in history! In California alone I believe the rate is 1 out of 33 children are now diagnosed as autistic and or on the spectrum.

Somehow, someway there’s got to be a way to stop this from happening again! Informed consent is acceptable with the parents option to not vaccinate their children if they so choose!

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Intramuscular injection of ANY substance with the intent of augmenting the immune system is DUMB.

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