I do believe that those megalomaniacs involved in the coup to enslave the world are using this as just one more nail in the coffin of a healthy society. At the risk of sounding right-wing and suburban, family values are actually important. Without family, we are adrift in a sea of hedonic narcissism, much easier to control than people with moral pirnciples and a family to protect. I believe that all mammalian species thrive on love. They want to take even that from us.

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It’s mostly women who are taking their kids to these creepy shows. What the hell is wrong with them?

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Well, I guess after standing up and out and exposing these drag queen shows for what they really are and telling parents to keep their kids away from drag queens, he won’t be getting invited to the White House to win the Tranny of the year award!!!

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Makes you wonder if the parents taking their Children there are paid or part of a group who are trying to turn kids into what they are seeing at these Monster Shows.. Wonder why the feminist women's groups are not protesting these shows, like they protest everything else.. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. LOL, these parents won't take their kids to an x rated movie, but they will take them to a XXX rated show.. Some people should not have kids..

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Biden’s Sunday School class..

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Looks to me like the transfools who are trying to fk up out kids are Dublin’ down on their insanity, but we know most trans folk do not want their own disposition foisted onto kids in the name of depopulation ideology.

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Thank you for your sanity. Just a few years ago everyone agreed drag shows were bawdy and for adults. Normal adults do not want to sexually gyrate in front of children. Pedophiles yes, adult performers no. And why discriminate? Strippers, nudists and S&M practitioners should do toddler shows

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There is something wrong with ANY PERSON who wants to see these vile people perform their vile acts in public. But, you have to wonder how much sicker parents are who take their children to see it. Have they "progressed" to the point where they have lost all human instincts to protect their own young and is that why they approve of and have abortions as well? Have they been "transformed" into mutants without souls?

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Sex, preference, men dressing up, nothing about this equals child exposure. If you choose to expose your child to this, you have to ask yourself why? What’s wrong with letting a child be a child. Figuring things out naturally is best. We can do better, we must do better!

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Good for him! I love honesty!!!

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There are real drag queens and there are fake drag queens, and the Soros-funded fake drag queens paid to push the agendas, which includes men joining women's sports teams, actively grooming children for pedophilia and fomenting gender confusion in schools are NOT part of the LGBT community. They do not represent anybody other than their political pimps. Legitimate trans people have fought for decades just for the acceptance to be able to show up in public and not be targeted, and the deliberate politicization is beyond reprehensible. They damn well know it, and they're pissed. They're also a minority being drowned out by the virtue signalling arseholes who have jumped on the "identity" bandwagon and are riding it hard.

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Ah - a voice of reason speaks.

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Much respect to herm. God bless herm for trying to save some kids.

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Any parent that is taking their kids to drag shows or lgbtq parades will be judged by God as to hurting their children giving them a warped view of the world showing them hell in all it's ugliness and horror. They should have their kids taken away immediately.

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Everything we are seeing related to the kids is based on satanism, I know I keep saying that but it's true. Those evil monsters love chaos as does satan, they want to chop parts off children and abuse them because that's what satan wants. Remember when Pelosi and Biden went to the Vatican and took communion, well they did that to bash God, satanists do that, they believe and follow satan. Biden and his cross dressing military moron just recently came out and said children everywhere will get gender affirming care which includes taking body parts and injecting them with puberty blockers. Parents have been captured by evil and that's why they take their babies to these horrendous freak shows.

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That’s good that this person is speaking for what is right.. hopefully he will take his own words to heart, and remove himself from that environment for his own benefit and anyone that is around him that would be affected by this..

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