Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

They are doing this to keep people in fear and sell vaccines and keep control....that is it.....nothing else.....fear is the greatest motivator to comply......

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ineptness of the highest order or malfeasancs...one of the two...I think a combination of both. At this stage.

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Malfeasance.......definitely..........there has never before been a virus or an illness that has only one solution....this is the only one....no virus/illness with one narrative/script...just this one.....never have doctors/scientists or health authorities refused to see data....except this one.....any illness, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc....they all have similarities in treatments but there is no one magic bullet that is the only way.....it's intentional and they are pushing through.....to affect free speech, right to assemble, right to travel, bodily autonomy, and fill in the blank.....just like this was made in a lab so was the meeting when they decided to take away our rights as humans.....intentional.....100%

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“your political woke bullshit” PRICELESS 🥳 , you tell it like it is!!

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CDC: Lockdowns were okay but ~ockdowns aren't.

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Your comment wins the day!!

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I think your comment has a typo...did you intend to say "cockdowns"? If so, that was very insightful of you...

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They want this to spread.

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How do we even know it's monkeypox. Maybe it's shingles outbreaks - in at least some cases - due to the vax. Maybe it's something else. Who the hell knows. All we do know is what they tell us is bullshit.

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Why would shingles outbreak (due to Covid vaccine) only affect gay men?

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Perhaps shingles re-activation also requires a trigger to an already suppressed immune system. Shingles is transmissible until the rash crusts according to the CDC. You have a highly vaccinated community which tends to have suppressed immune systems with a high preponderance for contact. This fits nicely into the two hit model for these type of injuries.

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Congress will now happily sacrifice your sons and daughters for a proxy war. The Uk has no money for their own defense but will send money to the ukraine. The nhs in the Uk on its knees. Food and fuel prices artificially high due to man made intrusion, proxy war in ukraine, sanctions on Russia, ccp ongoing lockdowns. Yes the world is upside down. Not a lot makes sense. And that goes for 302 cases of moneyPox in the USA.

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Ultra-wokeness is a pandemic unto itself .

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I think ever effort should be made to tell the gay community that their actions have compromised themselves, they to practice abstinence and The Lord will reveal to them that they are in sin and Need to depart from that sexual sin.the devil would like to destroy them.Don't buy into it.the devil don't love you he wants to take out as many as he can.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

Paul, as I see it, monkeypox is their next attempt to scare the shit out of the world, thereby gaining control , their ultimate goal. A legitimate attempt to suppress the spread would conquer their initiative. People don't seem to be buying into the whole monkeypox bullshit. I can only guess what their next move will be....

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Why would they tell them to abstain from "contact"? That's not good for the "vaccine" business.

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Better yet, let’s mandate they stop having sex and then jail then if they don’t comply?! Oh wait, that’s only for forced mask wearing? Hmmmm

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Following the US midterm elections there WILL be another pandemic scare. Maybe another SARS CoV 2 variant, maybe the "discovery" that an existent variant is more infectious and deadly than previously thought. Or maybe it'll be Monkey Pox. They don't care. At this point the lies are so thick and deep that they can just make something up out of whole cloth. The only reason that we don't have a global catastrophe running currently is that Democrat candidates can't be burdened by yet another Biden disaster. Once the midterms are over the Democrats will salvage whatever they can in the House and Senate, roll up all the misery brought by the Biden presidency, tie it around Joe's neck and throw him under the bus. The race for the Democrat 2024 presidential nomination will begin that day. Then they will NEED to reactivate the pandemic emergency so they can run the mail-in ballot scam again in the 2024 general election.

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So-called "Monkeypox" from what I've been reading, if it isn't another total hoax just like "Covid," is just another reaction to the crapcines and nothing for other people to worry about: It's not contagious.

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I'll take malfeasant, a $1000. Of course they want it to spread. More spread= more $$$ = more control.

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That's a bit much. As long as its two consenting adults behind closed doors, who cares? I'd rather the SC protect my bodily autonomy.

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