
I started out in 2021 saying "I'm not an anti-vaxxer, but [lots of questions and concerns]." Now, after having seen what I have seen, and learned much more, I do not trust the FDA, CDC and all the vaxx shills at all. Nada. Null. Zero. Their vaxx recommendations are so shot through with fraud, corruption, and kickbacks, just common sense should indicate that it is time to call a stop to all this-- all vaxxes. If someone who had genuine fully-informed consent wanted to take the jabs, in principle, as one who defends medical freedom, I wouldn't have any problem with that, but how can they give fully informed consent when they are not in fact fully informed? We now know that the manufacturers and the authorities are all in bed with each other and have been lying to us for years. I think we need to stop the vaxxes and start the investigations-- and prosecutions.

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The vaccines are a huge scam. The establishment does not want to change their agenda, and most people believe in vaccines. If you want to stop vaccines then you have to wake people up.

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It's almost impossible to wake up a mother that has recently had her child vaccinated or that routinely takes her child in for the series of (now) endless vaccinations. Even when that child becomes injured or dies, even a day later, the mother cannot bear the truth that she held her own child down for something that most likely will injure or could even kill that child, either now or in the future. These mothers are big pharma's most devoted cheerleaders and have come to accept the numerous horrible side effects of vaccine poisons as acceptable childhood (and young adult) illnesses. It's like an endless episode of "The Twilight Zone."

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When you are selling a product, you don't sell the product, you sell the emotions. The elite capitalizes on this concept to control you all.

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In 2006, while attempting to get legislation introduced into the US Congress, a high placed Congressional aide told me that all those in the upper tier of Government who wanted to know whether vaccine caused autism already knew so and would be doing nothing about it. Supposedly they feared reparations would be so large it would bankrupt the Treasury.

Be that as it may, I left Washington, DC believing we were going to have to wait till 2035 when 50% of boys in the USA would have autism. But the good news is we don't have to wait til 2035, the US Government is now in free fall and it is just a matter of months really at this point.

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Looking at our history you see vaccines never saved us. It was cleaning up our lives like improving sanitation, cleaner food that saved us. All vaccinations did was create pharma patients down the road. The cure the symptom game requires you not to notice that what they give as a cure for one thing creates the next thing. Fortunately people are going from trusting to thinking for themselves. Just think for yourself about mRNA technology and how dangerous it has to be. They want your own body’s cells to produce what it wants your immune system to attack and kill. That’s called self annihilation. Since it doesn’t “stay in the arm” and travels to all very important areas they have assured themselves of lots of damage to profit off of down the line. Just like childhood vaccines. Suddenly after the introduction of childhood vaccines we had Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Now after mass vaccination of adults we have Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. And after vaccination of youths we now have Sudden Youth Death Syndrome. But the same people that could just look at you after you were run down by a car and pronounce you died of COVID can’t seem to see the elephant in the room. Don’t expect them to. Not when it comes to their family and livelihood. Suddenly health and wellness and morals don’t matter. The only way they will wake up is when we stop giving them our money and they actually have to produce health to get paid. That also means getting rid of the allopathic model of medicine which is disease care. We could start by refusing to call them health care professionals and instead call them disease care specialist.

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Disease enhancer specialists, more like!

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Think about this: the Amish are a prime example of health through good nutrition and no vaccines. It seems that vaccines for both humans and animals only serve to make them sick throughout life thus creating never ending patients making money for both the medical and veterinary industrial complexes.

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I agree as well. I watched autism diagnosis’ increase over a decade . Lots of kids suffered. The majority of the parents felt it was tied to vaccines.

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I'm and NP/CNM, fully vaccinated, as are my adult children. I took, gave, recommended vaccines. I went down the vaccine rabbit hole in 2015 at the behest of a client - the mother of a vaccine injured child. Knowing what I know now, I will never take another vaccine. I believe most people who actually take the dive feel the same way. People like Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Paul Thomas, and Dr. Pierre Kory report that they no longer recommend vaccines.

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Totally agree. Stop the vaccine insanity. It’s harming humanity and there only to make money, kept our children sick not there to protect health. The same thing goes for the veterinary industry. To force any vaccines whose titers are proven to be virtually permanent is abuse.

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OMG! This would be a true gift from God! Please let them stop this “vaccine” bio weapons program on us. It has to stop. Somebody please end it now. I’m praying this everyday. And I pray for the doctors like you, McCullough, & Kory, Rose, Nass, & so many others. As well as, Mr. Aaron Siri working for the Highwire to hold these 3 letter government departments accountable. I also pray for Reiner Fuellmich’s release from prison soon. May God be with all those standing up for humanity. But definitely stop the “vaccinations”!

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Synthetic biology is in all vaccines, as well as injectables. And that’s not just my opinion. Check out the work of Dr. David Nixon and his team of microscopists. We have synthetic biology in our blood and this has got to be revealed. This is an extinction-level event that we all need to wake up to before it’s too late. Again, not an opinion, but fact. Just look at your own blood through a microscope and you will see for yourself (as I did)…

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Is this all about their need for less population because they can't pay their social security?

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And to preserve fossil fuels for themselves.

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The degree to which any legitimate questioning or advocacy for honest investigation into the *possible* connection betw childhood vaxxes and the exponential increase in autism spectrum disorders have been shouted down (or worse) speaks volumes. Dr. Andrew Wakefield's career and reputation were targeted for scorched earth destruction tactics when he observed a potential connection and simply suggested it be explored. We all know that "they've" known all along, just as the tobacco industry knew (but lied straight faced under oath) that cigarettes caused cancers and a host of other devastating, life threatening diseases. Big Pharma (and the med-pharma industrial complex as a whole), like Big Tobacco, will always look to destroy anyone who threatens their gravy train, until they can't any longer.

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The data we've been exposed to over the past 3yrs with no concern for safety, and the salivating of Pharma to get these shots onto the childood schedule AND learning of the actual # vaccines already given to children and increasing in frequency, AND watching very carefully cdc, fda, other public health agencies insisting kids and pregnant moms should get the jab, opened my eyes wide. Clearly, that's the goal: make the big bucks and have these kids for life with damage for life and then give them more drugs to treat the pharma-inflicted damage.

YOU BET! Investigate ALL the shots.

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Transgender surgery makes them at least $350,000. Ventilators made them additional $. 72 shots for school. Illegals let in w/o shot schedules. TB allowed in schools with 1-1/2 year regiment.

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It would be about time! The number of poor kids not only with autism but also with less but not least debilitating neurological and mental disorders is enormous !

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Please share the discussion you, Dr McCullough, and Dr Hodkinson had.

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I am not sure that juggernaut can be stopped in the short term but a proper investigation into what they really do and if giving so many and at the same time is scientific. ( I doubt it ) as a starting point. And expose the fraud over the century around the industry!

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