Thanks for your artikel about DMSO

I take it since 20 years ( together with CDL (45 years) and elements.

Never detected anything that DMSO would harm me. It’s the opposite, my last visit to see a Doctor was in my 30’s - never get a cold/flu - but I got skin irritations - because of the chemtrail contents- which are now everywhere - thanks to DMSO it’s under control. I spray it daily on my skin. Since I also -like everybody else - have to leave the house for shopping … I use DMSO now on a daily basic inside and outside of my body to keep my lungs healthy.

I am not fluently speaking english- love to reading your artikels.

Since I am one of the multi of pensioners (germany) with my pension in the poverty range, dispise putting in 45 years of hard work.

I cannot afford to give financial support. Thanks for your endlessly important work, God bless you, yours Dora

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Chlorine Dioxide Solution

Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS / CDL 0.3% 100 ml Amber Glass

Chlorine dioxide solution CDS / CDL 0.3% 100 ml amber glass is a high-purity, ready-to-use solution for disinfection and drinking water treatment. Here are some key features and benefits of this product:

Concentration: The solution has a concentration of 0.3% chlorine dioxide, which is equivalent to 3000 ppm.

Packaging: The solution is packaged in a pharmaceutical-grade amber glass bottle, which protects the solution from light and ensures maximum purity and safety.

Ready-to-use: The solution is ready to use immediately, without the need for additional activation.

Disinfection: The solution is highly effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, legionella, and other microorganisms, making it ideal for disinfection and drinking water treatment.

Shelf life: The solution has a shelf life of at least 6 months if stored correctly.

Manufacturing: The solution is manufactured in Germany according to the original recipe and under strict regulations.

Quality: The solution is of high quality and is produced without unnecessary substances and preservatives.

Key Benefits

Effective against a wide range of microorganisms

Ready to use immediately, without additional activation

High-purity solution with a long shelf life

Manufactured in Germany under strict regulations

Ideal for disinfection and drinking water treatment

available in USA - found it there when I lived there, since 1995

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Oh I had to order it from Australia. Tried it to cure my arthritis. Was supposed to kill an Ameba that they say can cause arthritis.

I remember Pres Trump trying to bring it up during the Covid joke . They laughed at him and said he wants us to drink bleach . And I’m like I didn’t kill me and I drank it every day for a week .

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What is CDL?

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DMSO has been in. my life for decades. The immediacy of how it reduces swelling is stunning thus reducing pain. This goes for twisted ankles to (for me) fingers that were like claws, unable to open, due to "severe and crippling" RA. I was 28, a grad student and the rheumatologist at Stanford identified my RA thusly. I poured DMSO over my hands every morning just so I could use my hands. Also had huge hip pain from the RA and used it for that too. I then went about designing my own protocol to cure the RA as I knew I would never take prednisone for life as I was told I'd have to. I use the word cure on purpose because it took about 6 months to go away completely and I've never had it since. DMSO didn't cure the RA but it reduced the pain so I could go about life. Decades have gone by. Life has brought on many other reasons for DMSO and I always have some at home. I just had a fractured femur and after surgery I was so anxious to get to my DMSO- hard to believe the ortho world doesn't know about it. That includes physical therapists. Really sad as orthopedics is a place DMSO could do so much good. I look forward to learning some of the ways you mention. I still have a very old copy of DMSO, The Persecuted Drug. Glad to see this page is still up https://dmso.org RIP Dr Stanley Jacob and TY for DMSO And TY Dr. A for shining light on DMSO.

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I took a few pinches of borax in distilled water and drank it for a week . Had falls on tile over concrete floors and no injuries two times . I’m an old dude too , in my 70s.

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The borax is like rebar in your bones

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How much water do you use to dilute a pinch? Does it affect your tongue or have a weird flavor? Thank you.

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A large glass , a little like salt

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My cousin in Daget California has a natural source of borax in his well water . Never had a cavity, but his teeth are very grey

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Wish I could get Borax here - it’s forbidden to buy. Can’t get it since custom are not allowed to let it in. I am happy for you that it is in your life.

Thanks for your sharing.

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They don’t have borax clothes laundry powder?

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Thats true. Ordered it on Amazon.com/.de/.se - their info: no delivery in your country (DE and SE) available.

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I've used it for 20+ years. First heard about it from being around horses. It's used a lot for their tendons. Would not want to live without it. Fantastic for muscles and tendons and bones....

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DMSO has been used for many years. Now, the big pharmaceutical companies want to eliminate it because it works for us. No one has been harmed or killed by it. My patients recovered quicker from bed sores down to the bone after they were in the hospital, which tells me that there was reckless endangerment to the patient not turning for at least 2 hours per state law in many states for basic care. I used DSMO myself for skin conditions and have forgotten the medicine heals my own body. I still have to order it and get back into the usage. It's similar to having green tea or camomile tea.

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What should be the concentration to spray on the skin ( for skin issues )?

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It’s ready to go- but never on open wounds . I spray first pure water on the skin, then DMSO- I feel immidiately nice heat starting, I could feel after a short amount of time lesser infections - pain If Ispray on dry skin - no results. It’s an individuell experience.

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Wonderful article Dr. Alexander! Thank you ever so much for sharing your wisdom!

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Here's a PubMed article from 1975 using DMSO and a vasodilator for tinnitus.


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Thanks for the info. I am beginning to learn and use it. Another miracle cheap therapy is chlorine dioxide (not bleach) I have been using for 7 years. Dr Pedro Chavez in Mexico has treated over 6,000 vax injured patients. Theuniversalantidote.com

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Nice, thank you Stuart!

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Remember Dr Alexander, our corrupt FDA was responsible for “Banning Chloroquine.”

Early phase of Covid-19: 400mg Hydroxychloroquine with zinc, 200mg 2 xs a day for 4-5 days., and if needed add Ivermectin. Also if needed azithromycin or doxy...SARS COV (the first one) was inhibited by Chloroquin in 2005 virology report. SARS COV 2 is 78% the same as the first SARS COV. This is only a repeated antidote that I have heard many doctors who have successfully treated Covid- 19. However, most states governors have put a ban on HCQ for the treatment for Covid-19. Pretty messed up.

So the “Science” knew Claro Quinn, and / or hydroxychloroquine were both “potent inhibitors of infection and spread” of SARS-CoV. Fauci’s lead NIH study in August 2005.

Wouldn’t it make sense for these “Money-Fear-Mongers” to ban Dimethyl Sulfoxide?

Of course it would! They can’t make any money using a treatment that works well! So, let the “Surplus Population” suffer or DIE!

Let’s pray RFK Jr. gets confirmed.

Unfortunately Washington is filled with money hungry “Big-Pharma” sell outs all captured by the

“Lure of the Animal” and they would lose lots of money.

Bottom line is, “If a drug or treatment helps people” then it’s considered bad, bad, bad!

The alternative isn’t relevant because, “We’re Human!”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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There's a Facebook cancer group that uses DMSO along with Fenbendazole for brain cancers. DMSO crosses the blood brain barrier and allows the Fenbendazole to kill the cancer. Amazing stories of people cured of various cancers like this. Urologists use it for interstitial cystitis treatment in the bladder.

Another Facebook group called Dirt Roads has a recipe for eye drops with DMSO to use for glaucoma, floaters and dry eyes. That group is called Dirt Roads. Worst thing about DMSO is the smell but you can now buy it without that heavy garlic odor.

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Thank you, yet again, Dr. Alexander♥️♥️♥️

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I recently subscribed to MWD substack & learned about DMSO. I've had rosacea since 1985: a couple of weeks of DMSO mixed with aloe vera get & no more red spots. I've battled ME/CFS since 1990. Oral use has helped a lot (increasing gradually from one drop). At 1 tsp, my bowels normalized. At 2 tsp I could start (gently) exercising. I plan to try it for other ailments, too.....

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Anything -- ANYTHING!! -- that threatens Big Pharma is immediately demonized. By now that lesson is old and worn. Yet people continue lining up to take their jabs and other poisons. Go figure.

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Here's where I think they want to be heading...

Notice the hospitals made Drs. & Nurses take the Covid injection to retain their jobs. I noticed how many young Canadian doctors dropped dead afrer taking it... and do many nurses injured and many died... so that tells me they don't care about having medical professionals around. I did hear they would like to replace them with AI medical staff. That is how ultimately sick these freaks are. Another thing... they forced airline pilots to take the jabs and injured so many that they cannot fly any more...many died in flight. They did this on purpose to stop people from traveling and moving around. Their sinister intentions are hive minded compliant people in "smart" cities. Well it is my instinct that we nip it all in the bud and STOP them from any further ability to do this anymore. If "they" love money so much that they murder humans for it...then they need to be taken OUT.

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You're singing my song, Linda!! Ive been saying the same since the days of Clinton.

What gets me is that the vast majority of people seem oblivious to that fact. They actually *believe* that the government and Big Corporations, especially in the banking sector, want to serve them and help them. *NOTHING* could be further from the truth!!! They are out to fleece us for life and then exterminate us.

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Project Omega, led by George Herbert Walker Bush. Clinton was his puppet. https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/project-omega-part-1

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Good stuff!

I cringe every time I hear people speak in terms of "Democrats vs. Republicans" because that is a dead paradigm - a false perspective.

Today, the GLOBALISTS use the paradigm to keep people divided and fighting amongst themselves.

George Bush, a Globalist, is also a "Republican". Obama, a Globalist, is also a "Democrat". They're on the same GLOBALIST team that has ONE goal - to enslave, own and control the ENTIRE planet. Most people haven't a clue.

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My mother uses it in her eyes for MD and cataracts and early stage glaucoma.

Saline soln with 20% DMSO

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— BRILLIANT — !!!!!!!!

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Under notice from Big Pharma: The only medicines that are required for the medical treatment of over 8 billiong people are the ones that don't work. Remember, if they don't work they can't hurt you. Nobody died from COVID!

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