This is the third article that has popped up on Substack in the last ten minutes on the dire effects of the vax...the last two were pulmonary embolism and clots. Doesn’t seem like anyone who took it will get out alive. Not trying to be dramatic but I took two and my stomach is sinking. The clotting can kill you within three years. It’s all coming out now...these doctors were silenced for too long. They need to stop the vax NOW! 

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There was an old man. he was in shape but he kept listening to his son and got jab after jab. The last one was 6-7 weeks ago, it was no. 5. We could see him loosing his life force but no no no he wouldn't listen to us . . . just his son "the nurse".

I just learned 40 minutes ago that he suddenly died on 2 December 2022 - two weeks ago. So technically he died 4 weeks after getting shot no. 5 - the Son the fucking nurse from hell. How come this idiot who worked in a hospital setting didn't see the signs and encouraged his father to get those lethal injections. I don't know. I'm just appalled right now. We saw a healthy man in his 70s go down hill after jab no 3. There was nothing we could say or do - he blindly trusted his son "the killing nurse".

I just had to vent. Much compassion to the wilful ignorant - shame you will carry motherf&ckers.

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I hope & pray we have a society again where Dr McCollough can & will be honored and celebrated.

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Actually dying just before dawn has been with us since at least the middle 1960s; I remember reading as a kid about the mysterious development of "Crib Death" later acronymed as "SIDS" (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The connection to vaccines, just like the (by now utterly undeniable) connection between vaccines and autism, was never made and by the Medical profession and the presstitute media, likely never will. You can learn more in the rare and very expensive "Vaccination: Social Violence and Criminality" by Harris L. Coulter; but also in "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" which elucidates the devastating impact vaccination has had on humanity, and finally and perhaps most important "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Every last paragraph of this book is a horror story, I can only describe it as a Medical "Gulag Archipelago."

As for Dr. McCullough getting a Nobel Prize? At this point he'll be lucky if they only seize his licence and destroy his reputation and finances.

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Dr. Alexander, how do we stop this ? Stop the shots, get help for people who took it? This cannot go on.

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Nobel Prizes are all a scam too

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The following idea is not supposed to be a joke .. could people preventatively interrupt their sleep cycle by setting an alarm to go off at a time before that wakeup cascade normally starts? Would be exhausting surely, but if it can cut off or prevent the catecholamine surge during certain vulnerable periods?

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70% of those young people with MYC will be dead before age 30.

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Dr Alexander, what diagnostic test can you or your team suggest to people to diagnose potential myocarditis due to vaccine or other reason? I imagine we should all get tested. Where and how can/should we order this test? Is there a simple blood test we should ask our doctor to give us or pay out of pocket for? We need options to help treat prior to the death before Dawn.

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Thanks for covering this topic

Has Dr. McCullough seen Walter's ideas at WMC Research? Perhaps you could also mention that and link to one of these in your post.

"Synthesis of My Previous Two Posts: An Explanation for the Recent Adult "SIDS"

Sympathetic Overdrive and Catecolamine Surge During Sleep"





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Just before dawn around 4:50 am I wake up heart pounding, it’s just a mean old hot flash night sweats, but the heart races like a horse race

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Can this happen to unvaccinated people who live with people who are heavily vaccinated? I know someone who died in her sleep who was unvaccinated, but her partner had all of the vaccines and boosters.😭

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Very scary to know young adults who appear healthy may suddenly die. My unvaxxed daughter’s 20 y/o boyfriend has had three mRNA injections. He loves sports.

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God has his way of taking care of his own, even when we make bad choices. First admit a mistake was made, ask forgiveness, and get busy doing what has to be done to heal your body. He will not let you down ❤️🙏🏻

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This is so scary! The scary thing is that it makes a lot of sense. My sister had a miscarriage last January three weeks after her vaccine, she was pregnant in her 40’s already risky, but now she is starting to have severe neurological problems in her feet and arm on the poked side. They are Saying it’s early onset Parkinsons at 43 years old? She already has sleep apnea, I’m terrified I might get a call one morning. I’m so angry at these killers!!!!!!!

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I learned something new today. Thank you for increasing my knowledge. The horrific damage these injections are doing is beyond measure.

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