Hi Paul,

It's my first day back at work at my law-firm today and, to be perfectly honest, I'm not reading the article further than the fucking headline.

My aim for 2023 is to perform triage on all content that has foundations in BS, and to call this article BS would insult the bull's shit.

Over and out.

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If we don't address the Monster in the room, then the covidians will keep pushing fear and psyops.

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I have remained healthy throughout this madness by doing the opposite of everything the CDC recommended. Didn't mask, didn't stay indoors, didn't eat fast food, didn't stop exercising, and, of course, I didn't get the death jab. And I never stopped telling the truth despite the abuse heaped upon me for doing so.

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What's her contact info? It would be great to inform her what we all think. Starting with what the hell the masks are made of that you are breathing....

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I remember when getting published in The New Yorker was an aspiration few could realize.

Now it is a gutter rag.

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I was permenly diabled from harvoni same lies to treat every ine. Wiht hep c even if your liver was fine I got hep from a blood transfusions in the 80 I was fine and they pushed me to treat even with all the side effects I was having I am in a wheel chair lost my site my hearing destroyed all my nerves and muscles Gilead is. The devil so is the government all the way down to Lyme which I had also I have spent the the last 7 years blood tests mri Ct scans spinal taps it destroyed my immune system I have tinnitus s so bad I can’t lift my own head they are all corrupt so is the government I am dying and no one can help me no attorney will go after them there are thousands of us all over the world dying from this harvoni drug watch out for anything that ends in vir they are all a form of chemo and they destroy your innate immune system they have a new hep B shot watch out for that one too the harvoni was a repurposed drug it brings out dormant viruses in your body and I think puts another one in your like the vaccine don’t take the shot I hope they all burn in hell

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NEVER Let Dodos run things. She can take a flying leap off one of those tall NY buildings and use her mask for a parachute.

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Barf is right. It’s all about “feelings,” not facts. I can’t stand these pathetic excuses for humanity. God gave us a brain, now we need to use it.

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Another uninformed jounalist.

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Gee, I wonder why (below). How dumb are China? Looks like they wouldn't take them if they were paid to:

China keeps saying no to US offers of COVID vaccines


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Every propagandist lying screed we take the time to read is wasted time we never get back, and is taking us from saving ourselves and humanity as a whole. Get healthy, eat right, breathe fresh air, and move! Meditate and pray. Your mind and spirit are the most powerful weapons we have against these demons.

It was such a blessing to finally meet you in Person at the Orlando Summit this weekend. God Bless you and your courageous and productive voice. I will keep enlightening about BEMER to empower people to be their own physician first @ https://daria-schooler.bemergroup.com

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Pure sophistry. "The People's CDC"? When did communist sloganeering become mainstream again!?

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I exited the fake pandemic quite a while ago. This lunacy is beyond ignorant.

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Oh, and by the way... those little blue and white masks from china have nano worms in them so it's even worse than giving people bacterial pneumonia from breathing in your germs all day.

We Need to Fight these Tyrants and say "NO!" IF they see people complying, then they will take it to their next step which would be quarantine camps, etc. Spread the word...do NOT comply! Practice in front of the mirror....just say no...n0...No...NO...NO!...NO!!!

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Ignorance has no bounds.

A cult pushing fear porn.

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Dr. Alexander, what's going on internationally with Strep A? Looks like it's continuing to sharply increase in the formerly locked down and gene therapy countries:

Health warning amid rise in strep A deaths in Queensland


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