Incompetence, fraud, lack of ethics, and evil.

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Exactly right.

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"How could Daszak be getting more money to continue work when he and others could be criminally liable for what they did..."

Exactly my thought when I read your headline Paul.

And Boston Uni eh? Where have I seen the name of that university lately, and in what context?

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They don't seem to be concerned about being held to account. All this noise and they feel no heat.

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Well Johnny, you recall that story about the frogs in the pot of cold water?

We're turning the burner on.

Let's see what happens. 😉

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We need to turn the heat up to MAX ASAP. thank goodness for smart, competent, virtuous people like Dr. David Martin. The man is brilliant, just, and compassionate.

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Any word on Dr Martin’s lawsuit in Utah?

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Yes, that makes one wonder, doesn't it?

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It's the central bank money printing combined with Big Pharma monopolies. This is the money tree.

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This is like a bad Vaudeville act.

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Funny, not funny, they have a place you can donate more money to their work at bottom of Ecohealth article. I’d like to donate something, but it’s not money. The reason this is happening is because we are doing nothing to stop it. It’s a trap though. If we get too crazy, they will enforce police states & control everything, “ for our own good.” We need to be calculating & keep spreading the word of corruption. Pray to God- prayer is most valuable thing right now. God has been through this kind of war before & is not flinching. In Jesus’ name, be a spiritual warrior & rebuke Satan everyday. We can win this but WE have to fight smart. Do whatever you can do, where you are, & be a light that people turn to. The CDC recommendation for school kids to get this poison yearly should be a priority. They’re doing that because parents are smarter than they planned. Contact your local gov. reps, your state’s Board of Health, or whoever makes the final decision in this. Let them know it’s unacceptable. I sent ours a copy of the book

“ Pandemia” by Berenson.

Margaret Anna Alice Through the looking glass- Substack - sent a letter to them that would BLOW your mind, or was amazing! It’s so worth finding it and reading it. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you shared it. To save a child? What wouldn’t you do? These people are wanting to kill off a generation or two. We need warriors & we need them now.

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The PlanDemic virus making machine is getting exposed one Biden deal at a time

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Yes, it's so good to see.

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There has to be some serious Congressional Investigation if not a Covid Nuremberg Trial. The historic record demands this. The search for truth demands this. Justice demands this ... but it won't happen.


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The super elites are laughing and saying in your face, we control everything now.

''ONCE THE HERD ACCEPTS MANDATORY VACCINATIONS, IT IS GAME OVER.'' https://www.bitchute.com/video/v9k31jHqbCzL/

"In his national bestseller 'Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional?' (Tetrahedron Press, 1998), Dr. Horowitz documented Kissinger's oversight of the CIA's top secret biological weapons program called "MK:NAOMI." While professing a moratorium on the development of such weapons, urging President Nixon to sign the Geneva Accord outlawing such practices, Kissinger, through his chain of command Ê directed members of the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council to advise U.S. Army officials to develop immune suppressive "synthetic biological agents" descriptively and functionally identical to HIV/AIDS and the Ebola virus."

"How did HIV and Ebola viruses break out of their military-medical labs? Dr. Horowitz posits the following controversial, yet well-documented theory. Through the Merck pharmaceutical company, a major U.S. biological weapons contractor whose president, George W. Merck, directed America's entire biological weapons industry, contaminated chimpanzees were used during the early 1970s to develop the earliest experimental hepatitis B vaccines given to gay men in New York City and Blacks in central Africa. This, according to Dr. Horowitz's published scientific papers, was the precise vaccination that triggered the AIDS pandemic."

Who controls the food supply controls the people,

Who controls the energy can control whole continents,

Who controls the money can control the world ~ Kissinger

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Wow! This was an amazing message in the video you shared. That woman is truly alive with courage, love, & dedication to conquer all messages of fear & propaganda in this world. God bless this brave woman from Slovenia!

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How is this not being voiced by any Republican candidate???

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Because EVERY political candidate that ever stays in the running long enough to vote for, was hand picked and bought by the same dictators that are running the planet and hell bent on exterminating us.

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They know that the people who know about this and care don’t have the power to stop it. I imagine it’s like a mafia continuing to operate in a city while everyone just watches it happen because they can’t do anything about it.

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Too true! We must support the few champions we have that are in possession of the time, money, energy, competence, the will, and the integrity to fight this corruption and evil. Recognize them and encourage them!

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These people are Satan's excrement and he's showing off.

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Daszak does it...because he can.

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Sounds like a prop or distraction to keep the illusion of natural origin going…

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Really, "Predict and Prevent"? More like "Prepare and Orchestrate".

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Where are they getting the money? its pretty tied up right now. Maybe money earmarked for Ukraine? the longer tax payers fund the war in Ukraine run by a corrupt regime the longer its going to run. When are the masses going to wake up and differentiate between what is real and what is the illusion.

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Dear Dr. Paul Alexander -- The sordid truth unfortunately is that the entire enterprise is built on Pharma Intention to Harm: the pharmaceutical industry which drives US government is not a healthcare industry. They use the language of healthcare in outright deceit and with intent to obfuscate. Their true intentions trace back to the Rockefeller buildup of poisons-for-profit, eugenicist intentions, Tavistockian control of humans, and Club of Rome depop agendas: making money while building up whole edifices of scientific and intellectual fraud, deceiving people about viruses which no-one has seen live or dead, and concocting pandemics now for the bringing in of the globalists' fascist despotic agenda for total body and brain control of all humans as well as all else on the planet. They need constant exposure--you are doing a fabulous job thank you! --constant challenge, and complete overturning of their faulty unscientific paradigms. Masses of people awakening to kick them out of power might work!

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