It would be IMPOSSIBLE for the medical community to be unaware of the explosion of disease as a result of covid shots.

They are in willful denial, gaslighting patients in the process.

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Thank you for this summary report of the statistical work Ed Dowd is doing.

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What a terrible corner the medical community has painted itself into. It's caused the gross harm anyone reading the literature knew it was going to cause, yet they can't acknowledge it because they were the ones recommending it.

I'm sure they acknowledge it amongst themselves, but to stay silent when we can all see the damage unfolding like a cluster bomb, just further destroys their already-shaky standing in the eyes of their patients and their communities. They need to admit they were wrong, then come together to try to mitigate the damage. That would go some considerable way to restoring Public confidence. As long as they ignore it and stay silent, no one trusts a hospital or a doctor.

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Pretty doggone horrible. But do you hear it? Crickets. If msm doesn’t report it, it didn’t happen.

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What is founded to be true will be rejected in defense of the most evil.

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Hi Dr. Alexander think it’s about time we Lockem up Lockem all up ;) Ty for sharing this episode information with Ed, Drew & Dr Victory. This is totally UNACCEPTABLE & EVIL.

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“We need the help of the medical community and the regulators to explain what's going on because it's alarming.”

Yes indeed. Terrible failure by the "medical community" (whatever that is - I presume he means the sum of doctors i.e. medical doctors).

It's funny to again hear a financial industry person explaining the concept of "standard deviations" - they seem to think it's some kind of esoteric knowledge they are specially equipped to deal with. lol!

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The death spike will create deflation.

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You don't need standard deviations and z-scores to see that there is an incredibly large spike occurring. Percentage increases are enough.

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German study shows drop in birth rates post poisination.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/sUVTBdY2okBN/ via BitChute

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My sister-in-law’s Dad died after mRNA vaccine caused a huge hematoma (outside of his lung) crushed and required the removal of his lung. He never woke up from surgery. HOW DO WE KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE? The MRI showed No evidence of hematoma 1 month before the vaccine.

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Muscular skeletal up 93%...Is it just me or are more people breaking bones? I wonder if there is any evidence pertaining to emergency operations etc by age groups?

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023

99% of all statistics are fake.

Ed Dowd predicted the collapse of the banking system, the insurance industry and many other Armageddon events.

0% of them have come true.

How's that for statistics?

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Still not a peep in the MSM.

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This was an excellent report, and I am using it in my presentations. But it doesn't include reproductive system, which probably wouldn't be in a PIP. Who has the latest data like this for various Reproductive System impacts? Can anyone discern the impact of the Spike vs the impact of the LNP? Help is requested!

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