I am very surprised that the life insurance companies are not speaking out in unison demanding for all data to be made available as to what is transpiring so they can adjust their actuary tables! Their profitability is going to plummet based on what is transpiring in the last 24 months!

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The human loss here is just tragic, regardless of whether it was due to lockdowns or vaxx mandates. In neither scenario should these deaths have happened. The worldwide assault on human flourishing over the past two years has been over the top-- really not much different than the stress, loss, and suffering of a world war.

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It was the death shots. Wake up people!

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Lockdowns is the current “go to “ excuse ,sorry justification ,for all sorts of problems

I cannot see this facade being sustained for long but the longer it goes on the worse it gets.

With the virtually untested Moderna twin spike vax now being rolled out in the UK I expect the casualty rate to climb still further.

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At some point, the survival of these LI companies may depend on them suing big pharma.

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I have Ed’s book on pre-order!

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One thing that has never quite made any sense to me is - if we assume the thesis of the death shot as being indeed correct - then the total of the insurance policy payouts will be in the hundreds of billions of USD and that's just in the US.

So why would it make any financial sense to wipe people out if the thesis is wholesale extermination?

This is a proper anomaly for me.

Anyone care to explain it in logical and practical monetary terms without any reference to hackneyed expressions like Schwab or great reset or mass depopulation or mass formation?

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To get to the bottom of this all that is needed are the names and particulars of the dead. If the majority of the increased dead died from any of the plethora of adverse events then the causality is largely confirmed, wiggle as these corporations might after their backroom deals to cover losses for insurers by bad medicine pharma.

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anyone know how to track down comparable Canadian figures?

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My first thought is to imagine that their losses will be covered behind the curtain. After all, this would have been predicted and secondly, the insurance companies will have by now started making significant increases in new and current policy rates.

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In all honesty, it’s probably both. An analysis of the listed causes of death should clear that up.

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The next elections will define how this goes. I fear it is going to be " Stacy Abrahams" ugly nation wide and mass riots to follow.

Hope i am very wrong.

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Thank you for posting! I always see him linked everywhere and somehow manage to never hear/see him speak.

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