Yes, HRC did indeed say, "If Trump wins, we all hang." Millions of us, including myself, waited with great anticipation for the much-deserved hangings. Trump won and ......... (drum roll) ..... the hangings never happened!! Not only did HRC not hang, she wasn't even locked up, as Trump had promised thousands of times ("Lock her up!!"). I knew right then that we were in trouble. Then we watched Trump sit in the Big Chair for 4 years without A SINGLE Fat Rat criminal hanging - not in Washington, not in Wall Street, not in the banking sector. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those criminals got away scot-free despite a mile-high list of serious crimes. Fool me once: enjoy it, coz ya ain't gettin' me a 2nd time!

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Your perception of Trump as a dictator is way off base. He also never said Hillary would be hanged, and in any case, as you should be more than aware by now, crimes require investigation, prosecution and conviction before there can be any punishment. Thank traitors like Mitch McConnell, Bill Barr, Jess Sessions, et al, and a DOJ already seeded with treacherous leftist out to subvert Trump, with every breath. I don't know who think is going to better execute the office, than Trump, but clearly, you have not been paying even minimal attention.

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The Democrat party, all the way down, is a criminal money-laundering organization disguised as a political party...and has been since the early 1800’s

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Tori: I sense yet another blind Trump fanatic. "Trump can do no wrong ... Trump never did wrong ... No matter what the evidence, Trump is the man!!" Yes, Barr, Sessions, McConnell and many others are filthy traitors, but Trump did nothing about it! For example, had I been POTUS, and Sessions said to me that he was recusing himself from going after the Clintons, I would have told him, "Either retract or have your letter of resignation on my desk within the hour. Is that clear, Mr. Sessions?" Trump did NOTHING! **WHY**??? You go on and defend your idol - Trump is no good, period!

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Paul, the section of the 14th omits challenging the President. Just read it and note 'President' NOT named. Entire section was aimed at Confederate pols not being allowed back into DC, only the individuals that rebelled. Simply Not applicable. The ONLY way to drop a seated President is through impeachment. Trump was NOT convicted. No conviction and no 14th. CO will pay the price for abuse of authority under color of law with substantial penalties.

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Just watched Dinesh D'Souza's "Police State". Recommend every American see this film. There's a lot in the film that explains the criminality of the Democrat deep state and why they're doing everything possible to make sure Trump isn't President again. It even appears that little children are being trafficked with the open border and that our government is complicit. See when a case worker objected to what was happening to children and how they got rid of her fast.

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Hillary is still not in prison.

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Still, the majority of citizens do not realize they have been imprisoned by government, banking and big tech. It is not about Trump. It's about depopulation, mass control, murder and slavery. Trump isn't going to make much difference nor is any other politician. It's the entire DC Swamp that is flawed beyond repair.

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It’s all gonna backfire on them and is only helping increasing and consolidating the base--people are getting real pissed off the black community is sure to dump their locals as well as Biden--should be interesting

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