Read where Musk removed the Tweet. Something is fishy with this Pelosi story; with the overkill of security in the Pelosis’ neighborhood, not to mention their house, how on earth would a nut like this get inside without help?

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I agree, Paul and a lot of people do as well. We don't care what consenting adults do in their private life. It blew up in the media and internet when the Democrats tried to tie the attacker to January 6 and MAGA. They'd have been better to stay silent.

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What about security risks since he is close to high office? Isn’t HE MARRIED??? Things sure have changed???

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Yes he’s married. But not to me…

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A lot of odd stuff in the Pelosi story, many glaring omissions. The police and the press are obviously hiding things, something they don't want to get out because he's Mr. Nancy Pelosi. Let's just put it this way: It was in San Francisco. It was 2 a.m. There was probably some consent involved in the whole situation, and then at some point perhaps it went bad (possibly because the "intruder" was a known nut job). But perhaps the security was disabled for a time to accommodate a secret invited "guest". However, it wasn't real smart to bring home that kind of visitor. I remember with his drunk car crash in Napa a couple of months ago, there was an initial report that someone was in the car with him, but it wasn't ever revealed who it was and then that aspect of the story got cleaned up and it disappeared. Pauley Pelosi might be leading a secret double life. Nancy probably knows all about it.

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The part that got me was when the police said they saw the assailant hit Pelosi with the hammer. Why would they not shoot him?

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Good question. Something is very fishy with all of this.

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I love the fact that a Twitter troll now owns Twitter.

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Appears that the speaker and spouse are both alcoholics. This, and his drunken car accident, says volumes about the character of this family, being third in line and all. The facts do not line up here which serves to remind how lies are so integral to this “class”; we will never get a straight story about anything out of them. These are ill people who need removal from powerful positions. In that sense relevant.

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Since Turkey is already implementing digital currency, and Germany close to doing so too, are not those the most serious issues that need to be addressed???

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If it gets people to pay attention to real news and information about the vaxx damage genocide, then it's good. People are easily distracted and misled from everything about the vaxx to China's persecution of Falun Gong, Christians and now everyone in their locked down country! Wake them up! (faluninfo.net, you won't believe what's been happening in China since 1999)

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I know exactly what’s been going on. And yet, the “USA” has been given away. WHY DO WE GET ANYTHING FROM THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY????

Everything I own has MADE IN CHINA on it. I cherish every item I have that says MADE IN THE USA. How far we have fallen...

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You must collect antiques, too. 😏

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Omg…I have 3 storage units. I’ve been paying for YEARS to store that “crap”!

I LOVE antiques!

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022

OMG! Is right! I've got 3 storage units, too! --- We have a problem!

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You’re my “brotha from anotha motha”-LOL!

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I’ll say the quiet part aloud. I truly don’t give a rat’s ass about Paul Pelosi’s well being. He didn’t care about his brother or the person/ people he injured in his recent drunk driving collision.

Furthermore, I’m beginning to wonder whether he was seriously injured, given there are no details and the supposed hammer weirder has been ushered away and will likely be coerced into confessing to whatever he is told.

Nothing about this rings true. The timing is too “ coincidental”, the guy is a known entity and lived in a bus plastered with BLM, LGBT Pride, Say no to hate placards. He wove hemp bracelets, he was an avid nudist, liberal and if he is drugged and disturbed, could easily be manipulated. Essentially, set up. If Pelosi was seriously injured, chances are it wasn’t part of a plan. Did Pelosi set him up to be attacked and did he unexpectedly wrest the hammer from DePape and strike defensively? There was definitely a third person. Was said person part of the set up? How did DePape get to Pelosi’s residence? Supposedly armed with hammers, zip ties, duct tape and whatever other bullshit added to the list? Where was Pelosi’s security detail? Why wasn’t an alarm triggered when DePape supposed broke the window? If it was 2:30 am and Pelosi was upstairs sleeping, wouldn’t an alarm have been set?

Why was Pelosi’s phone in the bathroom? Why would the “ crazed attacker” allow him to go to the bathroom unescorted? How did “ Where’s Nancy” become “ I’m going to break her kneecaps”? How absurd does that sound? When did he become a Nazi Holocaust denier and White Supremacist? On October 28th on a website with no activity until October 28 and can’t be traced back to a provider?How FBI set up does this seem given its so frequently employed?

If he distrusted the vax, how did Trump play into it unless he was targeting Trump who continues boasting of his miracle vaccine? If he is a believer in a shadow government, he’s held that belief for twenty plus years and it has been a largely held belief left and right for a very long time. Truman, Kennedy, Welch, Goldwaterr. Moynihan , Scoop Jackson, Glenn Greenwald, Pat Leahy, Liz Warren, Rod Serling, Chris Carter, Sean Penn, Oliver Stone, Malcolm X , Bill Ayres, Bernadine Dorn all support the same theory and in the case of many have been correct. What about disappearing whistleblowers ? “ Suicides”, victims of “ auto accidents”, “ plane crashes”, fatal “ robberies”,sudden “ fatal illnesses”, poisonings, “ falling down a flight of stairs”?

A few notables- Seth Rich, Philip Haney, Gen “ Ace” Lyons, Jeffrey Epstein, Whitey Bulger,Cary Mullis, Luc Montagnier, Shinzo Abe, four Capitol Police mysterious deaths immediately following Jan 6 including Brian Sicknick’s “ massive strokes” and 3 “ suicides”, Dr. Bruce Ivins “ suicide” after pinning him as the “ Anthrax Killer”,Peter Pete, the alarm ringer re: our insufficient grid prone to massive EMT attacks and the dangers of 5-G EMT damage? Andrew Breitbart dropping dead of a heart attack the day following his promise of a “ major announcement”? He was 42 years old. Jim Clancy, the disappearance of the CBS journalist?

The Tuskgeegee Experiment, Manhattan Project, MK-Ultra,

And of course, Hollywood. The X-Files, Millenium, Bioys From Brazil, Coma, The Terminal Man, The Candidate, JFK, The Manchurian Candidate, Twilght Zone, WHO Is Julia, AI, Minority Report,The Matrix, Network, China Syndrome, Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, Soylent Green, 1984,The Island Of Dr. Moreau, Eye Of The Needle, The Man Who Knew Too Much, V for Vendetta, Syriana, The Constant Gardener,Wag The Dog, Seven Days In May, Conspiracy, The Parallax View, Bourne Identity,Enemy Of The State, Capricorn One,Limitless, Area 51…

So this is all “ Right Wing”?

And who is the most vocal of Conspiracy Theorists? Hillary Clinton. Alex Jones Jesse Ventura and G. Gordon Liddy have nothing on Hillary. She not only constantly expresses paranoid theories, but is guilty of creating the actual conspiracies

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I was not there, but I have a few questions.

1.  Why  was the security system not on to alert Paul in his upstairs bedroom? Or was it on the first floor?

2.  If Paul was accosted in his bedroom and then went into the bathroom to call 911 why did he not lock the door?

3. Did Paul run downstairs chased by the intruder and wind up in the foyer and then miraculously someone open the front door to let the policemen in and at the same time they witnessed the carnage?

4. How did the intruder know where Pelosi lived?

5. Why was there no police on patrol for the family of the 3rd most powerful politician in the world?

Food for thought.

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A doctor in the C19D group other day posted link to a video and it showed where there was shattered glass on the outside of the french door windows...(like a "break out" rather than a break in) and both the guy and Paul Pelosi were said to be in their underwear.

I heard that Paul Pelosi goes to the gay bars in San Francisco ....so apparently he brings them home. That witch Nancy is trying to frame Trump supporters saying they were after her...typical drunken lies , but it isnt3 going to fly. Everyone already knows that this isn't adding up...you know...the fake news narrative and REALITY.

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It is a distraction from more important things happening, like the SEC Bill for one. Add the Energy Espionage and the Central Banks in EU going Digital Nov. 21 -both simultaneously and see the yada propaganda orchestrated for misdirection alone on all this. Trying to tie in parties from a case not even evidenced properly and you have to se it is about Qui Bono.

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No we don't have "more serious matters" to pursue just because of the scamdemic.


ESPECIALLY when we are living under the endless nihilistic unto genocidal lies, fabrications, manipulations, propaganda, gaslighting and predatory abuse by coordinated despotic aspiring totalitarians bent on destroying our liberties (and, for many people, their lives.)

The San Francisco Bay Area (which includes Big Tech / Silicon Valley) is one of the largest and most significant nodes in this entire global network of sinister game play by a power-hungry, self-enriching international oligarchy. They also long ago pioneered here in California most of the election fraud / voter fraud techniques you saw in 2020 in the Federal election. Out here we are the Canary in the Coal Mine for the rest of the nation. You laugh about, ridicule and/or ignore what happens here at your peril.

Even the police are all in lying and gaslighting about the Paul Pelosi story. If you think letting the MSM, Social Media, local/state/federal politicians & bureaucrats, police, FBI, DOJ, et al get away with this means the behavior of the multi-billionaires and political elite will improve, guess again. You ignore this latest fraud, cover-up and protection racket at your peril.

TRUTH matters.


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So the local police are bought and paid for? If true, then I think that's the story, which could help temper "Americans'" fetish with "supporting the blue." After all, the "men and women in blue" helped to enforce the "COV!D" crime by following orders...

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Is Elon part of the psyop to distract us from the REAL issues?

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Namaste; The Second Smartest Guy has several stacks about this exact thing.

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Maybe I should have “third smartest gal” Substack 😋

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He posted it as conjecture, but the evidence doesn’t support the current narrative.

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It matters insofar as it's an obvious attempt by the tail to wag the dog.

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