Elon Musk: now you know I am not sold on Musk & his Twitter continues to be garbage yet from time to time Musk steps up, here is one: 'Elon Musk Asks Of Jordan Neely Protesters: "Why Didn't They
Protest The Children Murdered At The Christian School?"' BOOM Elon, I would give you a prize but cannot afford a space ship; BIG stones ELON, I give huge props for this calling them “disingenuous,”
Why? Because they are. These deranged insane people protesting are the ones with TDR and don’t mind you placing a vacuum cleaner into the womb and chopping up a living baby so thay can ‘get their abortion so their rights are upheld to do with their body as they please yet will murder an unborn child easily’, these are the same morons who will gather on a beach to throw water on a beached whale yet kill a baby in utero and watch a starving man on the sidewalk…see I agree Elon, and big praise.
Yes why didn't they? Im going off script here for a minute, I saw Tucker do a video saying he's going to do a new show on Twitter on the X everything app, I think that's a horrible idea. That app is a social credit score steal our data and enslave us app, why would Tucker want to get involved with that?
so I did just the other renew my Twitter account under a new name (old handle).. just so i could see Elon Musk and Steve Hilton and some other news. I had no idea that Tucker would show up today.. and Twitter is a lot of work,, can be.. it is worth it.. :) and yes.. I posted on the Christian children on FB.. but it makes a difference .. when Elon posts it because he has a huge following: it matters to me as a Christian and a scientist.. :)