Disturbing read. Shows just how brave Laura Ingraham has been to speak out against the shots. Not total condemnation but overall convincing denigration with guests who tell it like it is.

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She was negative on the whole thing from the start and always booked experts to back her theory up. She showed courage.

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How about good old NPR?? Had to stop listening to them b/c I couldn’t handle the nauseating amount of Vx propaganda they were shilling.

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you the tax payer paid to be lied to, are you mad?

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So, what's so different about them lying about this, than them lying about every other damn thing?

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this sort of proof helps get more people on board the WTF train

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If true about Fox, then how come they allowed Tucker and Ingraham to trash the “vaccine” policy, having people like Malone and McCullough on air?

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Tucker & Ingraham's ratings, plus they can't hide the truth anymore thanks to the courageous Dr's, Alexander, Malone, Mcullough , Cole, Kory, and everyone who has presented at Covid summits across the country. Plus the 17,000 Dr's who have signed on to the Unity project. The narrative is crumbling, people are awake and have suffered because of the vaccines. I recall Sean Hannity advocating for the vaccine. I wanted to vomit!

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To Hannity, Trump can do no wrong.

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Did you notice there were zero big pharma commercials on their shows while the rest of Fox, like the rest of the msm, had at least 75% of the total commercials being big pharma commercials? But not a single one on Tucker or Ingram? There we got told to buy pillows and take veggie supplements?

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People must know what damages have been caused by these poisons. 3veryone now knows people injured or dead post vaxx. It is a reality, no media company no Brandon can hide!

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Smelled the rat at Fox election night. Only watch Tucker when available online. Watch Bannon’s War Room. It’s the real deal.

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Mar 5, 2022·edited Mar 5, 2022

Liars-Fox, Newsmax. Stopped watching both a long time ago. Didn't know they were that corrupt though. Shameful.

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This was evident simply by making the mistake of turning the tv on anytime in 2021……

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They all deserve to be tried, and, if found guilty, HUNG.

Nuremberg 2.0

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Thanks for alerting us to Chris Pandolfo's article Paul, very useful...

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The “Uniparty” is working against us. Depressing to say the least- but we have to keep fighting. We have the truth on our side.

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Fox and Newsmax are just covert propaganda machines aimed at the red pilled.. Unvaxxed Newsmax employees were not allowed to attend their Christmas party. That spoke to who they are. Recently they have aired a couple Frontline Dr's sharing the truth and I feel its because they have uncovered the truth that's now out in the open and these 2 networks are in need of damage control to try to hold onto their audience.

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This is not a shock I don’t care for the news media at all anymore. The doctors they would put on the local station from the Cleveland Clinic stating total bs made me turn it off! Sadly conservative news did the same. Follow the $$! This has been about $ all along.

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Thankfully there were millions of us across the globe that found something wrong with the bs!

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So what will happen because of this? NOTHING

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And to top it off, virusesarenotcontagious.com —check it out and learn what we have been lied to about for a very long time, Germ Theory, keeping folks in $ickne$$ and di$eas$e as guinea pigs/lab rats in the Big Pharma/Medical Cartels, and be uplifted that we are wonderfully created (with our own viruses, not-compatible with others’ DNA/RNA, therefore not contagious, to help our bodies detoxify) and fear no more! 😊 ❤️

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