are part of the XBB group of Omicron variant but JN.1 is surging in Europe; as before, sub-optimal non-sterilizing COVID mRNA shot with its selective pressure drives non-lethal, infectious variants
It appears to have many other beneficial effects, such as helping with glyphosate-induced oxidative stress (maybe linked with its ability to boost production of glutathione):
Thanks Karl. I used to take it, but was a little skeptical since it's made in a lab. I aim for foods that boost glutothione, like spinach, garlic, onion, broccoli, and my favorite- beets and borscht soup.
Thanks for asking Karl - you know, I've heard really good things from guys like Jack Kruse, who has used it on his patients to recover from brain surgery. Medical grade is the best, but hard to get. I would definitely try it out. Why do you ask? What condition are you trying to address?
So the morons selling and pushing these “Death Jabs” knew damn well never to inject during an outbreak! Yet they choose to do this for what reason? To kill, to maim? Yes and yes!
Additionally they:
1. Injected poison into millions upon millions!
2. They knew damn well injecting this poison would kill and maim people!
Isn’t this the same as someone shooting someone over and over and over or killing a person by stabbing them over and over and over? In my mind, it’s worse! Not only is this premeditated killing behavior, but a never ending premeditated killing, in the ugliest sense! These murderers don’t deserve justice, they deserve the same thing unsuspecting victims got, “NO CHOICE”! This was never about healthcare or slowing the spread or anything remotely close to protecting people! No, not at all, this was pure and deliberate murder! Which they continue to perpetuate and perpetrate! Even though the uptake has fallen off the cliff, there’s still people getting JABBED! Humane treatment would be far too human for the 33 or more horsemen’s punishment! They need to be dealt with as inhumane as they have treated the world population! “ZEROdotZERO”sympathy for those who intentionally and knowingly killed and maimed people! Ruined lives and destroyed families! Why should they be treated any differently? I’m a God loving person and I have reached to the deepest parts of my heart and soul trying to justify my anger and hate towards these murderers! It has become exhausting and extremely frustrating writing such hatefulness about what these “SATANIC” people have done! There’s a fine line between anger and hate. Sadly for me, I’ve crossed the line! I know it shows in my words and my thoughts about what should be done to justify their punishment’s! In my heart and soul, I pray for forgiveness, for I am not the judge, jury and executioner! None of us are. None of us ever will be! May God bless America and the entire world!
Paul, please stop doing Public relations work for the death cult. There is no variants, no virus, zero.
The scam has to stop, your talking about computer generated sequences, that are only that, do not exist as isolated purified things, is adding fuel to a fire that is started by the death cult. and is intended for our destruction through fear and control. Leading to the voluntary genocidal action of accepting a death jab into your body thinking there is a boogey man virus coming to get you.
Obviously, Paul does not yet believe the doctors Bailey in that they say viruses do not exist, hence these variations, how are they described if not as viruses? If viruses don't exist, why to do many scientists keep using the term "virus"? What am I missing here?
More like the BS.24.7 variant.
The best thing we can do is build melanin in our skin, which can help rid us of the heavy metals in these shots:
Thanks - NAC is also supposed to chelate heavy metals.
Yes - can't go wrong with that one...supporting the liver is a sound strategy. Are you currently taking it?
Yeah, first started taking a couple of years ago due to the famous paper showing it ameliorated cell damage caused by spike:
It appears to have many other beneficial effects, such as helping with glyphosate-induced oxidative stress (maybe linked with its ability to boost production of glutathione):
Thanks Karl. I used to take it, but was a little skeptical since it's made in a lab. I aim for foods that boost glutothione, like spinach, garlic, onion, broccoli, and my favorite- beets and borscht soup.
Yes, it's tricky. What about methylene blue, what do you think to that?
Thanks for asking Karl - you know, I've heard really good things from guys like Jack Kruse, who has used it on his patients to recover from brain surgery. Medical grade is the best, but hard to get. I would definitely try it out. Why do you ask? What condition are you trying to address?
Give us a break!
Unscramble " omicron" = moronic
" delta omicron" = media control
Please check your memos from 2 1/2 years ago.
So the morons selling and pushing these “Death Jabs” knew damn well never to inject during an outbreak! Yet they choose to do this for what reason? To kill, to maim? Yes and yes!
Additionally they:
1. Injected poison into millions upon millions!
2. They knew damn well injecting this poison would kill and maim people!
Isn’t this the same as someone shooting someone over and over and over or killing a person by stabbing them over and over and over? In my mind, it’s worse! Not only is this premeditated killing behavior, but a never ending premeditated killing, in the ugliest sense! These murderers don’t deserve justice, they deserve the same thing unsuspecting victims got, “NO CHOICE”! This was never about healthcare or slowing the spread or anything remotely close to protecting people! No, not at all, this was pure and deliberate murder! Which they continue to perpetuate and perpetrate! Even though the uptake has fallen off the cliff, there’s still people getting JABBED! Humane treatment would be far too human for the 33 or more horsemen’s punishment! They need to be dealt with as inhumane as they have treated the world population! “ZEROdotZERO”sympathy for those who intentionally and knowingly killed and maimed people! Ruined lives and destroyed families! Why should they be treated any differently? I’m a God loving person and I have reached to the deepest parts of my heart and soul trying to justify my anger and hate towards these murderers! It has become exhausting and extremely frustrating writing such hatefulness about what these “SATANIC” people have done! There’s a fine line between anger and hate. Sadly for me, I’ve crossed the line! I know it shows in my words and my thoughts about what should be done to justify their punishment’s! In my heart and soul, I pray for forgiveness, for I am not the judge, jury and executioner! None of us are. None of us ever will be! May God bless America and the entire world!
So what? Don’t buy into this fear/nonsense!
sub variant of WHAT? you like to talk much.. but you don't listen at all,
thankfully your audience isn't stupid
Paul, please stop doing Public relations work for the death cult. There is no variants, no virus, zero.
The scam has to stop, your talking about computer generated sequences, that are only that, do not exist as isolated purified things, is adding fuel to a fire that is started by the death cult. and is intended for our destruction through fear and control. Leading to the voluntary genocidal action of accepting a death jab into your body thinking there is a boogey man virus coming to get you.
It is a grand scam Paul.
Obviously, Paul does not yet believe the doctors Bailey in that they say viruses do not exist, hence these variations, how are they described if not as viruses? If viruses don't exist, why to do many scientists keep using the term "virus"? What am I missing here?
This is total bullshit.
You can’t have a variant of something that has never been proven to exist
This author should apologize for spreading propaganda and lies
tone deaf on the subject