Emily, NO, not this one! Punishment is needed, I am all for forgiveness NORMALLY, but not here. They were not just inept & corrupt, they were malfeasant. Many have to pay. In proper legal settings.
"Hi, my name's -------, and I acted like a total asshole during the Covid BS. I supported the authoritarian government, and was all too happy with the power that government gave me to subject any 'non-compliers' to brutal abuse, and punishment. Now it turns out it was all just one big mistake. Who could have known? So, let's all just forgive and forget."
Well, ------, and all the other ------s out there, you've got to be bloody kidding!
You for sure don't stand alone. With God on our side (which is easy to see), we will be victorious. The judgment on Los Angeles is well-deserved, and the industry is the pit of hell on earth. We are living in the Last Days, and evil is becoming blatantly visible. There is a clear line between Good and Evil. America needs a revival like it never had before. The new BABYLON is falling, is falling! The election of TRUMP may have given us a little time to turn this shop around. Pray, this is a two-tier war on earth and in the spirit realm, but Jesus wins. However, the Signs look ominous for America.
well , they sure DID! they hung the FLUNKIES ( doctors, nurses following orders). The brains behind the murder were brought to the USA under OPERATION PAPERCLIP to start and run all our government agencies! look it up
I did some research on Nuremberg. On 02 June 1948 at Landsburg Prison the convicted and sentenced to death group from the Doctor's Trial met their end with barely any notice. The film is grainy B&W. The record needs to be much more graphic. It won't stop attempts. It will show the way and the end result for those who can think through the next attempt in an approximate 80 year cycle.
["Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10", Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.]
We did know. I knew , and I am just an average person. I did my research in the beginning. I did not listen to all the “experts“ on TV. With an issue as momentous as this, why would you not look into all sides of the issue?
Just wrote a post about exactly this. We knew enough to make the right decisions since the beginning. And it wouldn't matter if we didn't. TotalItalian methods lead to totalitarian outcomes
Exactly. No need for Nuremberg Trial II. They happily identified themselves with their Tweets, their "mandates", their TV appeaances, their school closures, their contact tracing, et al. They were proud to order us around. Their words led to actions. Their identities are on Attila's List.
I knew too and I’m no immunologist. Your gut could tell you. And I’m not a fan of experimental medicine unless you’re deaths door desperate. And you can’t rush studies. And natural immunity is best. And thank God if you searched at all people like Michael Yeadon were giving warnings with no motivation unlike the stupendous money trail the prevailing narrative could claim. (Other motivations exist i admit!)
Same here, and I tried to warn many, but few listened. Vitamin D3 alone would have saved millions of lives. With high levels of VD3 in their blood serum, people were nearly 100% protected from death from Covid. Of course, the international metastudy was ridiculed by the BigPhama-owned "prestigious" Medical Journals. That was in early 2020! I used the CDC charts and saw that the major causes of death were down every month, from 2 K to 6000 per month, for the number of causes alone. EVIL, pure EVIL. That wasn't the only study; many more showed the benefits of Vitamin D3. I take 5000iu per day, K2 and C, etc. I had Covid 1 or 2 times. I felt lethargic and lost my sense of smell the first time; that is when I realized I had it. At 72, I still went to work every day.
The whole situation is a gigantic mess. People are just pretending like nothings unusual is happening in my circle of friends too. Just lots of mysterious cases of SADS. I hope there will justice for those who have suffered but I realize that it would probably destroy society if the truth ever fully comes to light. Half the world has been victimized. But, I still hope that there will be some sort of reckoning.
Have you seen the worm-like structures taken out of corpses and some live people as well? There's plenty of evidence out there. "Malfeasance" is a soft word for MURDER to one degree or another.
At the end of every science article related to COVID, especially, you read this "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation."
Chan Zuckerber is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and obviously tied to Facebook which is not a medical authority.
This organization is also funding vaccine projects......We also received $46,369 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in this quarter. SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Main trials concerning our Canadian rights have been denied, just shoveled off the judge's desk. That's it. it's not "flavor of the day" anymore. Any other trial putting Troodo into jeopardy, lamestream media just doesn't talk about.
The bloody gall! When the unvaxed needed some understanding and plain human decency, they just poured on more vitriol. Now these maniacs want us to let bygones be bygones. Never! There must be accountability because not only was it morally and ethically wrong, it was also illegal. They'll just do it again the next time unless we make THIS time something they'll fear in future.
Justice will be our way of forgiving them........we have to stand up, stand firm for us and all those that can't or won't and ones that have lost the opportunity to do so....humanity depends on us to get accountability or we will be lost just like the others.....only people we have to forgive is ourselves and then we seek justice.....
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Emily is a scared brainwashed fool. Not sure there's any hope for her. The authorities need to be held accountable for the damage they did and continue to do. That's not being hateful, that's being just and hopefully making sure it doesn't happen again
The author hasn’t leaned a thing. She says near the end that politicians will need to consider school mandates to get vaccination levels up as many kids are not up on their children’s immunization schedule. These libs are incredibly obtuse. She wants forgiveness in one breath and in the other says she’d do it all over again.
Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes.
“ Forgive”? Is she kidding? How about owning it, begging forgiving ness and joining forces to haul every player involved before The Hague??
It is long overdue to abolish the CIA,FBI,FISA, Patriot Act, the UN, shut down half of the government agencies, audit all of them, engage in massive purge of every facet of government , remove qualified immunity, every perk, enact term limits on political office holders, SCOTUS , bureaucrats, military heads , and a mandatory retirement age. , ban NGOs, Unions from any government agency, tax non-profit orgs from campaign donations, no foreign lobbying and full disclosure of funding. ban trading within any office of government and every penny paid back with additional punitive damages and expulsion from office,.
No freakin' way in hell is that going to happen. A true accounting needs doing.
Now that these reprobates are seeing the writing on the wall they're all jumping ship and scrambling around trying to say stuff like, 'We didn't know!'.
"Hi, my name's -------, and I acted like a total asshole during the Covid BS. I supported the authoritarian government, and was all too happy with the power that government gave me to subject any 'non-compliers' to brutal abuse, and punishment. Now it turns out it was all just one big mistake. Who could have known? So, let's all just forgive and forget."
Well, ------, and all the other ------s out there, you've got to be bloody kidding!
Well said!
Bloody kidding... and bloody dead!
You for sure don't stand alone. With God on our side (which is easy to see), we will be victorious. The judgment on Los Angeles is well-deserved, and the industry is the pit of hell on earth. We are living in the Last Days, and evil is becoming blatantly visible. There is a clear line between Good and Evil. America needs a revival like it never had before. The new BABYLON is falling, is falling! The election of TRUMP may have given us a little time to turn this shop around. Pray, this is a two-tier war on earth and in the spirit realm, but Jesus wins. However, the Signs look ominous for America.
I remember how they just forgave and forgot at Nuremberg... Oh wait...
Uhh EXACTLY. People are still suffering 😡🤬
well , they sure DID! they hung the FLUNKIES ( doctors, nurses following orders). The brains behind the murder were brought to the USA under OPERATION PAPERCLIP to start and run all our government agencies! look it up
imo not very many go the step deeper. I think the term 'rat lines' is proper.
I did some research on Nuremberg. On 02 June 1948 at Landsburg Prison the convicted and sentenced to death group from the Doctor's Trial met their end with barely any notice. The film is grainy B&W. The record needs to be much more graphic. It won't stop attempts. It will show the way and the end result for those who can think through the next attempt in an approximate 80 year cycle.
If you can provide the link, I would appreciate it. Thanks
try roaming around here:
["Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council Law No. 10", Vol. 2, pp. 181-182. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949.]
They let many go scott-free! It can't happen again.
We did know. I knew , and I am just an average person. I did my research in the beginning. I did not listen to all the “experts“ on TV. With an issue as momentous as this, why would you not look into all sides of the issue?
Just wrote a post about exactly this. We knew enough to make the right decisions since the beginning. And it wouldn't matter if we didn't. TotalItalian methods lead to totalitarian outcomes
And requires an appropriate totalitarian reply...
Exactly. No need for Nuremberg Trial II. They happily identified themselves with their Tweets, their "mandates", their TV appeaances, their school closures, their contact tracing, et al. They were proud to order us around. Their words led to actions. Their identities are on Attila's List.
I knew too and I’m no immunologist. Your gut could tell you. And I’m not a fan of experimental medicine unless you’re deaths door desperate. And you can’t rush studies. And natural immunity is best. And thank God if you searched at all people like Michael Yeadon were giving warnings with no motivation unlike the stupendous money trail the prevailing narrative could claim. (Other motivations exist i admit!)
Same here, and I tried to warn many, but few listened. Vitamin D3 alone would have saved millions of lives. With high levels of VD3 in their blood serum, people were nearly 100% protected from death from Covid. Of course, the international metastudy was ridiculed by the BigPhama-owned "prestigious" Medical Journals. That was in early 2020! I used the CDC charts and saw that the major causes of death were down every month, from 2 K to 6000 per month, for the number of causes alone. EVIL, pure EVIL. That wasn't the only study; many more showed the benefits of Vitamin D3. I take 5000iu per day, K2 and C, etc. I had Covid 1 or 2 times. I felt lethargic and lost my sense of smell the first time; that is when I realized I had it. At 72, I still went to work every day.
Many people have died and suffered great harm. Jail time and compensation to the victims need to be carried out.
there would have to be proper autopsies ie admission of malfeasance- and unfortunately people are still dying with " no known cause" in my circle.
The whole situation is a gigantic mess. People are just pretending like nothings unusual is happening in my circle of friends too. Just lots of mysterious cases of SADS. I hope there will justice for those who have suffered but I realize that it would probably destroy society if the truth ever fully comes to light. Half the world has been victimized. But, I still hope that there will be some sort of reckoning.
God will serve justice!!!
Have you seen the worm-like structures taken out of corpses and some live people as well? There's plenty of evidence out there. "Malfeasance" is a soft word for MURDER to one degree or another.
Sorry, Brandy, there will be no funds wasted on jailing them. Madame La Guillotine is more efficient.
Emily have another booster and we can talk.
Right on!
At the end of every science article related to COVID, especially, you read this "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation."
Chan Zuckerber is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and obviously tied to Facebook which is not a medical authority.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is connected to the J&J vaccine...conflict of interest?? https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/coll...
This organization is also funding vaccine projects......We also received $46,369 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in this quarter. SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Thanks for drawing our attention to this salient fact.
"chan fuckerberg"...🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
when do the snipers come out? can't wait
Ready! Aim! Fire!
That’s what I keep wondering re Trudo … there must be somebody who can …
Main trials concerning our Canadian rights have been denied, just shoveled off the judge's desk. That's it. it's not "flavor of the day" anymore. Any other trial putting Troodo into jeopardy, lamestream media just doesn't talk about.
The bloody gall! When the unvaxed needed some understanding and plain human decency, they just poured on more vitriol. Now these maniacs want us to let bygones be bygones. Never! There must be accountability because not only was it morally and ethically wrong, it was also illegal. They'll just do it again the next time unless we make THIS time something they'll fear in future.
Ditto. ⬆️
There will bee no future for them.
Justice will be our way of forgiving them........we have to stand up, stand firm for us and all those that can't or won't and ones that have lost the opportunity to do so....humanity depends on us to get accountability or we will be lost just like the others.....only people we have to forgive is ourselves and then we seek justice.....
Amen to that
JAIL TIME for corrupt evil emily
Evil Emily will serve a few days in jail so she has time to contemplate her imminent execution.
Ya. I'm going to take a hard pass Emily-
Take your kumbaya and stick it. You and your demons can go straight to hell. I don't negotiate with the devil
I second that!
You are new BFF.
Sadly, these last 2 hours at most, but for now I'd punt you on back..
Molon labe?
Greek, Come and take them.
Damn! MSU Spartans!!!
There are many.
We are warriors.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12
Emily is a scared brainwashed fool. Not sure there's any hope for her. The authorities need to be held accountable for the damage they did and continue to do. That's not being hateful, that's being just and hopefully making sure it doesn't happen again
Exactly...this is about never letting this happen again!!!
A thought: while your sins are forgiven that in no way voids the inevitable consequences of said sins.
God gladly forgives us our sins but the wages of sin is still death.
Forgiving someone does not necessarily mean they get to escape justice.
Some people are completely sociopathic, and need serious consequences to get through to them.
Some deserve to be hanged, drawn, and quartered in a televised show.
"Some" = 1,000,000.
Why are so many of these malfeasants stalling? What are we missing?
The author hasn’t leaned a thing. She says near the end that politicians will need to consider school mandates to get vaccination levels up as many kids are not up on their children’s immunization schedule. These libs are incredibly obtuse. She wants forgiveness in one breath and in the other says she’d do it all over again.
elimination is the only answer for these useless libtards
If they were only useless, I'd forgive them. But they were (and are) deadly. Therefore, elimination is necessary.
Exactly! Which is why Evil Emily's days are numbered.
Never Forget! Never Forgive!
Oops we killed 15 million people and implemented a mass surveillance control grid. Will you please forgive us? If you do we will give you extra mealworm cupcakes.
What a narcissistic scumbag.
“ Forgive”? Is she kidding? How about owning it, begging forgiving ness and joining forces to haul every player involved before The Hague??
It is long overdue to abolish the CIA,FBI,FISA, Patriot Act, the UN, shut down half of the government agencies, audit all of them, engage in massive purge of every facet of government , remove qualified immunity, every perk, enact term limits on political office holders, SCOTUS , bureaucrats, military heads , and a mandatory retirement age. , ban NGOs, Unions from any government agency, tax non-profit orgs from campaign donations, no foreign lobbying and full disclosure of funding. ban trading within any office of government and every penny paid back with additional punitive damages and expulsion from office,.
these are the real "useless eaters" and we want them all GONE
yes it occurred to me too THEY were the useful idiots.
used in the social engineering
A simpler solution would be justice. Execute the perps. All of them.
Take all their money away from them, Gates, Ferrar, Soros, Fauci, Trudeau, and the list goes on.
From screenshot... She DID advocate mandates of experimental vax...
Nuremberg, convicted, hanging, body fed to wild hogs
Let the hogs feast while she's still alive. Never Forget! Never Forgive!
They roam in Round Rock Texas, Granger lake etc...
Damn there's courage fairly close to Austin tx..
emily in the mouth of a killer hog...that makes me all warm inside
I dig your style
I drive out to try to see em.
Waited at Santa fe. garbage dumpsters to see bears...
No freakin' way in hell is that going to happen. A true accounting needs doing.
Now that these reprobates are seeing the writing on the wall they're all jumping ship and scrambling around trying to say stuff like, 'We didn't know!'.
WE knew and YOU knew. Damn them all.