Is time Paul for a quick look into the science of virology and see if it stands up to Koch’s Postulates?

Other Doctors are doing this and people are paying attention.

Yes, without PCR there is no pandemic just a Plandemic.

The Plandemic was introduced to get pre-manufactured Jabs into people’s arms.

There was no Warp Speed introduction, it was all planned well beforehand.

Those masks they wear aren’t even suitable on building sites and a whole bunch of other stuff doesn’t make sense either. Such as social distancing, standing and sitting in restaurants, closing churches and keeping the Bottle Shops open.

Wearing two and three masks and what about that asymptomatic spread “science.”

Anyone that pushed the jabs, lockdowns and pseudo-science needs to be arrested and locked up for a very long time, for crimes against humanity.

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Are Koch's Postulates even relevant when no evidence has been produced for the existence of the supposed pathogen in the first place?

No virus, as defined (replication competant, infectious, contagious, pathogenic particle consisting of protiens and genetic material) has been found in body tissue or fluids of a living creature, and the so-called virus isolation experiments do not use a Valid scientific method, so all reuslts and conclusions are psuedoscience.

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Right, you can't even get to Koch's postulates because the fake virus has never been isolated.

Virology is a complete and total fraud- anyone with basic critical thinking can look at their so-called studies and methodology and realize it is nothing bur FRAUD!

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In this last week or so there appeared , a short 2line statement being made by Judy Mikovits? or someone who posted it...where she states: yes viruses do exist that are not found in nature. Okay, this means those are lab-created, man-made pathogenic "what"...viruses? So do we take from this, that all of the mad-scientist-virologists who created these "weapons" have been correct all along in claiming virus X , Y, or Z are real? Or do we just have to correct all of the ppl who think there are virusy things that just emerge from time to time for unknown causes that are pathogenically lethal self-spreading nasty little "bug"sters who want to just kill us?

Is it just me, or are you too - sick of the merry-go-round messes of confusions that present on this topic.

For one who uses discernment, power of reasoning and comonsense logic....I remain absolutely beyond MEGA furious at those persons who think it is just a day job to toodle off to a Lab somewhere...and along with other crazies, for years - seriously mess about with the God-given laws of nature - and gleefully, deliberately "create" entities to be used to cause serious human suffering and death....and then prance about all proud-like...are an elite grouping of scientists called virologists !? worse......they expect the common man to swallow the fact - they also never ever asked any of US....if they should do it. NOT ever.

Terrain theory rules.

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Yes. And also crazies being sooo attached to their ideas they cannot discern reasoning and logic from their .... For example - exaclty how is Mikovits defining a "virus" these days? Her virology "isolation" and "gain-of-function" experiments create toxic particles made of protiens and genetic material. She has never had any evidence these particles function as contagious replicating infectious pathogens. But she can't admit to misunderstanding what a valid scientific method reuqires all these years. So messes of confusions is what we are left with.

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"wicked twisted science gone horribly wrong" yet so proud of their psychopathic pedigrees

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So true, we knew it was a scam ! My Dr husband would have gone to jail rather than take that bioweapon vaccine

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The governments of many countries played into the whims of the WEF, UN and W.H.O. Now the people are suffering because their health and money were taken.

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The CDC (Communist Disease Control) is still pushing the jab. JOE is putting illegal alien kids in

schools infected with TB. I bet that's the way they will start pushing that RSV vaccine on our

school age children. To think what kind of monsters are running the Federal Government.

When will the decent level headed parents and people in our Country, say no more and

stand up to what's going on in our Government. All JOE and DR. JILL know how to do is

run to PHILLY. Have you seen the drug zombies that walk that city? Those 2 imbeciles

act like they are blind to the drug problem in Philly. They both have NO shame period.

I can't stand the very ground they walk on. They are the BIDEN Corrupt Crime Family who

sold US out to C-H-I-N-A.....

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CDC: Certain Death Coming

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That is definitely a good description: Certain Death Coming (CDC)

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China owns the Biden Crime Family. The entire family should be charged with treason.

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I totally agree.

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Yes, kept alive by preying on those who either refuse to or are incapable of thinking for themselves. Seeking to enrich oneself by taking advantage of malleable minds is not a virtue. It's scumbaggery of the highest order.

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Yep, and just saying that PCR-Test is anti-semitic language, talk that can have your bank funds snatched;

Hey who voted for this crap?

RFK-jr accused for anti-semitism for just saying that COVID excluded anhkenNAZI & Chinese, they said that was anti-semitic.

But everybody on earth knows that ashkeNAZI are euro-faux-jews, and then ergo are we to ASSUME now that the Chinese are the real semites?

No the assumption here is that DC is now being RAN by the CHinese GOV that Israel has passed the baton to CCP, that Israel has better things to do than run the US-GOV and its fentanyl population.

CCP say's hurry up and kill them, and Israel says we're trying;

Bringing a ukro-nazi style war to USA soil and soon.

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Hey they WON,

When the SCOTUS knee-grow dumb fucking bitch argued "I can't tell a girl from boy, I don't have a PHD in biology" she won

Now all of USA is just like "Alice in Wonderland", something is so because the Negress CUNT says its so, and that is the end of it;

DUMB FUCKING COUNTRY, led by dumb fucking assholes; Where are they taking you?? To Hell

Today denigrating the PCR-Test is anti-semitism, of course it is 99% of the entire COVID-SCAM was ran by Israel on the behalf of LONDON, but NOTE nowadays Israel is owned by CHINA

CHINA & Israel are same-thing, ergo to denigrate China is anti-semitic

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Paul there never was a pandemic, no virus isolated and purified. No test for a non existent virus. The genocide called warp speed was run by the Military. This is an ongoing genocidal operation that is worldwide. A depopulation agenda run by psychopaths. Unless those responsible are put to death this will not end. Governments worldwide participated and are intergenerational criminal cartels, pure evil. No matter where you look, or what you look at, it is genocide.

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Dr. Paul....sometimes your articles attract crack pots who are not even speaking truth....it is very sad....some crack pots need a platform to spew their hatred and stupidity and I find that (hatred and stupidity) many times, in comments that have nothing to do with the articles you post......so sad....but freedom of speech.....i got caught up in it once but never again.....so thank you....i have learned from reading your information and also the comments.....thank you.....i will not engage with crack pots.....racist crack pots at that....and btw, one can never know truth when they filter information through a perceptual mechanism that has hate, racism etc. in it.....truth comes from purity of heart.....and love....

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You can block them now.

Click on their name then the top right dots.

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Thank you so VERY kindly for that important bit of data. 💖💖💖

I just (successfully) used that feature.

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Oh good! Glad it helps.

I have been complaining that we didn’t have a block feature and one finally showed up. Lol.

I also failed to mention that creepy people will stalk your comments and reply with ridiculous garbage. Some comments from people are so nasty and racist that I have had enough.

I’m open minded and it’s pretty bad if I have to block them.

Take care.

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I am not sure i responded to you personally……hmmm….anyway thank you so very much…(if this is a repeat, I apologize.)

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Wow….thank you….people have the right of freedom of speech but sometimes i cannot listen…..thank you so much….

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Echo chambers advocating against freedom of speech doesn't end well, disrespects those that died for the Right. Often "never servers" - Selective Service Office avoiders.

Great to sling one way

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They can speak all they want.

When they repeat themselves with the same gibberish it gets boring and takes up space and reading time!!!

Stop assuming.

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The government has enforced institutional systemic racist sexist misandry against me calling it "Equality"

- now crimes against humanity

Perhaps the government love the people as much as you think?

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Way back, when I scanned suspect vax deaths, my first thought was pharma techs are all post menopausals. :) The young guys in good to excellent physical shape appears to be hit the hardest. Be interesting to see data for death by physical ability level and age/gender

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The best place for that information I can think of is insurance companies. From what I hear not good, up in many categories.

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mRNA vax for newborns and children were ready and patented in 2011. Why would anyone need a Warp Speed for mRNA vax? What for? Trump was in on it! And still is.

See for yourself:


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Expand your thinking.

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The first time I saw someone get the long PCR test swab poked literally into the center of their skull I was suspicious. Only latter reading about the swabs potentially being used to deliver a dose.

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"... the swabs (are/were) potentially being used to deliver a dose."

Or worse.

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The vaccines are the bioweapon

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Jordan B. Peterson once said, "This is not good." In an article, journalist James Corbett explains why the culling of the herd will not cease and offers potential solutions: https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/the-revolt-of-the-pawns?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=725827&post_id=135375759&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

Encl. (At the 39th minute, we can reflect on the lessons learned from the Nazis' defeat in 1945. It was ultimately caused by the 'hubris' of its leaders who led them to failure.)


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Paul, all driven by Pedo-Trilateral Shadow Bureaucrat trash, but most of the trash are patsies, yet are criminal if part of the HHS as THEY have credentials so 'should have known right from wrong.' DOD factions are dirty as they covered the bioweapons. BUT Karen reported that the DOD-Pharma contract states 'vaxxes must be safe for humans,' if I recall. If you can check her substack and report on that contract that may give hope for the sick to go to regular court and bypass the fake vaccine court. That's Karen Kingston, if I recall.

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Murder is murder.

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Yes that's exactly what it was. And what about the whole subject of terrain theory, why is this never discussed? It is not new science but it is more scientific than germ theory. Not mentioning it at all pretty much tells us that there is veracity here that they don't want us to know.

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What really got me was how THE ASSHOLE OF OTTAWA and his MINION MEDIA effectively turned citizens of CANADA against the UNVAXED!!! As if THE UNVAXED were the culprits!!! Instead of tbe cabal that UNLEASHED the virus on the entire world. And the average citizen fell for the bait and switch!!!!

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