Epstein was Mossad (an intelligence arm of the Rothschild nation named Israel), and this group of perverts (like the Biden and Drumpf Cabinets) is overwhelmingly jewish. If you wanted to take over the world, and The Talmud tells jews they should take it over and destroy Amalek (white Christians), Epstein Island makes perfect sense.
Epstein was Mossad (an intelligence arm of the Rothschild nation named Israel), and this group of perverts (like the Biden and Drumpf Cabinets) is overwhelmingly jewish. If you wanted to take over the world, and The Talmud tells jews they should take it over and destroy Amalek (white Christians), Epstein Island makes perfect sense.
It is also coincident with massively higher rates of degeneracy and pederasty historically among jews. How you can write this article, and not mention the jewish theme running through it, is cowardice. Another SubStack, gets it right:
Epstein was Mossad (an intelligence arm of the Rothschild nation named Israel), and this group of perverts (like the Biden and Drumpf Cabinets) is overwhelmingly jewish. If you wanted to take over the world, and The Talmud tells jews they should take it over and destroy Amalek (white Christians), Epstein Island makes perfect sense.
It is also coincident with massively higher rates of degeneracy and pederasty historically among jews. How you can write this article, and not mention the jewish theme running through it, is cowardice. Another SubStack, gets it right: