The christian slaves contiue to worship their jewish masters, even with them throwing their negro army against us in every major city in the once white, and productive USA. And, the jews have our borders open. Still, on any given Sunday, some megachurch billionaire preacher tells his poor congregation, we are a judeo-Christian nation. A nation without borders, is not even a nation.
The christian slaves contiue to worship their jewish masters, even with them throwing their negro army against us in every major city in the once white, and productive USA. And, the jews have our borders open. Still, on any given Sunday, some megachurch billionaire preacher tells his poor congregation, we are a judeo-Christian nation. A nation without borders, is not even a nation.
The christian slaves contiue to worship their jewish masters, even with them throwing their negro army against us in every major city in the once white, and productive USA. And, the jews have our borders open. Still, on any given Sunday, some megachurch billionaire preacher tells his poor congregation, we are a judeo-Christian nation. A nation without borders, is not even a nation.
Go take your anti-semitism back into the gutter with you. You are a vile demon that we don’t need.
Criticism and research, is not hate. Refute my findings, not me. Otherwise, you admit I am correct.