I can’t speak to the veracity of these claims but consider Ahmad a sincere truth-seeker of great integrity who gave up his career as an orthopedic surgeon to pursue meaningful work on behalf of truth (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/eulogy-for-the-covid-kapos-video). He made significant financial sacrifices to do so, despite having a family with three small children to support.

If the exchanges shared are legitimate, they strike me as someone who knows the value of his expertise, skill set, talents, and connections and who is negotiating accordingly. Coming from his previous position as a surgeon, he may have had unrealistic expectations, but that does not negate the importance of the contributions he has made and continues to make.

I don’t begrudge anyone who is offering something of value requesting compensation for their time and efforts. As long as they don’t violate their integrity, principles, and commitment to truth and freedom, that is a private matter between the individual parties, and I’m going to base my assessment of their character on their output and track record rather than spurious speculations and gossip as I discuss in this piece:


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Bullshit. He is part of the medical Kabuki Theatre pulling on your heartstrings. You need to wake from stupor. Sorry for being harsh but you have been watching too many soap operas, especially this one. These guys don’t speak one iota of the mass murder that was perpetrated but repeat the PANDEMIC IS REAL HORSESHIT.

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I am basing this on numerous personal interactions with Ahmad and the genuine passion for truth and humanity that has come through in our exchanges. It seems like you are unaware of his work as he is one of the few people who has been repeatedly calling out the mass murder and who has been unapologetically saying there was no pandemic.

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And now I remember why I’m not subscribed to this author! Less judgement, more personal interaction required, my friend. Good luck!

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Which author?

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You weren’t paying attention to what I said as well as his theatrics with Malone. He doesn’t say a peep about the mass murder before the shots were rolled out. There was a massive culling of people prior to a single shit administered. So when have you broken bread with Malik or is this virtual adoration?

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I don’t really get your point about theatrics with Malone—he did a podcast where he pressed Malone on some legitimate points of concern and moved on. If you’re on Paul’s Substack, you surely are aware there are a few people who have concerns about Malone ;-)

Hardly anyone was talking about mass murder before the shots were rolled out because most people were oblivious, and much of the damning evidence wasn’t exposed until 2021. If you’re filtering out everyone who didn’t connect the dots until later, it’s your loss because you’re going to miss out on valuable information from people who are on different timelines of awakening.

I have collaborated with Ahmad on a video (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/eulogy-for-the-covid-kapos-video) and have exchanged numerous phone calls, texts, and emails with him. He is a good friend, and I can attest to his passionate commitment to truth, freedom, and humanity.

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I connected the fucking dots in 2020!!!! I had PHW’s coming to me with mass death from depravation of human contact, starvation, rotting in fecal matter. Seniors perished of loneliness and more. But not being given showers for 8 weeks!!!!

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I know, Jim—it was and *is* horrible, and it is difficult for people who saw it to understand how others could not see it, too. But they didn’t. And many still don’t. Never underestimate the power of willful blindness, denial, and propaganda-induced hypnosis. Just like it takes some abuse victims years to realize they were abused while everyone around them sees it in plain sight, so are many Stockholm-syndrome sufferers still caught in a cycle of abuse without realizing it.

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They were NOT OBLIVIOUS They knew exactly what was being done. This is my point. He focussed on the second culling of humanity and he was fully and completely aware of the first culling!!! Christ!!! I was aware of the mass murders going on in seniors residences just like he was and he has said shit outside of NO VIRUS DUH!!

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I wish more people had been as attuned as you to what was occurring, but the sad reality is most people were preoccupied with day-to-day survival, hypnotized by propaganda, and far too trusting of government and authorities to realize anything was amiss. It wouldn’t make sense for me to judge other people as if they had the same knowledge base as me at a particular time in history, so I don’t.

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One more thing since psychology seems to be one of your passions. Tell me, if you put a proposal together , made your pitch and called the client “good people” and they couldn’t budget for you, would you then betray your own words, call the potential client scum and go on social media to destroy them?

Let me talk about ethics for just a moment. From an ethical standpoint, and a standpoint of self respect, how can you justify his actions as ethical and how is he being respectful to himself first, by betraying his own position and words. ? Your argument is one of a person filled with adoration because of a mental picture you painted in a time of weakness when you were drawn in by the operator, the charlatan or for the Christian readers the devil himself. Remember, the devil knows the Bible chapter and verse, so easy to fool the alone and scared. He gave you camaraderie which you mistook for honesty. Big difference.

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I understand why you would arrive at the position you have, but there is some missing context you are unaware of that paints a different picture from the one you have formed. Ahmad will share that publicly, so you will have the opportunity to judge for yourself.

My approach to this situation is the same as with any other person who has made positive contributions to the fight against tyranny. As I wrote in “Reflections on Finger-Pointing” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/137255701/reflections-on-finger-pointing) in September 2023:

“Unless there’s a smoking gun proving they are guilty of egregious harm, I try not to say anything that would damage the reputation or relationships of someone who is joining hands to annihilate autocracy.

“To me, it’s more important to avoid hurting a potentially innocent person than it is to practice a Neo-McCarthyistic witch hunt for heretics.

“That doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for healthy questioning. But questioning based on cogent reasons is different from tossing around allegations like a frisbee—or more fittingly, a boomerang.

“If someone has proven their mettle on the battlefield of truth, I start from a position of giving them the benefit of the doubt and only reconsider in light of strongly compelling proof.”

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Margaret, I can understand your loyalty, and I’m not trying to influence that here at all. But something I’ve noticed with some approved “meddlers” is their penchant for stepping in front of the real truth tellers, then subtly steering the audience away from the original message. Remember, this has been gamed for decades.

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Thank you, Steve, and I definitely recognize that tactic. The truthful will ultimately stand the test of time, and the agent provocateurs will fall. I would rather take aim at incontestable threats to humanity than inadvertently harm the innocent through friendly fire. As I wrote a friend today:

“I don’t have the time or energy to go around accusing other people, especially without evidence. The potential of harming genuinely well-meaning people is too great. If everyone would just focus on doing their own good work instead of flinging accusations around, we’d be a lot further ahead in the fight for truth, freedom, and justice. I trust critically thinking people to draw their own conclusions about whom to trust or not. It’s not my place to do that work for them, and I would rather focus my energy on taking down unquestionable enemies like tyrants, philanthropaths, and colluders.”

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Benefit of doubt? Doubt no more and put on your big girl glasses.

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MAA - your poem regarding Mistakes were not made (I may have gotten the title wrong) …..keeps popping up in my mind. I find myself constantly facing the issue of believing some folks only to later discover that they too have a hand (and not in a good way) in this situation. I now have to second guess everyone. Not a good feeling.

Who do/can we trust ???

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This is a tone you have never heard before Margaret. You can judge for yourself. I went to Doc Malik’s Substack and just as I had thought he would make a public disclosure but censor me from making any comment unless I pay him a subscription fee. Dr. Paul does not censor his Substack like Malik does and he should have given me the opportunity to make comments without having to pay for his assumptions about me online. This is a classic deceiver tactic as I explained to Nick here. Nick was gracious enough to listen to the recording of a candid unvarnished Malik that I am sure you have never in your many encounters online with have ever heard this kind of callous. I knew Malik would censor criticism. It’s the MO of the victim play. Shrewd move and I fully expected his MO. Players and operators know how to set the narrative, play the victim and get your sympathy. He used his children as the sympathy card. See my comments to Nick.


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Thanks, Jim. Restricting comments to paid subscribers is something many Substackers do, and Ahmad has followed the business model of paywalling a portion of his posts (actually on the recommendation of one of his entrepreneurial readers as he shared in a recent post: https://docmalik.substack.com/p/thank-you-jack-wilkinson). Has nothing to do with you personally :-) You could always reply on Notes, your Substack, or another venue if you wanted to.

The video you shared was interesting as it is simply demonstrated that Ahmad is unequivocally honest in his communications with people. Instead of coddling and lying in the name of being “polite,” he offered valuable constructive criticism that, if followed, would significantly benefit the recipient. It also showed his commitment to maintaining the high standards of his podcast, which as someone who prioritizes quality over quantity, I appreciate. Lastly, I share his frustrations and have articulated similar concerns about other people assuming you have the same knowledge and pet passions as them and feeling they have the right to dictate what you write and talk about.

And along those lines, I personally don’t care what your opinion of Ahmad is and don’t have time to continue back-and-forthing so will say farewell and wish you the best in your efforts to stop tyranny and democide as I believe we share those goals :-)

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I do understand that you are a Malik acolyte and that’s the way worship usually works. I am fully cognizant of the cult mentality.

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It’s just not a fair practice when you make accusations and restrict rebuttal comments. Manipulation is at the root of that type of activity. A truly free expression is nit restricting this type of discourse to paid subscribers only. Again, that is manipulation. That is how truth is served up, unrestricted. When it becomes curated and restricted of free expression it is fully and completely disingenuous.

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Dafuq are you talking about.? TWC are shilling fucking tamiflu for fucking bird flu.

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Believe a rebuttal coming

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Yes. And as was ENTIRELY predictable - all the people that went straight from 0-100 with only half the story, now have egg on their face.

The terms this article states he *demanded* were the Terms offered by TWC themselves.

As I stated in a comment further down, this pile-on based on incomplete information, is what I'd expect from Facebook, not Substack.

Very disappointing.

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The grift is the story of cashing in on the least value because it obfuscates and never addresses the pre short period of mass murders and then the focus on the symptom instead of the root cause of the symptom which is TRANSFECTION and they knew it was loaded with DNA !!

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Don’t think it’s the Doc.

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the point of this is simple, we have docs and scientists turning around and using media, social media to harm each other and companies if they cant get their way...companies will not want to touch any Freedom Fighter doctor or scientist

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Yeah well, fuck a company that sells tamiflu.

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Exactly! If these cats can’t say “transfection,” if they can’t discuss the deadly protocols, if they don’t even bother to look in to the biological fact that RNA respiratory coronaviruses can’t pandemic, then they’re just obfuscatory grifters, dancing around the approved opposition trying to make a Buck.

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Another home run. I view these men and women as feeding off of what amounts to sensational obfuscation. You look and listen to the deflection that is juiced up but don’t get to see the real events that transpired in the belly of the beast.

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Sasha accused J of being paid opposition. Are you fucking kidding me? Bunch of thin skinned children out there. Snowflakes. Keep up your awesome work boss man!

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Sasha doesn’t like criticism and I watched her take pride in slapping people down pounding her keyboard. I don’t play wack a mole. I will give her a fulsome……….

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Trust me bro. She screeches because the veil is being yanked back and I won’t stop exposing the Kabuki Theatre. Some truth mixed with shit still ends up shit. The best part is they want fame and those are the ones easiest to knock the stool out from under. Sadly they don’t give a flying eff about the people. Stand strong and free brother!✊👊💪💜

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Paul Alexander, then simply provide details of all your income since the start of the pandemic. If what you posted here is genuine, then this will, according to you, prove that you are whiter than driven snow. Then we can all laugh at Ahmad for failing to reach the financial moral standards that you have set for the whole of the freedom loving medical community. As a self employed gardener, I am willing to do likewise, just to show that I am not hiding anything here. I am sure that you will step upto the plate with this. Why else would y be share this post?!

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Dude. Is that indica or sativa you are gardening? Your cash business doesn’t have a paper trail so of course you can claim poverty. I am self employed too and consult. You can go ahead and show us yours all you want, I wouldn’t show you mine. It’s none of your business but when Malik began slagging TWC it was time to show his hypocrisy regardless of who offered what. This was like a Rorschach test of sorts. Haven’t read Malik’s Part two of “save my revenue stream” should be juicy. Meanwhile he’s been telling surface truths about symptoms instead of the wholesale murder before the shots even rolled out, at a time when Malik wasn’t saying shit anywhere, right when I was making protest speeches in front of large crowds and secret meetings because of curfews and getting fired for not masking. That was when he was most likely double masking. Bring it pussy!

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A lot of assumptions in your response. Someone once said something about assumptions 🤣. I don't claim poverty. Just out of interest, why did you remove the first 6 lines of Doc Malik's email when you posted it?

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Jim, you have been firing off ad hominem attacks on this Substack left right and centre. Fair enough. I am all for free speech. But you've suddenly gone a bit quiet when asked about why you deleted the first 6 lines of Doc Malik's email? These 6 lines just happen to alter the entire context of the email and cast a poor light on both you and Paul Alexander for sharing a doctored document. Also these lines weren't just redacted. The email has been edited to make it look like they never existed. It would be slightly different if it was just a screen grab that missed off the first 6 lines. But no, the email has been edited to deceive.

Maybe it wasn't you who edited the email? Someone, I assume, leaked you the email, and maybe you are just the really angry gullible chap who went ahead and posted it without any due diligence. Or maybe you did knowingly try to falsely defame another person, in much the same way the authorities did on mass in 2020/21.

Either way, don't you think it is time to display some of the dignity that you've been boasting about endlessly on this Substack and explain to everyone at what point did that email get edited? Look forward to debating this with you.

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again, the aim of this sharing weas to show the shakedowns TWC has had to endure...and it happens daily with threats of smears if they dont pay up...

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Why did you share with the first 5 or 6 lines of the email missing? Since you knew the source, why not just go to that person and ask for the whole email and then share?

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It wasn't a shakedown though was it and you know it.

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Paul Alexander, can you provide details of any negotiation that you had with the TWC?

I assume that you earn/, have earned only very small fraction of what Doc Malik asked for? There seems to me to an expectation that all freedom loving doctors have to behave like loyal communists in order to prove that they reject totalitarianism 🤔🤔🤔

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Dude when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME. Never ASSUME

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Why is TWC leaking emails for negotiations presumably done in good faith? It's not a good look.

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Malik’s attacks against TWC is the reason.

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Exactly what was the attack?

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Ask Malik. Get it from the horse yourself. I am not here to do your homework.

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You made the accusation you moron, tell us what he said.

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What is unreasonable in negotiating terms of employment and compensation that a professional thinks they are worth? I hired a lot of MDs and PhDs for my companies, and what Doc Malik was asking is not unreasonable for a senior entrepreneurial role. There is also no shame in not coming to an agreement, and parting ways politely as he did. what is unreasonable is misrepresenting this as a "shakedown". That would be slanderous. A shakedown is a form of threat and blackmail. It is a serious accusation for which I see no evidence posted here.

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Malik’s attacks against TWC after the parting is not reasonable. I will wait till Malik uploads his part 2. The other element nobody talks about is the mass murder that took place during the lockdowns which was a midazolam from Pfizer shortage because of its rampant use to off the citizens that few discuss, including you. Nobody, including you admit the transfection crime afoot and the virology lie during the whole rollout of a mass culling.

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You are a Novirus loon I guess, but TWC push the viral "lie" for profit. How does that square with you? Also where are you getting your facts from? Midazolam has nothing to do with Pfizer and was used predominantly in the UK, Ahmad has had people speak about it. In the US they used ventilators and remdesivir. Seriously who the fuck are you, I never heard of you until yesterday.?

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Midazolam is a generic drug you goon. Now answer why TWC are pushing something you consider to be a lie I. E. The virus narrative. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midazolam#:~:text=Midazolam%20is%20available%20as%20a%20generic%20medication

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You are full of shit asshole. It is a deadly benzodiazepine style sedative used as part of the protocol to kill death row inmates. You are a PFIZER SHILL BOT!!

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I know it was, it was used in the UK to create the illusion of a deadly pandemic. 20-30000 British pensioners were murdered in 2020.

Now tell me why TWC are pushing tamiflu and promoting another fake pandemic?

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This is the first time and the last time I hold your hand cuck. Which Pfizer division do you work first shill?? Here. This is the first mass murder documentation.




Stories Committed to fight against corona ) Italy I Emergency delivery to ICUS

Italy I Emergency delivery to ICUs

On the morning of March 21 , 2020, a delivery vehicle out of Melsungen, Germany, arrived at the warehouse in Mirandola. It was a Saturday, and normally there were no deliveries on weekends. In these times, though, nothing was normal. The vehicle was carrying 10,000 doses of the sedative midazolam, which was urgently needed in Italy for the mechanical ventilation of thousands of COVID-19 patients who needed help breathing. Gabriele Ceratti worked with the italian team in Milano and Mirandola to make the delivery possible in just a few days.

Mr. Ceratti, what challenges did you face when procuring the sedative?

Due to the extremely critical situation, the hospitals suddenly needed three or four times the normal amount of this drug. We knew that we would have to get it from another country, but to do that we first needed

Gabriele Ceratti | 59

Marketing manager for Hospital Care and OEM manager for the B. Braun Group, Milan a special permit - the vials of midazolam from Melsungen had labels in German and English, but only labels in Italian are allowed here.

Why did you and your team decide to take on this responsibility?

In those awful days of the first wave, we saw how the hospitals were in desperate need and we knew right away that we had to respond. Even though we got the ball rolling, it never would have worked without the Regulatory Affairs people at B. Braun in Italy and Germany. They, too, immediately took responsibility and acted. This kind of permit normally takes weeks, but we got it in just a few days. It was an extraordinary situation.

How did you get through that difficult time?

It's the result of having a great team at B. Braun - both here and in Germany. We could feel the support of our German colleagues quite a lot. Everyone was so kind and sensitive, they understood it was time to respond immediately in order to help Italy and all the patients in this terrible situation.

What gives you hope?

The emergency procurement of midazolam was the first time, but certainly not the last time in this crisis, that we were able to help quickly. We were able to do something similar with the sedative propofol and pumps for hospital beds.

Would you like to meet other B. Braun employees who have been involved in the fight against COVID-1 9?

Eva Sådlovå | 49

Sales representative, Hospital Care division, Teplice / Prague

Learn more >

Dr. Angela Karpf | 55

Corporate Vice President of Medical Affairs, Bethlehem, PA

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Philippines I Riding

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Logistics warehouse manager, Ludres

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Copyright @ B. Braun Medical Ltd

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Sasha defending a grifter. Nice look. The more you defend him the more you become like him. Open your ears Sasha and listen to your hero cuck arrogant greasy grift machine giving advice and how he is high quality as he skirts the Nass murders because he wants quality interviews with other obfuscatory if the mass culling. Please, do yourself a favour because I am asking everyone in this stack to listen to Malik spew his arrogance and shit.


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Nass = Mass and Nass is another CON ARTIST

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you seem upset. Do you need a hug?

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So now you come to the defence of Meryl Nass Malone’s long time pit Bull going back to 2011. You are showing your kankles too much.

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This is an interesting read Paul. Where did the leaked email come from if not TWC? I love the fact that it lacks context. As for the accusation that I made demands that TWC rejected and that I apparently smeared and slandered TWC, are you sure you know your facts or is this just some sensational tabloid hit piece on me because I refused to come on board? The thing is I too have emails and receipts. I'll post a detailed response tomorrow. I'm sure people will find it fascinating. Sadly this hit piece will only serve to strengthen people's concerns about TWC. I certainly now do. I was prepared to give you all the benefit of the doubt, but not now. Shame.

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I had no opinion about TWC but now am leaning away from it. This substack doesn’t make sense to me.

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They always attack the messenger instead of the message. What are they hiding/protecting?

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I love the Medical Kabuki Theatre you had with Malone a little while ago Doc. Priceless gaslighting. Keep it up, the house of cards is going to fall hard.

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Paul adverstiy reveals character. This genocidal scamdemic is a blessing in that it vaporizes the disguise that people wear.

Once someone is exposed to who they really are, by their actions, and words, we best believe them.

Whoop ass time has arrived, let the hammer fall real hard on these vermin who are part of this death cult.

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I am going into interviewing military harmed by the jabs and launching a class action. Once done in about 2 hours I will read it.

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Jim, I’ve looked into this. Until Dic Malik addresses the deadly protocols, until he fesses up regarding his knowledge (or absence thereof )of RNA pandemic potential (impossible), until he acknowledges the deceitful renaming of mRNA transfections/ transformations to “vaccines”…. He’s just out there dancing around the approved opposition trying to make a Buck. Fcking PERIOD.

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What are you people talking about?

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You are a Pharma shill or a PHARMA BOT Already called out your bullshit.

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You haven't answered one question straight and you contradict yourself all the fucking time. Paul you need your head checking for taking this clown seriously.

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I will respond to whatever you posted tomorrow. I just interviewed military personnel that weren’t just forced vaxed but tortured and the one guy is in a place of life or death at any moment. I need time to process the feelings and emotions and information. I will give you a fulsome response.

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From a position of being specifically interested in the US-led military aspect of the whole Covid Op within the 5EYES it has been very disconcerting to see JJ Couey dismiss the U.S. DoD role to the point of DEFENDING the military as the heart and soul of patriotic America - basically beyond reproach - which is going even further than Malone's "not the DoD" shtick.

What is underlying this? He's not neutral -- he's consistently not-the-DOD-and-it's-anti-American-if-you-say-this!! Very odd. And concerning.

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Not Odd at all to be honest. You give the military way too much science cred. That is your first mistake, Private Frankenscience and CIA black ops are rogue entities outside of military purview. I thought you knew that. That is where the Cyrene danger lies.

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No - defending the DoD is really odd post-Covid - not only for the reason you mention above (re forced experimentation etc), but because the Frankenscience is openly DoD. Just assumed you knew that.




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It’s openly owned by Malone as he himself is the self described granddaddy of the death TECH.

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Sorry but that’s where you don’t understand that private companies are the greatest danger to the public and the military. CIA black sites along with private companies and unethical scientists willing to experiment. Remember who the scientists were that initiated the Frankenscience which in turn I am sure would have motivated the military to try to keep up. Your narrative is way too fucking grunt simple. Critical thinking is not your strong suit.

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Thank you! Always good to see both sides. I’m not throwing the baby out with the bath water. Your substack is a good one!

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I have come to believe that many of the honest whistleblowers from the beginning have now come to face what most taxpayers understand which is having to budget on their salaries. My theory is now with the mandatory paywalls, book deals etc the once well paid physicians do not like living on a tight budget or the thought of a “job” they consider beneath their value. It is kind of the vicious cycle of catch 22 that allowed the 3 letter agencies, pharma and bureaucrats to control, silence and dictate treatment long before the plandemic. The medical industrial complex was doing harm, withholding treatment and using hospice to kill for profit long before 2020. Many of the self righteous whistleblowers pre 2020 were content to take the big paychecks for compliance and silence. The covid era just brought the corruption out to the general population silence would be noticed and not tolerated so many suddenly found conscience and. a voice is my gut feeling. Not all, but many were willing participants when they thought no one knew. Now they miss their lifestyle and are trying to recapture it with the old tactics used in their profession for years.

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That’s an interesting take.

I’ve an alternative view.

The so-called honest whistleblowers never were honest.

Notice the followers they were able to build.

Censorship could have silenced at any time, but they weren’t.

That’s the way you know they’re not genuine.

The real whistleblowers knew they’d be flayed alive and did it anyway.

They’re massively censored so you’ve hardly heard of them.

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You are smack on the money Dr. Mike. There is no honest whistleblower turned money whore. I got fired for making a speech on my own time about the hoax of masking by my employer and for refusing to put on a mask and lie to myself and everyone in the company that didn’t know better. I was not going to deceive them. It all starts with each of us not complying even a little bit. My employer begged me to comply and I told him you know better. He said yes but they may shut my business down. I told him if they all gave them the finger they would have no power. Instead, they participated in murder.

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good post

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I didn’t encounter “Aussie17” for around 3.5 years, even though we’re both ex-big pharma. Censorship is astonishingly powerful.

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I remember a big Pharma player who wouldn’t whistleblow but told me how big Pharma destroyed perfectly good product to replace it with garbage strictly for the sake of profit. He wouldn’t because his family got a big pension which could have been clawed back because of the NDA. I guess he got the Swiss cheese bone cancer for a reason. Karma came knocking.

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I was at the Virginia Beach Reawaken tour in line to talk with Dr. Mikovits when my friend that is high up with the Dept of Ag ran into someone she knew professionally for years from the FDA. Interesting place to meet an FDA employee until he said he took an unplanned early retirement the week the shot mandates were to start. He said he knew he was not willing to risk the shot. I asked him if he had tried hoing public and he said he spoke publicly to his church congregation, but was not willing to go further. I gathered he had a lifetime of job benefits he was not willing to jeopardize. I can somewhat understand, but not really knowing lives were at stake.

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I should state as I have mentioned on your stack before I was at the Hart Senate Whistleblower Luncheon 2018 & 2019 to expose the Cash Cow of dialysis and the legal push to murder for profit through Hospice and back doored by Palliative Care. The same tactics used in Covid of withholding treatment, drugging patients etc were already in play by most all hospitals for the payoffs and Grants were what got many hospitals physicians/researchers to comply. So yes, I have a pre 2020 mistrust of the medical industrial complex. Thankfully, that is why I knew all of it from PCR to the shot was BS from almost day one.

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Mikovits has been perpetuating a lie for decades. Too bad her fraud hasn’t been exposed yet but trying to get a Nobel is worth all the deaths in the world cause fame leads to fortune. Shooting up kids with toxins called vaccines then blaming autism on some gene defect is pure Frankenscience. I would wait in line to give her a piece of my mind if not spit. Same with CHD siloing parents against vaccine schedules for children. Vaxed the movie has potential to break it wide open. It got buried for the powers that be. Frankebscientists. Look up her mentor Hillary Kaprowski.

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Respect. You are the real deal Doc. Appreciate your stand and courage, no matter the cost. It's an inspiration to millions like me.

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thanks, we are here because of you and Yeadon type

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I cant share what they did to Mike...leave it to him...but they are and were monsters. thats why they dont like him

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May 14·edited May 14

If they can’t call it a “transfection,” if they don’t discuss the deadly “Covid protocols “ used by the hospitals, the DNRs slapped on unsuspecting patients and families, the gross overuse of oxygen, remdesivir, midazolam…. All to cause deaths, to cause panic, to herd the unsuspecting to the jabs, then they are part of the controlled opposition. Bought and paid for. Period. As usual, Dr. Yeadon, you are ahead of the curve. God Bless you.

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Yeadon was always up to...thanks Steve C, great sharing

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That is correct Steve. Trans fucking fection. These killers knew full well what was being done. Malone was researching transfection in 1987 with a paper on it in 1989. I have the receipts. Malone wrote a fucking book in February of 2020 instead of screaming from the rooftops that transfection was a crime against humanity!!! Mass death he knew would happen!!

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This is an interesting read Paul. Where did the leaked email come from if not TWC? I love the fact that it lacks context. As for the accusation that I made demands that TWC rejected and that I apparently smeared and slandered TWC, are you sure you know your facts or is this just some sensational tabloid hit piece on me because I refused to come on board? The thing is I too have emails and receipts. I'll post a detailed response tomorrow. I'm sure people will find it fascinating. Sadly this hit piece will only serve to strengthen people's concerns about TWC. I certainly now do. I was prepared to give you all the benefit of the doubt, but not now. Shame.

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Doc, here is the thing, we are all imperfect, we all are...COVID has done something bad to good people...yes people got scared but took advantage of their roles...maybe it's time for doctors et al. to come together to bring the system down...but we cant be using our hefty positions in society....this did not work out so the good thing is walk away and not smear the same company you were hoping to work with...no body or company is perfect. TWC is attacked daily by people calling, writing asking for a job and if they say cant they get attacked by same in media...is this fair? is this even right?

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TWC was attacked by Canadian scientists...thats not right...how could a company pay people if there is 1)no revenue 2)cannot operate as per government etc. should a company not have the right to close its door? and even if it had been paying people for NOTHING basically...we all hope things always work best but sometimes they dont and we just move on and maybe circle back...we dont then use our puny little social media to attack...thats the purpose of me sharing...the in hip thing is use media to slander and smear...if one does not get their way...COIVD emboldened doctors and may something out of nobodies, thats the key...unknown people now have 'media' and use it wrongfully.

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just dont slander TWC...leave it and they leave you...should they not respond? so it did not work...so what? lots of opportunities in future. everyone is trying here...it baffles me we are at a place where if it does not work out someone then runs to their twitter or substack or facebook and hits the person or company...why? putting this out was to show one thing, you had high views of the company when you wanted something...why cant you leave it there...if it did not pan out?

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Where did I slander TWC? Please show me.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon speaks the truth about Doc Malik. The fanboys and fangirls are already mesmerized into a trance incapable of discernment.

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Thanks for showing up here. God bless .

(Regular listener . )

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😆😆 a regular gaslit one!! Doc Malik came here to protect his operation from scrutiny.

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I scrutinize everything.

Dr Alexander is usually open for discussion , both of them have been.

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This is why I love substack. Dialogue

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Absolutely on point either way the followers and the growth and lack of censorship but the real ones are denigrated to the pit of obscurity.

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Who are you talking about Mike? Ahmad?

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I do believe your take has true merit. I did think it strange how some were not censored while others heavily.

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you are correct, they cannot face the prospect of 'working' for the first time...all they knew was research grants and hospital salaries and many did not earn them...you saw their real skills in COVID...COVID revealed you are smarter than they are...and they also dont like that

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Yes, the research-grant game has sustained many for years with no real break throughs or discoveries. I saw this as a very involved NAFLD NASH patient advocate with many connections globally, and a few different charitable organizations after my mom was a victim. I do think some genuinely wanted to help, but most just wanted the bragging rights along with the first to be approved for the cash windfall. It was for the most part a big annual calendar of conferences that were more about rubbing shoulders than learning to narrow down a treatment. Now that the 1st drug has been approved it is on to the next big money fame rush. Most people have no idea the lucrative club these researchers find themselves in thanks to federal grants. Thank you for your honest response on that! I always appreciate your no frills candor!

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When DO NO HARM was tossed to the curb decades ago we are left with a facsimile of health care propped up by deceit and great PR. Interesting how doctors can organize a protest and shut down health care to get more money from Medicare but when it is an opportunity to push back against something they knew was killing patients they complied and went mute and delivered murder through protocols without batting an eyelash. As Gordon Geko said in Wall Street “Greed is Good.” Welcome to Doc “Gordon Geko” Malik. Honest Health. Put that into your pipe and smoke it!!!

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Right on Jim!

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Explain how an ankle surgeon in private health care was able to deliver murder through protocols you cretin.

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TWC is pure fraud, get a grip Paul

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Haha Righto “Jim”, if you’re associated with TWC, Foster Coulson and advocating poison like Tamiflu you ain’t for anything good, tell your story walking pal

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Your opinion is as good as that POS Malik. Go associate with the garbage you promote, the paywall grifter. Mark lost his son to Fentanyl and crass fecal matter like Malik won’t tell the truth he would rather grift by interviewing the same grifting parasites as he is. In my opinion, all of you are grift shyte. Here is Malik bring as low grade gutter pig as you can get.


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The serial liar Kirsch acolyte golf ball Luke

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Ahh hi “freedom fighter” Jim 👋

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This is a paywall whore in action.This is the real Part 2 of what a paywall whore sounds like. This will not be behind a paywall whore. Please follow Housatonic Live here is the real deal and his son got murdered by the Fentanyl crisis swept under the carpet.

PLEASE LISTEN TO THE GRIFTER https://rumble.com/v4vj8ho-dr-malik-too-busy-to-highlight-oxygen-toxicity-housatonic-interview-falls-s.html

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Contract negotiations, if done in good faith, should remain private.

I would have expected TWC to make Dr. Malik a confidential counter offer rather than publicize his position.

I don't understand TWC's motivation with respect to Dr. Malik.

And I would expect any other potential partner may have second thoughts after what appears to be an uncalled-for disclosure.

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May 16·edited May 16

Dr. Malik:

Thank you for bringing my attention to your documented history with TWC. In my view, your correspondence and interactions with the company (who recruited you) were entirely straightforward and above-board.

It's a shame you had to take the time to defend yourself after a minor figure, "J.T.," took it upon himself to stir up trouble. (There remains a mystery surrounding how he got his hands on the leaked e-mail and whether he was encouraged to post it along with his uninformed criticism -- and, if so, by whom.)

This instigator has revealed himself as a liability to TWC organization. It pains me to see how he tried to manipulate Dr. Alexander against you.

I eagerly await your Part 2 to include the 6 lines missing from the leaked e-mail in question.

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Normally, I’d expect non disclosure agreements for all involved.

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It all seems unusually informal. I'd want my agent or attorney to discuss terms.

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Come on Paul, we all know that Doc Malik is a good one. It would be a lot better if everyone could get on and stop all this infighting!

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I am not saying he is not good, he is a good man, I know him, but I am raw and open...this was not good, and he is junior to what the fuckers behind the scenes do to TWC and other companies...our medical doctors and scientists are among the worst crooks out there

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You have talked and worked together before. Why would you publish this without speaking to Malik first? That is basic journalistic courtesy.

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I am serving up the same courtesy the medical criminals did. NADA

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Doesn't make sense Paul. You say one thing and do another. Look out for Part 2.

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I await the foot doctors part two. You still won’t talk about the mass murders before the shots nor the transfection of the current shots and the DNA altering crime and mass murder of society. Just the surface narrative of injuries but not human 2.0

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Jim you have obviously done a lot of research and have extensive knowledge which is amazing. We are all at different stages with our knowledge, and just because someone isn’t discussing the truth as you know it, doesn’t make them a grifter. I wasn’t aware of half the things you have mentioned, but that doesn’t make me bad. We are on our own journeys and will get there is due course. I understand your frustration, but unfortunately the evil doers like nothing more than fighting within the ranks. It is part of their strategy, and it destabilises the good work that freedom fighters are doing. To not fall into this trap, we should allow people to make up their own minds without making it personal. Otherwise enforced views and ‘outing’ end up becoming another form of mind control.

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Thank you for your words Zoanna. Sadly what we believe as freedom fighters are nothing but controlled opposition Peking allot of surface facts but never telling the whole unadulterated truth. Yes they know it and that is why they avoid it. To keep people ignorant of the facts. I will post some audio that will certainly bring into question what everyone believes about Malik. It will be an audio of him, unadulterated. You will hear an operator at work.

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Here is a grifting asshole avoiding the hardcore facts!!! This is not a freedom fighter. This is a paywall whore!!


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Everyone awakened to the scam at different stages. At first I though it was genuine, but "authorities" over cautious, which then went to incompetence, it was only by the time they started coercing the jabs onto absolutely everyone that I was sure it was a complete scam will ill intentions.

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DOC YOU HID IT FROM OPEN CRITIQUE BY EVERYONE. You obviously don’t support FREEDOM OF SPEECH. You would have allowed for anyone to comment including me but chose the curate it. Disingenuous is an understatement.

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Malik is in the Malone camp and as JJ Couey has been exposing just another grifter positioned to keep the cull at full speed ahead.

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Yes, JJ Couey is the real deal! Thanks, Jim!

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JJ is a hero of mine...and the issue is many dont agree but I find we can disagree too and still care and love...its how we learn...but dont go Malone on my ass and sue...thats the difference

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Your hero runs smear campaigns all day long and stoops as low as to go after children and family members of those he is assigned to do hits on. Some hero. Who pays him Dr. Paul? And how much (my guess minimum wage is what he is worth).

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Here is something you don’t peep about Sasha??? Why?? On the morning of March 21, 2020, a delivery vehicle out of Melsungen, Germany, arrived at the warehouse in Mirandola. It was a Saturday, and normally there were no deliveries on weekends. In these times, though, nothing was normal. The vehicle was carrying 10,000 doses of the sedative midazolam, which was urgently needed in Italy for the mechanical ventilation of thousands of COVID-19 patients who needed help breathing. Gabriele Ceratti worked with the italian team in Milano and Mirandola to make the delivery possible in just a few days.

Mr. Ceratti, what challenges did you face when procuring the sedative?

Due to the extremely critical situation, the hospitals suddenly needed three or four times the normal amount of this drug. We knew that we would have to get it from another country, but to do that we first needed a special permit - the vials of midazolam from Melsungen had labels in German and English, but only labels in Italian are allowed here.

Why did you and your team decide to take on this responsibility?

In those awful days of the first wave, we saw how the hospitals were in desperate need and we knew right away that we had to respond. Even though we got the ball rolling, it never would have worked without the Regulatory Affairs people at B. Braun in Italy and Germany. They, too, immediately took responsibility and acted. This kind of permit normally takes weeks, but we got it in just a few days. It was an extraordinary situation.

How did you get through that difficult time?

It’s the result of having a great team at B. Braun - both here and in Germany. We could feel the support of our German colleagues quite a lot. Everyone was so kind and sensitive, they understood it was time to respond immediately in order to help Italy and all the patients in this terrible situation.

What gives you hope?

The emergency procurement of midazolam was the first time, but certainly not the last time in this crisis, that we were able to help quickly. We were able to do something similar with the sedative propofol and pumps for hospital beds.

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Bullshit. I speak about covid murder protocols, and always said covid deaths were murders in the hospitals. My pinned post, point 15: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/summary-of-everything-and-quick-links

This is another confirmation that you are a paid liar and smear campaign troll. The fact that Paul Alexander has partnered up with you is a very bad look for him. The fact that he partnered up with you on this hit piece, based on the leaked private email from TWC, oh wow. Stinks like hell. But what is good about this - your stupidity has revealed the connections of who is working with whom and for whom. So thanks.

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You talk about smear? Let’s deflect and look over here.

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You are still harping virology bullshit and never mention the mass culling before the shots even rolled out and never mention the transfection of the human population to usher in human 2.0. The Kennedy camp of tweak the mRNA, now let’s go full steam ahead.

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Jim, have you read my substack or listened to my interviews? Please substantiate your lies about me here:

1. You lie that I "harp about virology bullshit" and you have no evidence of this because there is none.

2. I don't do tricks on command. Get a fucking parrot to repeat your preferred "transfection" pronouns.

3. I do not support any political candidates, that includes Kennedy.

Now that you are a proven liar, it is clear that you are smearing Malik for whatever reason, probably because you have financial or other incentives. Have a great day, dumbass.

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YES....poor Robert, he just wants to be left "Ma-LONE"...lol!

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He makes the most sense and admits he was scammed by the same perverse system of mythology.

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You are joking aren't you? Have you seen that podcast with RM, they certainly did not get on.

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You just have no clue about acting do you? Malik has his tongue up Malone’s ass. Your bias blinds the fuck out of you. Close your eyes and listen to the interview again.

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When did JJ "expose" Doc Malik?

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Hé had been exposing him for multiple episodes over the last week to ten days as well as going back but JJ Couey is exposing the Kabuki Theatre bunch regularly. Just hi back as well as Mark from the Housatonic live podcast with excellent research exposing the virology fraud.

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Please provide the episode or episodes. I routinely listen to JJ and enjoy much of his content. Haven't heard anything along the lines of exposing Doc. I would like to have some context to what you allege.

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JJC called Malik "anti-American meddler and traitor" just the other day simply because Malik had him on his podcast and it was behind a paywall. That's enough in JJC's opinion to qualify for anti-American! May 13 show around 2 hr 10, I can't post a link here. JJC is deranged, IMO, and is paid to smear people all day long (he has no other job as far as we know). He attacks my 19 yo daughter and calls me a traitor too because I dare to point to publicly available documents on how my taxes are spent by the DOD on making murdering mRNA systems. what a narcissistic, toxic POS.

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Thanks Sasha, I'll check it out and listen for myself. Seems a lot of anger going around, and rightfully so, but poorly channeled in so many cases. Operating behind a paywall seems a business decision to me. Especially for one that was stripped of a means to live...I don't stack or run a podcast, but wouldn't having an episode behind a paywall serve as a testament to the individual interviewed?

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SASHA IS DEFENDING PAYWALL Grifters!! Nice. Is he giving you a commission?

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Why can’t you post a link? I just did?

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Malik grifts off of everyone behind a paywall just like grift king Malone. Nobody talks about transformation transfection frameshjfting or the fact the shots are laced with DNA fragments and nobody including you talk about the mass murder using midazolam propofol, lorazepam, fentanyl and diamorphine death cocktail plus running pure oxygen for hours and days to prep the lungs for sure fire rupture and blowout on a ventilator. COVID is a PR juggernaut.

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May 19·edited May 19

Okay Jim, gave it a listen and here are my takeaways. Firstly, I do like a lot of what JJ is doing. Secondly, in Malik's case, JJ is not offering up any specifics as it relates to speaking ill of JJ and Mark Kulac, only that he's chatting about on some bitcoin chat group.

As it relates to the WTC deal, I think that he's speaking without context, evident in Doc Malik's response. Seems a nothing burger to me. JJ's caught in a trap where he is believing that his thesis is far greater than any other, and if others cannot recognize it, they are part of the problem.

I don't particularly care for this type of bantering about and find it unproductive. I'll continue to read some of what Doc Alexander, JJ, and Malik publish. We can find morsels of truth in all of it. Narcissism clouds reality and truth, and I'm seeing a lot of that right now.

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I was referring to him exposing Malone.....

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Hi Stella, I was responding to Jim on this one, sorry for the confusion.

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No worries.....that's what I thought.....I just wanted to clarify.... thanks for taking the time to reach out.... :)

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The attack is fake freedom fighters steered by big Harma need to clear the medical freedom space for themselves as they curate it with Malone and company. Did you know Malone tried to attempt the same thing as TWC, failed, then went on the attack?? Malone pushes the Pandemic and pushes the mRNA tech in certain people and wait for it, if it’s tweaked, it may help other people. Wait till my research is over. Malone talks about uncontrolled population growth needing to be addressed just like that fucker Kirsch.

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In all fairness, when I was 15 years old, I wrote an article for the school newspaper saying the same thing. That stuff is out there if you do some reading, and there is some logic to the fact that uncontrolled exponential increase would eventually require us all to stand next to each other tightl over the entire landmass, so that we don't have to push some people into the oceans. But eventually, one is supposed to grow up, learn more, and expand their thinking. I am guessing, some people don't do that, or do it later in life.

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Maybe in a thousand years bro. This is culling for convenience not because we have crowded the earth. That is pure bullshit. The corralling of people into cities is what creates the illusion. I forgive your early years of indoctrination. My teachers hated me for calling them out but I still scored the highest in the class so I could rub it in their faces without being expelled.

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So Kirsch is a globalist too? Wants DEpopulation. I know I have never trusted him, but was unaware of his population stance. Thanks.

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Your gut will never lie to you if you listen to it.

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Yes, just like Malone.

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Dr. Alexander, can you pls point me to the "slanderous" posts made by Doc Malik? I am not familiar with him and would like to see the whole picture. Thanks! To be honest, I get irritated at some of these freedom fighter substack writers that put articles or the chance to respond behind a paywall. Im a paid subscriber of yours, but I so appreciate your leaving articles and comments to ALL. Thank you.

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Well I read your responses Part 1 and Part 2 and feel you didn't smear TWC. I tried to respond on your Stack but unfortunately, you only allow paying subscribers. That is one of my big irks. I do disagree with you on TWC's pandemic and contagion kits. I do see they are doing a broad hard sell, however, I think they could be very beneficial seeing what our governments did to us the past 4 years. No, I haven't bought one but do have things on hand that could help.

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Thank you. I will read your post. Ooof. This hit some type of nerve. Just skimmed above and Sasha Latypova and Dr. Mike Yeadon have commented. Sad to see all this infighting. I WILL read your post and the comments here from other freedom writers.

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INTERESTING! So Malik doesn't believe the virus exists, begrudges McCullough and TWC because they tout IVM as an early treatment BUT HAS NO PROBLEM BEING A WHORE TO TAKE THEIR MONEY, EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH THEIR PRINCIPLE POSITION OF TREATING A VIRUS. Yeah, he's a fake and doesn't stand on principle. He likes the attention he's getting and hopes his podcast career makes him a star. That deal proposal smacks of a venture capital attorney who ran TWC's other corporate numbers and took a huge shot across the bow. Malik was too dumb about business to understand what the picture in totality was and what his value proposition was so he come a greedy POS. He's not just trying to make a little bit of income to feed his kids, he wants to be a star and rape someone her perceives as RICHER. I don't care how many great interviews he's done...everybody wants Oprah money without doing the work (or should I say Rogan money) Let him go invent a new surgical joint replacement, invent it, test it, market, prove it and grab a royalty from scratch if he wants those types of numbers

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$100k is Oprah money? Are you serious. After tax in the UK that wouldn't even cover a decent mortgage. Get your accusations right, Jim is the no virus loon, TWC are shilling a bird flu pandemic to sell fucking tamiflu. Tamiflu, the original SARS scam drug marketed by Donald fucking Rumsfeld.

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I get that this happens (but shouldn't), but damn, it's just a shame that there's so much infighting

imagine what we could do against these globalist tyrannical scum if we were a united front!

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United with charlatans is not a front with a foundation.

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Grifters everywhere

Follow Jesus

You can’t go wrong there

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It’s all his anyway. 😉

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