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I am praying that people are awake enough to justSAY NO. I HOPE AND PRAY, I JUST SAW A PICTURE OF MY LITTLE COUSIN JUST got flu shot, some people are still not paying attention.

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Unfortunate child. Smh. How can the child's parents be so unaware of the danger?

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I thought they were really bright, but then again they are DEMOCRATS!

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Any journalist should be asking.

What was your batch number ?

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An unknown nurse/doctor/ pharmacist should randomly show up to administer the shot to these people. Make it public on TV Nothing staged. Nothing fake. This would truly be worth watching. Anything else is suspect

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Does it really matter if multiple injected folks refuse more injections? I don’t think so. They may not die as quickly but the will still die from what has already been pumped into their bodies. We are talking about the walking dead here. No one is going to survive these injections. It just not possible given the “dozens” of ways this weapon can injure and kill. So let them get more injections. Who cares?

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Soy boy Lauterbach.

A tool, a fool, a Fauci wannabe.

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“… they’re already looking for one.” (A new virus.) No, they’re probably making one, like they did last time.

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YES! I pray the world, not only Americans and Canadians will see through the fraud. RESIST REFUSE. DO NOT COMPLY.

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...and growing. #donotcomply.

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But the check has been written already for billions and billions on top of their other billions and the people will pay for what we all know few will ever take again. They pumped the price up to $100 per dose vs. prior $20 because now they are clearly showing they know the harm and are still moving forward which turns manslaughter into murder per Chossudovsky. So for that risky business that exposes you even more you get rewarded higher profits.

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This Lauterbach schweinhund is a dummkopf!

He is a horseman.

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Trump's vaccine cured TDS.

Does this "updated shot" do that ?

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I ee e

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Were can we buy such an umbrella?? Please.

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Sure, make sure all those older people get the clot shot- all of you useless eaters....

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"...but as political stories go, this one has played out."

Not a chance. Just ask Gates and his cronies at the WEF and WHO, Prof Jane Halton Board Chiar of CEPI, the ACT COVID-19 Accelerator (Germany is a leading funder) keen to stick everyone with their juice. And while you're at it, why not point out the singular, abject and repeated failure to demonstrate, identify or otherwise show a "corona virus" anywhere on the planet?

The story "plays out" when the fat lady sings, which won't be for awhile yet.

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