Glad to see a thinker's opinion regarding Gaza not so much from lying CNN who pumped out Covid propaganda you seem to trust on another issue. Liars keep lying!

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So I guess they , the elites have the bunkers already set , clean and ready?

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Kim Jong Un would love to nuke the US back to the Stone Age. So would a lot of Pakistanis and Iranians along with most of the middle-east and much of Asia and South America and parts of Europe and Eurasia. Fortunately, Kim Jong Un most likely does not believe he would be rewarded with 72 virgins for doing so. He could, however, pass ICBMs to Pakistan and Iran. If that ever happens ...

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Exactly. The ‘luxury’ of conjuring problems, while turning a blind eye to our enemies.

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Europe will cure themselves of their problem, a plane ticket to America.

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