Makes no difference at all. What is in the blood, air, food, 5g, water, starvation etc will kill us all unless WE ALL WAKE THE HELL UP.

I AM SICK AND TIRED OF LITERALLY SHOWING PEOPLE THE PROOF ..... DO THEY WANT TO LISTEN, KNOW ? MAYBE 1 OUT OF 100 ..... I'm alone in a foreign country - husband brain damaged after I begged him not to take the damn shot - so working and researching all the time. I give USB's out, literally showing people the proof. Do they want to believe ? NO. NO AND NO. Lost family and most friends. I am SICK OF IT.


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I think more people realise the jabs a bad idea now but they won't talk about it openly for fear, embarrassment, being labelled crazy etc. My "friends" have either totally ignored me or cast me out. A few strangers I've spoken with who took first batch or those plus one booster say they won't get anymore. Several got ill after shots.

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I am sorry this happened to you and your husband Cleolynne and that you are going through a really hard time but please don't tell yourself that you're sick of it. I think you would be better off telling yourself that although it's not easy you can handle it and are handling it because you're strong and coping with things is what you do. But that's just me. I know what I'd like you to do but I wouldn't want to lecture you on what to do. If I was in your shoes, which I'm not and don't know what you are going through, but if I was in your shoes I might try saying to people "Look, I may be wrong. I often am. Let's examine the facts" and then lead into a discussion of jab harms that way. It used to work for Dale Carnegie. I'd also get on to Open Library and borrow the book "Instant Influence" by Michael Pantalon and see if I could help people talk themselves into, or find their own motivation for, examining the evidence, but you don't have to. What you do is entirely up to you. But I hope you'll be kind to yourself.

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Sheeple are lining up in pharmacies across America to get the latest iteration of the jab-juice.

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Great stuff! I note with amusement that Christina Betsch is the antichrist!

'she BC antichrist' is an anagram of her name.

Mind you she sounds like a bitch with her surname.

However, I should have checked. her first name is apparently Cornelia not Christina. Never mind, it's the thought that counts.

'arse bitch clone' is an anagram of Cornelia Betsch so all is not lost.

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No one in Germany read this and I am not .

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Relatedly, from the website "STAT':


In their "Morning Rounds" for 10-12-2023:

"How a top FDA official thinks the agency could jump-start gene therapy businesses

Peter Marks, a top official at the FDA, wants to reinvigorate the gene therapy field through more accelerated approvals and a closer working relationship between regulators and companies. “We’re not here to be like consultants. But at the end of the day, some of what we do is the functional equivalent of consultants, right?” he told STAT’s Jason Mast. He has nicknamed a new agency initiative "Operation Warp Speed for Rare Disease." And he encourages questions from biotechs."

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"Der Hirtenjunge und der Wolf" wird "Der Journalist und die neue Variante"

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Hirtenjunge = shepherd boy

(The Boy who cried Wolf)

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