Any governors besides Florida and Texas who will not tolerate mask and jab mandates? I’m thinking about moving.😱😢

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Come join us! It's stinking hot here in Texas in the summer, but at least this place is big enough so that you can disappear into the wilds, far from blue cities, should the need arise.

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Thank you, @CindyLou!:)

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Yup, it’s hot in the summer, but our winters can be pretty great, at least in the lower portion of Texas. I’ve spent many a day in February enjoying a 70 degree day. Sure beats the snow and ice!

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There were $12T printed in 2020 alone. The M1 money supply was previously $4T. That means "they" are diluting the value of the saver's $ and giving them to their buddies. It's now over $18T.


Who exactly received these funds?

Someone printed the money now being handed to the border hopping invaders ($10K per month in EBT free rent etc!!!). We are experiencing a CCP coup.

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Fighting means

going as hard as you can

and as far as you can

before you fall.

It doesn't mean you -

yourself - will - win.

That - someone - will win

is why you fight.

If you stand around

- waiting for a winner

You have already lost everything.

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Great comment!

PS - Just had a look at your substack. Love your format! Will be following…

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Love 'Ya

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The perfection of the 'green party,' is that their statements point directly to their creators: Oil Cartels and our DOD. Paul, about funding. The mini-moron Congress handed over all funding to the DOD all under fake 'national security.' About 2018 Standard 56, based upon executive order 13526, if I recall, about 2009, Zbig Obama's regime, trashed article 1 about section 9 regarding control of public funds. Standard 56 powered the DOD deep state asses carte blanche.

The reason why 9/11 hoax punk Bush hit the pentagon with directed energy was because that wing held the last Americans in the Pentagon. The guys were investigating Rumslfeld's Trilateral robbery of billions. Entire wing was dusted. S-56 precluded future attacks upon American bureaucrats.

You see the problem. Standard 56 would be tossed by today's Supreme Court, but all the deep state bureaucrats in DC, Kevin and all, simply don't give a damn. Above info is from Freeland's book, Geo-transhumanism about page 200. She failed to provide an index, but around that pages plus or minus a couple.

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So glad to hear someone point at the “terrorists”! Bravo👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

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I concur. Definitely looks demonic! Any entity capable of such fraud must be demon possessed. The whole lot of them.

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More mask fraud.

Nothing more.

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I mean who really gives a shit about what allegedly goes on in Germany of all places on earth and fodder outlets such as Der Spiegel?

Rather show us pictures of big breasted attractive Aryan women carrying overflowing pitchers of beer.

All EU vassal US states have fucked themselves over in following Washington's agenda against Russia.

What a tragedy.

This is what happens when you get bullied and pummeled into submission

This whole "covid making a return story" is just rubbish. A distraction from other important developments.

The more the alleged freedom movement writes about it, the more it validates their now dwindling cause.

When covid dies - which it will - then they're out biz.

This is not about you Paul - you're an authentic player- but 99% of the rest of the parasites aren't.

The alleged freedom movement also wants covid to carry on for another 100 years.

Again, rehab clinics cannot exist without substance abuse.

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Dr. Alexander, we need to focus on the power of the Sheriffs office to hold them accountable.

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Hiel Hitler! Zig hiel!

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It’s just another great laundering scheme….

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I try not to hate anything, but the color green is the worst of all the 10 million colors and I despise it immensely.

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