"Why are these assholes always lying, why?"

Because nobody stops them. but we do talk about it a lot.

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The god they serve requires permanent DNA mutilation and separation from God Almighty, nature as the original intention of our Creator of the All in All. Separation from the genetic Coded name of God instilled to make us unique removed and a third strand of DNA made from the manipulation called the Abomination of Desolation in the Bible. They will not stop unless those who Love God refuse and fight this battle with prayer and supplication to our Creator for divine intervention along side our battle with evil. Jesus will have to come back at some point it seems or no flesh will be saved.

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They don’t want to be erased! Even Chelsea Clinton thinks injecting our children should be mandatory! Ignore the central role of our immune system to keep us healthy!

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Truth is not a left wing value. As the saying goes if you tell a lie often enough people will believe it, it’s as simple as that. It is right out of the Marxist/Communist Playbook. They lie all the time to create what I call the Three C’s Crisis, Chaos and Confusion.

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They’re just plain evil right to the bone look at our evil Liberals in Canada saying if they get reelected, they’re going to put over all of it Covid bullshit back in the place totally evil if you get on a plane or a train or anything or if you go and do anything do you have to get the vaccination I just don’t get it wake the hell up people the only pandemic was our government

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"They" lied to everyone about covid casualties from the start.

Add Christian Drosten to that list.

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The "pandemic" was over by autumn 2020. Herd immunity had already set in.

Amazing these lying psychos still claim these "vaccines" work. But fewer and fewer people believe that now, thanks to your efforts and the efforts of many other doctors to get the truth out.

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Thank you, Dr. Paul. I think we'd do very well to remember the general principle of risk/reward analysis in understanding why this dynamic has true staying power. The medical tyrannists realized huge fiscal and political profits from the Covid grift, and bore almost no costs. It's no surprise, then, that they continue their ways most aggressively. Why wouldn't they? It's another manifestation of the fascism that is the government-media-medical complex.

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Either a true believer in a lie, or simply a larcenous and corrupt apparatchik. Final judgement here or in hereafter will be the same.

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I can only conclude they are trying to turn us all into full-on-anti-everything. Our world has gone absolutely bonkers twilight zone insane. Clown world crazy. Real people aren’t on board still?!?!? Only the minority or outdoor maskers I still see.. no words. Constantly shocked.

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They continue because they know they are in the wrong . Doubling and tripling down on their wrong positions , dare we say ,criminal ,devious, nefarious lies to begin with .

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liars die right just ask Drostenstein

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At this point many are lying to save face or their skin.

They were lying in the beginning and along the way due to willful ignorance, fear of ostracism, or the pot of gold for playing along.

For the masses, fear, belief, faith, and trust, as throughout history, propelled the fraud along. It is the root of all human evil. https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/blog/proof-of-the-cause-of-all-human-made-problems

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Sick evil demons. Good against evil.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

I’m sure there is an equivalent in German for the acronym CYA. For that is what Herr Drosten is engaging in, and he will certainly not be the last to want to cover his Arse in order to escape responsibility for the democide in which he was among the most committed soldiers.

“Aber ich habe nur Befehle befolgt!” (But I was merely following orders). If’s a familiar refrain. It was not accepted during the Nuremberg trials, and it shall not be accepted during the accountability phase of this mass democide!

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