calls sex change 'the worst mistake of my life'; Kristin Beck says he was used by a Veterans Affairs doctor & other activists to push & 'normalize' what he says is the radical transgender agenda
The guy really did need some kind of psychotherapy. Not accepting your own gender is a mental illness. Period. And no matter what the doctors and counselors say, it is impossible to actually change gender, because it is in the DNA of every normal cell in your body. A male who has himself mutilated by cutting off his balls (which apparently Beck did not do yet) is NOT A WOMAN, IT IS A EUNICH! And conversely, a woman cannot become a man. She cannot change either her DNA or acquire the actual male parts, only FAKE parts!
People, "get a grip": if you believe the pro-transgender people, you are listening to MENTALLY ILL LUNATICS, and that includes the insane doctors who perform the mutilations! Get over it and accept REALITY! Play-acting and delusion will only harm you.
The purpose of all this nonsense is to accellerate the insanity and demise of an already collapsing society by feeding its delusions, and to sterilize people as part of the Globalist depopulation program.
I believe that there is pressure to support trans diagnoses. Decades ago, males had to live for several months as a female in order to qualify for sex reassignment. It seems to me that a one hour psychiatric consultation followed by prescriptions of female hormones is rather hasty. I'm female and taking female hormones during menopause gave me chronic indigestion, so I stopped. The doctor should count the cost and risk of taking hormones for males. Especially taking them for the rest of their life. The idea that drugs and surgical procedures can "magically" fix your life issues puts many people at risk for painful (expensive) surgical procedures and drug side effects--while still feeling dissatisfied with their life.. It is quite possible to dress and look female without hormones. I think before taking hormones or undergoing surgery, the patient should try this along with psychotherapy to help supporting/exploring/treating gender dysphoria.. Several months should be enough time to figure out whether the patient needs more medical interventions. So I guess I'm saying that Kristin /Chris Beck did experience some mistreatament from the system. It wasn't just on him. When people are suffering they may leap for any "cure" that seems to promise solving their malaise.
I believe Chris Beck has been injured in another way. When he described his reasons for transitioning to female, he stated that he dressed in female clothing to "purge" after months when he was shipped off to battle. I speculate that he may have used his cross dressing as a way to cope with PTSD from military actions. Charles Eisenstein (on substack) writes about the effects of "patriarchy" on both males and females forcing males to be stoic and fearless and independent and deny their vulnerabilities. I suspect such demands were a burden to Beck who concealed his fears and vulnerability to "fit in" as a navy seal. He does not describe being treated for PTSD. It's possible that many patients are getting misdiagnosed as gender dysphoric when they are experiencing psychological distress from another source. Some authors, for example, state that high functioning autistic young females feel uncomfortable because their autism hinders their adjustment to social life. As a result, they and their doctors may come to believe their insecurities will be cured if they transition to male. Again, they may not be getting treated appropriately. The increasing numbers of female to male trans men who subsequently detransition may bear this out.
Thank you. Excellent. Reinforces my attitude that Western medicine does not practice healing, they practice what the book says, the aggregate. Forget root cause analysis, they may learn something. Oh, forgot, they know it all.
The system itself has become perverted. If people think or do things different than the stereotype for their biological sex, doctors have been convincing them they're trans. Typically, the real trans were sexually harassed or sexually abused as children.
Chris and his Fiancé do an brutally honest 2 hr interview on Robbie Starbuck’s show on Rumble. Before people criticize they need to hear what they both had to say. Amazing people of courage.
Just watched Chris beck and his girlfriend on Robbie Starbucks on rumble. He takes full responsibility but says Psychologgist who wrote a book with him pushed him into transitioning That he was screwed up when he got out of military. Go watch on rumble and judge for yourself
Exactly. Too many are quick to jump in and let critical health decisions fall into the hands of incompetent healthcare providers. Look at how many won’t stand up against the mandates? Treating those with gender dysphoria has become part of the same Orwellian mindset. It should never come down to prescribing hormones after a 1 hour consult with a psychiatrist. This only feeds a delusion. It used to be wrong . Now in middle schools especially it’s becoming a social trend. At a school in our area there are about 8 students at a high school who identify as furries. Cats & dogs. They dress in animal costumes and have collars. They are even asking now for their own restrooms with liter boxes. Pure insanity. Last time I checked there were no shots that will actually change their DNA into an actual animal. There is no difference between wanting to transition to the opposite sex or transition to another species in the animal kingdom. Maybe one should 1st deal with the underlying issues that lead people to want to change into something different than who they are. So glad Chis is speaking out. I hope more people detransitioning do before more children are harmed.
How about we go back to using the word "sex" when the topic pertains to biological 𝒔𝒆𝒙? Leave the word gender for its better suited uses in discussions about language or psychology? Replacement of the word 𝒔𝒆𝒙 with their word -- gender -- is what enabled this madness in the first place.
Kathleen Stock in her book, "Material Girls" documents the history of sex, gender, gender ID--and now there are multiple sexes. Who knew? Decades ago transgender persons would attempt to get complete sexual remodeling with drugs, surgery, voice training, facial reconstruction. Now, it's enough just to announce you believe you are X--and you can force society to take your claim seriously. You don't even need surgery and drugs. I majored in sociology years ago. Can we speculate on how this happens? We used to have the same television programs, the same movies, the same news media. It's all fragmented/divided into separate bubbles. You can choose what you want to listen to. So I guess you can also choose who you are. P.S. You can read most of Stock's history of gender by searching for her book on Amazon and reading it online.
I think PTSD for sure. He complained that after a month in combat he got time off and used to cross dress to "purge" himself (reduce his anxiety/fear?). I could easily see that Chris would hope to be "cured" if he could remain female and so avoid painful battle issues. And I could easily see that a psychiatrist would accept Chris's hope, take it at face value, and help him to start transitioning. I think that psychiatrist (who was writing a book about Chris?!) has to also take some responsibility. Because patients do tend to listen to their physicians, don't they?
I couldn’t agree more. As a nurse who served in the Air Force, having dealt with 1st hand, veterans who were combat injured and PTSD I get it. Returning home after deployment and the uncomfortable feeling of being in your own skin. I never served in combat but close to it and cared for many severely injured. You don’t feel the same after that experience. I can’t even imagine the degree displaced discomfort our combat veterans feel like post deployment when they come home.
Chris has PSTD and cross dressing was a coping mechanism. It gave him a way to escape the extreme discomfort he was experiencing. But you can fix that with hormones or surgery. Those who criticize Chris for making the decision to transition then detransition need to sit down and STFU.
Did you watch his interviews? 1 on Tucker’s shows & 1 with his fiancé on Robbie Starbucks show-2 hrs long. It’s on Rumble and YouTube. They go through everything.
I agree with Dr. Alexander. Don't blame anybody else but yourself for your choice, Chris/Kristin Beck. However, I do hope he speaks out loudly about his experience...maybe he will save others ( especially children/ teens.)
I will bet you dollars to donuts, IF the VA doctors would had said off with the boys if you want to became an ''IT'' Chris would have changed his mind real quick!!! bets anyone???
It takes a whole lot more than removing the gonads and taking estrogen to become a woman. The ONLY way to "become" a woman is to HAVE BEEN BORN with XX chromosomes and wait about 13 years to go through female puberty! A guy will not turn into a FEMALE by taking PUBERTY BLOCKERS and then female hormones. He will just be SERIOUSLY MESSING UP the male self that HE WAS CREATED TO BE.
I believe you are right. I watched his interview with Tucker the night before last. It’s gut wrenching to hear his story. It’s interesting that the realization of the affect of estrogen therapy on his body wasn’t working the way he thought or was told it would. And why would it? His DNA and male hormones made him who he is. Now he’s coming out to warn people that it’s extremely dangerous to transition children based on what he experienced. He said it ruined his life. When he realized the hormone therapy didn’t work he had no intentions of having surgery. What all this actually is, is a big lie told by evil beings that have ulterior motives.
Given his experience as a Navy Seal, the combat deployments, top secret missions, the fact that he was most likely dealing with some level of PTSD. He had A LOT to unpack. 1 hour of psychotherapy and then the decision to treat a patient with hormone therapy is malpractice IMO. & if VA physicians were pressured treat gender dysphoria as such before treating what else was lying below the surface, thus is gross negligence.
I hope he comes out and tells his story. Because veterans coming home from combat with PTSD don’t feel comfortable in their own skin, veteran suicide itself should be evidence of that. and perhaps gender dysphoria was his way of coping. So who ever in the medical chain of command thought this was a good plan of care also needs a mental health work up.
The guy really did need some kind of psychotherapy. Not accepting your own gender is a mental illness. Period. And no matter what the doctors and counselors say, it is impossible to actually change gender, because it is in the DNA of every normal cell in your body. A male who has himself mutilated by cutting off his balls (which apparently Beck did not do yet) is NOT A WOMAN, IT IS A EUNICH! And conversely, a woman cannot become a man. She cannot change either her DNA or acquire the actual male parts, only FAKE parts!
People, "get a grip": if you believe the pro-transgender people, you are listening to MENTALLY ILL LUNATICS, and that includes the insane doctors who perform the mutilations! Get over it and accept REALITY! Play-acting and delusion will only harm you.
The purpose of all this nonsense is to accellerate the insanity and demise of an already collapsing society by feeding its delusions, and to sterilize people as part of the Globalist depopulation program.
Yes, I think, it's in the chromosomes.
You really need to go on Rumble and watch Robbie Starbucks interview with Chris Beck and his fiance Courtney. They give hope to all of this insanity.
Unfortunately I can only give your great post 1 like, you are very succinctly and unapologetically telling it like it is!!
I am glad this man, Chris, awakened to the Truth before he completely dismembered himself.
I believe that there is pressure to support trans diagnoses. Decades ago, males had to live for several months as a female in order to qualify for sex reassignment. It seems to me that a one hour psychiatric consultation followed by prescriptions of female hormones is rather hasty. I'm female and taking female hormones during menopause gave me chronic indigestion, so I stopped. The doctor should count the cost and risk of taking hormones for males. Especially taking them for the rest of their life. The idea that drugs and surgical procedures can "magically" fix your life issues puts many people at risk for painful (expensive) surgical procedures and drug side effects--while still feeling dissatisfied with their life.. It is quite possible to dress and look female without hormones. I think before taking hormones or undergoing surgery, the patient should try this along with psychotherapy to help supporting/exploring/treating gender dysphoria.. Several months should be enough time to figure out whether the patient needs more medical interventions. So I guess I'm saying that Kristin /Chris Beck did experience some mistreatament from the system. It wasn't just on him. When people are suffering they may leap for any "cure" that seems to promise solving their malaise.
Really sad, every time I think that our debauched society can't get any worse, it does.
I believe Chris Beck has been injured in another way. When he described his reasons for transitioning to female, he stated that he dressed in female clothing to "purge" after months when he was shipped off to battle. I speculate that he may have used his cross dressing as a way to cope with PTSD from military actions. Charles Eisenstein (on substack) writes about the effects of "patriarchy" on both males and females forcing males to be stoic and fearless and independent and deny their vulnerabilities. I suspect such demands were a burden to Beck who concealed his fears and vulnerability to "fit in" as a navy seal. He does not describe being treated for PTSD. It's possible that many patients are getting misdiagnosed as gender dysphoric when they are experiencing psychological distress from another source. Some authors, for example, state that high functioning autistic young females feel uncomfortable because their autism hinders their adjustment to social life. As a result, they and their doctors may come to believe their insecurities will be cured if they transition to male. Again, they may not be getting treated appropriately. The increasing numbers of female to male trans men who subsequently detransition may bear this out.
Thank you. Excellent. Reinforces my attitude that Western medicine does not practice healing, they practice what the book says, the aggregate. Forget root cause analysis, they may learn something. Oh, forgot, they know it all.
The system itself has become perverted. If people think or do things different than the stereotype for their biological sex, doctors have been convincing them they're trans. Typically, the real trans were sexually harassed or sexually abused as children.
He is taking responsibility for his decision and now wants to warn others. He doesn’t need our scorn but our prayers.
Chris and his Fiancé do an brutally honest 2 hr interview on Robbie Starbuck’s show on Rumble. Before people criticize they need to hear what they both had to say. Amazing people of courage.
Just watched Chris beck and his girlfriend on Robbie Starbucks on rumble. He takes full responsibility but says Psychologgist who wrote a book with him pushed him into transitioning That he was screwed up when he got out of military. Go watch on rumble and judge for yourself
Exactly. Too many are quick to jump in and let critical health decisions fall into the hands of incompetent healthcare providers. Look at how many won’t stand up against the mandates? Treating those with gender dysphoria has become part of the same Orwellian mindset. It should never come down to prescribing hormones after a 1 hour consult with a psychiatrist. This only feeds a delusion. It used to be wrong . Now in middle schools especially it’s becoming a social trend. At a school in our area there are about 8 students at a high school who identify as furries. Cats & dogs. They dress in animal costumes and have collars. They are even asking now for their own restrooms with liter boxes. Pure insanity. Last time I checked there were no shots that will actually change their DNA into an actual animal. There is no difference between wanting to transition to the opposite sex or transition to another species in the animal kingdom. Maybe one should 1st deal with the underlying issues that lead people to want to change into something different than who they are. So glad Chis is speaking out. I hope more people detransitioning do before more children are harmed.
How about we go back to using the word "sex" when the topic pertains to biological 𝒔𝒆𝒙? Leave the word gender for its better suited uses in discussions about language or psychology? Replacement of the word 𝒔𝒆𝒙 with their word -- gender -- is what enabled this madness in the first place.
Kathleen Stock in her book, "Material Girls" documents the history of sex, gender, gender ID--and now there are multiple sexes. Who knew? Decades ago transgender persons would attempt to get complete sexual remodeling with drugs, surgery, voice training, facial reconstruction. Now, it's enough just to announce you believe you are X--and you can force society to take your claim seriously. You don't even need surgery and drugs. I majored in sociology years ago. Can we speculate on how this happens? We used to have the same television programs, the same movies, the same news media. It's all fragmented/divided into separate bubbles. You can choose what you want to listen to. So I guess you can also choose who you are. P.S. You can read most of Stock's history of gender by searching for her book on Amazon and reading it online.
I often wondered why he did this in the first place.
Highly accomplished, recipient of the Purple Heart...figured he must have been suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from a blow to the head.
I think PTSD for sure. He complained that after a month in combat he got time off and used to cross dress to "purge" himself (reduce his anxiety/fear?). I could easily see that Chris would hope to be "cured" if he could remain female and so avoid painful battle issues. And I could easily see that a psychiatrist would accept Chris's hope, take it at face value, and help him to start transitioning. I think that psychiatrist (who was writing a book about Chris?!) has to also take some responsibility. Because patients do tend to listen to their physicians, don't they?
The VA doctor who "helped" him was a total quack and should have his medical license removed.
I couldn’t agree more. As a nurse who served in the Air Force, having dealt with 1st hand, veterans who were combat injured and PTSD I get it. Returning home after deployment and the uncomfortable feeling of being in your own skin. I never served in combat but close to it and cared for many severely injured. You don’t feel the same after that experience. I can’t even imagine the degree displaced discomfort our combat veterans feel like post deployment when they come home.
Chris has PSTD and cross dressing was a coping mechanism. It gave him a way to escape the extreme discomfort he was experiencing. But you can fix that with hormones or surgery. Those who criticize Chris for making the decision to transition then detransition need to sit down and STFU.
Typo: meant to write you can’t fix this with hormones & surgery.
I just wish he would have given himself more time to cope with the trauma of combat and being injured.
(You can edit your comment if you click on the 3 dots after the word "collapse."
Did you watch his interviews? 1 on Tucker’s shows & 1 with his fiancé on Robbie Starbucks show-2 hrs long. It’s on Rumble and YouTube. They go through everything.
Not yet...still trying to keep up with all the Substack articles.
I agree with Dr. Alexander. Don't blame anybody else but yourself for your choice, Chris/Kristin Beck. However, I do hope he speaks out loudly about his experience...maybe he will save others ( especially children/ teens.)
That is exactly what he is doing. Warning children that it’s not what you think it is. This will destroy who you are.
I will bet you dollars to donuts, IF the VA doctors would had said off with the boys if you want to became an ''IT'' Chris would have changed his mind real quick!!! bets anyone???
It takes a whole lot more than removing the gonads and taking estrogen to become a woman. The ONLY way to "become" a woman is to HAVE BEEN BORN with XX chromosomes and wait about 13 years to go through female puberty! A guy will not turn into a FEMALE by taking PUBERTY BLOCKERS and then female hormones. He will just be SERIOUSLY MESSING UP the male self that HE WAS CREATED TO BE.
I believe you are right. I watched his interview with Tucker the night before last. It’s gut wrenching to hear his story. It’s interesting that the realization of the affect of estrogen therapy on his body wasn’t working the way he thought or was told it would. And why would it? His DNA and male hormones made him who he is. Now he’s coming out to warn people that it’s extremely dangerous to transition children based on what he experienced. He said it ruined his life. When he realized the hormone therapy didn’t work he had no intentions of having surgery. What all this actually is, is a big lie told by evil beings that have ulterior motives.
Given his experience as a Navy Seal, the combat deployments, top secret missions, the fact that he was most likely dealing with some level of PTSD. He had A LOT to unpack. 1 hour of psychotherapy and then the decision to treat a patient with hormone therapy is malpractice IMO. & if VA physicians were pressured treat gender dysphoria as such before treating what else was lying below the surface, thus is gross negligence.
I hope he comes out and tells his story. Because veterans coming home from combat with PTSD don’t feel comfortable in their own skin, veteran suicide itself should be evidence of that. and perhaps gender dysphoria was his way of coping. So who ever in the medical chain of command thought this was a good plan of care also needs a mental health work up.
Before long, big pharma will have a pill for switching back and forth as the mood suits you.
It’s ok to say penis.
"It was crap insanity from the start and you were quasi nutty." Pun intended?
A truly complete transition would have included his becoming a eunuch.
Maybe he can find a king or prince somewhere that would take him on.
This person must just fuck off.
Hang your late fishing tackle on the wall and remember the old latin adage:
"caveat emptor".
Or, remix Katy Perry's lyrics if you prefer more contemporary:
"I became a girl and I didn't like it.
I became a girl and I didn't like it.
The taste of his sweaty cruddy dipstick.
I became a girl just to try it.
I hope my momma don't mind it.
It felt so wrong, it felt so right.
Don't mean I'm in love tonight.
I became a girl and I didn't like it.
I didn't like it."