as we listen & communicate about all the critical issues of the day with each other'; Dr. Malone’s insults toward Dr. Yeadon should be no surprise, given that he has so often attempted to silence...
Poor Bob. He and his colleagues didn't intend to kill anyone. All his spook friends didn't intend to kill folks. Oh, no, no, no! It's just an accident. Yeah, that's it. Just a "mass formation" of all you stupid sheep. If you knew how to use it right it would have saved humanity!
Yeadon sees the human element for what it's doing. This is deliberate from the start.
"Some of the statements Malone attributed to Dr. Breggin were never uttered by Dr. Breggin. And none of the statements were defamatory."
1) If this is correct, then does that not imply that Malone has defamed Dr. Breggin? Would it not therefore be reasonable for Dr. Breggin to sue Malone for defamation? If Malone has, presumably knowingly, made false statements about Dr. Breggin then surely Malone has no defense of truth. It is hard to see how Malone can claim that making false statements was in the public interest. Malone certainly appears to have damaged Dr. Breggin's reputation by causing people who believed the false statements to think less highly of Dr.Breggin. Dr. Breggin has successfully sued for defamation in the past.
2) If there was never any merit to Malone's case, then what was all the fuss about? There was never anything to fear. The worst that could happen was that the doomed case would backfire on Malone who would be exposed as the real defamer. If there was no real danger, and thus nothing to fear, then what looked like fear must have been anxiety. Why were so many people catastrophizing neurotically about a danger that was never real?
3) Argumentum ad hominem is not always fallacious but why did responses to Malone by some commenters on this stack, but not by Dr. Alexander or the Breggins, include not only justified ad hominems but also fallacious ad hominems (e.g., along the lines of "Have you seen his haircut and his beard? Men who look like that are malevolent?" "Because he had contracts with the DoD, Malone must have been up to no good.") Some of the reasoning was reminiscent of Timothy McVeigh, a paranoid whackjob, who mass murdered DoD employees in Oklahoma. I put this down to the groupthink that happens in echo chambers, which generate "dumb gollums."
Malone's defamation lawsuit against WaPo was just dismissed and the judge warned that it was without merit, and he also cautioned that future similar cases would be considered frivolous and penalties would be applied to the plaintiff.
Malone is also besties with the guy who was the most likely person to have committed the anthrax poisonings in 2001, Steven Hatfill. Check out their tag team interview on Tommy's Podcast, the MIC insider vibe was so thick it was nauseating.
Malone hasn't given up on his strategy of lawfare. He's hard at it, along with those allied with him in the Freedom Movement, trying to encourage people to sue Pfizer. You'd think he'd learn from the failure of his efforts against the media conglomerates, but no. Instead, unlike more moderate voices in the Freedom Movement, he seems to want to bring down Big Pharma and is pressing ahead undeterred with his efforts to put Big Pharma in the dock.
Malone is very keen to shut down any conversation drawing attention to the orchestrated nature of what has occurred. He is equally as keen to emphasise the chaotic happenstance of the Covid era.
Anything/one drawing attention to specific global orchestrators, or an agenda which extends beyond the Covid era (2019 - 2023) is taboo.
Yeadon, Breggins etc alert us to a master plan by 'Global Predators'. Malone declares they must be silenced. Malone is the 'insider' (who came from 'The Outside') only during the Covid era. He was thrust into leadership of the Freedom Movement with an ability to garner resources others could not, neither during Covid or for decades before. His support of Desmet's 'we all went mad' hypothesis plays all to beautifully into a 'this was all just one big stuff-up' narrative.
Coincidentally, this is precisely what a party implementing a broader, prolonged, orchestrated assault on humanity would like us to believe. So, we all 'get on with our lives'. Whilst they, surrepticiously, get on with their agenda.
Malone's true intent set aside - momentarily. How could we possibly accept a man so acutely aware of the detrimental issues of mRNA and lipid nanoparticles, be dumb enough to inject himself (several times), after actually having had Covid 19? Malone is many things, but dumb is not one of them. So why?
Malone's claim he got the jabs wreaks of a gateway into the freedom movement. He became 'one of Us'. But no, he most definitely was not one of Us. He was distinctly, one of Them.
An alternative hypothesis is that he believed, wrongly, that the jabs were safe and effective. He travelled extensively internationally and it seems a bit of a stretch to think that an elaborate conspiracy would have existed among border control agents in multiple countries that could guarantee he could come and go with fake vaccination credentials and never be detected. One would have to have complex paranoid delusions to think that. Occam's razor says he took the jabs.
That's correct. Bats probably are where Ralph Baric and his team at UNC and collaborators in Ukraine and at the WIV or their predecessors originally did get it from before modifying it and adding new spikes with HIV sequences prior to his CIA or other handlers blundering by innocently releasing it at Fort Detrick prior to releasing it deliberately in late 2019 in Wuhan and at other places during the World Military Games.
Sounds a bit out there. 'One would have to have complex paranoid delusions to think that'. Occam's razor says some poor sole picked it up at a wet market and presto, global pandemic.
Not really. Baric wrote up much of what he was doing in a journal. Fort Detrick's history is well documented. Known pathogens were excluded for the nearby respiratory illness outbreak in 2019. The Russian bioweapons chief released information on what they found in Ukraine biolabs to the UN. It's documented that Fauci met with the intel agencies to push your wet market theory before it went out of vogue. Occam's razor has to account for those facts. It's a bit different to believing that Malone is el diablo because he once had DoD contracts and there's a conspiracy of border control agents around the world to never question his vaccine passport credentials and require him to take an antibody test.
The wet market explanation was garbage from the start.
You're essentially arguing that because facts and evidence mounted exposing the falsity of the 'wet market' explanation, Occam's razor shifted to suit those revealed and accumulated facts.
My original point was: as soon as anyone heads in the direction of pointing to, exploring, or exposing potential questions of Malone's credibility, there is swift, relentless action to shut them up. If that doesn't spike your interest, you may not be woke, but you're definitely not 'awake'.
As for 'there's a conspiracy of border control agents', that is garbage too, and a rather pitiful strawman argument. A fraudulent 'vaccination certificate' works every where. There is no need to convince a series of border agents with anything more than one simple digital certification.
Malone himself proferred the reason for his Covid vaccination: to mitigate long Covid. Frankly, a nonsense explanation. He took a drug he knew increased his bodies production of spike protein to reduce the adverse consequences of naturally acquired spike protein. A poorly informed layman could have been so inclined, but Malone, c'mon.
Malone is controlled opposition. As are many of the people we see as "the good guys." Which is another psyop. The idea of good and evil and we must always pick a side. Every single issue can be worked out via communication/language. How in the world are we supposed to communicate when the communication apparatus (the world wide web) is controlled? Do not look to Elon & his space escapades, he too is controlled opposition. Literally every. Single. Thing. Goes back to Google. Every single type of electronic exchange there is. It is tracked. Yes, even crypto! And then every site you go to now you must enter your email. Again tracking & collecting data on us. I think alot more people want freedom, in every realm, the golden question is how do we do it in a way that were not in fear of being sued. Having our bank accounts drained. Or thrown in jail. Killed. Etc.... there is nothing & nobody that is free. We are all enslaved, with the illusion of choice & freedom. What can we create in terms of space to exchange ideas, survival tactics, health & wellness, education,child care, human relations, abolishing banks, etc. ultimately saving the human race.
I watched a debate between Steve Kirsch and a shock jock who relentlessly pressed Kirsch on whether he had beliefs along the lines of the jabs being part of a depopulation agenda backed by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Kirsch was too smart for the shock jock and answered that no, he did not believe that to be the case and this was simply the biggest public health blunder in human history. Kirsch relentlessly returned the focus to data and methodology and scientific reasoning about what the data are showing. He knew that if he could be tarred with the brush of believing what the the shock jock was asking him about he could be forever discredited as a high functioning paranoid schizophrenic with a complex paranoid delusional belief system, to the detriment of the Freedom Movement. The audience, consisting almost entirely of the shock jocks followers were near unanimously won over by Kirsch. Malone is like Kirsch.
Malone is truly a pos, he has no business on our side, the side of truth. I am really starting to get a picture of who he is, he's an arrogant asshole who thinks he's better than the rest of the great doctors and scientists trying to save humanity, he should be permanently kicked to the curb, hes no good to anyone.
I'll take Yeadon over Malone any day. That post by Malone is written in a very glib manner, worded to discredit and deflect from the main concern and threat.
Why doesn’t Peter McCullough talk about the excellence of Peter Breggin…instead recently promoting the junk theory abd book by Belgian, Mattias Desmet?
I sent this to Peter and I suggest you talk to him in earnest Paul…
I always like the fact you do due diligence on the science of all the continuing COVID 19 disaster.
But, I take great issue with you regarding promotion of Mattias Desmet, clinical psychologist from Belgium promoting ‘his’ mass formation theory…
First, why would anyone promote this foreigner when America is lucky to have Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist with stellar reputation?
Second, his book is junk. Don’t you think you should talk to Peter Breggin about Desmet’s theory since Peter has many more years as a clinical leader in the psychiatry world…in America!
Third, why did Desmet come up with something ‘new’ in psychology when there are 2 past persons who have already explained what has happened…
Ivan Pavlov…celebrated by Lenin for his incredibly important human SUGGESTIVE THINKING studies, not dog studies! Pavlov says that all it takes is repetitive words, etc placed in a person’s mind for normal persons to ignore reality! This IS what has happened with almost all media sources…repetition, especially of lies! Why does Desmet not mention him?
Joost Meerloo…Dutch doctor who lived in occupied Holland during reign of Hitler. His descriptions of what dangerous propaganda does to individuals and crowds is amazing, coining the RAPE OF THE MIND as menticide. He helped persons after the war whose minds were shattered by all of what happened. His books are all outstanding! Why does Desmet not mention this important doctor?
Why did the globalists pull this Belgian out of the hat to tell us, Americans what is going on here?
Please distance yourself from this guy…whoever he is!
It's remarkable and disturbing how so many in the MFM have been captured by Desmet's ideas on totalitarianism. Desmet was promoted heavily, not the least by Malone.
The blurb on Meerloo's book: "He describes the new age of cold war with its mental terror, verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use of fear as a tool of mass submission and the problem of treason and loyalty, so loaded with dangerous confusion."
Look especially at the treason and loyalty part-- isn't that part of the overall division? I see this as a very dangerous emergence wherein those on the left, defending and loyal to "science," will attack (and have been attacking) the treasonous dissenters on the right, and many on the left have by now become fanatical. Many on the right might mistakenly see the left as victims of their own mechanistic thinking, following Desmet, which thinking can lead to mass formation. But it's massive censorship and propaganda doing the work of forming the masses into a army to be set against the dissenters. Many in the MFM are confused about what Desmet is saying.
The importance not so much of free speech itself-- which can be a veneer if only "truthful" free speech is allowed-- but of the essential human decency by being open-minded and tolerant of other opinions, comes to the forefront of the battle we're facing.
You seem to be quite familiar with Desmet's ideas. Does he make reference to the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" at all? I'd like to know why my neighbors, shopkeepers, restaurant owners screamed for the unjabbed to be forcibly vaccinated, masked etc. I get that people are demanding amnesty but want to understand more about why this was not mass formation psychosis.
I don't recall Desmet mentioning that book in his own book.
My main beef with Desmet isn't over the idea of mass formation so much as it is over the cause of mass formation. Desmet clearly says that the cause of mass formation lies in the mechanistic thinking of the people themselves. I maintain that the real cause of mass formation and totalitarianism is censorship/propaganda, such that people are herded/nudged to believe a certain narrative and give up human decency and tolerance in deference to that narrative.
The narrative during Covid centered around the false narrative of "stay safe," while meanwhile the authorities withheld safe early treatment that would've kept us safe. We were bombarded with unrelenting 24/7 fear porn propaganda. We were deliberately made to be afraid, and instead of the authorities urging calm and carry on, they essentially urged panic but in a calm and reassuring voice exemplified by Toni Fauci.
Desmet clearly and emphatically states in his book that there was no conspiracy during Covid; he devotes an entire chapter to that theme. I'd argue that the entire book revolves around that central chapter: there was no conspiracy. We all know that's a blatant lie as there was a massive conspiracy to lockdown, deny early treatment, and push the vaccines (and hopefully vaccine passports) on the population worldwide. Malone should know that's a lie, too, and in fact he pretends that he knows. Yet he promotes a theory that says the exact opposite. Others in the MFM simply aren't paying attention if they support Desmet's ideas, which detract from the core issue of censorship.
Totalitarianism begins in censorship/propaganda. It does not originate in the mechanistic thinking of the population. This is why the fight against censorship is so important right now.
I agree that censorship and propaganda have a role in totalitarianism but always in the back of my mind is that Hitler and the Nazis did not have control of the state apparatus of censorship and propaganda when they were elected to power from opposition through the popular vote. i don't know what that says about mechanistic thinking of the population. Although I'm not a fan of Chomsky, who unless I'm mistaken supported the jabs, like Dershowitz did, I do agree with him that the primary method of control of the masses under totalitarianism is through fear of the AK-47, or similar, whereas censorship and propaganda are the hallmark of control of the masses in the liberal democracies.
Maybe tyranny is fear of the gun and totalitarianism is fear of thinking or saying the wrong thing.
According to Hannah Arendt, one of Hitler's first moves was to install a massive wave of propaganda.
In any case, when we lose civility and tolerance and open debate then the forces of prejudice and hatred can arise. I think our loss of civility and tolerance is being cultivated now and is part of the psychological operation. So we're a rainbow of sexual orientation but opposing that is a tightening of what we can think ... interesting. Tolerance in one area but restriction in another. A trade off to make us believe we really are 'a rainbow'? This is aimed at the left, and I believe the goodness and decency of those on the left are being targeted and used against them, and us.
You've got to remember that globalism was started by Americans, through Henry Kissinger who mentored Klaus Schwab. You've also got to remember that American meann IQ, while not quite subnormal, is lower than in many other countries. Futher, Americans are underachievers in science, frequently punching below their light weight.
Most junk science, such as that purporting to show that the jabs are safe and effective, comes from the US. The obsession in the US with supporting pride parades, getting sodomized, transitioning gender and having drag shows and after school satan clubs for kids is seen as really weird in conservative countries and unfortunately many American scientists seem to prefer these activities to doing good science. I agree with your take on the great Europeans you mentioned, the great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov and Dutch doctor Joosr Meerloo.
Thank you for this article. I have been very suspicious of the whole nanotech angle of this. In part, because I first heard of it through people who are so certain that only DEWs could cause the damage we see in the recent Maui fire that they get angry at me for pointing out evidence that contradicts this theory. However, the treatment given to Dr. Stuckelberger at the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences” conference is a tell, and a huge one.
Still, I must ask, so what? While I think these ideas should be able to be discussed, why do they need to be? Do we not already know enough to act? Are we somehow prevented from taking action against what we already know because we are not allowed to discuss this topic? Is it really necessary to know 100% of each and every minute detail before we can then act? Sorry, but this seems more and more to me to be a cop out.
Events that occurred a century, longer even, ago have been studied and debated ever since. If we must wait until it is”settled” and all agree then there will never be any accountability for those we must hold accountable until many generations of their descendants bones have decayed to dust. Image if they waited until each and every missing female was found and studied and tested to verify if Ted Bundy was or was not responsible for her disappearance before the police could bring him. The situation we are in is as ridiculous as that, IMHO.
The issue of practicality plays a huge role as well. So, they are putting nano bots in all we consume, so what? Or, so what are we going to do about it? Are we all going to stop eating and drinking everything unless grewn or caught and killed by ourselves? Rots-o-ruck with that. The number of people living in a “first world” country with the ability to shift right now to such and existence are few in the extreme. So, what do we do as we aquire the land necessary to support our families and prep it for cultivation for the next growing season? Oh! I forgot about water; Wada we gonna do about clear, untainted water?
Now for the comment that not only got me banned for a substack of a person who provides excellent background knowledge with their extensive research but also got all my comments scrubbed as well. Research and information gathering is essential but if it is not acted upon it is a wasted effort. Folks, the time to act has long since past. Enough is already known. We must act.
It's often those who cry the loudest for "free speech" who are the first to slam the door in other people's faces (Malone does this blatantly). Dr Jane Ruby has a long list of "things not to do or say" she applies to booting people out of her Telegram page (me included!). She claims she doesn't censor based on "opinions" - but she booted me out for exactly that reason. All I did was suggest that if she didn't want more ongoing "plandemics" perhaps it's really time to come down hard on the non existence of viruses (re Stephan Lanka) and the fraud perpetrated by Louis Pasteur for the French Military. I didn't call this (Germ Theory) a "psyop" - I called it a "mind f**k". Which it is. She blocked me for that. She scowls at those who propose venom "in the water (Ardis)", Terrain Theory(Lanka, Cowan), the vulnerability of Pfizer legally. She plays exactly the same game as Malone but instead pretends to be a victim. Her Telegram account currently loses about 500 subscribers every week. There just seems to be a horrendous level of paranoia amongst those professionals who all seem to want the same thing but who can't get over their professional pride.
They point I meant that needed to be focused upon is that an expert was ,underfed soon after going public. If this is true or believed true by those who interfered with DR. Stuckelberger’s presentation might have done out of fear of themselves being killed.
How about if the people who killed the researcher threatens to kill a a family member? Given your skill set, that may be unwise of them but how about a scientist?
Poor Bob. He and his colleagues didn't intend to kill anyone. All his spook friends didn't intend to kill folks. Oh, no, no, no! It's just an accident. Yeah, that's it. Just a "mass formation" of all you stupid sheep. If you knew how to use it right it would have saved humanity!
Yeadon sees the human element for what it's doing. This is deliberate from the start.
Paul, keep Malone on the horsemen list.
"Some of the statements Malone attributed to Dr. Breggin were never uttered by Dr. Breggin. And none of the statements were defamatory."
1) If this is correct, then does that not imply that Malone has defamed Dr. Breggin? Would it not therefore be reasonable for Dr. Breggin to sue Malone for defamation? If Malone has, presumably knowingly, made false statements about Dr. Breggin then surely Malone has no defense of truth. It is hard to see how Malone can claim that making false statements was in the public interest. Malone certainly appears to have damaged Dr. Breggin's reputation by causing people who believed the false statements to think less highly of Dr.Breggin. Dr. Breggin has successfully sued for defamation in the past.
2) If there was never any merit to Malone's case, then what was all the fuss about? There was never anything to fear. The worst that could happen was that the doomed case would backfire on Malone who would be exposed as the real defamer. If there was no real danger, and thus nothing to fear, then what looked like fear must have been anxiety. Why were so many people catastrophizing neurotically about a danger that was never real?
3) Argumentum ad hominem is not always fallacious but why did responses to Malone by some commenters on this stack, but not by Dr. Alexander or the Breggins, include not only justified ad hominems but also fallacious ad hominems (e.g., along the lines of "Have you seen his haircut and his beard? Men who look like that are malevolent?" "Because he had contracts with the DoD, Malone must have been up to no good.") Some of the reasoning was reminiscent of Timothy McVeigh, a paranoid whackjob, who mass murdered DoD employees in Oklahoma. I put this down to the groupthink that happens in echo chambers, which generate "dumb gollums."
Malone's defamation lawsuit against WaPo was just dismissed and the judge warned that it was without merit, and he also cautioned that future similar cases would be considered frivolous and penalties would be applied to the plaintiff.
Malone is also besties with the guy who was the most likely person to have committed the anthrax poisonings in 2001, Steven Hatfill. Check out their tag team interview on Tommy's Podcast, the MIC insider vibe was so thick it was nauseating.
Malone hasn't given up on his strategy of lawfare. He's hard at it, along with those allied with him in the Freedom Movement, trying to encourage people to sue Pfizer. You'd think he'd learn from the failure of his efforts against the media conglomerates, but no. Instead, unlike more moderate voices in the Freedom Movement, he seems to want to bring down Big Pharma and is pressing ahead undeterred with his efforts to put Big Pharma in the dock.
Here's the receipts.
Malone is very keen to shut down any conversation drawing attention to the orchestrated nature of what has occurred. He is equally as keen to emphasise the chaotic happenstance of the Covid era.
Anything/one drawing attention to specific global orchestrators, or an agenda which extends beyond the Covid era (2019 - 2023) is taboo.
Yeadon, Breggins etc alert us to a master plan by 'Global Predators'. Malone declares they must be silenced. Malone is the 'insider' (who came from 'The Outside') only during the Covid era. He was thrust into leadership of the Freedom Movement with an ability to garner resources others could not, neither during Covid or for decades before. His support of Desmet's 'we all went mad' hypothesis plays all to beautifully into a 'this was all just one big stuff-up' narrative.
Coincidentally, this is precisely what a party implementing a broader, prolonged, orchestrated assault on humanity would like us to believe. So, we all 'get on with our lives'. Whilst they, surrepticiously, get on with their agenda.
Malone's true intent set aside - momentarily. How could we possibly accept a man so acutely aware of the detrimental issues of mRNA and lipid nanoparticles, be dumb enough to inject himself (several times), after actually having had Covid 19? Malone is many things, but dumb is not one of them. So why?
Malone's claim he got the jabs wreaks of a gateway into the freedom movement. He became 'one of Us'. But no, he most definitely was not one of Us. He was distinctly, one of Them.
An alternative hypothesis is that he believed, wrongly, that the jabs were safe and effective. He travelled extensively internationally and it seems a bit of a stretch to think that an elaborate conspiracy would have existed among border control agents in multiple countries that could guarantee he could come and go with fake vaccination credentials and never be detected. One would have to have complex paranoid delusions to think that. Occam's razor says he took the jabs.
Occam's razor says the virus came from bats, spread to humans, and a series of innocent blunders led to the greatest fiasco in medical history.
That's correct. Bats probably are where Ralph Baric and his team at UNC and collaborators in Ukraine and at the WIV or their predecessors originally did get it from before modifying it and adding new spikes with HIV sequences prior to his CIA or other handlers blundering by innocently releasing it at Fort Detrick prior to releasing it deliberately in late 2019 in Wuhan and at other places during the World Military Games.
Sounds a bit out there. 'One would have to have complex paranoid delusions to think that'. Occam's razor says some poor sole picked it up at a wet market and presto, global pandemic.
Not really. Baric wrote up much of what he was doing in a journal. Fort Detrick's history is well documented. Known pathogens were excluded for the nearby respiratory illness outbreak in 2019. The Russian bioweapons chief released information on what they found in Ukraine biolabs to the UN. It's documented that Fauci met with the intel agencies to push your wet market theory before it went out of vogue. Occam's razor has to account for those facts. It's a bit different to believing that Malone is el diablo because he once had DoD contracts and there's a conspiracy of border control agents around the world to never question his vaccine passport credentials and require him to take an antibody test.
The wet market explanation was garbage from the start.
You're essentially arguing that because facts and evidence mounted exposing the falsity of the 'wet market' explanation, Occam's razor shifted to suit those revealed and accumulated facts.
My original point was: as soon as anyone heads in the direction of pointing to, exploring, or exposing potential questions of Malone's credibility, there is swift, relentless action to shut them up. If that doesn't spike your interest, you may not be woke, but you're definitely not 'awake'.
As for 'there's a conspiracy of border control agents', that is garbage too, and a rather pitiful strawman argument. A fraudulent 'vaccination certificate' works every where. There is no need to convince a series of border agents with anything more than one simple digital certification.
Malone himself proferred the reason for his Covid vaccination: to mitigate long Covid. Frankly, a nonsense explanation. He took a drug he knew increased his bodies production of spike protein to reduce the adverse consequences of naturally acquired spike protein. A poorly informed layman could have been so inclined, but Malone, c'mon.
Worth an entire repeat. Thank you Dr. Alexander.
Thank you Breggins.
Malone is controlled opposition. As are many of the people we see as "the good guys." Which is another psyop. The idea of good and evil and we must always pick a side. Every single issue can be worked out via communication/language. How in the world are we supposed to communicate when the communication apparatus (the world wide web) is controlled? Do not look to Elon & his space escapades, he too is controlled opposition. Literally every. Single. Thing. Goes back to Google. Every single type of electronic exchange there is. It is tracked. Yes, even crypto! And then every site you go to now you must enter your email. Again tracking & collecting data on us. I think alot more people want freedom, in every realm, the golden question is how do we do it in a way that were not in fear of being sued. Having our bank accounts drained. Or thrown in jail. Killed. Etc.... there is nothing & nobody that is free. We are all enslaved, with the illusion of choice & freedom. What can we create in terms of space to exchange ideas, survival tactics, health & wellness, education,child care, human relations, abolishing banks, etc. ultimately saving the human race.
I watched a debate between Steve Kirsch and a shock jock who relentlessly pressed Kirsch on whether he had beliefs along the lines of the jabs being part of a depopulation agenda backed by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the WEF. Kirsch was too smart for the shock jock and answered that no, he did not believe that to be the case and this was simply the biggest public health blunder in human history. Kirsch relentlessly returned the focus to data and methodology and scientific reasoning about what the data are showing. He knew that if he could be tarred with the brush of believing what the the shock jock was asking him about he could be forever discredited as a high functioning paranoid schizophrenic with a complex paranoid delusional belief system, to the detriment of the Freedom Movement. The audience, consisting almost entirely of the shock jocks followers were near unanimously won over by Kirsch. Malone is like Kirsch.
Malone is truly a pos, he has no business on our side, the side of truth. I am really starting to get a picture of who he is, he's an arrogant asshole who thinks he's better than the rest of the great doctors and scientists trying to save humanity, he should be permanently kicked to the curb, hes no good to anyone.
I'll take Yeadon over Malone any day. That post by Malone is written in a very glib manner, worded to discredit and deflect from the main concern and threat.
Why doesn’t Peter McCullough talk about the excellence of Peter Breggin…instead recently promoting the junk theory abd book by Belgian, Mattias Desmet?
I sent this to Peter and I suggest you talk to him in earnest Paul…
I always like the fact you do due diligence on the science of all the continuing COVID 19 disaster.
But, I take great issue with you regarding promotion of Mattias Desmet, clinical psychologist from Belgium promoting ‘his’ mass formation theory…
First, why would anyone promote this foreigner when America is lucky to have Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist with stellar reputation?
Second, his book is junk. Don’t you think you should talk to Peter Breggin about Desmet’s theory since Peter has many more years as a clinical leader in the psychiatry world…in America!
Third, why did Desmet come up with something ‘new’ in psychology when there are 2 past persons who have already explained what has happened…
Ivan Pavlov…celebrated by Lenin for his incredibly important human SUGGESTIVE THINKING studies, not dog studies! Pavlov says that all it takes is repetitive words, etc placed in a person’s mind for normal persons to ignore reality! This IS what has happened with almost all media sources…repetition, especially of lies! Why does Desmet not mention him?
Joost Meerloo…Dutch doctor who lived in occupied Holland during reign of Hitler. His descriptions of what dangerous propaganda does to individuals and crowds is amazing, coining the RAPE OF THE MIND as menticide. He helped persons after the war whose minds were shattered by all of what happened. His books are all outstanding! Why does Desmet not mention this important doctor?
Why did the globalists pull this Belgian out of the hat to tell us, Americans what is going on here?
Please distance yourself from this guy…whoever he is!
It's remarkable and disturbing how so many in the MFM have been captured by Desmet's ideas on totalitarianism. Desmet was promoted heavily, not the least by Malone.
The blurb on Meerloo's book: "He describes the new age of cold war with its mental terror, verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use of fear as a tool of mass submission and the problem of treason and loyalty, so loaded with dangerous confusion."
Look especially at the treason and loyalty part-- isn't that part of the overall division? I see this as a very dangerous emergence wherein those on the left, defending and loyal to "science," will attack (and have been attacking) the treasonous dissenters on the right, and many on the left have by now become fanatical. Many on the right might mistakenly see the left as victims of their own mechanistic thinking, following Desmet, which thinking can lead to mass formation. But it's massive censorship and propaganda doing the work of forming the masses into a army to be set against the dissenters. Many in the MFM are confused about what Desmet is saying.
The importance not so much of free speech itself-- which can be a veneer if only "truthful" free speech is allowed-- but of the essential human decency by being open-minded and tolerant of other opinions, comes to the forefront of the battle we're facing.
You seem to be quite familiar with Desmet's ideas. Does he make reference to the book "Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust" at all? I'd like to know why my neighbors, shopkeepers, restaurant owners screamed for the unjabbed to be forcibly vaccinated, masked etc. I get that people are demanding amnesty but want to understand more about why this was not mass formation psychosis.
I don't recall Desmet mentioning that book in his own book.
My main beef with Desmet isn't over the idea of mass formation so much as it is over the cause of mass formation. Desmet clearly says that the cause of mass formation lies in the mechanistic thinking of the people themselves. I maintain that the real cause of mass formation and totalitarianism is censorship/propaganda, such that people are herded/nudged to believe a certain narrative and give up human decency and tolerance in deference to that narrative.
The narrative during Covid centered around the false narrative of "stay safe," while meanwhile the authorities withheld safe early treatment that would've kept us safe. We were bombarded with unrelenting 24/7 fear porn propaganda. We were deliberately made to be afraid, and instead of the authorities urging calm and carry on, they essentially urged panic but in a calm and reassuring voice exemplified by Toni Fauci.
Desmet clearly and emphatically states in his book that there was no conspiracy during Covid; he devotes an entire chapter to that theme. I'd argue that the entire book revolves around that central chapter: there was no conspiracy. We all know that's a blatant lie as there was a massive conspiracy to lockdown, deny early treatment, and push the vaccines (and hopefully vaccine passports) on the population worldwide. Malone should know that's a lie, too, and in fact he pretends that he knows. Yet he promotes a theory that says the exact opposite. Others in the MFM simply aren't paying attention if they support Desmet's ideas, which detract from the core issue of censorship.
Totalitarianism begins in censorship/propaganda. It does not originate in the mechanistic thinking of the population. This is why the fight against censorship is so important right now.
I agree that censorship and propaganda have a role in totalitarianism but always in the back of my mind is that Hitler and the Nazis did not have control of the state apparatus of censorship and propaganda when they were elected to power from opposition through the popular vote. i don't know what that says about mechanistic thinking of the population. Although I'm not a fan of Chomsky, who unless I'm mistaken supported the jabs, like Dershowitz did, I do agree with him that the primary method of control of the masses under totalitarianism is through fear of the AK-47, or similar, whereas censorship and propaganda are the hallmark of control of the masses in the liberal democracies.
Maybe tyranny is fear of the gun and totalitarianism is fear of thinking or saying the wrong thing.
According to Hannah Arendt, one of Hitler's first moves was to install a massive wave of propaganda.
In any case, when we lose civility and tolerance and open debate then the forces of prejudice and hatred can arise. I think our loss of civility and tolerance is being cultivated now and is part of the psychological operation. So we're a rainbow of sexual orientation but opposing that is a tightening of what we can think ... interesting. Tolerance in one area but restriction in another. A trade off to make us believe we really are 'a rainbow'? This is aimed at the left, and I believe the goodness and decency of those on the left are being targeted and used against them, and us.
Thank you for your comments!
One of my continuing messages…
Satan’s followers are VERY visible now and will shine even brighter as the country keeps falling until The People have had enough!
Only God’s followers can end this…the ones who clearly recognize evil and how it should have been addressed long ago!
Judges…Gideon’s army of 300!
P.S. Leaders will always be persecuted and followers celebrate themselves!
You've got to remember that globalism was started by Americans, through Henry Kissinger who mentored Klaus Schwab. You've also got to remember that American meann IQ, while not quite subnormal, is lower than in many other countries. Futher, Americans are underachievers in science, frequently punching below their light weight.
Most junk science, such as that purporting to show that the jabs are safe and effective, comes from the US. The obsession in the US with supporting pride parades, getting sodomized, transitioning gender and having drag shows and after school satan clubs for kids is seen as really weird in conservative countries and unfortunately many American scientists seem to prefer these activities to doing good science. I agree with your take on the great Europeans you mentioned, the great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov and Dutch doctor Joosr Meerloo.
Thank you for your comments!
One of my continuing messages…
Satan’s followers are VERY visible now and will shine even brighter as the country keeps falling until The People have had enough!
Only God’s followers can end this…the ones who clearly recognize evil and how it should have been addressed long ago!
Judges…Gideon’s army of 300!
P.S. Leaders will always be persecuted and followers celebrate themselves!
Thank you for this article. I have been very suspicious of the whole nanotech angle of this. In part, because I first heard of it through people who are so certain that only DEWs could cause the damage we see in the recent Maui fire that they get angry at me for pointing out evidence that contradicts this theory. However, the treatment given to Dr. Stuckelberger at the “Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences” conference is a tell, and a huge one.
Still, I must ask, so what? While I think these ideas should be able to be discussed, why do they need to be? Do we not already know enough to act? Are we somehow prevented from taking action against what we already know because we are not allowed to discuss this topic? Is it really necessary to know 100% of each and every minute detail before we can then act? Sorry, but this seems more and more to me to be a cop out.
Events that occurred a century, longer even, ago have been studied and debated ever since. If we must wait until it is”settled” and all agree then there will never be any accountability for those we must hold accountable until many generations of their descendants bones have decayed to dust. Image if they waited until each and every missing female was found and studied and tested to verify if Ted Bundy was or was not responsible for her disappearance before the police could bring him. The situation we are in is as ridiculous as that, IMHO.
The issue of practicality plays a huge role as well. So, they are putting nano bots in all we consume, so what? Or, so what are we going to do about it? Are we all going to stop eating and drinking everything unless grewn or caught and killed by ourselves? Rots-o-ruck with that. The number of people living in a “first world” country with the ability to shift right now to such and existence are few in the extreme. So, what do we do as we aquire the land necessary to support our families and prep it for cultivation for the next growing season? Oh! I forgot about water; Wada we gonna do about clear, untainted water?
Now for the comment that not only got me banned for a substack of a person who provides excellent background knowledge with their extensive research but also got all my comments scrubbed as well. Research and information gathering is essential but if it is not acted upon it is a wasted effort. Folks, the time to act has long since past. Enough is already known. We must act.
Thanks, Ginger and Peter, for remaining responsible for your freedom.
This applies to Malone:
“He that is not aware of his ignorance, will be only misled by his knowledge.” Richard Whately
Stay free and safe.
It's often those who cry the loudest for "free speech" who are the first to slam the door in other people's faces (Malone does this blatantly). Dr Jane Ruby has a long list of "things not to do or say" she applies to booting people out of her Telegram page (me included!). She claims she doesn't censor based on "opinions" - but she booted me out for exactly that reason. All I did was suggest that if she didn't want more ongoing "plandemics" perhaps it's really time to come down hard on the non existence of viruses (re Stephan Lanka) and the fraud perpetrated by Louis Pasteur for the French Military. I didn't call this (Germ Theory) a "psyop" - I called it a "mind f**k". Which it is. She blocked me for that. She scowls at those who propose venom "in the water (Ardis)", Terrain Theory(Lanka, Cowan), the vulnerability of Pfizer legally. She plays exactly the same game as Malone but instead pretends to be a victim. Her Telegram account currently loses about 500 subscribers every week. There just seems to be a horrendous level of paranoia amongst those professionals who all seem to want the same thing but who can't get over their professional pride.
“The top graphebe oxide EXPERT who first revealed beyond doubt that it was in the shot WAS MURDERD within a week after his video publication.”
This needs to be forefront in our minds as we question the motives of people.
They point I meant that needed to be focused upon is that an expert was ,underfed soon after going public. If this is true or believed true by those who interfered with DR. Stuckelberger’s presentation might have done out of fear of themselves being killed.
How about if the people who killed the researcher threatens to kill a a family member? Given your skill set, that may be unwise of them but how about a scientist?