Right on target, Dr. Alexander!

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"....until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered."

Yes, my laymen's reaction was that the qualifier "until" left an opening. Certainly the presumption would be that any fair and objective look at those questions will ONLY result in removal of the products. But given we are dealing with malevolent actors on a grand scale, they won't even respond except to say something like "all relevent and pertinent questions of safety were rigorously addressed in the trials, from which the FDA declared covid vaccinations to be safe and effective blah blah blah blah blah." It will be a politically oriented non-answer repeating the propaganda. If there is any answer at all.

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I thought exactly as you have written here, Cy Lanced.

When I saw, "on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.’"

(Dr Paul clued me in to look at the "modified".)

But perhaps the authors think that "until" is the same as RFKjr's statement about how he'd be ok with "safe" vaccines. It will never happen and they have never existed....

Paul is right to call out the "hesitant" language - it's BS because of what you write here, "It will be a politically oriented non-answer repeating the propaganda. If there is any answer at all." In other words, they'll keep lying.

It's been at least 150 years of allopathic lies.

But I think THIS CDC doctor told the truth here;

"There are no long term safety studies on any vaccine - and there have never been any long term safety studies, or testing for long term effects of any vaccine." Dr Caserta CDC 2001

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Jan 31
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The fraud and danger has always been horrific enough with "vaccines".

This shit, these transfections, "gene therapy", countermeasures are........

I have no words.

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This post reminds me of the story of Frances Kelsey, the reviewer at the FDA who was the single person who stood to block the use of thalidomide which caused birth defects in Europe. The horrendous side effects were babies born without limbs or damaged arms and legs. Ten thousand babies were born with phocomelia, not to mention the children who died due to miscarriages. The work of Frances Kelsey led to the development of greater drug regulation. Thanks for standing strong Dr. Paul!❤️

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Paul, if I say that x is greater than 1, I am NOT saying that x is NOT greater than 3. The shots for which we have the empirical evidence were modified mRNA making them more dangerous than mRNA. So at this point we certainly have the empirical evidence for modified mRNA. Besides, I am not so sure that some of the non-covid non-generic vaccines are safe enough either, come to think of it. I get your point. My point is incrementalism. It's how the left has screwed us, bit by bit by bit. So, hit them back bit by bit by bit is certainly better than nothing.

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I agree till you label this as a "left" problem. I think you'll find this crosses pathetic gov created division(divide and conquer) lines. This is far bigger than petty politics. This is far beyond that. The "politics" we are allowed to take part in are a charade. A front. The real politics are far more globalised.

We need to STOP dividing ourselves on myths, pigeon holed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. And anyway, the "left" only fell for the globalists plans to make them non sexual and dumb as shit.... I agree. They preyed on people's good nature, let it become extreme and gave a voice to extremists. And that normalised it. The destroying of our children's minds.

But they're to be pitied and helped to see reason. That'll come but we can't just leave them behind... that in itself would be just as shit as what the eugenecists are trying to achieve. Us and them...the globalist cult. 🤡🤨✌️

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Honestly, every person on the left would have been a tyrannical globalist oppressor slavemaster exterminist scum if they were given the power. The only difference between them and the globalists on top running things is that they are not currently on top. They can't be all on top at the same time, obviously. But they do try to act like that in their own limited domain of influence in real life.

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Yet I also agree with Dukes' post.......

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Yes, it does appear that we are both right.

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Re “We know that the vaccines are unsafe…”

Why does the bleedin’ obvious continue to be ignored?


There should never have been a ‘vaccine solution’ against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

How did this happen? Where are the minutes of the meetings discussing this matter?

Also see for example my substack articles:

- Why was there a 'vaccine solution'? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/why-was-there-a-vaccine-solution

- "We're not going back to normal" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/were-not-going-back-to-normal

- "It's a race against the virus disappearing, and against time... https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/its-a-race-against-the-virus-disappearing

- "...is this actually about creating a lucrative pandemic industry, overseen by the empire-building World Health Organization, at the behest of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, and other vested interests?" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/is-this-actually-about-creating-a

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I listened to them being interviewed. They had to word things a certain way to get it published

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Once it is established beyond doubt, that the ONLY goal of this mRNA-technology is to provide an excellent cover for that STEALTH DEPOPULATION purpose - which is GENOCIDE & thus highly criminal - you do NOT need to help those organized PSYCHOPATHS, to upgrade their faulty CAMOUFLAGE for their heinous CRIME!

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Doctors who pushed the vaccine to people who had already acquired natural immunity from having had the virus should not be trusted and hospitals that mandated it to their employees who had acquired immunity should be exposed and held accountable.

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And the irony is that I just read Bob's substack talking about a new paper in Nature. By 4 Moderna connected non-toxoligists who are clearly,as Bob says, limited hangouts. He then goes on to give us a perfect example, in that his overall article "hangs out" quite a fair bit. As someone has mentioned, we are up against very clever people here. People used to manipulating others. Moderna are CIA we know that, and Bob has/had ties with both. He also ties in deeply to the pharma/military black project world as I call it. I'm swaying back and forward with Malone. He's a devout Christian so why would he be a ,"baddie". Unless he's ok with eugenics. Would his God approve? Dr McCullough is the real deal I hope.

And I really hope Dr Alexander is too. I believe so. He's certainly committed enough.

It's a bit of a mind f**k just now, even for this 63yo, been researching for 35years!

Just be careful of who you trust. As they take control with more censorship and better algorithms it'll be very difficult to access the real "truth". If we don't watch, it'll be back to the 60's,70's Lord Haha style propaganda. Actually, it is already. We may be losing the fight.... but we're close and theyre running scared.

The Great Reset is rumbling on... but expect a massive false flag event to completely distract us from finding out the whole sordid history of the British(US) empire.. AND its completely imploding fiat financial system. It NEEDS war just now. The banks NEED war. Its good for the "market". That's all these fucks care about. Eugenics and money + control..

Distraction, distraction, distraction .... with people already having goldfish span memory it's fairly easy to Bury things in the recent past. Who talks about 9/11 now? The gatekeepers and a few genuine truth seekers. Its shelved. Las Vegas? Shelved......

Bidens laptop? Shelved..

We mostly all are being manipulated. Take care

P.s. I AM suicidal but it would be with strong drugs I'd do it, like they did to our old people in homes.... old news.

Peace love and harmony.... where?? Lol 🤨🤡🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑

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Dukes, Don't sway so far that you fall down. If you read all of Malone's posts including his extensive reveal on his history, you know the story. There is no way a person would be so open and then sabotage his life's work. Go inside to find your answer, not your rational mind.

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I was listening to Bob from the very beginning. Initially I was fully on board. Then a couple of things came to light. His "deep state" connections bothered me a little. DARPA stuff. Obviously there's a huge backstory to all of this as in most of these "situations". Maybe he's a white hat. Maybe there are different factions in the deep state. Interdepartmental friction?

All I'm really saying is that you HAVE to be a sceptic these days. Remember this, that there must be thousands of people out there trying to "influence" the way we think for nefarious purposes. And that's just the Governments haha boom boom.

Anyway, trot on and we'll see you later.


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The deadline (January 27, 2024) to submit proposed amendments has passed. It is the responsibility of every sovereign member nation of the WHO to defend the rule of law and enforce Article 55. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/enforcearticle55

SHARE as if your life depends on this because it DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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