
excellent work by Joel.

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It backs up what you've been saying about the shots not saving any lives. This cross post of Peter McCullough et al. research from Steve Kirsch substack provides further evidence that only did they not save lives, they took lives!

BREAKING PUBLICATION--Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington

During Intense Vaccine Campaign Population Declined but Cardiac Arrests Skyrocketed


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I’m gonna live long enough to see ALL these monsters executed! They are killing everyone in my family and soon it’ll just be me…but I’m gonna make sure before I take my last breath I see them executed! I promise!

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yes we want justice and Tex, for me, as long as we involve the legal system and they give us deliberate rulings of guilt and capital crimes, then yes, we hang and execute...I want all in US who proven did wrong in COVID shot on White House lawn

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What legal system? It appears to MIA, in which case it is up to The People to carry out justice.

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Courts exist to cover the ass of governments and to screw over their political opponents and the average joe. My dad who hated lawyers, having at one stage been one himself before finding he couldn't stomach them, taught me that when I was a little kid. Check out this great website which is gathering data worldwide including for your neck of the woods although as yet only has maps for North America.


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thank you for sharing.

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Julie Marson MP in the UK says the shots saved "hundreds of thousands of lives" whereas health bureaucrats from President Trump administration assured him that the shots saved "a hundred million lives." There's a big difference between hundreds of thousands and a hundred million. So who is not telling the truth? Why the disparity? Do they just pluck these figures out of their ass?

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out of their assess

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Excellent analysis by Joel.

Yet another “We Told You So” !

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yes, thank you he does good work

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Just like those on HIV fake treatments of anti-retrovirals and AZT, a fair amount of those who are still breathing after getting covid injections, will sadly meet their maker within the next 10 years.

Whether this will dent population growth is not a given.

I don't buy into depopulation.

I buy into pharmaceutical profits from any which way they can.

I buy into uncle Schmuel fighting for peace with military grade equipment.

I buy into rapists violently fucking for virginity.

Anything that extends the misery has a $ sign at the end of it.

As do all the hack false prophets on the substack bulletin boards.

That'll be $5 Sir and then you can then post your very own drivel in the comments section.

Except for Paul.

He's very gracious on this score.

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I love you Barry, you know that, and I am just trying to share information and give my views and educate and learn too from you...I do not pretend to know all. I do work hard in the space. but lots of what you just say I agree 100% with. let us leave it at that. Yes, HVI treatments are a fraud, it is an industry they created e.g. UNAIDS...fraud. I saw into the belly of the beast. and in return made HIV more complex, difficult, kore expensive, more drug resistance etc. and AZT is harmful and similar.

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Greetings Paul,

One day I'd like to share a jar with you and shoot the breeze.

Keep up your gig. It is god's work.

As Depeche Mode sang:

"Everything counts in large amounts."


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Dépêche Mode. Been a long time since I last listened. But listen I did.

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Hi Jim,

Strangely enough, Depeche Mode were bigger outside the UK - and predominantly in Germany and the USA.

I grew up in the 80s listening to them in nightclubs. I enjoyed their unique synth/electronic/alternative rock genre.

They were indeed very successful, having sold more than 100M records worldwide and were recently inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame.

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When I met my wife she turned me onto them. 1988 was a glorious year brother!!

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Yes, the Malik’s of the world abound and feign outrage when they play the victims Card.

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Well observed, Jim.

You homed in, like a rough-trade heat-seeking missile ;))

Best to you.


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Thank you Barry✊😎

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This is a great reveal of the lies perpetuated to TAKE the jab EXPERIMENT. Thank you Dr. Paul for bringing attention to it. I will do a Substack to explain my splinter in my mind!!!

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thanks Jim

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Great news. The mRNA Jab inventors and recent Nobel Prize winners Kariko and Weissman have been honoured with a new award. Malone missed out. The tide is starting to turn. We're making real progress at last. In 100 years from now the jabs will probably be stopped

Director-General’s Award for Global Health goes to ... developers of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19


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May 28·edited May 28Author

Malone missed out because he was of no consequence in this and he knows...but he is a money whore, he ran out quick to lie and say it was his work...but then when deaths happened he ran into the Freedom anti covid vax movement to say it is harmful...yet he wants to still collect donor money on the fraud...of it being his invention...but IMO he should stfu for if he continues, when the punishments legal come, he will be in line...he should stfu

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they are all criminals, all criminals...weissman, kariko, all

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Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply




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So all deaths due to vaccine were under biden’s administration! He was the one pushing the shots from the start! He needs to be impeached and arrested for genocide, this was intentional as was taking classified information while he was VP! He an play sick and demented now but he did all intentionally!

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Good one. But the damn liars will never miss a beat with their lies and criminality. But the proof is undeniable.

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agree! We also have to get Trump to stop saying the poison saved anyone!! He tried and may have been lied to but by now, should know better!

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The question is what are people going to do with this information? Pax

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For me this was the only proof I needed...

2012, ha...

Has everyone seen this?


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