Although I respect very much her anti-islamism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali seems to have a touch of Putin Derangement Syndrome. The cultural Bolshevism is being pushed by the neocon RINOS and the neolib Dems. And the most obvious way in which the CCP has spread subversion in the West is by outperforming the US economically, with the help of the RINOS and Dems. Thanks to the RINOS and Dems, the US ranks 30th in the world for mean IQ whereas Communist China, which as overtaken the US as the world's wealthiest nation by GDP, is among the highest ranked nations along with North and South Korea and Singapore. As President Trump has said, America is a nation in decline. This is not Putin's fault. Putin and the Russian Federation embrace Christianity and Heteronormativity and reject US values of satanism, transgenderism, sodomy and the grooming of schoolchildren by deviants.

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she would be wrong to be against Putin for if it were not for Putin, lots of 45's gains there would not have happened...Putin helped USA deal with ISIS...even 45 says it

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That's the first time I've read the term "heteronormativity". It is appropriate. And yes, most Americans have been dumbed down to the degree that they have no clue about Russian history, or that Russia under Putin is an orthodox christian nation.

But those values you refer to as US values, no, those are what the cultural marxists have TRIED to make our values, but they are not historical US values, and are rejected by the majority.

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Yuri tried to warn us about subversion and demoralization. Is it too late to save the west?

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no, I think we have a chance...but if it falls, if US falls, its over for the west...the US's 2nd is what keep west standing

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Here is the real enemy. These toothless and brainless scumsucking peckerheads on the left are the real bigots and enemies of all that is good.

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Yes. It's outrageous. Absurd. From your linked article:

"A recent job posting for the position of “Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Oral Cancer Research” at the University of British Columbia (UBC) Vancouver campus has explicitly mentioned that those who don’t meet its so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) requirements need not apply.

"The UBC job posting was published on May 21, and notes that the seven-year contract for the chair role has with it certain “eligibility requirements,” such as candidates having to demonstrate a track record of “supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion.”

According to UBC, the selection for the role will be “restricted to members of the following federally designated groups: people with disabilities, indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.”

Because that's where you are most likely to find a Tier 1 expert in Oral Cancer?

Btw: What are "racialized" and "minoritized" people. Of course I know what they MEAN. But, seriously.

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The fools who embrace wokist wankerism wallow in the stench of their hypocrisy. They decry bigotry against any but promote and defend it against white people. Cowards, liars, stalinist stooges and the scum of the earth in B.C forage for and promote a twisted existence overseen by the NDP provincial party of dopist demagogues with the IQ of a pimple and the appeal of a used diaper from Jackass Joe biDUMB. Behold, the rotting canker that is emblematic of the Nutbars Demented Pukes (NDP) who are bigots in the real sense of the word. Soft handed univerSHITty students and soft heads go hand in hand. Lieberal political snipes with the resolve of a fly's flacid penile member and the ability of a lobotimized leftist loon are the "things" the NDP is made of. One can expect selective bigotry to be the main menu of cricket eaters and marriage cheaters.

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Yuri, are you Russian? If so you are made of good stuff,.

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I have a nephew who went there, found a good woman, married her, and applied for immigration status, learned the language and was accepted. The men there will make a man of him, as his father is a lily livered fraud and coward. I have met Russians and found them to be sturdy robust people. The women are delightful. So too are Serbians, Slovakians and other groups in that mix.

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I agree with much of what you said.

I am not a “Former Muslim”,

I am questioning whether Islam has been corrupted to some degree by these Evil parasites (Zionists etc) controlling the world right now.

Islam means to believe in one God, our creator. I very much stand firm on that, we have one creator, the original source. Now whether there are more beings who Our creator has given powers to, we imagine as magic. I cannot fully say. We know angels have powers given to them by God, but they use them for God’s benefit.

Demons are angels who chose to follow Satan, they were angels in heaven once. With the same powers of angels still in heaven helping god.

Angels & Demons have powers or abilities some will call magic. They can appear outwardly as anything they wish to look like by the powers of our creator that he gave to them.

So what looks like an alien to us humans, could be a demon or an angel. We do not know. We also do not know as humans exactly what creatures & beings god has created.

We humans think we know it all.

But in reality we know so little.

The parasites (aliens?) controlling our world limit our intelligence and capabilities that God has given us.

One thing I do not agree with in article, is the demonization of Hamas. Hamas, the ones in Gaza & Palestine do not & never have encouraged violence to any extent except in their fight for their freedom

From being subjected to enslavement, from occupation, from tyranny where they are treated as lower class slaves, on their own land being stolen from them.

Hamas is fighting back for their freedom.

They are not telling anyone to do any violence to any other nation for them.

Soros and his army of parasites is corrupting the youth movements on campuses with paid actors & sabotaging their valid protests which are demanding that the universities divest from funds that support Zionists (parasites) & their continued killing, torture & occupation of Palestine.

Their protests are valid & just as a civil action. Soros has done the same sabotaging for every just civil action. Such as Black Lives Matter.

We know this as a society.

Yet people like you who are obviously very intelligent are still putting blame on those literally fighting for their lives, & survival trying to blame them for the corruption of the parasites in control.

Blaming Hamas as a terrorist organization when their only objective has been to fight with force against the actual colonizers occupying & killing them

Daily their entire lives. Not to mention everyone seems to forget, they have been occupied for more than 75 YEARS!

I think any damn group of people being attacked, tortured, occupied & killed by another group of people have the RIGHT to fight back when they have been attacked for 75 plus years.

The world has turned its back to Palestine.

Not only turned its back but been a full blown supporter to those occupying & killing Palestine.

The money of the west is responsible for the weapons. The government of the west supports & helps the occupiers against Palestine. The tax dollars of the west have funded, the occupation. Have developed the military war complex that has decimated Palestine, Congo, Somalia, Africa, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. The list goes on and on.

Yes Hamas has attacked its occupiers, IDF inside of Israel.

But if you DARE to be honest. Which so far almost no one does.

Hamas WOULD have EVERY right to attack America RIGHT NOW if it was a violent terrorist group set out on revenge or other acts of violence.

America is the head of this War Complex Snake which is Responsible for Millions upon Millions of innocent lives murdered!

America is run by these same Nazi Parasites that were responsible for the Bolshevik regime & it’s hideous shameful murdering spree of even more millions of innocent lives back then.

The parasites running this world DO NOT care about human lives. We are slaves to them. We are here to do physical labor for them. Pay taxes which they take for their gains & to produce children they can steal, rape, torture & then feed off of. They feed off human flesh & the negative energy of war, hate, poverty, suffering, starvation, disease etc.

But for your article. I would agree completely that these parasites controlling this earth, controlling our intelligence, destroying our physical health with their chemicals, vaccines, medical devices & medical system meant to harm not heal us, destroying our food supply, our air, water, land, they certainly are trying to subvert us, to subvert the will of our creator for humans to live on a heaven on earth planet.

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I have nothing against islam...I have many good Muslim friends...I have something against any entity or person who wants to advance their cause at the demise of mine

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something is wrong, and we want it right...you cannot argue that there is militancy and brutality where they go...even among them...and yes, maybe one can argue I am no scholar in the area but my heritage some is from there left 100 years ago as were persecuted christians....so I understand some. I want to know and learn more. but I am responding to what I see which is killing of non muslims by muslims.

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I also think the leaders in islam do not do enough to address the issues...they must stand up and speak out.

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Amy, Islam at its core embraces the ideology that only IT is right and has a right to exist, and that all other religions or beliefs have NO right to exist, and that it is a muslim's right to do anything to further islam, including murder of others. Islam does NOT assimilate into American culture, and does not accept the basic foundations of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Islamists who think it is okay to take over another sovereign nation are wrong, and become the enemy.

By the way, Islam is not Biblical. And Allah is not the Name of the Creator. In my opinion. But they have a right to practice THEIR religion, until they become the enemy.

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This is the “clear and present dangers” I’ve been talking about and trying to explain with my strange way of writings.

This is, as I’ve said, a “slow boil frog” invasion! Obviously we see. Obviously we know. What’s not so obvious is , when and where, this takeover begins?! It has begun, to a level where people are not worried!

There’s the problem!

More later, thank you Dr!


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nice post...

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Thank you each time, thank you for all you do!

“We each need all other’s”!


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I agree. I read this the other day and kept a copy. It is well worth subscribing to her substack

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Do not confuse Russia with the Soviet Union. They are worlds apart.

There is a saying 'that you become that which you resist.'

The West resisted Communism and has become communist.

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an intelligent and well informed writer, and her observations are correct and clear-headed. The missing component in conclusion, however, in the planned, and (well advanced) destruction of the Western world and way of life is this: Annihilation of 'greater Israel'. I use this term to describe all those who historically adhered to Christianity or Judaism, and/or those who are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, destined to be saved from the coming destruction. The Semites whose offspring became the Christians, retaining Israeli law, given to Moses as the foundation for a surprisingly stable and productive society, as Hirsi Ali describes. The Christian Church is the entity in which "greater Israel" is embodied, referred to in the Bible as "the commonwealth of Israel". (single entry only, found at Ephesians 2: 12.) Hatred for 'greater Israel' is manifested by all the woke crap; demonizing white folk, promoting immoral activities, despising the rule of law, indoctrination of our children, tearing down institutions, depopulation, sexual confusion, abortion, and promoting violence to accomplish those ESG and DEI targets. We, the children of the founders of the "Western World", are the descendants of the Europeans who were the eleven "lost tribes" comingled with others from every nation, who aspired to benefit from the societal rules that made us the best in the world. (Those rules designed and given by God). Those individuals who were "graffed" into Christianity by accepting by faith that Jesus shed His blood to save us, are become full citizens of the 'commonwealth of Israel' in the eyes of God, and like all the children of God, are hated by those who would destroy Israel, the chosen people of God. (I DO NOT REFER HERE TO THE REAL ESTATE IN THE MIDDLE EAST), lest some who would disagree misinterpret what I am saying. I am talking about the people who were chosen of old to represent the Creator of the entire world, by living within a society according to a God-given set of laws and statutes characterized by it's fruits...peace, goodness, wealth, happiness, health and vigor. Historically, the children of Israel unfortunately offended God repeatedly, and were punished and dispersed throughout the nations, but God said he would keep his Word, and save His people Israel...and also the "Gentiles', who would be used, in part, to cause the children of Israel to return to God, all of which was to happen by the grace of God, through faith in the shed blood of Jesus, sacrificed willingly to pay our way into the commonwealth of Israel, and hence eternity, spoken of by the Apostle Paul. The forces bent on destroying us are evil and powerful, cloaked and dangerous. They masquerade as CEOs, doctors, scientists, professors, politicians, chairs of school boards, town councils, bureaucrats, and so on...you can tell them by their fruits. They DO NOT LOVE GOD, they hate Christians, despise the Lord Jesus Christ and all He taught us. They are hedonistic and nihilistic, narcissistic, and love this world more than their Creator. Their time is short, so the heat is on to destroy us with impunity, and all that is good, in any way they can conceive. Agents of chaos. These miscreants are the forces of evil that are overwhelming the world currently. Global warming and Covid are two of the fraudulent weapons in action against us along with the other methods mentioned. Time for those with "eyes to see and ears to hear" to heed the voice of God, and chose whom they will serve. Ayaan Kirsi Ali has laid bare several of the mechanisms being used against us and warns us of the need to open our blind eyes and come together...our very lives are at stake.

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ModRNA Made in a laboratory and Patented by US Law 2013 not "Natural mRNA" which by US Law 2013 cannot be patented: mRNA means injected humans are now genetically modified to produce "protein" toxins that their own body tries to destroy

Ever heard the term auto-immune disorder? If not, you will very soon, and quite often. It starts with even the healthiest people, who got brainwashed by the Pharma cartel into getting the toxic "forever" jab, where human cells are tricked into producing virus-mimicking "protein" prions, that are produced indefinitely (counter to medical narratives) and spread throughout the body. This signals the human immune system that every organ is under attack by foreign invaders, and the immune system is taxed, hyper-activated constantly, and the heart and CNS start breaking down too.

Just like GM corn and GM soy, the Covid-jab-injected human's DNA system is now a toxic protein creating factory, but instead of killing insects and worms, the human body is destroying itself. In other words, the "pest" is itself, and the immune system identifies it this way. Still wondering why the Covid-vaxxed masses keep dropping like flies, from unexplainable heart attacks, spontaneous abortions and stroke-inducing fibrous vascular clots?

These mRNA-injected humans are now walking bio-weapons factories, and their doctors are never allowed to discuss it. The medical industry has every employee parroting and regurgitating all the false-narratives (disinformation) about how the mRNA remains at the site of injection, and how it only produces spike proteins for a few months. Lies. Does the genetically modified corn and soy only produce worm-exterminating proteins for a few weeks? This deserves careful consideration.

Do not ever let Big Pharma genetically modify you. There are more mRNA jabs being developed right now, being created to control the populace, eliminate the undesirables (everyone but the elitists and their slaves), and turn the Republic into a third-world hell-hole.

More mRNA coming to further infect 270 million Americans with "protein" toxins that invade every organ, including the heart and brain

S.D. Wells

Update June 7 2024

COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine, “safe and effective for what?”

Legal Precedent - 9th Circuit Court Rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not Legally Vaccines

"The right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions and the case merits are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right."

Karen Kingston

Jun 8

June 7, 2024: The 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals just ruled in favor of protecting individual human rights and bodily sovereignty of teachers and other staff of the Los Angeles School Unified District’s (LAUSD), reversing a lower court’s dismissal of their case against the LA County’s School District vaccine mandate for employees.

Announcing this huge win on behalf of their clients, Health Freedom Defense Fund issued a press release, stating that the case was won;

“On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.”

When HFDF asked the court to opine as to whether or not the CDC’s claim that the COVID-19 vaccines were ‘safe and effective’, the court responded with the rhetorical question, “safe and effective for what?”

Legal Precedent for U.S. Citizens to Deny Medical Treatment

Per the HFDF press release, “Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

The Kingston Report

A Legal Precedent is a LEGAL "Rule Of Law from God". It cannot be bought or suppressed.

A vaccine which BionTech/Pfizer said should have been licensed as a Gene Therapy Injection (1995) and which targets the Dentric Cells in the Lymph Nodes (2023) - but what for?

Time to get The "Devil's Tools" out and start "roasting the buggers", on this side, for the deaths and injuries, they have forced done, from May 2020 to June 2023 with the now WHO directed "illegal Disinformation Laws" - and for the future - into many of "us" for a medical treatment, not a vaccine, but “safe and effective" for what? - which suggests all vaccines are medical treatments and not to be trusted, either, by Legal Precedent from June 7, 2024 .

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So, Israel is a democracy which was overrun by terrorists, eh? Would this be the same democracy that saw one of it's IDF soldiers put a 5.56 mm bullet into the head of a 4 year old Palestinian child and then celebrated by doing some gay, joyous Israeli dance celebrating this act of sheer murder???Israel IS an apartheid state inhabited by people who think they are God's gift and all others are but mere swine. Moreover, most of those deaths attributed to Hamas at the onset are, according to hushed-up reports, to have been to "friendly fire" from Israeli helicopters. Has the author ever quoted facts about the vicious attack on the USS Liberty in '67? Likewise, there are other explanations that refer to Bezmenov as likely being a USSR plant who was called back to Russia only to be disappeared and never heard from again. I cannot vouch for Bezmenov's legitimacy, can you?

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Interesting article. This is what large countries and large organizations do every day. This is not a process that is owned by only one group. Just look at the USA and the subliminal message of militarism. Why are color guards at every major league sporting event? Why do military personnel get advanced boarding? Why do military people get consumer discounts? Military personnel are not disadvantaged, they are paid and they have a healthy retirement... visit your retired Full Colonel neighbour and you will see someone without monetary issues.

This is not a Marxist based movement, what is being experimented is a “flip flop/juxtaposition “ of some Haves and Have Nots. Only 9 companies/individuals control 85% of the media... if the media is not onboard then the movement dies. Look how difficult it is to get your points across without the media... COVID Is a great example. Well intended article yet you can replace names with diametrically opponents and still be accurate.

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it is said that the society is structured based on media lines.

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I argue MLITARISM destroyed the moral order. After all Covid non-vaccines are biowar weapons. There are no pockets for your social purity in a shroud. Raskolnikov has a dream during a grave illness that occurs just before his final change of heart, at the end of the novel. He dreams of a worldwide plague that affects people’s relationship with each other. No specifically medical symptoms are mentioned. It is human interaction that breaks down, and the entire society gradually collapses.

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hhhmmm very very interesting here, I like this...

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Dr. Alexander, I do not know if in your wide reading if you have encountered Jacques Ellul. “Day after day the wind blows away the pages of our calendars, our newspapers, and our political regimes, and we glide along the stream of time without any spiritual framework, without a memory, without a judgment, carried about by “all winds of doctrine” on the current of history, which is always slipping into a perpetual past. Now we ought to react vigorously against this slackness—this tendency to drift. If we are to live in this world we need to know it far more profoundly; we need to rediscover the meaning of events, and the spiritual framework which our contemporaries have lost.”

—Jacques Ellul, The Presence.

It seems to me from Dostoyevsky to today the spiritual slackness has infected all of what once was called the West.

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