The chart showing the "infection rate per 100,000" by vaccination status is stunning. The triple vaccinated have about 3X as many cases than the never vaccinated. The exact opposite of what was supposed to happened actually happened. We should have all known this would happen. Some of us did. It will continue to happen. Somehow we've got to drain the ENTIRE swamp ... and the "swamp" is every important organization and government in the world.

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And those triple vaxed don't track all of those who developed strokes, heart trouble and cancer.

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The more deaths there are the better the exposure. It might sound a little unkind but there is no turning back from what has been done.

The harshness of the truth is offensive and our voice needs to be very much harsher if we are to get the message across.

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Yes, this is why I propose hanging everyone who abused his or her authority to impose the deadly mandates:


My hope is that speaking up about true justice will get their attention. It definitely will if we can get millions upon millions chanting "HANG THEM NOW".

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Hang 'em high!

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That's a long list! Anyone who said, and continues the "safe & effective." Which is federally illegal, at least in the states. They have backups but their positions have to be made undesirable.

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Dark times demand the brightest of light in order for the harsh, ugly, and unpleasant truth to be fully seen and exposed. And while we haven't yet seen the worst of it, see it we must if we have any hope of waking from this horrific nightmare and saving ourselves as a species. Especially our children.

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Thanks, especially interesting to see the bloated salaries of those who are murdering the public for the profits of Pfizer.

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The more the kill the more they get...

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Holy Moly, could it get any worse? I wonder what the data is for BC? Now we get Henshaw, my god 2 barbie dolls!

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Don't you find that these scoundrels just move from position to position. The gravy train is just too good to pass up. When I heard she moved to a BC posting, I was like "holy crap" they just can't stop themselves. Sickening.

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Totally bizarre.

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These psychopaths and criminals need to pay.

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Thank You Dr. Makis......

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