Does anyone not understand that the army helicopter crashes are caused by poorly trained pilots? between the woke and the injections we have lost the best in the military! I think they should just start ordering white flags so they’re prepared to surrender to the enemy!

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ChiComs OWN the USSA Military. the Obamy Purge around the Benghazi time period made Evident that only ProgreSSives were acceptable to wear "stars" in the Pantygone.

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Affirmation Action has proved to be an abysmal failure.

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This is so "funny". In Canada, particularly in Quebec, It is a norm. If you want a gov job, if you are part of an ethnic or race minority, if you identify as LGBTQ or trans, or if you are a woman, even if you score lower on the requested exam, you get the job. For certain job posts there is a note if you decide to apply, the priority will go to a native person or LGBTQ/trans. I just feel sorry for the Canadian man trying to sustain his family. If I were him I would apply for the job with lipstick on. Better chances of getting the job LOL!! Then you get subsidies if you employ migrants for your business or Professional firm; what boss wouldn't take that?

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We're going to "equity" ourselves into extinction. Enough of this.

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Stupid ass misogynists and racists! Performance and ability are the only things that matter (well, I include psychological mindset in ability) in training for high stress fields, not perceived “gender”, penis piano playing ability, etc.

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Thanks Captain Obvious!! 🤣🤣 (not you, Dr. Alexander)

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White Americans have essentially turned migrants and especially black people into A weird religion where they do nothing but grovel to them and put them into positions of power,

Then they sit around scratching their heads wondering why every major city in their country is A crime ridden nightmare where you cant walk down the street or ride the subway without getting stabbed shot murdered or pushed infront of A Train,

As an outsider (non American) its incredible to watch you people left and right wing try to pretend that this is all the fault of "woke" or "muh heckin democrats" when its quite obvious that black people simply are not capable of A first world civilization and the more you empower them the more they will destroy you,

Once America becomes A majority non white country which is going to happen at some point in the 2030s America is pretty much done it will slide into A third world state just like all the countries that these migrants and black people originally came from, as they say "import the third world, become the third world", But im sure this is just going to fall on deaf ears and you self hating white Americans will continue to pretend that race is just skin color as your diversity murders you. destroys all your cities and infrastructure and makes your military useless on the world stage.

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When I came back from Viet Nam in 1973 I was told when I started at Sears. that women and minorities would be prioritized in advancement and assignments. I said I would start looking for a real job.

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Our niece was a Navy pilot flying fighter jets. Wanted to fly since she was a very young child. Probably 120 pounds soaking wet but fearless. Landing on aircraft carriers, etc. Very good pilot. She is in one of the scenes in the Top Gun Maverick movie. She loves everything about flying. Quit right after the Afghanistan debacle. I understand she didn't want to go down somewhere just to have her country abandon her. Can't say I blame her. Wonder how many good pilots we lost after that mess. She's in the quite country in northern Maine now. Flying for FedEx, I believe. Much better life, I'm sure.

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that does not surprise me or anyone else.. DEI should never be used as a metric for ANYTHING. Merit, experience and education is what matters. I used to fly (as a passenger a lot) and I never gave it thought... now, well I guess I will never fly again. My RIP father in law was a Navy Pilot.. went to Navy Academy and MIT for Aeronautical Engineering; and flew until right before retirement from the Navy (jets).. now days .. I cannot imagine. wow.........................!!!

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White men can't jump, but they sure can fly.

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Unfortunately, the results won't be realized until the rubber meets the road, or more directly stated, the forces are required to perform their primary duty. Excessive losses and overall defeat may be the outcome, from which there is no return. Reckless endangerment not only of the sub-par candidates, but of the entirety of the country. It's a plan for mediocrity and defeat.

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God is the only one who can classify basically anything much less humans created in His image. Said groups will get their own special place(s) in Heaven one may think. Besides, including and excluding groups doesn't work; like goes with like, not, like goes with dislike. Why create a different class? Are we not One Nation? Let's say class 9:00 AM, to train on an instrument design by, let's say class 9:30 AM souls. Doesn't make sense. Like a garden, keep the carrots in the carrot row, lettuce in lettuce, etc. Amen, So Be It. It's the United States; not the Divided States... Unification is higher quality than chaos. Saint John of Avila; Pray for us.

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