or less of vaccine (odds ratio, 1.42; 95% CI, 1.13-1.78); 2 or more doses of vaccine were associated with a higher probability of reinfection compared with 1 dose or less.
Not sure why we have to buy into the “variant” narrative at all. What is the basis for these so called variant tests? Have YOU gone in? They all smell like BUNK to me. More computer modeling 🔥⚔️🔥 BUNK‼️
The PCR and antigen tests don't check for variants. Scientists have been creating the labels. Delta coincided with the 2nd dose and Omicron with the 3rd dose. I guess someone decided they would run out of Greek letters and chose to use letters and numbers instead.
My body is very sensitive to this poison. So much so it unlocked the ability for my conscious mind to detect nearby shedders. For the Omicron ones, I could identify them up to 30 feet away indoors or outdoors. Then, something changed in Spring 2022 where I couldn't do it that far anymore. Some radiologists said this was when they stopped seeing ground glass opacity in lungs up through Sep 2022. Since then, the issue has returned.
During the ca. six-month period, tests on symptomatic returned negative or took a week or more to return a positive. Now, they're back to very long periods of positive and flipping back and forth like happened in 2020 up through Delta.
Scientists have made at least two changes to their poison. The original, Delta, and Omicron were very different. Maybe each dose is another. I don't believe the gazillion variants tale that's been pushed.
Of course they would blame the people and not themselves. No criminal ever wants to take responsibility for their crimes. Classic “blame the victim” strategy. It’s to be expected.
India has a huge number of diabetics. In the initial stages of rolling out shots, the government over there denied access to early treatments. Per some Indian doctors, hospitalizations and deaths skyrocketed almost entirely due to diabetics with uncontrollably very high blood sugar. That's one of the reactions the agent can create.
Both dropped like a rock when access to these drugs was restored.
The videos of local governments pressuring their residents into receiving the jabs and rural people being forced injected that looked like Indians inside India were from another country?
"The videos of local governments pressuring their residents into receiving the jabs and rural people being forced injected that looked like Indians inside India ..."
That never happened, or so I expect it will be asserted by the jab pushers there. I believe the term for doing that is "gaslighting" and I expect it to be repeated around the world.
It's like what happened after no evidence was found of WMDs in Iraq. Only dumbf---ks fell for the con that there were any still there when the psychopaths behind the con first perpetrated it. Anyone with an ounce of critical reasoning ability deduced from the outset that it was all BS and never believed for a nanosecond that Saddam still had WMDs.
According to an epidemiological study in The Lancet, up to nearly 1,000,000 civilians, many of them women and children, were butchered in that invasion and occupation.
After no WMDs were found, many of those who had swallowed the Kool-Aid and pushed for invasion and occupation started either saying falsely that "everyone believed" there were WMDs there, when some of us didn't believe it, or they started saying that they themselves had never believed it when clearly they had.
Something similar will happen with those who pushed the vaccine Kool-Aid. Their past "fact checks" that promoted the jab will be scrubbed from the internet and, while blaming the victims, they will reinvent themselves as having urged caution or even as having been "anti-vax" all along.
it is good to know that the Indian government gave their people all the information they needed to make an informed consent and did not in any way compel or urge them to take them by dismissing them from their jobs, etc.
The facts show it increases transmission as the injected are shedding the virus onto others, but a recent court case accepted government claims that the mandates were necessary as these "vaccines" stopped transmission. Of course they offered no scientific evidence for their claims, but the judge then ruled that no appeal was allowed!
Surely this case should be reopened due to new evidence from Pfizer who told the EU that it was never tested for stopping transmission and they never claimed it did. We all just assumed it would because they called their bioweapon a vaccine and that was the deception.
That's right and I think "can recover" as opposed to "will recover" means that for most people it is possible theoretically to recover if they are lucky but that's not guaranteed. Many if not most or all have elevated troponin levels after any jab.
Sucharit Bhakdi thinks the fewer jabs someone has, the better for them: Two jabs is better than three jabs and one jab is better than two jabs and zero jabs is best of all. Early on, Bhakdi seemed to think that only 2 - 3% of jabtards would shuffle off their mortal coils after getting jabbed but I think he may have changed his tune as more evidence has come in. He seemed more pessimistic about jab effects in a recent video of him that I saw, compared to early in the pandemic.
Injecting toxins then getting sick and testing positive with a fraudulent test has nothing to do with reinfection( or infection).
Not sure why we have to buy into the “variant” narrative at all. What is the basis for these so called variant tests? Have YOU gone in? They all smell like BUNK to me. More computer modeling 🔥⚔️🔥 BUNK‼️
The PCR and antigen tests don't check for variants. Scientists have been creating the labels. Delta coincided with the 2nd dose and Omicron with the 3rd dose. I guess someone decided they would run out of Greek letters and chose to use letters and numbers instead.
My body is very sensitive to this poison. So much so it unlocked the ability for my conscious mind to detect nearby shedders. For the Omicron ones, I could identify them up to 30 feet away indoors or outdoors. Then, something changed in Spring 2022 where I couldn't do it that far anymore. Some radiologists said this was when they stopped seeing ground glass opacity in lungs up through Sep 2022. Since then, the issue has returned.
During the ca. six-month period, tests on symptomatic returned negative or took a week or more to return a positive. Now, they're back to very long periods of positive and flipping back and forth like happened in 2020 up through Delta.
Scientists have made at least two changes to their poison. The original, Delta, and Omicron were very different. Maybe each dose is another. I don't believe the gazillion variants tale that's been pushed.
Too bad there weren't enough zero-jab takers to make up the control group.
According to a report in the Gateway Pundit, at least one government has argued in court that if people die from the jabs it's their own fault.
Nobody put a gun to decedents' heads and forced them to get a jab.
Indian Government Blames Public for Getting Vaccines Despite Being Aware of its Side Effects – Claims it Cannot be Held Liable for Any Complications
Of course they would blame the people and not themselves. No criminal ever wants to take responsibility for their crimes. Classic “blame the victim” strategy. It’s to be expected.
India has a huge number of diabetics. In the initial stages of rolling out shots, the government over there denied access to early treatments. Per some Indian doctors, hospitalizations and deaths skyrocketed almost entirely due to diabetics with uncontrollably very high blood sugar. That's one of the reactions the agent can create.
Both dropped like a rock when access to these drugs was restored.
The videos of local governments pressuring their residents into receiving the jabs and rural people being forced injected that looked like Indians inside India were from another country?
"The videos of local governments pressuring their residents into receiving the jabs and rural people being forced injected that looked like Indians inside India ..."
That never happened, or so I expect it will be asserted by the jab pushers there. I believe the term for doing that is "gaslighting" and I expect it to be repeated around the world.
It's like what happened after no evidence was found of WMDs in Iraq. Only dumbf---ks fell for the con that there were any still there when the psychopaths behind the con first perpetrated it. Anyone with an ounce of critical reasoning ability deduced from the outset that it was all BS and never believed for a nanosecond that Saddam still had WMDs.
According to an epidemiological study in The Lancet, up to nearly 1,000,000 civilians, many of them women and children, were butchered in that invasion and occupation.
After no WMDs were found, many of those who had swallowed the Kool-Aid and pushed for invasion and occupation started either saying falsely that "everyone believed" there were WMDs there, when some of us didn't believe it, or they started saying that they themselves had never believed it when clearly they had.
Something similar will happen with those who pushed the vaccine Kool-Aid. Their past "fact checks" that promoted the jab will be scrubbed from the internet and, while blaming the victims, they will reinvent themselves as having urged caution or even as having been "anti-vax" all along.
it is good to know that the Indian government gave their people all the information they needed to make an informed consent and did not in any way compel or urge them to take them by dismissing them from their jobs, etc.
The sheep will still say "you might catch it again, but it would have been much worse if I wasn't boosted".
Yep! Their reasoning?🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
They'll keep saying it, but soon you won't hear them as they fall off the cliff.
Hmmmmm, sure seems like these shots were meant to kill, or do damage.
Probably both.
But hey, the zombie cult needs new members, I guess. And to think I used to laugh at young ones saying the world would end in a zombie apocalypse.
If you use the NSW data you will see the increase in hospitalization is directly related to the increase in doses.
The facts show it increases transmission as the injected are shedding the virus onto others, but a recent court case accepted government claims that the mandates were necessary as these "vaccines" stopped transmission. Of course they offered no scientific evidence for their claims, but the judge then ruled that no appeal was allowed!
Surely this case should be reopened due to new evidence from Pfizer who told the EU that it was never tested for stopping transmission and they never claimed it did. We all just assumed it would because they called their bioweapon a vaccine and that was the deception.
Wow, you are like a firehose of hogwash, Dr. Alexander.
Pro Tip: SARS-CoV-2 is HYPOTHETICAL. It's fictitious. It's a metagenomics contrivance.
No SARS-CoV-2, no Omicron, no Delta, no Monkeypox.
Team Corman/Drosten didn't have the virus when they made their PCR:
CDC didn't have any virus when they made THEIR PCR:
Christine Massey has FOI responses from 211 institutions in 40 nations: NO ONE HAS THE VIRUS!
ViroLIEgy (as Mike Stone likes to say) is like the Monty Python "Cheese Emporium" sketch, where they don't seem to actually sell any cheese.
Hey Paul, still waiting for an answer to my email from June on the D4CE list. I can resend it again if it helps jog your memory.
Sucharit Bhakti has said that most people can recover from just one dose.
Unless you die first, like Ernest Ramirez's 17 year old son, from an enlarged heart after taking the jab.
That's right and I think "can recover" as opposed to "will recover" means that for most people it is possible theoretically to recover if they are lucky but that's not guaranteed. Many if not most or all have elevated troponin levels after any jab.
Exactly my point
Sucharit Bhakdi thinks the fewer jabs someone has, the better for them: Two jabs is better than three jabs and one jab is better than two jabs and zero jabs is best of all. Early on, Bhakdi seemed to think that only 2 - 3% of jabtards would shuffle off their mortal coils after getting jabbed but I think he may have changed his tune as more evidence has come in. He seemed more pessimistic about jab effects in a recent video of him that I saw, compared to early in the pandemic.
1. I said many not all. What happened to the Ramirez boy is tragic.
2. Do we know for sure that he only took one shot? Just curious.
More info on the Ramirez family...scroll down to about midpoint in the article.
His son took the Pfizer shot.
Here is even more cruelty concerning the Rameriz family.
I remember this. Inhuman.
Imagine being a single parent and losing your only child.
How would you even have the strength to get out of bed in the morning?
If I remember correctly, the young Ramirez boy only took one shot.