This whole damn concocted "health emergency" was built on a lie. Everything about this manufactured wagon load of horse shit is fake. Fake vaccine cards?? Sure, why the hell not?

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I remember when some House Republicans were actually pushing for a COVID vaccine data base. I was on the phone telling them NO way.

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Washington DC is a festering shit house full of shit for brains spreading shit. A perpetual fast food Mcshit machine.

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And boy can it flow at a steady pace :=)

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No shit!

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You gotta be shittin me!

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Fake cards for a fake vaccine and a fake pandemic.

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Fake cards were big business in downstate NY at the height of the mandates.

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i would love to see what the real data looked like if the people with fake cards came clean. how would that lower the government's records of the percentage of vaccinations? how would that raise the percentage of adverse events?

i do wish that the people who had gotten fake cards had not, that they had stood in solidarity with the unvaccinated bolstering our numbers and making it harder for the covid charade to continue as long as it did (and still does in some sectors) but i understand that people have jobs and families they need to support.

i lost my job of 40 years. fortunately i had worked my way into a position and had reached an age where i was able to survive financially. the loss of so-called friends and community and purpose was harder to bear.

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I totally agree!! Using fake

vaccine cards is still complying.

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I’m the proud owner of one, but it states my vaccine is natural and acquired immunity injected by God on my birthday, and also having had Covid before jab came out.

I haven’t used it but shared it with my sheeple in hopes to wake them up to real science!!

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Ok here's a deep question - why is everyone accepting the whole kit and caboodle of politics, of politicians deciding your future? Why have anything and I mean ANYTHING to do with liars and murderers? We all know everything is badder than bad, so why try to play the same record?

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Short answer: The world goes as the masses go. They have been successfully socially conditioned by the propaganda machine. They will acquiesce to the perceived powers without question.

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So true ! Even they know that such colossal wrongs were done they just keep quiet and look the other way pretending it will go away . Very sad they are so selfish and not concerned for future generations. Any other small crimes they see in the news they talk about but ignore the beast .

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We do that too don't we by not bringing these subjects up with our friends and family as often as we should. Humanity is in grave danger and yet we go along with the charade almost as much as "the masses". We are what makes up "the masses".

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I certainly bring this topic up to people every chance I get . I find it easier to bring it up to complete strangers... at least they don’t judge or know who I am . I tell those who are awake or partially awake to keep spreading the knowledge .

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The beast turns the masses on each other. The damage happens when we allow the beast (through the media and mandates) to tell us our neighbor is our enemy.

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What will you do? Forget about the masses, we need to commit to what we'll do and find others who will too.

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If it were only that easy. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. The reason they keep the propaganda train rolling is because it works. History bares this out. Doesn't mean to accept it.

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“Yeah it’s bad, but there’s nothing you can do about it” is part of 5th generational warfare propaganda.

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why aren't we arresting ( citizen arrest) and stringing them ALL up?

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Many in the Seattle Fire Dept have fake vaccine cards. They were available to many of them because SFD firefighters were the ones getting paid overtime to staff the injection sites for the mass vaccination campaign. Many FFs got and handed out the cards because the draconian mandate the Mayor of Seattle placed on her workers had hundreds looking at the end of their hard earned careers.

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AND...the Evil Ones have stated many times that there WILL BE another "scamdemic" planned for Sept 2023 (I think maybe Oct or Nov), during which they WILL FORCE everything we fought against last time! Forced shut downs, forced "vax", forced masks, more deaths, etc., etc. This one, I believe, is intended to cripple us, to put us in our place (under their boots), total control, to starve us unless we succumb to the CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency, which is also evil!)... But surely they know the masses will retaliate with vengeance this time. IT'S COMING -- SO PREPARE! DO NOT GIVE UP! DO NOT GIVE IN! RISE UP AND FIGHT FOR YOURSELVES AND HUMANITY! MAY OUR GOD HELP US ALL! AMEN!

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But I don’t see red states like Iowa, Montana, Wyoming, Florida, Oklahoma, and a few others complying. It will interesting.

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Last year on Long Island NY two nurses were federally charged for selling fake cards, apparently they made millions according to MSM but in reality they were HEROES. The DA would rather conduct an undercover sting to put away two healthcare professionals trying to keep others employed/ enrolled in university rather than deal with the issues of drug overdoses, gang bangers and illegals flooding our state. Doctors in my area were afraid to give medical exemptions during the hight of the mandates, afraid they would be scrutinized and penalized… so much corruption that most would rather gloss over than talk about.

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Scam #2543.

And those are only the ones that we know of. God knows how many more are in the pipeline...

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They gave Pfizer employees different shots, right? So it should not be a surprise that this went on all over. Kinda points to criminal behavior. Sounds like there was knowledge or worry that “safe and effective” was only referring to the shots profitability not your health. Should start by checking the cardiologist first. Hospitals can’t function without one, certainly can’t do surgeries. How many of them believed that “safe and effective” bs or just wanted to observe the effects of the experimental shot before taking it? How many told the administrators “no way”? Firing them certainly would look counter narrative, wouldn’t it??

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Meanwhile, 10 million illegal alien invaders weren't even tested or quarantined at some "Riker's Island". No clot shot required. Bring your leprosy, AIDS, malaria, VD, whatever in. We'll give you a free Obama's phone, handfuls of cash, and fly you into every state in the country in the dark of night. We'll even put you up in 5-star accommodations and sex traffic your children. "Full of sin?... come on in".

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AND...the Evil Ones have stated many times that there WILL BE another "scamdemic" planned for Sept 2023 (I think maybe Oct or Nov), during which they WILL FORCE everything we fought against last time! Forced shut downs, forced "vax", forced masks, more deaths, etc., etc. This one, I believe, is intended to cripple us, to put us in our place (under their boots), total control, to starve us unless we succumb to the CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency, which is also evil!)... But surely they know the masses will retaliate with vengeance this time. IT'S COMING -- SO PREPARE! DO NOT GIVE UP! DO NOT GIVE IN! RISE UP AND FIGHT FOR YOURSELVES AND HUMANITY! MAY OUR GOD HELP US ALL! AMEN!

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I wish I was connected to the right people because there’s so much meat on the bone I wouldn’t have to stretch the truth, lie or engage in hyperbole to make a film that focuses on the falsehoods, reversals, and outright damage done to us beginning Fri 13, March 2020. I’d call it “The Monster From the Petri Dish.”

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The time could come when this country will be burned to the ground when everyone learns their loved one was murdered.

Lets not forget to thank Gates who was heavily envolved.

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The government was turning those of us who refused this stupid, deadly shot into felons if we tried to get around it with a fake card. These times are complete madness!

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i don't remember this story. i've tried to search for it but all i can find are articles warning that faking vaccine cards is a federal crime. does anyone have a link to the incident dr paul is referring to?

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