Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

it dumbfounds me that if I tend to my peoples we are racist...I am not, I want to tend to Americans first, Canadians first...people might find I am strong in my views etc. and confident, its not that...my heritage is cuban, trinidad, lebanon, syrian, venezuelan...I am an island boy at heart, it defines me...yet first world westerner living in the greatest nations, USA. 5 nations of historic strife, war, corruption, bad ass people and good peoples. dangerous people...yet loving sweetest peoples. I have allegiance to 3 flags, born in the islands but also Canada and United States. Canada used to be to me among the greatest nations (I am a citizen there too) and still is, but stumbled when Harper (joined Bush) and the conservatives bombed innocent people in Iraq...wrongfully and tortured people wrongfully...yes, I stand against radical islam and all that danger but I want law and order and right vs wrong and no innocent people harmed 'because you could'...I have all the shit of those 5 nations wrapped up in me and my great, x, x? grand dad was a plantation slave. blacker than the nights sky and I so love my heritage. My skin is fair so I am considered Caucasian because of breeding I supposed down the line and slave owners raping their slave girls...I am likely a product. but the immigrant shit coarses deep inside me yet I recognize that I came to the west to learn, school, educate, have a life, give back, contribute and help always those less able to and give back always, especially to my land of birth etc. I am for helping those in need always, 'be my brother's keeper' but I am against anyone thinking their plight supersedes my peoples and they have the right to harm and kill me...many of my peoples in those 5 nations do wrong and are bad people I will not live near to or trust my family with...its commonsense. but many a good, seeking a way out...sometimes you cant get that...your geography is your destiny and you make good and make do...and those who can get out and do it legally, find the way...legally...I did...but when you come behave and give back as you develop...work hard, grow your family, develop and behave. no one owes you shit...and dont be thinking of taking their shit. get your own. follow the laws. and you can dream big and be all you can be...yes you can. and this is why I like 45, for he represents a true shot, stay out of my way, out of my business man, and let people develop and grow and breathe and take govn out of my bedroom and home. respect borders, flag, my police, military, make it do one thing, be lethal when called upon. no fucking DEI and rainbow shit. not tranny crap. lethal. when in need. if someone asked me what is the goal in life, I say roughly that you find your space, your role, what you could be good at, and do it, and your goal is to ensure that for the 80 odd you have here, that by the time you leave, that they would know you were here, and you did contribute a verse...could be tiny yet really it is huge...a verse...that you mattered and you ensure no society of government defines you or no one...you define you and set your terms and you fight and battle till the last breath...and be known ONLY for 'good' things...that you added something...somewhere...you left something behind. something that improved what you found.

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Aside from your amazing love for Israel, and disliking Latinos, We have very much in common, Dr Paul.

Me,I'm fairly thick skinned ,and very appreciateive of your work.

I feel we are not seeing a major problem looming ahead.

The Petro-Dollar deal with Saudi Arabia is now over with. What do you think that will do to the election and the US Dollar ?

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One love.

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“After I tend to my people’s”!

Sweet sounding words Amen, yes? Of course they’re sweet and sound and something Americans are literally “DYING” for.

“Silence Never Sounded Loud”. Louder than a “creaky-floor” from within an old dilapidated farmhouse, during the wee hours of the morning.

When no one is around to hear these silent screams asking,

What has happened to all the American people’s voices?

Let this awaken all of “We The People” voices, for our silence has overstayed its useless power and the time to be silent is now more!


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Hi AJR, did you know the Petro-Dollar deal we had with Saudi Arabia is now over with?

Also, the Mexican government is now working feverishly with Biden to get a lidt of everyone that owns guns in the USA?

That would be a damn big list,

But I thought I'd break the news to you.

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I forgot to mention to you Darkstar, I believe last week, the EU signed off on their version of we know as “ESG”. Environmental, Social and Governance Bill.

This will literally destroy more businesses and people who own small businesses in America and elsewhere.

If you’re aware of ESG and the recent passage, great, if not and you own your own business, read up on it. There’s many layers designed to literally support only larger companies. I believe it’s 500 or more employees. Nevertheless, the ramifications are vast and wide essentially effecting all businesses.

As one example: a small grain company sells feed to farmer in the Midwest. If this business buys their grain from a larger American company who buys from a larger company, the small business may not be in business any longer due to the insanity of ESG regulations. It’s more complicated than this one example, though the outcome is not!

And of course we can thank the behemoth BlackRock and others for this great, help everyone fail mentality. You see, get the “little people”‘out of our way and we’ll force everyone else to “comply or die” literally!

By “Hook or By Crook” the “Globalist Elites” want a “One World Order”! This started with Covid, $3.7 trillion transfer of wealth and now they’ll get what they’re after.

Certainly if this administration succeeds in November, the race to the bottom, will be expedited!


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True, there was a guy named Dave Hodgges that spoke of things like this . Too bad all of his work was removed from YT. He also talked about the WEF agenda, and the strict rationing coming our way.

Everything will soon be rationed out,while the elite live in luxury. They talk about this at Devos all the time. It's their way of maintaining a multi generational hold on the earth's resources.

Now their plan has morphed into destroying almost all life on earth.

Be safe AJR

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Yes I will Darkstar, you as well.

The two statements below were made by

Yuval Harari,

1. “Dictatorship may become more efficient than democracies”!

2. “Useless people will need “drugs and computer games”!

I’ve watched some of his no nonsense when lockdowns started, he’s one of the “spookiest” to ever live!

A “mad-mad-scientists”!

I honestly don’t get his thought process / logic. He hasn’t anything better to do in life except to convince similar

“NUT-JOBS” he’s relevant.

Yuval’s bloviating pontifications exude narcissistic tendencies which are unlike anything I’ve ever seen!

Thanks again Darkstar


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He's satan bride. And soon God will be reaping punishment on him like he's never imagined. Then satan will torture him for eternity.

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Absolutely Steveo ! Below are two examples of why I believe you’re absolutely correct about Yuval Harari! Of course he has said more damning things than the two below, these two reflect his obvious hatred for mankind!

Even the “Cowardly Lion” from the Wizard of Oz would be screaming, “Let me at em,

“Let me at em”!

Yes Yuval is “Satans Bride”!

Thank you Steveo for you accurate assessment of such an “evil-excrement useless POS”!

1.“Dictatorship may become more efficient than democracies”

Yuval Harari

2. Useless people will need “drugs and computer games!

Yuval Harari!

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Sorry Darkstar, I hit the wrong button when I replied “Yup” to the Peter dollar demise!

It’s only a matter of time before, the BRIC’s convince the world to drop the dollar entirely as the world’s currency.

This is why 12 major US Banks last year tested CDBC with a mark run. “Kink-out any Kinks” before it goes live! Because before we know it, our dollar will be gone and CDBC will takeover.

I’m no financial expert, I have heard and read a few articles, but the general consensus is as I explained above. I’m neither rich nor poor, I survive.

Years ago I decided to heed “Jackson Browns” advice. I stopped

“Struggling for the legal tender”!

Ever since then, happiness filled the void! Something anyone can easily get caught up in and forget about what’s important in life.

Thank you again Darkstar for the update as I try to get away from this “rat race” to keep up with so much change, unlike ever before!


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Oh, you're such a hater!

Welcome to the club.

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Give you back your broken night - Your mirrored room, your secret life - It's lonely there - There's no one left to torture ...Take the only tree that's left - And stuff it up the hole -

In your culture - I've seen the nations rise and fall - I've heard their stories, heard them all - But love's the only engine of survival - Your servant here, he has been told - To say it clear, to say it cold: It's over, it ain't going any further - And now the wheels of heaven stop - You feel the devil's riding crop - Get ready for the future - It is murder - Things are going to slide - There'll be the breaking of the ancient Western code - Your private life will suddenly explode - There'll be phantoms - There'll be fires on the road - And the white man dancing - You'll see your woman - Hanging upside down - Her features covered by her fallen gown - And all the lousy little poets - Coming round - Tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson - And the white man dancin'

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions - Won't be nothing - Nothing you can measure anymore - The blizzard, the blizzard of the world - Has crossed the threshold - And it has overturned - The order of the soul

When they said REPENT REPENT - You wonder what they meant - When they said REPENT REPENT - You wonder what they meant

When they said REPENT REPENT - You wonder what they meant

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Give me back my broken night - My mirrored room, my secret life - It's lonely here - There's no one left to torture -

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What happened in the past to opulent French aristocracy? It is on track to happen again. Macron and co are the same nasty selfish aristocracy as in the past this time wearing modern suits but besides the wrapping nothing changed.

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He is the antichrist. They even tell.us openly by the photos they publish of him. Look up pics of him on Time magazine.

Go to this website and type emanuel in thr box for the gematria numeric value of hid name. Thr Bible tells us 6 6 6 is thr number of a man.


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I don't understand why did Macron dissolve parliament? Is that what is done when you lose and new PM comes in?

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I think you dissolve to be able to legally call an election...

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Macron hopes to pack parliament with more World Economic Forum mass murderers. They can thwart Le Pen if they can cheat enough traitors into parliament.

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LePen's daughter is even more superb.

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Its becUse he serves satan and he's not going to give up power. He is the antichrist. They even tell.us openly by the photos they publish of him. Look up pics of him on Time magazine.

Go to this website and type emanuel in thr box for the gematria numeric value of his name. The Bible tells us 6 6 6 is the number of a man.


This is also prophecy.


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Let's hope she's right!

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