Look at how Trump was being treated by the media. Look at how little we knew about the "virus" at the time. If Trump had pushed back against these "esteemed ""scientists,"" he would have been blamed for Every. Single, Covid (related) Death. We all know this.

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At the time the Chinese were freaking out about the HIV sequences that Baric and his team in North Carolina had inserted into the spike and were treating cases with anti-HIV drugs. Trump was wise to be cautious. AIDS took on average 7 years to develop from initial infection and was rampant by the time Luc Montagnier found HIV in a lymph node biopsy from an AIDS patient in 1983. The HIV prodrome is even milder than "COVID-19." Evidence is now fast accumulating that "COVID-19" is the precursor to later stage disease that is far worse than AIDS ever has been. A tsunami of ill health effects is building. In fact, in creating and releasing this virus, the Dems might have brought about a species extinction event. This is not Trump's fault.

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Well stated Awake.. I completely agree. I always said this new "liberal" view of the world was deadly. I had no idea what an understatement that was.

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Baric + Bat Lady in Wuhan = weaponized coronavirus bioweapon

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Via Hunter B and his involvement with some biolabs doing coronavitus research on the border with Russia.

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Makes me wonder. How is the Bat Lady faring now? She has cost China enormous sums of money and other major societal disturbances. China, not being one of the most democratic societies extant, can't have taken this massive slap in the face kindly and without striking back at Ms. Bat. Has anybody heard anything about Shi over the last year or so?

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You bring up some really good points.

I have not read anything about Bat Lady's current situation.

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People NEVER talk about what you are saying, neither relating the 5G stimulation causing the metals and structures to form components in the body.

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It's early days. Walter M Chesnut, who copublished with Luc Montagnier has described in his sunstacks how the cardiotoxic and oncogenic spike protein, whether from prior infection with "COVID-19" or from the shots, mimics the effect of radiation exposure as it slowly attacks and destroys ACE2 and the cells of every organ, causing an AIDS of universal scope, far worse than the AIDS that results from HIV. This is the tip of the iceberg. More has yet to be discovered.

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I started following Walter Chestnut about a year and a half ago. He is such a warrior and so knowledgeable!! He should be a MUST FOLLOW for everyone seeking the truth

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Thanks for that information.

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You're welcome.

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It isn’t that I don’t believe you, but I like to save links to important information. Can you send your link to the 7 years from initial infection? Thank you!

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Here's a paper from 1988, which is five years after Montagnier's discovery. (With SARS-CoV-2, in contrast to HIV/AIDS, we dont't yet know what the incubation time is from SARS-CoV-2 to AIDS. We only know what the incubation time is from SARS-CoV-2 infection to "COVID-19.")

"Seroconversion times lie between 40-60 days, with wide variability."

"The mean incubation period in transfusion cases is 7.66 years." 

Epidemiology of HIV infection and AIDS: incubation and infectious periods, survival and vertical transmission


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You are absolutely right. However, he might have spent more time, and listened carefully, to those few with the courage to speak up. Unfortunately, The Great Barrington Declaration (October 2020) came far too late (less than a month before the election) to matter with respect to Trump's position.

If we want to blame someone other than the perps themselves, blame the cowardly Supreme Court for failing to act ("Oh, gee whiz, it's an emergency! So "authorities" at every level of government must be allowed to strip our citizens of the rights guaranteed them by the Constitution." This would never have happened if the Demon-Rats had not succeeded in assassinating Scalia.

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Agree. This has been long planned. JFK KNEW of the cabal and what they wanted to do to every man woman and child. That is why he was murdered. Ever since then, I believe all Presidents have been aware of what is transpiring, even Reagan who signed law to protect these EVIL pharmaceutical companies. I am to the point of confusion right now- many days I feel like I’m literally going crazy. I desperately WANT to believe Trump is not a part of the MOVIE we are all witnessing. I guess only time will tell. But a supposed “election “ more like Selection- in OVER a year- it will DEFINITELY be too late. God help us all.

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I also blame the Supreme Court.

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Your comment is exactly right. Trump was "damned if he did and damned if he didn't." If he had decided to reject the advice of government "experts", the media would have gone into a hysterical frenzy beyond anything we have seen. My guess is that the media was already primed to attack Trump if he did not allow the Covid destruction to proceed. He would have been accused of wanting to kill millions of Americans and no Republican would have defended him. It would have been an instant impeachment which may have worked.

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You're almost certainly right.

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"Trump took guidance from Fauci and Birx and he made a catastrophic mistake doing that..."

Stop it already -- STOP IT!! That was no "mistake". Even stupid people, when they make an honest mistake, make a course correction, reverse course, take actions to remedy the mistake, and call out the people that led them to the mistake. Did Trump fire Fauci and Birx? Has Trump called them out? Has Trump admitted to making a mistake? Has Trump demanded justice? Stop saying that "Trump made a mistake". Saying that makes you sound unintelligent, naive, or, worse yet, a collaborator of this crime.

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I believe that both of these criminals were protected by their civil service status. Perhaps Birx wasn't, but Fauci was. However, Trump surely had the option of following the informed advice of a few others (Dr. Elias among them), and he failed to do so. Today, he has the option of admitting to having made a mistake, and demanding justice against those who orchestrated this mistake. But he unfortunately will be consumed by fighting our Mortal Enemies in the courts, to the detriment of seeking retribution against the Fauci Virus Fascists.

We the People need to both support Trump in his personal battles and launch a campaign of cleansing against our Mortal Enemies who were responsible for all the horrors of their CIA-Fauci-China Virus war against Humanity.

Even if Bobby Jr. were to become President, we would achieve Justice (and perhaps Vengeance and Retribution as well) only through our OWN efforts. He himself could only explain to those willing to listen. The people, bearing torches and pitchforks, would need to sweep OUR country clean, from Sea to Shining Sea.

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Trump is a Deep Stater, isn't that obvious? He talks a good game but just listen to his excuses and you'll know he is one of "them". As is Bobby Kennedy, Jr. Ditto Vivek. By their doubletalk ye shall know them.....

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We need a much bigger tent than you are willing to construct. Exactly what do YOU propose to do?

Lock and Load.

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Did you see the new Trump Do Not Comply video on Truth Social? He speaks the truth.

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Yes. That is awesome!

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Yes but still no talk about the murderous vaccine!!!!! Maybe he has to wait for the right time to expose it- not to help fuel mass chaos that would fill our streets, hospitals, pharmacies..... oh God it’s horrifying what is reality. Most really do not understand the magnitude of this

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Quite compelling. One can see it on Real Clear Politics, as well as Truth Social.

My only negative thought is, he focuses (probably correctly, since simplicity always matters in communication) only on the 2024 election. That's the proper message here. But elsewhere, he should begin to deal with the broader issue, the entire history, plots, machinations et al of the CIA-Fauci-China Virus operation, and the future plans of this criminal cabal.

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Fauci has been causing deaths for 40 years, starting with the AIDS crisis.

Fauci never treated one positive covid patient in a hospital setting.

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Hell, I see Fauci....I just can't take it anymore. I get nauseous. I want to break things. I lose my shit. Only "person" on the planet that repulses me to this degree. Mayorkas, a distant second.

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Many feel the way do I’m sure. I have a feeling something big is brewing behind the Trump camp.

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I get where you are coming from but it may be a good idea not to see Adam Schiff.

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Donald Trump knew back then these injections were horrendous and he said nothing, today, 2 years since the jabs started he has told people to take them and his jabs have saved hundreds of millions of lives. The other day he spoke with Glenn Beck, he touted ventilators and something else to do with the jabs, he's still as of right now claiming his jabs are safe and effective. Theres no way in hell he doesn't know the truth, I know people close to him have shown him the proof on how insidious they are. People have to stop idolizing him like he's a god, he is not, he is a very flawed human being. He took millions from all the "vaccine" makers and now he seems to hold them in higher regard than the rest of us. Every day he stays silent a child dies, an adult dies, so spare me your sympathy for him, he has chosen a side, its the side of evil.

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He needs the votes of millions of Republicans who love their boosters. He watches opinion polls closely and believes that if he denounces the vaccines he will lose the election.

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He simply does not give a shit about human life, unless its his human life, he's an asshole x 100

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On the money......Trump is all about Trump.

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I thoought Trump was the "smartest man in the world" who was going to "drain the swamp" at "warp speed"? Instead, he gave Americans another "warp speed". Didn't he confer an award to Fauci hours before he left the White House? What an odd final act to perform....

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The covid lockdowns and vaccines are the main reason why I don't like Trump. Trump has to shoulder some of the blame.

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Let us NOT a forget the Bottom Line: It was Mike Pence’s “COVID TASK FORCE” that brought in the players of this disaster, forcing it on us all.

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I know I sound like a broken record but it must be made Real in this disaster of a nation... Nuremberg... we are making progress Every Day, Fuuuchi, Brixxx, Bourla, Every single one involved in this Global Psyop.. will be held accountable... We are coming for them.. Oh Yes.. Work at it Today...

Hats off to Dr Alexander!! No one is working harder than you.. God Bless you!

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Torches. Pitchforks. And the Guillotine

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He was anyways. In fact it was the entire election platform of the democrats. Trump messed up. This wasn't just a one off either. Further down the line... after DeSantis followed Noem's lead... and then Texas followed DeSantis he still stuck with Birx and Fauci. Scott Atlas was brought in and made his case (much to the detriment of his reputation... as he was attacked by the covid cult). Trump stuck with Fauci and Birx. Even though it bought him no loyalty from the two both worked against his reelection. Trump caved during covid. It is a terrible blot on his record. I'd vote for him still against Biden. I would pick RFK jr over Trump though... it isn't even close as he can actually talk about the real problems facing the nation. Scott Atlas is a huge hero in my eyes. He didn't have to go through that. He did it solely because he saw what was happening and tried to get Trump to go a different route.

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Trump is absolutely prime blackmail material. His ego is his worst attribute. He does what "they" tell him to do. Congress has been gutted, it is powerless against the "security" agencies. Rinos and traitors, traitors and rinos. And then we hear that both DeSantis and Bobby Jr. will suck up to Israel as Trump does. We are run by the Israeli cadre and once that happened, probably way back in 1913, our goose was cooked. We tried to treat cancer with bubble gum and found out it wasn't going to work and now we are stuck with the Tribe. Obviously, none of the Congress members know much about history. Despite knowing the total dangers of dealing with the Tribe, we are cowed by the lies of the Holocaust. Our Holodomor is coming ever closer as we speak.....

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Scott Atlas is a huge hero in my eyes, too. (He wrote an excellent book.)

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if we keep going back on everything then why hasn't been arrested or his assets frozen along with those who helped give gain of function .. should of taken take action right away knowing big pharmaceutical made lots of money along with the elites

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Trump made big mistakes, I also think he was learning on the job and it took 4 years for him to figure many things out. Really the President is the only one who gets close enough to the fires to see who has started them. Now he knows and they can’t let him anywhere near them again. They have very large agendas to change the world and to hell with democracy. He knows too much now and they will never let him back to have the power to stop them. I do believe he has responsibility for the choices that were made in the beginning but remember when he tried to say how the drugs had helped him and the media shut him down? It is hard to speak the truth in that place. I have some hope things can be stopped if the right person gets in office but anyone will have to learn what is going on, who the liars are and who tells the truth and that can be hard and can take time when everyone around you has agendas. I don’t think we have much time so that makes Trump the best chance from how I see it. But it may take a miracle to get our country back and help the world retake their sovereignty.

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It is extremely unlikely that the "legal" system will be a source of Justice. Therefore, We the People must consider whether it is our sacred duty to achieve Justice through our own efforts.

In the case of the CIA-Fauci-China Virus and the fascism surrounding it, Justice and Vengeance ride hand-in-hand as they lead us. May millions of Americans, armed with torches and pitchforks, sweep across OUR country, from sea to shining sea, behind our reincarnated warrior leaders -- Attila Our Hun and Jeanne d'Arc.

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Aside from the 2024 elections, which we are probably doomed to lose (via theft), what's the future for OUR country?

We have Trump, Vivek, Bobby, Tulsi Gabbard, Ron DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Anna Luna, Lauren Bobbert, Kari Lake, Kristi Noem, Ron Paul ... We have a multitude of strong leaders. What we don't have is Our Army. Instead, we have a bunch of Commenters (like myself).

Our future will be determined by our response when Trump is first convicted in one of the four cases designed to destroy him. During the Sixties, such an event would have led to millions taking to the streets (many non-violent, many violent). I was among them.

Unfortunatelly, most of us sane, civilized people are older, while most of the insane younger people side with our Mortal Enemies. But whatever our ages, when Donald is convicted and faces jail, MILLIONS of us, armed with torches and pitchforks, need to respond forcefully. Our Army.

Lock and Load.

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Americans (for the most part)are the most naive and easily led people on the planet. The WEF devils are salivating…..sadly.

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