It’s been pretty obvious to me for sometime that no amount of scientific debate about adverse effects is going to make one jot of difference.

We are being played.

Therefore calls to suspend the vax programme based on science are frankly an utter waste of time.

They know it’s dangerous, that’s the vax’s entire purpose.

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Less people- more money for others that made the evil design!!!

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When illegal or highly unethical activities ... like torture of prisoners or the assassination of Presidents and other heads of state or giving toxic injections to children or anyone for that matter ... are carried out secretly or in plain sight but with impunity, we must not forget that intelligence services have been behind it all typically and historically. Our own dear CIA a case in point. When highly educated people in leadership positions behave irrationally, frustrating all us small potatoes who think logic should prevail, the reason is likely a written agreement with the CIA that compels them to choose egregious or ostensibly “stupid” behavior that supports political or financial interests out of self preservation. A choice between lots of money on the one hand versus professional or literal suicide on the other is the phenomenon that begs to be uncovered. It may be CCP influence. City of London. WEF. Black Rock. We don’t always know. John Wilkes Booth was trained by British intelligence services operating out of Montreal during our Civil War. Who murdered JFK? Not the usual lone nut as was been asserted for 60 years. Professor Dershowitz... brilliant Constitutional scholar that he is ... thinks the Warren commission got it right but he is wrong about that just as he is dead wrong and strangely naïve about the pandemic and the COVID shots. Who funded the assassination of Czar Alexander ll? William McKinley? Archduke Ferdinand? Who funded the Bolsheviks and the Nazis? The Azov battalion? It’s a mess. It’s 5:30 am. I can’t take it!!! I’m going for a walk.

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Am hearing they want to release ebola now for their 2nd pandemic. The navy had a document that colloidal silver stops ebola. They scrubbed it from the internet, and know one thing...when ebola broke out in Africa they were stopping shipments of colloidal silver. They didn't want them to have it.

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Oh dear God help us! These people are so evil

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 The CDC is a tool of DARPA and the CIA, who believe that we need biological weapons to destroy the enemy. Since we have been able to learn how to manipulate cellular function, we are going down the road to hell in healthcare if we don’t stop now.  This is the greatest medical crime. Against humanity that has been man-made.  Unfortunately, our political leader ship is afraid of the CIA and their ability to destroy their careers.

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Great post. I believe we have many more then Four Horsemen Of this Apocalypse.

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Dr Alexander, this may interest you, below. She pushed the jab. Now she's testified to the Australian parliament that she and her wife have ongoing injuries from the Pfizer jab and that doctors are being censored and intimidated into not speaking out.

Former President of the Australian Medical Association, Dr Kerryn Phelps reveals ‘devastating’ Covid vaccine injury, says doctors have been ‘censored’

Dr Kerryn Phelps has broken her silence about a “devastating” Covid vaccine injury, slamming regulators for “censoring” public discussion with “threats” to doctors.


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I don't know about the 4 horseman of the apocalypse, but they definitely are horse's asses.

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How can they be still walking free?

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1,000% guaranteed...we will never get to the bottom of the covid hoax before billy g unleashes the next round of fake pandemics...SARS Co-V3. This has been in the planning stages since 2007 and was mentioned in the Clinical Journal of Microbiology by several Chinese virologists. SARS Co-V3, China, virologists, anything ring a bell?

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Yes, they are the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

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In answer to your questions in the subtitle:

Yes and yes.

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The document states a pause on new gain of function research but a mere encouragement to pause 'the currently-funded USG and non-USG funded research ...that meets the stated definition' It therefore seems there are many loopholes such as the tweaking of 'the stated definition' and continued funding of existing reasearch

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Yes. UNCH had an exemption, to the extent that it was required, to continue increasing the pathogenicity of coronaviruses.

I feel that WIV is a red herring.

The fact that there were vaccine candidates before there was the novel patented C19 pandemic is the smoking gun here. There are signed forms.

How did they do it in 48hours from a cold start, if it took them so long for the Omicron mutation?


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Once again dear Dr. Alexander, in order to produce something in a lab, you first have to have the original and so far no one has had the original of any so-called "pathogenic virus" - only nucleic acids/nucleotides are searched for, but they are found in every living being and in every plant, whether dead or alive - e.g. here: from 2003 "A Novel Coronavirus Associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome" https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa030781?query=recirc_inIssue_bottom_article enter the single letter groups into the BLAST search https://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi?PAGE_TYPE=BlastSearch&BLAST_SPEC=OGP__9606__9558&LINK_LOC=blasthome and see the results or here: "Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated with putative origins of infection" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7140172/ and again enter the individual letter groups into the BLAST search https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7140172/figure/fig3/ or just here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fviro.2022 .834808/full - everything is generated with the help of a computer tool/single nucleotide sequences are strung together with it or changed on the computer (and on the computer everything is possible), but THAT is NOT science, but absolute nonsense and if you look at the so-called methods of a so-called "isolation", then you can also see there that this is an absolute nonsense - isolation means free of any foreign substances, but exactly THAT is not done anywhere!!!!









People are constantly frightened with fictitious "viruses", which is completely unnecessary and an absolute myth, and what comes out of it, you have seen since 2020 - and THAT is high criminal!!

I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart, but I'm going now out of your Substack, so that I don't always have all this nonsense in my emails! Bye

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