The problem with firing anyone is that the replacement is often as bad or worse. Look at congress...a constant revolving door for the worse criminals and liars. What needs to really happen is a few forced deaths that spell out to these insane idiots that if they screw around with the public, they may get the same thing.

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The New World Order is here. They are all part of it. It must be dismantled before it's too late and they are beyond reach. Today will tell us a big part of the the story.

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Today is only part of the story. Even if Rs take charge of Congress we still have a President that will sign nothing they pass. We need to spend the next 2 years impeaching the criminals, investigating and putting in prison those that committed crimes against humanity and it will be WE THE PEOPLE that must ride herd on the spineless Republicans who in the past have always caved.

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Yup, the brain dead, fossils need to go back to the nursing homes. And the younger clowns back to the circus.

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Two names: John boehnor and Paul Ryan

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Hi Dr. Paul,

Please add NPR AND ALL TAX PAYER subsidized university professors and administrators who were also just as illogical and downright stupid. None of these people have what it takes obviously, to teach our children. Instead, they damage and there is NO ability to critically think left among the majority of the youth. They know how to do “talking point” conversation and that’s about it and actually believe they’ve said something profound. ALL OF THIS “OSTERISM” MUST STOP.

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Cannot wait to get my copy of your new book. The only way these genocidal maniacs get punished is if the American people DEMAND the new Congress investigate and charge them with crimes against humanity. They should pass no new legislation for the next 2 years, because Biden will never sign any of it. They need to concentrate on impeachments and investigation and hold these people accountable. If we do not start putting people in jail it will never end. Fauci needs to be charged, tried and hung for crimes against humanity. And he is not the only one.

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Murdering criminals!

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I would add a few adjecives to the list: complicit, amoral, indifferent, malevolent, narcissistic... plenty more where these came from

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Ready aim then Fire

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FRIED in hot oil would be more appropriate.

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Fired? No.

Executed? Yes.

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Shamed will suffice

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no only death will suffice

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The above people Dr. Alexander named should all be jailed and tried for the serial killers that they are. The CDC, FDA, Big Pharma, AMA, WHO, NIH, FBI, CIA, DOJ should all be disbanded and investigated fully and all guilty of accepting money for the fraud they pulled on all should be immediately jailed, licenses lost all assets taken away, loss of pensions, it all must be taken so they are ruined and hopefully in jail for the rest of their lives or hung for the traitors they are.

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Advance the line ... VOTE!

Let's do this!!! https://leemuller.substack.com/p/frreeeeee-dommmmmmm

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They must pay for their Crimes and give back all of their Drug Money.

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100% agree. Covid is simply the cover story

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I have no doubt they have done an excellent job, it’s just that the job is not the one any normal person expected.

I am wholly convinced the effects were fully expected and known before vax launch in 2020. Its never been about health which is why they steadfastly ignore the data as it’s irrelevant, in fact, it might encourage them to conclude it’s a job well done in their twisted minds.

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It was never about the virus.

It was always about getting the covid death shots into arms.

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“Fired” as in “Ready!”....better not complete this.

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Evil corrupt bunch

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