Yes, they knowingly attempted to cause widespread harm.And those who invested their money in the products to be used to carry out the campaign, were complicit

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The intent was to kill and sterilize principally women and girls. That's why they needed the lockdowns to force the jabs. Although men were harmed too, and in vast numbers by the jabs, nearly 2/3 (64%) of serious adverse events occurred in women, according to data from Australia. This is consistent with Pfizer's own data which showed that about 68% of adverse events were in women. This disproportionate adverse impact on women is an indictment on every country that uses the jabs and is also a signatory to the international convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. Women's rights are human rights. These discriminatory jabs must be pulled from the market and banned for both women and men, and for children, and those who mandated these jabs or withheld information necessary for informed consent must, along with the State, be held liable for malfeasance and forced to pay compensation to surviving victims and to the families of the decedents killed by these jabs.

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Yes, indeed it was an assault on women; they are the childbearers, the nurturers, the intuitive ones; the ones that work hardest to "keep the family together", right? All of the focus and glorifying of "gender rights" and "indigenous rights" "black rights" at present are a farce. These groups are despised by the perpetrators and are being tricked into thinking their rights are finally being respected and honoured. Families were separated during lockdowns.. Intact families are a threat to the globalists who want to design babies of the future, as they do our food. Look at the Canadian Government's document "biodigital Convergence"... the plan is to merge humans with technology Humanity 2.0 Women will no longer be "needed" in the globalist technocratic Communist dystopia.

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Yes, women are to be replaced by artificial.wombs and, for the elites, lifelike female robots. These will be electronic, talking versions of blow up dolls. For the plebs, it will be mandatory to be gay. This will be enforced.

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Just the tip of the DOD biowarfare exercise

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Bill Gates, and Dr Fauci, both have said the Covid Vaccines,don't work..

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And both insisted everyone needed to get the vaccine and Gates and Fauci knew exactly what they were doing. Gates even spoke of this at a Ted Talk back in 2009 - 2012 he was pretty smug with his plan. It’s going to be like a war but not with guns. Also that it would be around 2020! Hmm funny how that went. Ted Talk has been taken down but he facilitated the vaccines. He’s determined to kill us all because all if the elites would have the world to themselves. If you’ve been following as long as I have you’ll know!

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Just follow him on Wechat …” Governments needs to do more about the pandemics, because they are not coming up so often and we tend to forget, and that is a danger…and that’s why my book is calling for this permanent global team that would go to each country and practice. The climate change is a much harder problem to solve because WE have to change the society’s physical infrastructure “ recommending the book “ How the world really works”, completed by a Chinese woman who states the danger of climate change saying that we only need to look at arctics and oceans, and polar bears…mind blowing how he knows everything about vaccines and how much polar bears are suffering while scientists are saying something else. Just follow him on Wechat, lol!

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They planned this and premeditated murder is usually dealt with by a death sentence to the players. They also should be charged with crimes against humanity. There is a law on this type of mediated murder as well. You can’t just go around mandating to get a vaccine you know is deadly. Many died because of these players and everyone involved in this massacre should be hung! IMHO!!

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This entire pandemic theater was perpetrated for only two reasons...control and murder. It's foolish to believe otherwise.

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My husband picked up a customer yesterday who had a stroke 2 years ago. Fit healthy man age 74, played golf every day. On the Tuesday play 36 hole golf, next day had the shot, on the Thursday had a massive stroke. Spent 3 months in hospital, ongoing rehabilitation. Can’t play golf, can’t drive. Doctors said they were shocked he pulled through. They said he was collateral damage from the vaccine.

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These people need to be charged with crimes against humanity. The punishment for what they've done to the people of the world needs to be so severe that no one will EVER try this again. We will never forget, and we will never forgive. We need to build a museum of horror to memorialize this greatest evil ever perpetrated against mankind.

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I agree

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I hope the devil collects his debt from these people. They never took that rubbish even though they pretended to. We’ve never seen any of them with vaccine damage

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Anyone know what movie that juxtaposed response is from?

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Yup def Billy Madison.

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"Works." Doesn't "work." Doesn't matter. Completely, utterly unlawful and immoral. Anyone who supported, suggested, enforced is an enemy...of the Law, humanity, and all that is good and decent.

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Convict and carry out sentence. Be aware though this began with the treasonous George Jr. who listened to neocons and betrayed multiple times We The People.

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So knowing that - than why the shot ?

Was it to depopulate? Or was that a bonus for them ? Was it just to experiment? Because clearly they were hoping for something the bastards. NO AMNESTY from me. Hang the pricks and I didn’t even get the poison but my sons did and my wife was forced for her job ffs.

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What he said was not dumb...it was EVIL. He is so powerful from running the DOD's bioweapons research programs, he just doesn't give a shit.

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Could not agree more.

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Evil bastard!

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I remember in 2017 Fauci said that there will be a pandemic in Trump’s term, not the statistics show that it is likely or something to that effect, no, he said there will be… His own words. And let’s not forget the China shut down, travel to every other province of China while they let infected people from Wuhan fly all over the world.

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I'm glad somebody else remembers this - I very rarely see the reminder of this pointed out! :-(

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Its Global Population reduction, and Control, check around, notice the steep drop in Births? Cancers, as if Turbo charged, Transplants being rejected, the "Died Suddenly's" are increasing daily. Police, Firefighters, the Military, and anyone who wanted to keep their job, got the Covid "Vaccines"....

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