You are so very right and correct! Bravissimo and God bless for all that you are bringing to light! I’d just like to say that I don’t believe that any of these malfeasants have actually taken their poison vaccine. It was just saline and for show. All of them, all across the board , including the Pope.

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. . . and to add to your comment >> "One has to wonder why they keep broadcasting they tested positive for C19 over and over again . . ." what's the purpose of that disinformation - what's the logic in such announcement? I haven't figure it out yet.

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To keep the fear going. Those in fear are easily controlled.

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I find it's not good publicity for the injectable formula especially since the transmission cat is out of the bag - chuckles. They boast being "up to date" then announce testing positive (high likely false). Fools.

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The thing about demons is that they can only do one thing, over and over again. Demons are not like humans with souls and an ability to correct course and make different decisions. Demons are on earth to do one specific task and they do that over and over again. They don't see that it makes no sense and is stupid. They just do it as they were commanded. Once you realize the nature of demons, it's quite easy to figure out why they do the things they do.

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ah . . . demons indeed. I call them "Satanic Human Intelligence" (SHI) - demons in human vessels - a pestilence on this plane of existence. You cannot negotiate with their kind - and a fool if one thinks they can. The cartoon version is Wyle E. Coyote - they don't stop until they succeed . . . it's one coup after the other. When satanic human intelligence work together . . . you know a Team . . . I call it S.H.I.T.) - They tend to do crimes against humanity at small and large scale. I have studied the behavior of their kind for several years . . . in fact, just finished a long investigation on a homicide case that involved pedophilia, human trafficking and enslavement of the victim.

Oh, they don't like our kind >> people like us who see them for what they are.

Be well in heart -mind.

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The treatment is sooooo simple in fact:

Can you DOCTORS recognize a DISEASE and TREAT it without having a script from BIG PHARMA (A WRONG SCRIPT)? C-19 is OXIDATIVE STRESS!!!!!!! PEOPLE HAVE BEEN POISENED by NANOTECH!!!!

They need ANTIOXIDANTS!!!!!

Zinc, Ivermectin (is Zinc ionophore, that prevents oxidative stress), NAC (higher doses), Quercetin, Vitamin C, and all the others: Melatonin, Vitamin D, Resveratrol, etc. Even Azithromycin and Doxycycline has antioxidant properties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THESE PEOPLE DON'T HAVE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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They’re actually not that stupid. When you know you’re completely wrong the best way to fight any lawsuits that might arise is to simply double down on your original malfeasance. This is precisely what Fauci and his friends are doing. I expect us to keep going for several years. I don’t expect the Republicans are really going to do anything if they take back control of the Congress.

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Do you think there will be lots of Pharma cash delivered under the table to the RINOs?

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The little brown envelopes (or more probably deposits in Cayman Island accounts) are already on their way.

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Or campaign contributions for the ones who have already agreed to play ball.

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That would not surprise me. We might get a few investigations that will drag on and on and on as they all do.

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Sternly worded letters! That'll make them shake.

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I hate eugenics programs!

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All those they murder hate them too!

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Mostly because he feels totally protected. They all do! They have their butts covered with complete protection from Klaus, Bill, and the devil, no matter what the accusations.

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In addition to being totally protected these slime balls have absolutely no moral compass and seem to think of themselves as omnipotent with unlimited power and authority.

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Yes but we know the end

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Big pharma is running the best protection racket...money to anyone who tries to bring about justice for those murders.

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The have a mafia.

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You forgot some other place Walensky can stick her IV. I think all those variants are invented to cause fear and panic. Since the vast majority seem to be refusing these putrid boosters despite the King Of Truth and Respect, Brandon, recommending everybody go out and get boosterized all the way to the moon, they are desperate. This entire crew of medical terrorists is beyond irresponsible and childish.

Where is the proof that covid in killing 2,600 a week? I am not buying it for a second. If you look at assumed flu deaths worldwide going back to 2019, they have been vaporized by over 90% since then. You can make the case that there are still those deaths occurring but maybe they have been relabeled as covid since nobody is bothering the verify them.

And since the regular flu has virtually vanished, why are they still pushing the annual flu shot? Why are they going to combine mRNA boosters with the flu shot? The only reason is that those still getting the flu shot will be graced with an mRNA gene altering injection as well...exactly as big pharma demands.

Be very careful and do not trust your doctor to tell you the truth.

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100% agree: Be very careful and do not trust your doctor to tell you the truth.

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I guess the only other possibility is that if one is killed by COVID-flu like disease, then one cannot be killed by original recipe flu so the latter disappears. It's like saying that being a soldier in a war zone drastically reduces your chances of dying from cancer because you are far more likely to be hit and killed by a bomb or bullet than to develop a malignant tumour. Flu didn't just disappear. It was either misdiagnosed as COVID, or during the initial height of the pandemic, more people got COVID before they could get the flu.

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I read so many substacks so quickly that I can't remember where I saw this, but I read an analysis of how CDC was purposefully using data manipulation to count heart attack and cancer deaths from the vaccine as covid deaths. I'm sure that's where Scabbers Fauci gets the weekly figure. Their lies are like this huge false reality that they are terrorizing and brainwashing people with. I don't believe anything anymore, not the RSV admissions, not polls. None of it. These are the people who said the hospital in the South couldn't treat gunshot wounds due to the backlog of IVM overdoses---pure utter lies. They feel nothing but contempt and disgust for our gullibility and so cackle away every time they pull off one of these BS barrages. Deirdre Barrett of Harvard thinks there may already be clones amongst us. I sometimes wonder if that might be true. Software running them that is based on dark triad psychopathic personalities. That doesn't solve it though as there would have to be actual people running them. Unless AI became Skynet decades ago. Just riffing on the sci fi ness of the evil lol.

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Why, why, why...you TERRIBLE person. What about the old people? You need to get your dose to help the planet! Didn't you watch the Matrix? When Agent Smith told Morpheus that humanity was a disease? I think Schwab and company are the disease. They are PSYCHOPATHS that place federal reserve notes above all else. The bible mentions the love of money is the root of all evil. Well in their case it's the love of fiat worthless currency that is the root of all evil. If there is a hell, may they rot in it.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

They told us in the 80’s, eventually there would be an AIDS vaccine. I wonder; if they told people what’s in it, would they take it?

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I have a close family member who was diagnosed with HIV in 1999. He took AZT for a few months and as odd as this may sound, one day he woke up and "GOD told him STOP taking this because it will kill you" and he did. Many in the family thought he was delusional. He stopped all pharmaceuticals and changed his diet and habits - and here we are 23 years later. We discovered last year (2021) that AZT was a killer drug mandated by Dr. Death Fauci.

Last year, he tried new medication but it made him feel worse. As a result, he refuses to touch any of the pharmaceuticals and is sticking with vitamins, natural medicinal herbs - To conclude, if they came out with an injection claiming it would cure, I would strongly recommend not touching it until it is proven to really work. At this point in time, they cannot be trusted with anything they have to offer. I will venture that whatever they will come out with (injection for aids) will most likely be mRNA based and we know what that does, don't we?

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AIDS INC by Jon Rappoport gets into the facts of AIDS. The problem wasn't some sort of HIV "Virus" the problem was the lifestyle of drug use and antibiotic over use due to STD's. Dr Death himself was widely involved in that fiasco. TOXIC drugs cause TOXIC reactions. Our bodies are miracles of creation designed to last a long time IF we don't take cyanide and IF we don't jump off cliffs. Toxicology is the way of understanding that will lead you into the fact of the terrain understanding and leave the germ theory in the dust bin of history. The medical mafia doesn't want well people. It isn't good for the finances. Can't pay that Mercedes payment if everyone is well.

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Lynn, your family member is 100% correct! Praise Our Father for helping him! His intuition, God given, is also. a part of his healing. God bless!

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Thanks for sharing this.

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

I don’t think the public will ever have an appetite for it. What worries me; they could usher it in through a Trojan Horse, like a Pandemic Vaccine.

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I wonder sometimes, if it’s what we’re looking at now.

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"They are forcing this pandemic to keep going with the ongoing vaccine program. It cannot work, you can never tame a pandemic and stop it if you do not get to population level herd immunity. Herd immunity only comes about once you can cut the chain of transmission. This vaccine achieves none of this as it is causing the vaccinated to actually become infected, viral replication once infected, and for the vaccinated to transmit" That says it all Dr. Alexander, q.e.d.

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I think the fear porn factor is almost at its limit, too many deaths and too many people speaking out now. You can’t bury it all forever!

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Fauci has some colossal chutzpah.

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You have a great way with words Paul. Your message is bang on and mirrors what Geert Vanden Bossche has been saying for over a year. You guys are the experts I follow. Keep pounding. I'm certain you are making an impact and eventually you will be an integral part in toppling the house of cards! Kudos man.

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Don't wait Fauci

Retire to Club Fed, NOW

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I don't want him to retire. I want him where we can see him.

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Do those idiots still think we buy the covid bs, just shows you how evil and arrogant they are, sell the lie until everyone buys it.

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In fact it just backs up the very real fact that the vaccines do not work , don’t stop transmission, don’t protect from infection. So what IS the point??

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The point is to KILL YOU.

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Fauci is America’s Hitler.

He and his henchmen need to be swiftly tried. If found guilty of mass murder…then immediately given the appropriate penalty.

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Gates is Hitler. Fauci is Mengele.

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It is so dark - that I get the shivers. How not to get depressed ? The censorship is well installed. Orwell was right. Even in Germany free speech about C. topic is censored. Now Pfizer waves to create a combination of an Influenza and Covid shot altogether. The insanity is pushed by greed and control freaks .

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Fear mongering Fauci wants to keep people in fear forever. Never before in history have we had government officials talking about a virus for three years straight. S. T. F. U. FAUCI! How he’s not arrested and jailed and or even hung by now is astonishing! 

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