Listen, I don't play politics. I look at facts. Facts you don't find on Fakebook and ScrewTube. Shocker!! Trump got screwed. When all of the election night anomalies began to happen at the same time, etc...it's not hard to start connecting dots. People far more intelligent than I have delved deep into this and have irrefutable evidence. Of course, the powers that be are dedicating their time throwing the book at Dr. Simone Gold as opposed to hunting down REAL criminals which are lurking around every corner of DC.

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Thank you, Dr. Paul Alexander, for continually and constantly taking the time to inform us of what you understand, perceive, and grasp with this “Covid madness”. I especially appreciate you sharing your background, as it in invaluable in assessing this. And I appreciate your position and insight. There are those, like myself, who have not, will not ever follow the “narrative”, that was continually and still continues to shout from every direction. We have always done due diligent research. Our feet are on the ground so to speak, and we have maintained a fight to the bitter end, of false, untrue, lying information fed over the airwaves, social media, banners in public, private places, advertising boards, etc. And we arm ourselves with Truth, digging for it, wherever it takes us. Being maligned is nothing new, as it is a precursor to being one, who trusts Jesus as Savior and Lord. After doing diligent research, and exposing truth in regard to the planned Covid madness since early 2020; what was rather unexpected, were those one thought were thinking individuals, who managed to follow the narrative wholeheartedly, and debunk one, who did not, and in so doing, they did not do the research on the so called “virus”, people involved who compromised, government involvement, monies transacted, etc. But these same ones who denounced us for not jumping on board with the narrative, were never going to spend the time it took to research and follow the “real” scientists and doctors, who were diligently uncovering the truth. They don’t want to know what is in the “vaccine”, but just want to take it. Forty plus years of researching what is in vaccines and their outcome, tells me, one doesn’t just jump up and run to the nearest clinic to take an injection(s) of questionable material, just because everybody is doing it. There is such a thing as natural immunity.

I understand the concern about our President Trump, and what he was surrounded with. I’d go on to say, that what we don’t see is of vast more importance than what we do see. We are in the midst of a war, of such a magnitude, this world has never seen, and much is not visible. The best understanding of this is to have a good handle on the book of books. Have it well read, worn out, so to speak, and keep reading and grow even closer to the Author. He will give the tools and resources for each of us, to be armed and fight the battle, with Him in the Lead. For He is the Captain of our Salvation, the King of Kings. My prayers are with you, as you fight the good fight. Keep on keeping on and don’t grow weary. “But as for you brethren, do not grow weary in doing good” 2 Thessalonians 3:13.

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Very good advice! We must march on to find the truth. It's a slow reveal for a reason!

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Time is of the essence.

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Agreed thoroughly, with Eric, and Paul, the is a slow-motion coup de tat, for tyranny, totalitarianism, the finishing by the WEF of the decades of work by the Frankfurt school of Communism, Marxists all. See the real history here..... Diana West Lecture - Cultural Marxism: Political Correctness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1FvXOUz6s and here... How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West American Thought Leaders - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZhDlf7sOaE

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He should get on side with good and help the doctors, scientists, advocates, etc. that are the truth seekers.....that would be a great way for him to get back at them and oh, you know, help humanity.....

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Trump was leader of the free world and this didn’t suit the WEF etc agenda.

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You aren't alone in this view...but remember both DNC and GOP wanted to topple President Trump--and he did not have loyal staff or personnel. He failed to establish control of the bureaucracies, nor to stop Antifa/BLM riots, nor to stop endless impeachment...death of a thousand cuts. Now they persecute Trump supporters and GOP won't defend them...or demand clean elections!

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President Trump had a few fatal flaws, including abandoning his supporters from Jan 6th to the whims of Public Defenders--even now he hasn't paid for their defense lawyers or set up a Defense Fund for which he could make ads...it's a problem, the other side had loyal machinery whether Democrats or Republicans--but Trump tried to rely on popularity and charisma without any institutional support, he needed to capture or create pro-Trump institutions, IMHO, instead of relying on GOP...I hope De Santis has better organizational talents, although obviously he has less charisma.

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Dr. Alexander, I would be interested in your take on Mike Pence. You never mention him and yet he was the person that Trump appointed to oversee the COVID pandemic response and be the liason between Fauci, Birx, Collins, et al. I believe that Trump was trusting and counting on Mike Pence to scrutinize the daily information of the pandemic response and Operation Warp Speed and then provide Trump with his briefing on the daily updates before the press conferences. Mike Pence was obviously derelict in his duties for oversight if he did not bring in independent expert scientists in the field of virology and vaccine development to analyze the information that Pfizer and Moderna and J & J were submitting during Operation Warp Speed leading up to the EAU that Trump approved for the release of the "vaccines". I wonder if Trump was relying on Pence to take a close look at the clinical trial data and adverse reactions and any deaths cited during the brief Pfizer and Moderna trials. I realize that Pence does not have a science background to be able to decipher the clinical trial date and scrutinize if the minimum safety standards were met in this situation for EAU but anyone in Pence's position of responsibilty for oversight on the pandemic response and OWP should have enough common sense to know that you cannot rely on information submitted by scientists that are employed by Pfizer and Moderna and J & J for objective data analysis and accurate #s of for the safety standard data, # of adverse reactions, deaths...we need to know Pence's role and resonsiblity for evaluating all the information presented to him daily from Fauci, Birx, Collins and if Pence did recruit independent experts to provide an objective analysis of the clinical data and results from the Pfizer and Moderna and J & J. If Trump was relying on Pence to evaluate the information presented by Fauci, Birx and Collins then we need to know if Pence was derelict in his responsibility to consult with independent experts to ascertain if the safety standards were met for EAU release of the COVID "vaacines". Pence may be running for President in 2024 and we need to know what transpired with his responsibility as the head of the COVID pandemic task force. We already know Pence betrayed Trump on Jan. 6th when there was substantial and credible evidence of voter fraud that was presented to Trump from several sources. This is the reason Trump asked Pence to delay the cerification of the electoral college in the Senate on Jan. 6th. Trump was advised by lawyers that this was a legitimate request that could be issued by Pence in the Senate that day. Senators Cruz and Hawley were aware of the election fraud and had seen the same evidence that Trump was presented . Cruz and Hawley were prepared to object to the certification in the Senate that day and present their evidence of voter fraud that would validate a request to send the electoral count back to the state legislators in several states where the voting process and ballot counts were in question and could be challenged. There were dozens of eye witnesses who testified to the voter fraud occuring in several states who testified before the HOuse in the weeks after the Nov. 4th 2020 election. They gave sworn depositions. Their testimonies should have been submitted in the Senate on Jan. 6th. Senators Cruz and Hawley never had their chance to present their evidence and reject the certification because the orchestrated riot occurred at the Capitol prior to their opportunity to present their evidence. Did you see Mike Lindell's documentary, "Absolute Proof"? Did you see Dinesh Desousa's movie "2000 Mules"? Have your heard Sidney Powell present her evidence of voter fraud from witnesses and whistleblowers? Have you seen General Flynn and General McInerrney's interview that were aired on Rumble in October 202 warning of the manipulation of Dominion voting machines in Italy, Germany and the UK being plotted ahead of the election that they had intel from their sources and attempted to warn Trump but his inner circle of traitor RINOS did not allow them to get through to Trump. Have you read the numerous reports on Epoch Times over the past 18 months reporting on many confirmed incidences of voter fraud that have been presented in state courts such as in PA, NV, GA, AZ? Unfortunately the propaganda msm will never report the truth about the evidence of the voter fraud that has been exposed and the corrupt DOJ will never investigate this massive fraud that did result in the steal of the 2020 presidential election. Trump was deceived by many traitors in his administration and we need to know Mike Pence's role in the Pandemic task force. I do not trust Pence after betraying Trump on Jan. 6th. I would bet that Trump did show Pence all the evidence of voter fraud that had been presented to him prior to Jan. 6th and the fact that Pence chose to ignore this evidence and agree to certify the electoral college votes without due consideration of the voter fraud evidence when Pence did have the authority to send the electoral college representatives back to the state legislators and do a recount and evaluation of the voter fraud evidence to determine if the there were ballots cast illegally. If you listen to Mark Levin's radio show, he is a Constitutional Scholar and he had stated numerous times on his radio show that Pence could have sent the votes being challenged back to the state legislators. Pence is either misinformed or is lying when he has stated that he did not have authority to do this. Pence did not want to allow the challenges to be considered.

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I’ve been saying this since the election. All of the chaos, the distractions, the “noise” was just to get rid of POTUS, DJT. It’s criminal!

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While you’re correct the Plandemic was instituted in an election year to take down President Trump, it failed to. The takedown was massive election fraud.

President Trump was re-elected by a huge margin of the popular vote and at least 309 electoral votes.

Please do not lend any credence to claims the election was fair!

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I agree with most of what Dr. Alexander says in this stack, but he makes these kinds of somewhat histrionic historical statements on a regular basis. So why were none of these strong, well-supported expert analyses widely and loudly announced from POTUS Trump's and VPOTUS Pence's bully pulpits? Why weren't ALL the CDC, NIH, and NIAID fascists FIRED?

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Once I found out about Event 201 I knew what was happening. They had to get him out. Pure and simple. Thank you for your service. The Great Awakening is coming. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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Paul, if you believe that the virus was released when it was to destroy DJT's chances of being reelected, why do you think they are continuing the charade under Biden? Additionally, if you still haven't reached a conclusion on if there was other nefarious actions taken affecting the election results, you have not done your homework. There is overwhelming proof, on many levels, that the election results would have been different if interference had not happened. I look forward to your future Substack articles.

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When I have to explain to someone what a globalists is, it tells me they are apathetic and probably self-absorbed to the extent they don’t care about leaving a better world for those that will follow. My short answer to them is that globalists are those that support the following... Medicrats that use the industrial medical complex to reduce earths population. Politicians that support fraudulent elections. Wealthy elitists that design economic policies that undermine western economies. Social engineers that seek to eliminate traditional social systems. Military leaders who engage in pointless wars and never fight them to win.

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Epic interview if you want to undrstand what is really going on...


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Elvie, I was just gob-smacked with this amazing interview by Alex Jones with Aaron Russo!! I am learning SO much!! Much of it I knew something about before; but as the interview advances, more & more incredible info comes into full view!! I'm only just started (only thru the first half-hour of a 2-1/2 interview), but I will be returning to it everyday for at least a half-hour (or longer!). Anyway, I simply cannot thank you enough for this amazing archival interview!! Just amazing!! Thank you!!

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