To understand the ‘science’ have you read any of Dr Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively’s books they do a great job of explaining what went on during the AIDS crisis, autism and what happened to science. The NIH the CDC, the FDA have been captured and corrupt for decades! Fauci has been the lead actor in this tragic play.

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The AIDS epidemic was Mengele Fauci’s rehearsal to his big COVID debut. The fact that this psycho is roaming free in society and not in GITMO prison is beyond belief 😳!! Fauci is a national security threat to every living creature ☠️!!

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While he killed the AIDS population with AZT. Sound familiar?

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As a patriotic American, I find it prosperous to believe Trump wasn't aware of the fraud. A few points: A. Trump diverted money from the WHO and passed 1.5 billion to Mr. Depopulation Bill Gates, Moderna. B. He claims the vaccine filth works. Lastly, how can we know the vaccines are horrible, but he doesn't? To believe Trump was set up by Fauci, Birx, and Collins fails to meet any logical debate. He's one of them and not one of us. He's an actor playing the part of a patriot and most likely controlled opposition. Send them all to jail and charge them with treason.

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24/7 on substack 'fauci is the fall guy', pray tell who are they really hiding??

Fauci already a billionaire, me thinks he'll take the 'fall' knowing he will not fall far, hell he's already retired;

Real questions to ask is why did nobody in White-house/OWS get mRNA, and all got J&J, why is J&J same vax as CHINA ( sinovac - dual vector traditional ) ; Why did Trump push the gates mRNA as a 'beautiful vax' while everybody on fast-track got a chinese vax? Inquiring minds want to know??

mRNA is a bio-weapon delivery system so says PFIZER who worked on it +25 years, it still doesn't work as a 'shield' for MIL, its a failure like all else MIC;

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He murdered orphan children and killed Beagles.

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I am sickened and saddened that The People refuse to UNITE after 3 long years of a very destructive war with Treason committed in every direction…

No one in political power today will ever do the right things until they fear the people!

And there is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them!

UNITY 101 - E PLURIBUS UNUM by Lex Greene @ News With Views

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

I'm right with you, Dr. Paul, but there you go again, insulting another group, the lilliputians!

(I think we probably need new words in the lexicon to describe these evil perpetrators of the entire Covid debacle...)

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

Yes! In addition, the blood banks acquired AIDs contaminated blood and innocent people died of aids, because the American Red Cross did not use technology to clean the blood of the virus! All the hemophiliacs disappeared because of this. My neighbor was a victim. This all transpired in the 1980s.!

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Oh, you mean fraudci. Why isn't that bum behind bars yet?

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Need to see accountability and responsibility.

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For further information on the AIDS epidemic, Celia Farber's "Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS" at Amazon. Ms. Farber continues to be a brilliant resource on the current eugenics event, as well. celiafarber.substack.com

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American's have been enslaved for so long they are used to it.

Plato's Cave.

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Finding truth in what he writes…

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Kudos on having the nerve to write these newsletters. I enjoy reading them. Just so sad that people have to die over this.

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Trump had a choice and joined the central planners, which destroyed the economy. With respect, I wrote this article that addresses Trump and the GOP. https://darellong.substack.com/p/the-gop-has-failed-to-promote-life

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