everyone needs to feel this way, DO NOT COMPLY, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER COMPLY. JUST SAY NO, HELL NO.

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Wow Paul, I see you're pissed off today. I feel exactly the same way, those demons got my family to inject themselves with poison and Im so very angry about that. My husband, granddaughter, her husband their 3 yr old daughter and my husband's son have not taken them, but the rest have, its a large family on both sides, I now worry we will lose them to the spike protein running through their veins.

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We need to be more pissed off...and stop being nice.

They tried to kill us and they still want us dead.

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We tried to tell friends and family NOT to take it! We had great supplement protocols, Ivermectin and HCQ. They loved the shots so much that they couldn’t wait to get more, bragged about getting all of them and more, shingles, flu, pneumonia. Called us conspiracy theorists. Now they are getting sick constantly. I have no sympathy. I sent detailed information to my neice not to kill her four beautiful adopted children, but who knows if she listened. They all had covid to begin with and had natural immunity. They ignored it all, plus they loved bragging about this on their facebook pages and putting those cute little frames around their pictures that they took their covid jabs! Sorry, but when you went to this extent with all the proof in writing, the horror stories and they called us names and laughed. Karma is going to be a bitch. I am going about my life and good luck with theirs! I avoid them at all costs! I don’t want to here their sob stories about their inflictions now. We went the extra mile to warn them!

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You need to be commended for caring for your Family. I had the same thing happen to

my Nephew, his Wife, and her Family. Her Mother was insulin diabetic. They all took

the Jab and Boosters (how many ... I don't know) But, unfortunately, her Mother died

this past December after Christmas. She was diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic

cancer in June 2022 and died December 2022. Was it the JAB and Boosters?

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Thank you. No doubt it was the jab. We left our church because they were pitting unvaccinated against vaccinated. All the vaccinated people who had cancer in remission are getting it back 10 fold and new strains. It’s the jabs! People are dropping dead like crazy. I told our pastor he would regret what he did one day. That day has come and they continue to come. But none of them will admit it.

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It's unbelievable isn't it. I hope my nephew's wife realizes it one day. Her Mother was a grade school teacher and just retired. She's only in her 30's. That will be a long time to live

without her Mother. Her Father passed away over 10 years + Then to add to the sadness her

Sister lost her Baby. He was with them for 6 months. I believe she took the JAB, too. +

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It certainly is, but I don’t know if she will or would ever admit it. That is so sad. I’ve heard of numerous babies being lost with the jabs, as well as the mother also dying in some cases. Why in the world would people ignore family who loves them and is trying to get them not to take something like this that will harm them. There is no going back. I have neighbors I tried to stop and they all took them. Then a couple of months ago they came over and said they wished they had listened to me. They have some little issues, but nothing severe yet and I. pray they don’t get anything worse.

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Well, at least your neighbors finally realized you were only trying to help them. I haven't talked to my nephew since May 2020 over COVID and the JAB. Plus, his wife would use anything against us so we don't speak. My great nephew was 3 then. He started first grade today. Who knows when I'll see him again.

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I just wanted to let you know you did the right thing to warn them. I did the same, as many have done.

I got the same results from my family and close friends. No one listened or looked at the mountains of evidence I sent them. They just made fun of me and my wife. Now they are suffering from the consequences of their decisions.

It just amazes me how they will listen to people they don’t really know, but won’t listen to their own family member or life long friend. Now they don’t even talk to me anymore or come bye when in town. So be it.

We did the right thing. If we hadn’t, it would be on us. Unfortunately it’s on them. Hopefully they will realize that one day.

Thanks for sharing your story. It was helpful to me to hear, as I am sure it will be for others as well.

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Thank you, John, and I am so sorry you have endured the same thing. It makes no sense. I really do believe it changes their thinking and reasoning skills. What’s more frustrating is that my one brother in law and his family got covid and my husband took down all the supplements we take and they were over it in under a week and did great. Then they run and get the jabs without a thought because they wanted to travel even after we told them of the dangers. So to actually experience the benefits of what we are using, to get over it and to still take the jab and all the boosters really blows my mind. Those of us who tried to warn them did the best we could and we have nothing to ever feel guilty about. I am glad it helped you with your situation. I do believe it is important to share these insights and experiences for those of us who all think alike. God bless you.

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It truly is unbelievable how easily people can be influenced and manipulated. I truly believe this is a battle between good and evil. I just never fully understood or realized how much evil is in this world.

Thanks for your positive and uplifting reply.

May the Lord Bless you as well.

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You are so welcome. Meeting so many of you and having these open and honest discussions have really helped me as well. It is so comforting knowing we are not alone.

John, I completely agree with you that it is a fight between evil and good. I also know that God gave his believers discernment, and I have often wondered why it is that many of us can see all this so clearly while others refuse to open their hearts and minds to what is happening even though they claim to be Christians. What you stated about the influence and manipulation explains what has happened with these people, especially to turn on their own families and friends who were trying to keep them safe and protect them.

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It is comforting to know that we are not alone and there are others that are doing the the right thing using their talents to help others. All we can really do is warn others of the dangers of this life and share the Good News of Christ so they might avoid the danger in the one to come.

May we continue to pray for wisdom and understanding and that other’s may find it as well. In the end we know God win’s. We just have to battle on with His guidance until that time comes. What a glorious day that will be.

Thanks again Joni for sharing and helping me.

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There is a great remedy for the spike protein. It’s on The Wellness Company site. Dr McCullough is CEO.

Also Dr Ardis said that the spike protein molecule has some snake venom and the antidote is nicotine. Pure nicotine like 2 mg a day. A few pieces of gum. But please look for yourself.

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And Pfizer has the audacity to start talking about RSV, I hope that people just use common sense, no shots, no masks, eat well, exercise, stay away from sick people.

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Last night (August 9) during the 10:00 p.m. hour on CBS, the television commercial for the Pfizer RSV "vaccine" debuted with great fanfare. It was specifically geared to individuals "over 60." I was horrified by the heavy-handed sales pitch and the mild side effects they admitted: injection site pain and redness.

It was followed within minutes by an equally aggressive Fall covid booster commercial from Moderna.

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Ugh!!!! The reaction site is the only proof vaccine companies need to tell us it’s working. 🤮🤮🤮

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Pfizer reps in Australia also stated, "no one forced you to take the shot."

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Well gee, I saw pictures of disabled children and women being held down screaming NO! In Australia! So that is a crock of crappy.

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But we know it is coming...just waiting for someone in US to make the same insane comment.

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I believe Justin Trudeau has made the same false claim of not forcing anyone to take a covid shot.

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Yes. (I think chief medical officer) said that exact thing to law students in Ottawa. I replayed it few times until it sunk in…

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wow may as well use a loaded gun, horrible

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Sorry big difference! So let these people who stalk others and accost them to get a way with it and maybe worse! Those canes can be very effective and provide the protection someone needs, along with assistance. Obviously you haven’t encountered any of these crazies.

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Aug 10, 2023
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My husband got some heavy oak canes that he modified slightly that are great self defense tools and also good for actually using them!! I always have it handy in my truck!!!! You can break someone’s neck if you swing hard enough! It will knock them out in a heartbeat. With all the nutcases floating around, you must be prepared! I’ve had people stalk me when I didn’t wear a mask. I had my cane ready and loaded if they got any closer!!!

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I have an aluminum cane from an earlier situation--and have thought for months that I might wish to have it in hand when I next go to medical office

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Aug 10, 2023
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Thanks! I am sure it has not, but it is what I have. Which does not preclude my altering that situation.

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Gas lighting at its finest ...these pricks need a boot ride!

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I’d settle for a rope ride for them all!

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Are they kidding? People were forced by fear. Makes me mad 😡

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and coming after babies

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Done that for decades with the flu virus. Good advice.

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They (everyone involved) have no choice but to continue to act like the experimental gene altering injections are a good thing. They can’t tell the TRUTH now. People are just that angry. I think that’s why President Trump doesn’t come clean, it may just cost him the election (if there was a legitimate election). Either way, not addressing it, he has lost votes.

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When I read your comments it brings tears to my face. Why because all the things you wrote about what the industrial hospital complex did to my husband and many, many husbands, Dad's, moms, people we loved. John was tortured before he was murdered by these cretins. I pray they received many boosters. Thank you and I can feel your disgust about what was done with innocent people.

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I am so sorry about your Husband. Was he sick and in the hospital when this happened?

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LMK, I am very sorry for your deep pain and this betrayal. Have faith that this wrong will eventually be righted... Vengeance is mine, saeth the Lord.

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Followed by the words, "I will repay".

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I am so sorry. God bless

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shedding is more fear porn...nobody who abstained from the shots is getting sick in the same manner as the jabbed... don't fall for it.

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i am the "boots on the ground" so to speak as my job is literally reviewing the disability claims of this country...I am not seeing any of the known vax side effects in claims that are for the unvaccinated. i live with a wife who took two despite my warnings and deeply regrets it years later and myself and my kids feel no different and are thriving... maybe we are immune.

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I had to use disability for a few weeks recently and their first question was, "Is this for a vaccine injury?"

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i would bet that was a private disability insurance company. SS disability would never ask that unless someone went rogue:) I assure you though we are seeing it and taking notes.

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Concerned, may I hope that you are allied to the US SocSecurity office (by your response)?

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I'm surprised you would be asked that. Somebody wants the truth ;)

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Perhaps the effects are cumulative?

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We can hope and I do!!

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I’m not seeing anything in the unjabbed either. Maybe someday? But not so far.

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i would not lose a wink of sleep over shedding... i would be more concerned over contaminated water and food to be honest.

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The water is already screwed with fluoride

The food is getting there which is certainly cause for concern. But I wouldn’t drink tap water period

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Maybe your wife received saline.

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definitely not, during the summer of 2021 she had massive bleeding and ultimately the desidual (spelling?) caste ordeal a few months post shot number two... it was terrifying and she was anemic for awhile. she is tough as nails generally and she was upset about it. she continues to have basically non-stop sinusitis and cough for two plus years and i have noticed some memory/cognitive gliches. to her credit she did tell her job what happened to her and told them there was no way she would take a booster. again, i warned her but she was trained as all med pros are...to trust blindly. she does not think this way any longer.

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Question.... disability claims are way up >30%, acc to Edward Dowd analysis and reports.

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they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up

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I'm in debate about this spike product. I'd like to support McCullough

I'm still using a "me too' Dr Z product with Quercetin, NAC, D, C, zinc.

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I don’t buy that for a second.

Fraud science, just like virology, to prove whatever it is they want to prove.

Complete with photos, slides, and “real” blood samples to prove their hypothesis

More fear mongering is how it looks

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Skeptic? Cynical? Me, too.

We're in search of the truth wherever it leads, right?

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I’m going to disagree. Shedding is real but not affecting us in the same way. Sadly I’ve seen it.

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I agree with you.

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Based on my own body's experience, I disagree with you.

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every body is different. you may be hypersensitive or it is quite possible that you are experiencing somatic disorder due to all the panic now being reported. the mind/body connection is absolutely fascinating. i would advise some time away from these topics and some form of meditation every day. this is heavy shite we are all living through.

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I agree, Rachel. We have no idea what has been done to our water. Our air. Our soil.

Three years ago I felt sorry for the dead. Today I envy them. This shitshow is on steroids!

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We DO know that aerosolized nanoparticles, heavy metals, toxins. etc pollute our water, land, air

Chemtrails deliver! Repeatedly tests indicate in rain, snow, and water samples. Geoengineeringwatch.org How convenient the hydrogels assemble the metals in our blood, to supply the building ingredients of connectivity.

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Maybe if you’re sharing bodily fluids with a jabbed person? But I don’t know anyone unjabbed with any new health issues 🤷‍♀️

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From what I'm reading, inhalation and skin-to-skin contact is all that's needed to shed vax among others. This isn't new info at all. I've followed this info right along as both my sil's are vaxxed, my daughters are not. I'm relieved if you don't know any issues, personally.

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I agree. I know practitioners who have not gotten the jab but did get affected by patients who did. Not as badly but still. And many people like Silk and concerned involved doctors speak to shedding.

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A UCLA doctor was on our local SoCal news telling us to get the next Covid booster and other shots. She was lying so much I thought her eyelashes would have caught fire from all the fast blinking. 🙄

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Hope she's saving her kickback $ for when the Covid Litigation Attorneys come after her.

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You missed one. "Fuck The WHO"

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I feel 💯 the same Dr. Alexander. But all roads to the scamdemic lead back to the US government and some US citizens like Ralph Baric therefore I'm not hopeful any retribution or accountability will be brought forth by the United States. But I am hopeful that another country gets mad enough to prosecute!

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Dr. Alexander....Always telling the truth!!

Thank you, Sir!

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GOOD DOCTOR!!!!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You.. This is the kind of RAGE and OUTRAGE I have been waiting for.. No more civility or decorum and nice and civil conversations.. These people are all EVIL and deserve nothing but loathing and curse words and more, nothing but outrage.. I agree with everything you said GOOD DOCTOR... The next war, and I have been saying this for awhile, the next war that these xxxholes start, they can fight it, because good people should no longer fight and die for these cowardly medical people who refused to fight for us, instead they fought against us, that includes all the government people, congressmen and congresswomen and all the rest at the UN, FDA, WHO, ABIM, CDC and all the rest globally and in the USA, we will no longer fight in any wars for these EVIL EVIL people so they can have the freedom we gave and give them as soldiers and I am a Vietnam Veteran, to do what they did to us.. They have no shame only pleasing their Masters by outdoing each other to see who can be the most EVIL, so they can move up in their EVIL organizations.. NO TRUTHFUL INFORM/NO CONSENT.. NO COMPLY TO MASK, mRNA poison, Vaccine Passport, CBDC, TRANDSGENDER BS, CLIMATE BS, WHO and their TREATY,LGBTQLMNOP, NO COMPLY TO ANY WAR THEY START ON PURPOSE... DONE WITH THE MADNESS...

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‼️I feel everything you say here, in my soul. I pray for more people to turn and become whistleblowers. I pray for this to become the knowledge and viewpoint in the court of public opinion. Jesus’ anger at the money changers for selling in the temple should be at least where we go with this. This is diabolical psychological spiritual mental biological warfare on the entire population AND the planet while TPTSB tell more preposterous lies and the masses just buy it without question, as they’re dug in chanting their puppeteers’ mantra: “I don’t look at conspiracy theories.” I started speaking out in March 2020, maybe even February. I knew it was a scam. This has been such a horror show to watch. I pray for an awakening. 🙏🏼♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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This response is not at all a propos to your post--but I just, minutes ago, watched the Fox + Friends + Jordan Peterson interview. JP's focus on the happier state of conservatives (in which you could extremely easily read "Christians") vs 'liberals' was rewarding. I too saw this as a scam from spring 2020.

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Please add fu*king Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C's "health authority" and former WHO employee, to that diabolical list of evil doers.

Thank you.


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If only it mattered if only we could F them they are arrogant emboldened and have captured all the weaklings who cower to the Pharma Gods AKA the Globalist I think the only simple retribution we can inflict upon them is to live out best life and stay close to God as he has plans for ‘them’ I am sure!

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Month of June into early August I read Leviticus. What you wrote above is quite relevant to the message in that book. (Verbum sapienti satis est)

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Veterans Affairs (VA) sure did go whole hog and lockstep with the draconian "medical" procedures and countermeasures.

How can I ever trust them in regard to medical care?

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Kathleen, Tuesday at reception after family funeral in Charleston, was able to ask that brother (Vietnam O2 pilot, B52 pilot in SAC) who took the jab to maintain his VA benefits--and you said 'not required'--I said that my 'connection' (i.e., you) said VA had not required the jab. He disagreed. I asked if there might have been differences by state (you PA, he NC). I cannot believe that VA would be other than managed by Feds.

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No differences by state. Feds make the decision.

Rules would have been decided at VA headquarters in Washington, DC.

Sorry, but he is wrong...or misinformed...or just assumed.

My favorite line is, "can you show me where it says that in writing?"

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Thank you, Kathleen! Wrong, misinformed, or just assumed--yup.

Most interesting this familial get-together (we only get together for weddings and funerals)--I listened to my 3 brothers, plus son + daughter in law of deceased (who was my sister in law). All are 'professionals'. One of my brothers is an engineer (3 generations of same--so that type of thinking is 'familial'), thus has no excuse for shallow thinking. The others are from the not-hard-science world (please understand that I am a retired teacher of Latin, French, English--married for 51 yrs to a research physicist). I listened, and listened. Not happy. Thanks for your 'favorite line'. Long,long ago I came to realize that asking a question is the most effective way of encouraging thought (used this with UK granddaughter two weeks ago, so that she could learn to distinguish poison ivy from Virginia creeper). Kathleen, when are we going to meet up for coffee (or tea, or lunch)? Center PA?

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My first question would be, does your brother have hearing loss? Everyone was masked up and Plexiglas was also up to further muffle conversations. I'm pretty sure that the people giving the poison death shots were contractors called in like in the past with flu shots.

Maybe a VA nurse or VA doctor told him that "it might affect his benefits" but they would have been wrong and borderline illegal. We received correspondence in the mail encouraging us to get the shot, but nowhere did it say it was mandatory or we would lose our VA benefits. Same with any emails - nothing about the loss of benefits.

If it was mandatory, I would have demanded to see the official paperwork on VA letterhead and signed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Probably 20 minutes later I would have been in a lawyer's office exploring my options for suing the federal government. And the VA would have had given veterans the option of doing a religious exemption.

Probably won't do much good showing him the link to the VA website that I sent you indicating that not taking the shot would have no bearing on benefits.

I have a good friend who took the shot after he retired from the company that was mandating it. No reason at all for him to get it. This guy never even got a flu shot. But, when I try to tell him about the side effects, he always changes the subject.

Center PA sounds good in the fall. Right now it is too stinking hot for me with my pulmonary problems...caused on active duty!

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Thank you very much, dear Kathleen Janoski! I will use this information when (I hope 'when', not 'if') the time is right.

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No noticeable hearing loss--speaking from having had a number of long conversations both on phone, and in person, over last week.

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Change of subject...have you been to France?

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Not for 20 years. Easter-time in 2001 was last visit.

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Paris is changing...and not for the better.

A few years ago, I made the mistake of getting off the Metro at the Stalingrad station. Looked at the map and figured I could walk the rest of the way to my destination instead of changing Metro lines.

Gee, I thought I landed in N. Africa. Lots of young military aged men (no women) living on the street. Lots of trash and mattresses. And it was not a bad neighborhood. Felt bad for the residents.

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Why don’t you ever mention Gates in this? Why not Barric?

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Honestly, the list of people who need to be sodomized continuously with a ball bat dipped in tar and broken glass is too long to list in its entirety.

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🤣🤣🤣 So eloquent! Right there with you!

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