It’s so horrific. We are in a warfare of genocide through medicine of demons

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How can we stop this kind of corruption? It is heartbreaking and maddening. These are children - somehow, someone, somewhere needs to make this stop.

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You stop it by Americans REFUSING to take any more vaccines. That is the only way it will stop because our government is corrupt to the core.

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I agree that would definitely work, but how many people do you know that have gotten this one, specifically? Almost everyone I know has. They are not waking up to what these vaccines really are. I have a friend that is so anti-Big Pharma, has read 5 or 6 books about how evil they are and what they are doing to the country. She is 58, eats very well, exercises, gets sun, etc... But guess what? She “wanted people to get off her back” so she got the shots AND the booster. She KNOWS and still did it. It is people like her that make me lose hope at times.

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We are at war. And sadly in war there will always be victims. We need to do as much as we can to share the facts and hope for the best.

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I was all for that line of thinking about war until they started forcing this on people by taking away their livelihoods if they did not comply. That is not an option for some. But then when they started killing innocent children, I was completely done with the “war” thing. If adults don’t take the time to research about their own choices and are not forcibly coerced, then that is on them. But children do not have that option because they have to do what their parents say. So “the war” thing was plausible until the forced coercion and then children. I don’t find that forgivable just because it’s a war. Am I supposed to feel good and confident in those on “our” side if they allow the killing of children? I don’t think I can.

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And I totally agree with YOU on this as well, JennG!!

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YES!! Speak out (as best or fearlessly as we can!).

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That is a real conundrum, JennG, but thanks for citing this horrific example of brainwashing in the extreme!! Many folks are easy prey for the lying media and "friends" who know nada/zippo about the REAL dangers of all these jabs!! Hell, Covid itself was nothing (mostly), compared to the various - and often very poisonous! - jabs!

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It is. When I saw that with my friend, it depressed me for days because I thought “if they can get to her...” One thing this has shown me though is who is open to coercion and mass formation psychosis versus who is able to think for themselves.

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Too late for that. When their kids die or suffer debilitating vaccine injuries, their parents will blame the unvaxxed for infecting their kids and turn on you with a fury only bereaved parents can host. This needs to be stopped. There is only one way. It is well past time that the long roll was beat.

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Why doesn't TRUMP come out and say this is what happened....he would be remembered differently if he did...his chance to be a star and save humanity...pretty good deal if you ask me......he has NOTHING to lose.....he can if he wants........he could be a HERO and remembered in a different light......

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Pride. Think about it. I recommend taking a concordance and looking at every single scripture reference on pride. Unfortunately all of us succumb at one point or another. So if you think I am pointing a finger, I am, but I realize my own failings too. “Pride goes before destruction” is the most quoted but God tells us many times the consequences of pride. It destroys ourselves and others. Humility builds up, pride tears down.

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Maybe he NOW UNDERSTANDS THE MAGNITUDE of what he, and the world, are dealing with. Ppl with so much wealth and power to have bought out our govt. Those who Don't fight it, might get to live their lives relatively unharmed. He is for HIMSELF & FAMILY first!!! JMHO

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In a way, that may be a long shot, StellaMaris, but, as you say, he really has nothing to lose! And most of those who are pro-Trump MAGA types would totally appreciate his honesty and straight-talking!!

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They don't care how many people they kill or harm.

"Covid" is the engineered destabilization of the global economy. $90 trillion of assets stripped and stolen worldwide- the economy was going to crash. It was beyond their control so they engineered the "Covid Crisis" to get ahead of the curve and control the collapse.

"COVID-19", the operation, is essentially a cover-up for systematic debt-leveraged monetary expansion.

"Covid-19", the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION to other causes.

All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product- mRNA “vaccines” which they plan to roll out as the new medical “miracle cure” for a variety of “ailments”, e.g. new line of “cancer vaccines.”

The plan is for the mRNA "vaccines" to be Pharma's new cash cow and launch an entirely new Bio-Tech wave of financialized "disease management."

It's worth noting that in the USA, disease management pumps almost $6 trillion/yr into the economy. Disease has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep the economy going. And here we are though this dates back to the early 1990's and Fauci's first crimes, the AIDS/HIV scandal.

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Thankful to Paul & the other Frontline Dr's for standing up & being warriors for stopping the mandates and advocating for healthcare freedom. Millions and possibly billions of people around the globe are awake and refusing the vax. The way to stop it is for billions of people to refuse these shots, let big Pharma's products expire and get thrown out, like Moderna had to do this past spring throwing away millions of dollars worth of their mRNA product. That's barely scratching the surface I know but it's a start in the right direction.

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Your comment about the “roll out of mRNA vaccines” and it’s vehicle as the precursor to new “medical miracles is spot on. I was just a few minutes ago on twitter and Houston Methodist had this ad for “new” nano particle cures for neurologic conditions. Several of us responded that they were late to the game, already done by the shots. I was so proud of the comments of my fellow twatter commenters. Funny too.

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Yes, that is what I think too! Great comment. 👍

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That is really an intelligent analysis of the current morass in which we find ourselves today! Your spot-on description of the current state of Big Pharma & Big Gov't collusion as they guide the general (and mostly unaware) public toward their "brave new world" is frightening, indeed! I am SO grateful that my gut instinct in the very beginning of this "Big Con" steered me away from the jabs; and now that I know a helluva lot more about ALL of this, I continue to be grateful that my "better instincts" guided me AWAY from what has become - for far too many innocent peeps! - just out & out POISON!!

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In slide #31 of Pfizers presentation of trial results on 6-23 month old babies how come they started out with 1178 participants in the COVID injection group and by Dose 3 they only had 277 participants? What happened to 901 babies? Did they die? Did they have such severe side effects they were removed from the study. If you look at the chart the efficacy was not 75.5 it was 14%. How come a dumb old grandmother can see this but the experts never questioned it??? Did they do any interaction studies to see how COVID might interact with the huge number of other vaccines given to babies? No they did not. WHY NOT?? Babies are not small adults. Their immune system is still developing and we all know the COVID injection destroys the immune system. What affect will 2-3 doses of this injection do to the developing immune system? Any parent that allows their children to be a lab rat is beyond reproach. If your doctor told you to throw your baby off the roof would you do it? No you would not so why do parents think that just because their bought and paid for doctor tells them the injection is safe would they believe them without even asking one question. I can think of 6 questions parents should ask. 1. Where is the data that says my child is in any danger of death from COVID? (babies/children are not dying from COVID) 2. What is in the injection (I guarantee they do not know) 3. What are the side affects of the injection (i guarantee they do not know and will say silly things like a sore arm but not mention seizures, death, childhood multiple organ failure) 4. Who will be held accountable if my baby/child dies or is disabled from the injection (YOU will be held accountable no one else) 5. Is the COVID injection mandatory (the cannot be mandatory because it is EUA) 6. What studies were done to test the interactions between the COVID injection and the many other vaccines babies already receive every month? (I can tell you they did no interaction studies) If your doctor cannot answer these questions or he feeds you BS you need to turn around and walk out.

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Yes. I’ve been thinking about this evil shot combined with the horrible jab assault the babies already suffer from. There’s going to be terrible damage. I also thought about the satanic “perinatal abortion” bills, and wondering how useful that could be for THEM to get rid of all the damaged babies we’re starting to see. :-((

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BRILLIANT analysis!! Thank you SO much!!

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"We know they are lying.

They know they are lying.

They know we know they are lying.

We know they know we know they are lying.

And still they continue to lie".

— Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Soviet era author commenting on communist USSR.

That's why I laugh my socks off when the enlightened West attempts to discredit and disparage Putin.


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Trump still pushes the vax. He’s part of it.

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Sure does seem like it. I just posted the following. Do you agree?

Maybe he NOW UNDERSTANDS THE MAGNITUDE of what he, and the world, are dealing with. Ppl with so much wealth and power to have bought out our govt. Those who Don't fight it, might get to live their lives relatively unharmed. He is for HIMSELF & FAMILY first!!! JMHO

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I haven't read or heard anything resembling real advocacy for the jabs from Trump in recent times. Even at his rallies this spring, he barely mentioned them! What am I missing?

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Btw elevated case counts of hepatitis in kids haven't gone away.

They don't know why but they do know it's definitely nothing to do with "vaccines", no no no.


Eleven more children struck with hepatitis across UK with one needing liver transplant


Experts have reassured parents the rise in liver inflammation cases in youngsters is not to do with the Covid vaccine as the majority are in under-fives who are too young for the jab


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Horrifying. The only way to stop this when the media finally says enough, we aren't going to be your messengers of death.

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But if the media is owned by the psycho killers, they won’t be doing that ever in my opinion.

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The latest news is that the ANH international control group survey report has now been censored by ResearchGate!


More on the ANH Survey Report

No jab, lower hospitalisations – finds international survey

An international survey of a health-aware, ‘Control Group’ that includes over 300,000 people who have chosen to avoid COVID-19 vaccination, shows participants place minimal burden on health systems through their strong reliance on natural immunity, self-care and the use of natural health supplements to help prevent or even treat COVID-19....


LINK TO RESEARCHGATE PREPRINT: (Now censored by ResearchGate)


LINK TO INTRO VIDEO: https://odysee.com/ControlGroupSurveyFindings:4d1e24b3f29d4d88ed17201b7d359f0fb0a768f2

LINK TO ARTICLE ON ANH WEBSITE: https://www.anhinternational.org/news/unvaxxed-control-group-first-release-of-survey-data/

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Thanks for fighting the good fight.

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Murdering criminals!

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The trials were tainted by bad methodology, lost data, early unblinding,, early crossover and then they were stopped prematurely. You warned them not to do it. It is only prudent to doubt or dismiss every policy which was subsequently built upon the fraudulent foundation they laid against all traditional practice and advice. This is why there is no trust in the CDC or FDA today.

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Welcome to the Luciferian agenda of Global Genocide. All the puppet governments and selected presidents are in it together. ALL are members of secret societies.Trump is a Jesuit trained 33 degree Scottish rite Freemason

A Global Slaughter: Fifth Largest Life Insurance Company in the US Paid Out 163% More for Deaths of Working People Ages 18 to 64 in 2021 - Exclusive Report by Margaret Menge

Meanwhile: Ritualistic infanticide to commence as planned, Demonization of the unvaccinated, Digital currency will "help the US dollar's international standing."


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A must read Substack .

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If Lioness of Judah's comments above are any indication, I think I'll pass on her substack at this point in time...

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Trump "a Jesuit-trained 33-degree Mason?!?" Where is the "Jesuit training" in Trump's academic background? And when in hell did he find time to attend regular Masonic meetings & obligations when he was expanding his father's real estate & building empire in Manhattan (between clubbing with beautiful wives & women)?!? Methinks you are assigning things to Trump that were NEVER a part of his life!!

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P.S. I did graduate work (and earned my MBA) at a highly-ranked academic Jesuit university, but thankfully I missed all that Luciferian stuff.... (Guess it was too long ago?)

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The majority of people miss "the Luciferian stuff" even when it's right in front of them. Its called spiritual deception

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.


The World Is A Stage


Rerum Novarum - The Real New World Order

The Hidden Hand Behind Agenda 21/2030 and The Great Reset


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Thanks for your response, but all that Luciferian stuff is just WAY too much "out there" for me to find any real credibility in all of it. Of course, I agree that anyone - or any organization - that seeks to rule over and control others is just bad and must be rejected. In my view, only God rules the roost here on Earth and across the Universe! Klaus Schwab will ALSO die (eventually), so we can see just how limited his so-called "powers" really are!

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Check this out.

The New World Order in the Last Days. Is the Biblical End-times prophecy unfolding right before our eyes?


God bless!

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I’m not into hocuspocus either but they are and in a depraved way. It has been documented on the public record decades ago by top Australian journalists (who are disparaging of voodoo science).

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I heard words to that effect referring to that particular element’s fixation with Satan worship and occult practises, logos/symbols and rituals etc on very high rating conservative Sydney radio about 20 years ago. Finance and the IMF was mentioned. This was in regard to the borrowing of non existent money which was created by the writing of IOU’s with little or no regard for reserve. This money was gambled on derivatives etc. Prime agricultural land was flogged off overseas. Land banks insidiously monopolised and distorted the property market due to lack of political will on behalf of the Foreign Investment Review Board. Are they in Machiavellian procedure reigning the debt?

Are we also now surplus to requirement due to artificial intelligence and automation? If this is possibly so then we should know about it before it consumes us. I get the feeling many things are happening at once. Might have to form our own networks, cooperatives and bartering if need be.

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They know they can't be held responsible for any harms caused by their tainted decisions.

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This is criminal. How do we stop them?

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There is only one way to stop them and that is for the American people to refuse EVERY vaccine from this day forward. But we are an indoctrinated society convinced that good health is in a bottle of pills or at the tip of a needle. Our government and EVERYONE in it is corrupt to the core. It you roll up your sleeve only you will ever pay the consequences. Children will die in huge numbers and the truth will be withheld. REFUSE ALL VACCINES. None of them are safe and if anyone had done any research or homework they would know this. Vaccines never cure smallpox, polio or measles they caused more death and disability than the diseases ever did and the vaccines were not even rolled out until the diseases were already non-existent due to other measures taken. Healthy children do not die from measles or mumps and they never did. Lies, lies, lies is all we have gotten for decades. But we have been brainwashed to believe what to think instead of how to think. But those of us that still do think for themselves understand the principle of TRUST BUT VERIFY.

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Another must read Substack!

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