What? Who will take this? Who in their right mind will take anything from Pfizer, drug or vaccine? Who? The people who work at and for and advise FDA are idiots, inept, stupid, mindless malfeasants
I used to support Trump because he seemed like a useful way to resist globalization and wokeness.
But now I do not trust Trump at all. The only thing he can do to show honesty is to loudly and openly admit that the toxxine is both dangerous and ineffective.
Go on Truth Social and follow people to find out this information.Go on Rumble and follow Derek Johnson. Read Derek Johnson‘s 700 page document linking Trump’s Executive Order to Military Law. Follow Derek Johnson on Telegram ( RattleTrap 1776), as he posts the Military Flights that are up. Derek is a retired injured veteran. Research why GITMO is being expanded. See when the Military Tribunals will be held. Research Deep States 16 year plan for us. Trump was asked to run as President by the Military. The USA has been under Military Occupation since 2016. The ‘Real President Trump’ is in the Military Complex since 2019. He is the Commander In Chief of 50K Military. There is a Global Military Operation happening. So, yes President Trump along with some amazing military are taking down this corruption.
For my life, I cannot wrap my head around Dr Alexanders’s average of 7 rants daily lambasting the vaccines while still clinging to Trump. To this day, Trump continues blasting g of his poison darts and his “ perfect handling of the Covid Plandemic. Lauding his Messianic personal miracle, saving “ millions and millions of lives” with his holy water syringes, Ventilators, Remdiscive, cessation of travel and the initial lockdowns.
Has Trump acknowledged Drs Alexander, Atlas, Zelenko, Battacharaya, Makary, Gold( who went to prison), McCullough, Risch, Hatfill, Wolf, Kuldorff, Yeardon, Drew,Levitt, Ionides, Malone,Cole,RFK Jr??? No, but he has unleashed an unending attack on Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
Trump should load himself into one of his flying cars and get lost in spaceOh yeah! That’s what he suggested the” overrated loser Elon Musk should do. With his big deal dummy rockets to nowhere. Yet Elon Musk DiD purchase Twitter and saved Trump’s fat ass. Trump has shown his appreciation by continuing his despicable attacks
Just as he hasn’t acknowledged Tulsi, Taibbi, Shellenberger, Brand, Dore, Iversen, Brand, Steyn, Jim Hoft, Naomi Wolf, Leo Terrell, Tammy Bruce, Lara Logan, Epoch Times, Ian Cheong, Turley or anyone who’s gone to bat for him. The unlikely heroes.Instead, he forged on with the same hackneyed losers with the really rad addition of Bill O’Reilly. Yes Haw! Bragging about his golf acumen, the brilliant “Huuuge announcement” tahat turned out to be crypto cards with his image in various superhero outfits.And calling Stormy Daniels “ Horseface”
Meanwhile, Musk, Gabbard, DeSantis, Ramaswamy are taking a bullhorn and hammer to the WEF, ESG , Gatesand the great Reset
I know the depth of involvement, the players and the whole Megillah, including Hunter Biden’s acting as a literal agent of the CIA entwined with Gates/Microsoft a nd the acquisition of Metabiota Biolmed// surveillance/Development/vaccine passports in U.S. labs including Ukraine, China and now the Philippines, Brazil,Bangladesh,S.Asia etc. explains regime changes, seat on Burissma board along w/Cofer-Black, Chris Heinz and all the players involved in the fake proxy war and coverups.
What Li don’t understand is Trump’s failure to pact. No way he didn’t put the pieces together. Volker/Pelosi/Romney/Bush/Clinton/Ted DeVine/Soros/Fiona Hill/McShitstain/Brennan/Mueller/Lindsey,Podesta/Bolton/BleachBit/Kloubuchar/Kent//Atlantic Council/Schiff/Shaheen/ Abedin/Vindman/Blumenthal/Chalupa/Yvonovich/Leahy/Epstein, etc.
Whitey Bulger was tormenting Mueller, threatening to rat them out to Trump, hence Bulger was moved and “ beaten to death”.. politico let the cat out of the bag on some of the players, Hillary included, in using Ukraine to take Trump down.Rudy gave Trump quite an earful. Yet Trump went after only Hunter Biden and this was prior to the laptop!
Sorry, whatever logic or lack thereof, he fucked up and it’s enough already. One error, he was naive. Two, he needed to focus. Three, four, five, six, twenty… He cannot lead.
Like, there were two vaccines- Trump’s and Deep States.
Deep States 16 year plan for us.
The Military asked Trump to run. The US has been under Military Occupation since 2016 to take down all of this corruption. Trump is currently the Commander In Chief of 50,000 military men and women. There is currently a Global Military Operation. The ‘ Real President Trump’ has been in the Cheyanne Mountain Military Complex since 2019.
You may dislike Trump, but you don’t know all of the facts.
End of Conversation.
Don’t message me anymore. I did not post to argue, to swear, to put others down. That includes Dr. Alexander. I posted what I know.
Study the "Spanish Flu" 1918 carefully people; It was verboten for MSM to talk about it during WW1, 50 Million people died, more US MIL servicemen died from the flu than combat;
Post WW1 it was never discussed ever again; 100% memory holed as we say;
In all prior GOV orchestrated pandemics, nobody at the top went to jail; Why would this time be any different, sure they might find some low level sucker; Seriously? Everybody that played along is now a Billionaire, why would they risk losing their winnings? They paid off left&right, RINO&DEMO; Everybody worldwide was given billions of USD to march with the COVID band;
What I see is mostly re-direction, which is a typical 'exhaustion' play by MSM; They jerk people in different directions daily until everybody just 'tunes out' and say's lets move along;
Spanish flu was much worse than this, the flu came from USSA, mid-west army bases, men were shippped in box cars where on arrival 1/2 were blue and near death, then packed on ships and sent abroad, everywhere they went on leave, entire local population ports got wiped out; It's only called the 'spanish flu' because at the time Spain was 'neutral' and nobody else on earth was talking about the 'flu' other than spain, so bingo it gets dubbed 'spanish-flu' and NEVER corrected;
If you see WW1 as just a de-population operation not unlike now then everything will make sense. Banker War's are not for killing as the end-game, they're for making regions worthless so that investors can buy-low&sell-high and rinse & repeat, since 16th century UK banking they have been orchestrating wars all over the earth so that insiders know where to park their wealth and earn max ROI.
Lastly everybody was given a choice, quit your job, refuse the jab, stop traveling, refuse the worthless 'test' PCR, ... IMHO the ELITE must be laughing their ass off because they have in actuality culled the dumb-asses and perhaps their wish of only 500M civilized people remaining will be the end-run;
That said given the mRNA was ONLY administered in the West, we actually aren't getting rid of the worlds dumb-asses, we have just gotten rid of the dumb-asses in EU, USA, & UK-Commonwealth, US colonys like Japan, Taiwan, So-Korea;
Russia&China had their own traditional non-mRNA vax called sputnik&sinovac, so they are fine, and Africa refused the shit,
Bill Gates owned all the COVID&mRNA patents, he pushed mRNA as the only 'acceptable vax' to TRUMP; Gates family going back to 1920's were obsessed with "EUGENICS" wiping out the dumb and only having herds of super-men&women on earth;
Will these people go down? Will they lose their wealth?? Never happened before in human history. Even the South-Sea Bubble of UK in 17th century, none of the elite went down, only the pawns;
Average USSA population knows nothing and the system will scrub the 'data', back to Kardashian folks.
According to my sources, Sputnik Vand Sputnik Light are live adenovirus genetic therapies. They are not traditional vaccines.
They are not traditional vaccines.
The engineered adenovirus is not itself the antigen but rather is used as the agent to reprogram your own cells to produce the toxic spike protein, to which it is claimed the immune system will train against and provide resistance to the sars-cov-2 virus.
An immune response has been demonstrated but whether it provides any significant immunity is contested, and IMO unlikely.
Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Russia. It is the world's first registered combination vector vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19
The sputnik & sinovac are NOT mRNA
China&Russia were in a hurry to have a vax, so they made the 'vax' the old fashion way from dead cells;
The mRNA requires licensing and special technology which is why it was all made in contract labs in India mostly contracted by UK gov;
The way that I know they were traditional is that people who got the sputnik & sinovac nobody had negative reactions like in the west, where the mRNA killed 1,000's
According to my sources your are a moron.
A Traditional vax is made from dead cells in this case dead COV-19 cells were used to make the vax;
The point was not fuck all to do with mRNA owned by Bill Gates; Only in the West was this poison shit that fucked lives mandated and jab'd
You claimed Sputnik V was a traditional vaccine, which it is not. My reply was to explain how adenovirus is a vector for genetic inserts to create toxic spike.
Sputnik V is not a vaccine. Adenovirus-vector based genetic therapies which reprogram your body to create spike are also a very very bad thing. Just like modRNA.
Sputnik V is rebranded astrazeneca, which is run by the same Kabbal is Pfizer/Moderna/Biontech.
Stay tuned for an important piece out by Lex Greene in a day or two…
I only hang out with persons who took an oath to defend freedom until they die! Problem is that these oath takers were not the only ones who were to guard our Freedoms…WE ALL AS AMERICAN CITIZENS WERE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS, TOO!
We are saddened to see at this late date many persons still doing things that will not help to reclaim our country as the battle rages on…
My lovely girlfriend is an ER doctor and objected to taking the clot shot. She mentioned some women who took the jab are no longer having periods, and last week she saw two women ages 25-32 whose nipples have been bleeding on and off for the last week, and both took the jab 3 weeks ago.
Redfield testified today. So, you tell me that he didn't know where the China Virus came from in the beginning. He came on TV from the White House with Frauchi and the Scarf Lady Birx and he didn't know what liars they were about the Plandemic. I don't buy it.
I hadn't heard that. I guess they didn't want to kill and disable their own workforce. Just think of all the time and money they'd have to dedicate to training new employees. (sarcasm)
Over the last few decades, the FDA has been reduced to being nothing more than a big pharma drug marketer and pusher. Your life may depend on how much you trust these substances (any drugs) approved by the FDA with one blind eye and the other tied behind its back. In the fake reality that this agency is protecting the public, the opposite is now true. They have designs on murdering the public.
It’s so amazing how the data is there and people just blindly trust.
We can spot them with their masks still glued to their faces :)
They even ride shotgun with a mask while riding to Walmart.
Or, more precisely, ignored with blinders on.
Trump will not save anyone. He made this happen with Warp Speed
that he will never apologize for.
I am sure he is getting rich off the poisons too.
I used to support Trump because he seemed like a useful way to resist globalization and wokeness.
But now I do not trust Trump at all. The only thing he can do to show honesty is to loudly and openly admit that the toxxine is both dangerous and ineffective.
Respectfully, you never read anything I posted. End of conversation.
Respectfully, Barb-
There were 2 vaccines- Trump’s & Deep State.
Go on Truth Social and follow people to find out this information.Go on Rumble and follow Derek Johnson. Read Derek Johnson‘s 700 page document linking Trump’s Executive Order to Military Law. Follow Derek Johnson on Telegram ( RattleTrap 1776), as he posts the Military Flights that are up. Derek is a retired injured veteran. Research why GITMO is being expanded. See when the Military Tribunals will be held. Research Deep States 16 year plan for us. Trump was asked to run as President by the Military. The USA has been under Military Occupation since 2016. The ‘Real President Trump’ is in the Military Complex since 2019. He is the Commander In Chief of 50K Military. There is a Global Military Operation happening. So, yes President Trump along with some amazing military are taking down this corruption.
Nice thought, but not happening at all. Ever.
Just hopium, completely false.
Pfizer is still running the FDA and Trump says nothing about it.
For my life, I cannot wrap my head around Dr Alexanders’s average of 7 rants daily lambasting the vaccines while still clinging to Trump. To this day, Trump continues blasting g of his poison darts and his “ perfect handling of the Covid Plandemic. Lauding his Messianic personal miracle, saving “ millions and millions of lives” with his holy water syringes, Ventilators, Remdiscive, cessation of travel and the initial lockdowns.
Has Trump acknowledged Drs Alexander, Atlas, Zelenko, Battacharaya, Makary, Gold( who went to prison), McCullough, Risch, Hatfill, Wolf, Kuldorff, Yeardon, Drew,Levitt, Ionides, Malone,Cole,RFK Jr??? No, but he has unleashed an unending attack on Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
Trump should load himself into one of his flying cars and get lost in spaceOh yeah! That’s what he suggested the” overrated loser Elon Musk should do. With his big deal dummy rockets to nowhere. Yet Elon Musk DiD purchase Twitter and saved Trump’s fat ass. Trump has shown his appreciation by continuing his despicable attacks
Just as he hasn’t acknowledged Tulsi, Taibbi, Shellenberger, Brand, Dore, Iversen, Brand, Steyn, Jim Hoft, Naomi Wolf, Leo Terrell, Tammy Bruce, Lara Logan, Epoch Times, Ian Cheong, Turley or anyone who’s gone to bat for him. The unlikely heroes.Instead, he forged on with the same hackneyed losers with the really rad addition of Bill O’Reilly. Yes Haw! Bragging about his golf acumen, the brilliant “Huuuge announcement” tahat turned out to be crypto cards with his image in various superhero outfits.And calling Stormy Daniels “ Horseface”
Meanwhile, Musk, Gabbard, DeSantis, Ramaswamy are taking a bullhorn and hammer to the WEF, ESG , Gatesand the great Reset
The Astra Zeneca Vaccine was produced in 2018.
The US Military purchased Twitter.
I am not going to argue or call people names. No one is perfect. That includes me, you and all of the people that you stated.
I have done my research. I stated what I found.
Can we as people not be civil to each other and respect each other.? We all bring different investigative skills on these platforms.
Have a wonderful day!
I know the depth of involvement, the players and the whole Megillah, including Hunter Biden’s acting as a literal agent of the CIA entwined with Gates/Microsoft a nd the acquisition of Metabiota Biolmed// surveillance/Development/vaccine passports in U.S. labs including Ukraine, China and now the Philippines, Brazil,Bangladesh,S.Asia etc. explains regime changes, seat on Burissma board along w/Cofer-Black, Chris Heinz and all the players involved in the fake proxy war and coverups.
What Li don’t understand is Trump’s failure to pact. No way he didn’t put the pieces together. Volker/Pelosi/Romney/Bush/Clinton/Ted DeVine/Soros/Fiona Hill/McShitstain/Brennan/Mueller/Lindsey,Podesta/Bolton/BleachBit/Kloubuchar/Kent//Atlantic Council/Schiff/Shaheen/ Abedin/Vindman/Blumenthal/Chalupa/Yvonovich/Leahy/Epstein, etc.
Whitey Bulger was tormenting Mueller, threatening to rat them out to Trump, hence Bulger was moved and “ beaten to death”.. politico let the cat out of the bag on some of the players, Hillary included, in using Ukraine to take Trump down.Rudy gave Trump quite an earful. Yet Trump went after only Hunter Biden and this was prior to the laptop!
Sorry, whatever logic or lack thereof, he fucked up and it’s enough already. One error, he was naive. Two, he needed to focus. Three, four, five, six, twenty… He cannot lead.
Respectfully, there is lots that you don’t know
Like, there were two vaccines- Trump’s and Deep States.
Deep States 16 year plan for us.
The Military asked Trump to run. The US has been under Military Occupation since 2016 to take down all of this corruption. Trump is currently the Commander In Chief of 50,000 military men and women. There is currently a Global Military Operation. The ‘ Real President Trump’ has been in the Cheyanne Mountain Military Complex since 2019.
You may dislike Trump, but you don’t know all of the facts.
End of Conversation.
Don’t message me anymore. I did not post to argue, to swear, to put others down. That includes Dr. Alexander. I posted what I know.
Since we all now know that COVID19 is a bioweapon event, can we agree that the event is treason from within?
Mother/Grandfather Lion saddened to see so many doing things that do not matter as this battle to take America down continues to rage!
P.S. O’Biden Regime World War by Lex Greene @ newswithviews.com…keep a tight eye on this writer as he has a serious background!
Do you follow Kelly's work at NWV? Sadly, Trump promoted the bioweapon via OWS and continues to promote the vaccine filth.
"THEY" always win;
Study the "Spanish Flu" 1918 carefully people; It was verboten for MSM to talk about it during WW1, 50 Million people died, more US MIL servicemen died from the flu than combat;
Post WW1 it was never discussed ever again; 100% memory holed as we say;
In all prior GOV orchestrated pandemics, nobody at the top went to jail; Why would this time be any different, sure they might find some low level sucker; Seriously? Everybody that played along is now a Billionaire, why would they risk losing their winnings? They paid off left&right, RINO&DEMO; Everybody worldwide was given billions of USD to march with the COVID band;
What I see is mostly re-direction, which is a typical 'exhaustion' play by MSM; They jerk people in different directions daily until everybody just 'tunes out' and say's lets move along;
Spanish flu was much worse than this, the flu came from USSA, mid-west army bases, men were shippped in box cars where on arrival 1/2 were blue and near death, then packed on ships and sent abroad, everywhere they went on leave, entire local population ports got wiped out; It's only called the 'spanish flu' because at the time Spain was 'neutral' and nobody else on earth was talking about the 'flu' other than spain, so bingo it gets dubbed 'spanish-flu' and NEVER corrected;
If you see WW1 as just a de-population operation not unlike now then everything will make sense. Banker War's are not for killing as the end-game, they're for making regions worthless so that investors can buy-low&sell-high and rinse & repeat, since 16th century UK banking they have been orchestrating wars all over the earth so that insiders know where to park their wealth and earn max ROI.
Lastly everybody was given a choice, quit your job, refuse the jab, stop traveling, refuse the worthless 'test' PCR, ... IMHO the ELITE must be laughing their ass off because they have in actuality culled the dumb-asses and perhaps their wish of only 500M civilized people remaining will be the end-run;
That said given the mRNA was ONLY administered in the West, we actually aren't getting rid of the worlds dumb-asses, we have just gotten rid of the dumb-asses in EU, USA, & UK-Commonwealth, US colonys like Japan, Taiwan, So-Korea;
Russia&China had their own traditional non-mRNA vax called sputnik&sinovac, so they are fine, and Africa refused the shit,
Bill Gates owned all the COVID&mRNA patents, he pushed mRNA as the only 'acceptable vax' to TRUMP; Gates family going back to 1920's were obsessed with "EUGENICS" wiping out the dumb and only having herds of super-men&women on earth;
Will these people go down? Will they lose their wealth?? Never happened before in human history. Even the South-Sea Bubble of UK in 17th century, none of the elite went down, only the pawns;
Average USSA population knows nothing and the system will scrub the 'data', back to Kardashian folks.
According to my sources, Sputnik Vand Sputnik Light are live adenovirus genetic therapies. They are not traditional vaccines.
They are not traditional vaccines.
The engineered adenovirus is not itself the antigen but rather is used as the agent to reprogram your own cells to produce the toxic spike protein, to which it is claimed the immune system will train against and provide resistance to the sars-cov-2 virus.
An immune response has been demonstrated but whether it provides any significant immunity is contested, and IMO unlikely.
Were you fed an orange phallus?
I just said CHINA&RUSSIA did not give its citizens the mRNA Vax;
READ, these vaxes were available fall of 2020, fast; The mRNA shit didn't come out until 2021
Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Russia. It is the world's first registered combination vector vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19
The sputnik & sinovac are NOT mRNA
China&Russia were in a hurry to have a vax, so they made the 'vax' the old fashion way from dead cells;
The mRNA requires licensing and special technology which is why it was all made in contract labs in India mostly contracted by UK gov;
The way that I know they were traditional is that people who got the sputnik & sinovac nobody had negative reactions like in the west, where the mRNA killed 1,000's
According to my sources your are a moron.
A Traditional vax is made from dead cells in this case dead COV-19 cells were used to make the vax;
The point was not fuck all to do with mRNA owned by Bill Gates; Only in the West was this poison shit that fucked lives mandated and jab'd
You claimed Sputnik V was a traditional vaccine, which it is not. My reply was to explain how adenovirus is a vector for genetic inserts to create toxic spike.
Sputnik V is not a vaccine. Adenovirus-vector based genetic therapies which reprogram your body to create spike are also a very very bad thing. Just like modRNA.
Sputnik V is rebranded astrazeneca, which is run by the same Kabbal is Pfizer/Moderna/Biontech.
modRNA is not the only problem,.
Summed up very well
Anything for a buck. Lives mean nothing. These people are shameless.
Stay tuned for an important piece out by Lex Greene in a day or two…
I only hang out with persons who took an oath to defend freedom until they die! Problem is that these oath takers were not the only ones who were to guard our Freedoms…WE ALL AS AMERICAN CITIZENS WERE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS, TOO!
We are saddened to see at this late date many persons still doing things that will not help to reclaim our country as the battle rages on…
Mother/Grandmother Lion
Dr. Alexander,
My lovely girlfriend is an ER doctor and objected to taking the clot shot. She mentioned some women who took the jab are no longer having periods, and last week she saw two women ages 25-32 whose nipples have been bleeding on and off for the last week, and both took the jab 3 weeks ago.
This is disastrous.
When big Pharma has our politicians in Washington both left and right in their back pocket we keep going down the road to hell!
That is now a very short road.
Redfield testified today. So, you tell me that he didn't know where the China Virus came from in the beginning. He came on TV from the White House with Frauchi and the Scarf Lady Birx and he didn't know what liars they were about the Plandemic. I don't buy it.
A FATAL FOUNTAIN: Spike Protein Nanotube Dissemination through the Myocardium Induces Lethal Calcium Tsunamis
How the Spike Protein alone, as a cellular “toxic spill,” travels incognito and induces fatal arrhythmias.
Right on, Dr. Alexander!
Dr. Vinay Prasad said this the other day: "The FDA is spending its credibility like monopoly money."
The CDC also needs to be broken apart, they are recommending the damn vax for kids going into school yearly!!! We need to SHUT THEM DOWN NOW!!!
Pfizer never mandated its own vax for its own employees.
I hadn't heard that. I guess they didn't want to kill and disable their own workforce. Just think of all the time and money they'd have to dedicate to training new employees. (sarcasm)
Over the last few decades, the FDA has been reduced to being nothing more than a big pharma drug marketer and pusher. Your life may depend on how much you trust these substances (any drugs) approved by the FDA with one blind eye and the other tied behind its back. In the fake reality that this agency is protecting the public, the opposite is now true. They have designs on murdering the public.
Thanks, I started a podcast with this.
OMG! Mamas, don’t give this poison to those babies! Don not let your loved ones be used as lab rats!